[llvm] Coroutines: Handle non-zero stack address space (PR #67092)

Chuanqi Xu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 22 00:04:29 PDT 2023

@@ -1758,16 +1758,11 @@ static void insertSpills(const FrameDataInfo &FrameData, coro::Shape &Shape) {
         PtrValue = Builder.CreateAnd(PtrValue, Builder.CreateNot(AlignMask));
         return Builder.CreateIntToPtr(PtrValue, AI->getType());
-      // If the type of GEP is not equal to the type of AllocaInst, it implies
-      // that the AllocaInst may be reused in the Frame slot of other
-      // AllocaInst. So We cast GEP to the AllocaInst here to re-use
-      // the Frame storage.
-      //
-      // Note: If we change the strategy dealing with alignment, we need to refine
-      // this casting.
+      // If the type of GEP is not equal to the type of AllocaInst, it means
+      // that the AllocaInst uses a different address space.
ChuanqiXu9 wrote:

I prefer to remain the original comments.


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