[PATCH] D154793: [DWARFLinkerParallel] Add support of accelerator tables to DWARFLinkerParallel.

Jonas Devlieghere via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 21 12:04:50 PDT 2023

JDevlieghere added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/AsmPrinter/AccelTable.cpp:422
     Asm->OutStreamer->AddComment("Compilation unit " + Twine(CU.index()));
-    Asm->emitDwarfSymbolReference(CU.value());
+    if (std::holds_alternative<MCSymbol *>(CU.value()))
+      Asm->emitDwarfSymbolReference(std::get<MCSymbol *>(CU.value()));
Very cool

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinkerParallel/DIEAttributeCloner.cpp:229
   std::optional<std::pair<CompileUnit *, uint32_t>> RefDiePair =
-      CU.resolveDIEReference(Val);
+      CU.resolveDIEReference(Val, true);
   if (!RefDiePair) {
Maybe add an inline comment `/*CanResolveInterCUReferences=*/` or we can use an enum like this:

enum ResolveInterCUReferences : bool {
  CanResolveInterCUReferences = true,
  CannotResolveInterCUReferences = false,

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinkerParallel/DIEAttributeCloner.h:23-28
+  AttributesInfo() {
+    HasLiveAddress = false;
+    IsDeclaration = false;
+    HasRanges = false;
+    HasStringOffsetBaseAttr = false;
+  }
Can we continue to do the initialization inline? 

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinkerParallel/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.cpp:1436
+  // DWARF.
+  size_t MaxNameDepth = 10;
+  size_t CurNameDepth = 0;
10 seems relatively small. What about something like 100 or 1000? Its only purpose is avoiding infinite recursion, right? Might as well pick something that's basically impossible to hit. 

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinkerParallel/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.cpp:1467
+      ParentDie.getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_compile_unit ||
+      // FIXME: dsymutil-classic compatibility. Ignore modules.
+      ParentDie.getTag() == dwarf::DW_TAG_module)
FWIW, I don't think we need to keep any dsymutil-classic compatibility in the parallel linker. There's no way it's going to generate bit-identical output so there's no value in keeping bug-for-bug compat. 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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