[llvm] workflows/release-tasks: Setup FileCheck and not for release-lit (PR #66799)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 21 00:32:07 PDT 2023

jh7370 wrote:

> > @jdenny-ornl @tstellar What do you think about this? How closely tied is lit with the current in-tree version of FileCheck? I would like to fix this before the next release so that we can run the lit tests in the CI.
> FileCheck doesn't grow new features frequently. However, when it does, tests can use those features immediately. I think it would be worthwhile to build the latest FileCheck. @RoboTux @jh7370 might wish to comment as well.

I don't know enough about the context here to be able to provide clear feedback, but generally, I don't think it makes sense to use any LLVM tools other than the contemporary ones (i.e. the versions built from the same source as providing the tests) when running tests. Other tools that are considered part of "test supporting tools" include `count` and `split-file`, for example. It's likely that any new features added to these tools would be used immediately in tests too.


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