[compiler-rt] [llvm-cov] Add --debug-info flag to llvm-cov to lookup debug info file. (PR #66798)

Petr Hosek via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 20 23:53:29 PDT 2023

petrhosek wrote:

> Should this be able to work implicitly, same as a debugger? (presumably there's some logic (both as a concept, but concretely as code in lldb or somewhere similar) that knows how to find dsyms when they're in some standard layout (presumably `binary_name` has `binary_name.dsym` next to it, maybe some search path too)) Not sure if the debugger even has a way to explicitly tell it where a dsym is - and if it doesn't, probably not suitable to add such a thing to other debug info-consuming tools?

Yes, and `llvm-cov` already supports it through the `BuildIDFetcher` interface that @mysterymath created, we just need to wire it up.


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