[llvm] [update_cc_test_checks] Use lit's shell to run commands (PR #65333)

Thomas Preud'homme via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 6 05:57:09 PDT 2023

@@ -34,29 +35,22 @@
-def get_line2func_list(args, clang_args):
+def get_line2func_list(clang_cmd: Command):
     ret = collections.defaultdict(list)
     # Use clang's JSON AST dump to get the mangled name
-    json_dump_args = [args.clang] + clang_args + ["-fsyntax-only", "-o", "-"]
+    json_dump_args = clang_cmd.args + ["-fsyntax-only", "-o", "/dev/null"]
RoboTux wrote:

I don't understand the change from stdout to /dev/null output. How can you get an output from that command when doing execute_pipeline?


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