[llvm] 63afb70 - [RFC][GlobalISel] Overhauled MIR Patterns Support for Combiners

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 10 23:55:02 PDT 2023

Author: pvanhout
Date: 2023-08-11T08:54:56+02:00
New Revision: 63afb70503bf254bb3cdd8acc6bd1ad25c66e0d8

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/63afb70503bf254bb3cdd8acc6bd1ad25c66e0d8
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/63afb70503bf254bb3cdd8acc6bd1ad25c66e0d8.diff

LOG: [RFC][GlobalISel] Overhauled MIR Patterns Support for Combiners

See https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-overhauled-mir-patterns-for-globalisel-combiners/72264

This is a complete overrhaul of the recently-added GlobalISel Match Table backend which adds
support for MIR patterns for both match and apply patterns.

Reviewed By: arsenm

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D156315




diff  --git a/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/MIRPatterns.rst b/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/MIRPatterns.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..715fd60d12eff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/MIRPatterns.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+.. _tblgen-mirpats:
+MIR Patterns in TableGen
+.. contents::
+   :local:
+User's Guide
+This section is intended for developers who want to use MIR patterns in their
+TableGen files.
+This feature is still in active development. This document may become outdated
+over time. If you see something that's incorrect, please update it.
+Use Cases
+MIR patterns are supported in the following places:
+* GlobalISel ``GICombineRule``
+* GlobalISel ``GICombinePatFrag``
+MIR patterns use the DAG datatype in TableGen.
+.. code-block:: text
+  (inst operand0, operand1, ...)
+``inst`` must be a def which inherits from ``Instruction`` (e.g. ``G_FADD``)
+or ``GICombinePatFrag``.
+Operands essentially fall into one of two categories:
+* immediates
+  * untyped, unnamed: ``0``
+  * untyped, named: ``0:$y``
+  * typed, unnamed: ``(i32 0)``
+  * typed, named: ``(i32 0):$y``
+* machine operands
+  * untyped: ``$x``
+  * typed: ``i32:$x``
+* A typed operand always adds an operand type check to the matcher.
+* There is a trivial type inference system to propagate types.
+  * e.g. You only need to use ``i32:$x`` once in any pattern of a
+    ``GICombinePatFrag`` alternative or ``GICombineRule``, then all
+    other patterns in that rule/alternative can simply use ``$x``
+    (``i32:$x`` is redundant).
+* A nammed operand's behavior depends on whether the name has been seen before.
+  * For match patterns, reusing an operand name checks that the operands
+    are identical (see example 2 below).
+  * For apply patterns, reusing an operand name simply copies that operand into
+    the new instruction (see example 2 below).
+Operands are ordered just like they would be in a MachineInstr: the defs (outs)
+come first, then the uses (ins).
+Patterns are generally grouped into another DAG datatype with a dummy operator
+such as ``match``, ``apply`` or ``pattern``.
+Finally, any DAG datatype in TableGen can be named. This also holds for
+patterns. e.g. the following is valid: ``(G_FOO $root, (i32 0):$cst):$mypat``.
+This may also be helpful to debug issues. Patterns are *always* named, and if
+they don't have a name, an "anonymous" one is given to them. If you're trying
+to debug an error related to a MIR pattern, but the error mentions an anonymous
+pattern, you can try naming your patterns to see exactly where the issue is.
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Pattern Example 1
+  // Match
+  //    %imp = G_IMPLICIT_DEF
+  //    %root = G_MUL %x, %imp
+  (match (G_IMPLICIT_DEF $imp),
+         (G_MUL $root, $x, $imp))
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Pattern Example 2
+  // using $x twice here checks that the operand 1 and 2 of the G_AND are
+  // identical.
+  (match (G_AND $root, $x, $x))
+  // using $x again here copies operand 1 from G_AND into the new inst.
+  (apply (COPY $root, $x))
+This a non-exhaustive list of known issues with MIR patterns at this time.
+* Matching intrinsics is not yet possible.
+* Using ``GICombinePatFrag`` within another ``GICombinePatFrag`` is not
+  supported.
+* Using ``GICombinePatFrag`` in the ``apply`` pattern of a ``GICombineRule``
+  is not supported.
+* Deleting the matched pattern in a ``GICombineRule`` needs to be done using
+  ``G_IMPLICIT_DEF`` or C++.
+* Replacing the root of a pattern with another instruction needs to be done
+  using COPY.
+* We cannot rewrite a matched instruction other than the root.
+* Matching/creating a (CImm) immediate >64 bits is not supported
+  (see comment in ``GIM_CheckConstantInt``)
+* There is currently no way to constrain two register/immediate types to
+  match. e.g. if a pattern needs to work on both i32 and i64, you either
+  need to leave it untyped and check the type in C++, or duplicate the
+  pattern.
+MIR patterns can appear in the ``match`` or ``apply`` patterns of a
+The ``root`` of the rule can either be a def of an instruction, or a
+named pattern. The latter is helpful when the instruction you want
+to match has no defs. The former is generally preferred because
+it's less verbose.
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Combine Rule root is a def
+  // Fold x op 1 -> x
+  def right_identity_one: GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_MUL $dst, $x, 1)),
+    // Note: Patterns always need to create something, we can't just replace $dst with $x, so we need a COPY.
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $x))
+  >;
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Combine Rule root is a named pattern
+  def Foo : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$root),
+    (match (G_ZEXT $tmp, (i32 0)),
+           (G_STORE $tmp, $ptr):$root),
+    (apply (G_STORE (i32 0), $ptr):$root)>;
+Combine Rules also allow mixing C++ code with MIR patterns, so that you
+may perform additional checks when matching, or run additional code after
+rewriting a pattern.
+The following expansions are available for MIR patterns:
+* operand names (``MachineOperand &``)
+* pattern names (``MachineInstr *`` for ``match``,
+  ``MachineInstrBuilder &`` for apply)
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Example C++ Expansions
+  def Foo : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$root),
+    (match (G_ZEXT $root, $src):$mi),
+    (apply "foobar(${root}.getReg(), ${src}.getReg(), ${mi}->hasImplicitDef())")>;
+Common Pattern #1: Replace a Register with Another
+The 'apply' pattern must always redefine its root.
+It cannot just replace it with something else directly.
+A simple workaround is to just use a COPY that'll be eliminated later.
+.. code-block:: text
+  def Foo : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_FNEG $tmp, $src), (G_FNEG $dst, $tmp)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $src))>;
+Common Pattern #2: Erasing a Pattern
+As said before, we must always emit something in the 'apply' pattern.
+If we wish to delete the matched instruction, we can simply replace its
+definition with a ``G_IMPLICIT_DEF``.
+.. code-block:: text
+  def Foo : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_FOO $tmp, $src), (G_BAR $dst, $tmp)),
+    (apply (G_IMPLICIT_DEF $dst))>;
+If the instruction has no definition, like ``G_STORE``, we cannot use
+an instruction pattern in 'apply' - C++ has to be used.
+Common Pattern #3: Emitting a Constant Value
+When an immediate operand appears in an 'apply' pattern, the behavior
+depends on whether it's typed or not.
+* If the immediate is typed, a ``G_CONSTANT`` is implicitly emitted
+  (= a register operand is added to the instruction).
+* If the immediate is untyped, a simple immediate is added
+  (``MachineInstrBuilder::addImm``).
+There is of course a special case for ``G_CONSTANT``. Immediates for
+``G_CONSTANT`` must always be typed, and a CImm is added
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Constant Emission Examples:
+  // Example output:
+  //    %0 = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+  //    %dst = COPY %0
+  def Foo : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+  // Example output:
+  //    %dst = COPY 0
+  // Note that this would be ill-formed because COPY
+  // expects a register operand!
+  def Bar : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+  // Example output:
+  //    %dst = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+  def Bux : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)),
+    (apply (G_CONSTANT $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+``GICombinePatFrag`` is an equivalent of ``PatFrags`` for MIR patterns.
+They have two main usecases:
+* Reduce repetition by creating a ``GICombinePatFrag`` for common
+  patterns (see example 1).
+* Implicitly duplicate a CombineRule for multiple variants of a
+  pattern (see example 2).
+A ``GICombinePatFrag`` is composed of three elements:
+* zero or more ``in`` (def) parameter
+* zero or more ``out`` parameter
+* A list of MIR patterns that can match.
+  * When a ``GICombinePatFrag`` is used within a pattern, the pattern is
+    cloned once for each alternative that can match.
+Parameters can have the following types:
+* ``gi_mo``, which is the implicit default (no type = ``gi_mo``).
+  * Refers to any operand of an instruction (register, BB ref, imm, etc.).
+  * Can be used in both ``in`` and ``out`` parameters.
+  * Users of the PatFrag can only use an operand name for this
+    parameter (e.g. ``(my_pat_frag $foo)``).
+* ``root``
+  * This is identical to ``gi_mo``.
+  * Can only be used in ``out`` parameters to declare the root of the
+    pattern.
+  * Non-empty ``out`` parameter lists must always have exactly one ``root``.
+* ``gi_imm``
+  * Refers to an (potentially typed) immediate.
+  * Can only be used in ``in`` parameters.
+  * Users of the PatFrag can only use an immediate for this parameter
+    (e.g. ``(my_pat_frag 0)`` or ``(my_pat_frag (i32 0))``)
+``out`` operands can only be empty if the ``GICombinePatFrag`` only contains
+C++ code. If the fragment contains instruction patterns, it has to have at
+least one ``out`` operand of type ``root``.
+``in`` operands are less restricted, but there is one important concept to
+remember: you can pass "unbound" operand names, but only if the
+``GICombinePatFrag`` binds it. See example 3 below.
+``GICombinePatFrag`` are used just like any other instructions.
+Note that the ``out`` operands are defs, so they come first in the list
+of operands.
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Example 1: Reduce Repetition
+  def zext_cst : GICombinePatFrag<(outs root:$dst, $cst), (ins gi_imm:$val),
+    [(pattern (G_CONSTANT $cst, $val),
+              (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst))]
+  >;
+  def foo_to_impdef : GICombineRule<
+   (defs root:$dst),
+   (match (zext_cst $y, $cst, (i32 0))
+          (G_FOO $dst, $y)),
+   (apply (G_IMPLICIT_DEF $dst))>;
+  def store_ext_zero : GICombineRule<
+   (defs root:$root),
+   (match (zext_cst $y, $cst, (i32 0))
+          (G_STORE $y, $ptr):$root),
+   (apply (G_STORE $cst, $ptr):$root)>;
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Example 2: Generate Multiple Rules at Once
+  // Fold (freeze (freeze x)) -> (freeze x).
+  // Fold (fabs (fabs x)) -> (fabs x).
+  // Fold (fcanonicalize (fcanonicalize x)) -> (fcanonicalize x).
+  def idempotent_prop_frags : GICombinePatFrag<(outs root:$dst, $src), (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $src), (G_FREEZE $src, $x)),
+      (pattern (G_FABS $dst, $src), (G_FABS $src, $x)),
+      (pattern (G_FCANONICALIZE $dst, $src), (G_FCANONICALIZE $src, $x))
+    ]
+  >;
+  def idempotent_prop : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (idempotent_prop_frags $dst, $src)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $src))>;
+.. code-block:: text
+  :caption: Example 3: Unbound Operand Names
+  // This fragment binds $x to an operand in all of its
+  // alternative patterns.
+  def always_binds : GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$dst), (ins $x),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $x)),
+      (pattern (G_FABS $dst, $x)),
+    ]
+  >;
+  // This fragment does not bind $x to an operand in any
+  // of its alternative patterns.
+  def does_not_bind : GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$dst), (ins $x),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $x)), // binds $x
+      (pattern (G_FOO $dst (i32 0))), // does not bind $x
+      (pattern "return myCheck(${x}.getReg())"), // does not bind $x
+    ]
+  >;
+  // Here we pass $x, which is unbound, to always_binds.
+  // This works because if $x is unbound, always_binds will bind it for us.
+  def test0 : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (always_binds $dst, $x)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>;
+  // Here we pass $x, which is unbound, to does_not_bind.
+  // This cannot work because $x may not have been initialized in 'apply'.
+  // error: operand 'x' (for parameter 'src' of 'does_not_bind') cannot be unbound
+  def test1 : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (does_not_bind $dst, $x)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>;
+  // Here we pass $x, which is bound, to does_not_bind.
+  // This is fine because $x will always be bound when emitting does_not_bind
+  def test2 : GICombineRule<
+    (defs root:$dst),
+    (match (does_not_bind $tmp, $x)
+           (G_MUL $dst, $x, $tmp)),
+    (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>;

diff  --git a/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/index.rst b/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/index.rst
index 78afc1f5a2bc2d..2b639706afdc2f 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/index.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/GlobalISel/index.rst
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ the following sections.
+  MIRPatterns

diff  --git a/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst b/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
index d7335911abe1c2..cc5f983b4454c2 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/UserGuides.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ intermediate LLVM representation.
+   GlobalISel/MIRPatterns
@@ -190,6 +191,13 @@ Code Generation
    Describes the TableGen tool, which is used heavily by the LLVM code
+:doc:`MIRPatterns <GlobalISel/MIRPatterns>`
+   Describes the design of MIR Patterns and how to use them.
@@ -261,4 +269,3 @@ Additional Topics
    This document describes using the RISCV-V target.

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.h b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.h
index 76b510c5c09a6a..b9f6fec9f46427 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.h
@@ -368,6 +368,12 @@ enum {
   /// - Imm - The immediate to add
+  /// Add an CImm to the specified instruction
+  /// - InsnID - Instruction ID to modify
+  /// - Ty - Type of the constant immediate.
+  /// - Imm - The immediate to add
+  GIR_AddCImm,
   /// Render complex operands to the specified instruction
   /// - InsnID - Instruction ID to modify
   /// - RendererID - The renderer to call
@@ -562,7 +568,8 @@ class GIMatchTableExecutor {
       const int64_t *MatchTable, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
       MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
       const RegisterBankInfo &RBI, const PredicateBitset &AvailableFeatures,
-      CodeGenCoverage *CoverageInfo) const;
+      CodeGenCoverage *CoverageInfo,
+      GISelChangeObserver *Observer = nullptr) const;
   virtual const int64_t *getMatchTable() const {
     llvm_unreachable("Should have been overridden by tablegen if used");
@@ -590,12 +597,14 @@ class GIMatchTableExecutor {
     llvm_unreachable("Subclass does not implement testSimplePredicate!");
-  virtual void runCustomAction(unsigned, const MatcherState &State) const {
+  virtual void runCustomAction(unsigned, const MatcherState &State,
+                               NewMIVector &OutMIs) const {
     llvm_unreachable("Subclass does not implement runCustomAction!");
   bool isOperandImmEqual(const MachineOperand &MO, int64_t Value,
-                         const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) const;
+                         const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
+                         bool Splat = false) const;
   /// Return true if the specified operand is a G_PTR_ADD with a G_CONSTANT on
   /// the right-hand side. GlobalISel's separation of pointer and integer types

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h
index 533eb4cb0d7a68..e662e75ec4424d 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutorImpl.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GISelChangeObserver.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/Utils.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CodeGenCoverage.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
     const int64_t *MatchTable, const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
     MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
     const RegisterBankInfo &RBI, const PredicateBitset &AvailableFeatures,
-    CodeGenCoverage *CoverageInfo) const {
+    CodeGenCoverage *CoverageInfo, GISelChangeObserver *Observer) const {
   uint64_t CurrentIdx = 0;
   SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> OnFailResumeAt;
@@ -299,8 +301,7 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
       assert(State.MIs[InsnID] != nullptr && "Used insn before defined");
       assert(State.MIs[InsnID]->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT &&
              "Expected G_CONSTANT");
-      assert(Predicate > GICXXPred_Invalid &&
-             "Expected a valid predicate");
+      assert(Predicate > GICXXPred_Invalid && "Expected a valid predicate");
       if (!State.MIs[InsnID]->getOperand(1).isCImm())
         llvm_unreachable("Expected Imm or CImm operand");
@@ -323,8 +324,7 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
              "Expected G_FCONSTANT");
       assert(State.MIs[InsnID]->getOperand(1).isFPImm() &&
              "Expected FPImm operand");
-      assert(Predicate > GICXXPred_Invalid &&
-             "Expected a valid predicate");
+      assert(Predicate > GICXXPred_Invalid && "Expected a valid predicate");
       const APFloat &Value =
@@ -727,9 +727,16 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
       if (MO.isReg()) {
         // isOperandImmEqual() will sign-extend to 64-bits, so should we.
         LLT Ty = MRI.getType(MO.getReg());
-        Value = SignExtend64(Value, Ty.getSizeInBits());
+        // If the type is > 64 bits, it can't be a constant int, so we bail
+        // early because SignExtend64 will assert otherwise.
+        if (Ty.getScalarSizeInBits() > 64) {
+          if (handleReject() == RejectAndGiveUp)
+            return false;
+          break;
+        }
-        if (!isOperandImmEqual(MO, Value, MRI)) {
+        Value = SignExtend64(Value, Ty.getScalarSizeInBits());
+        if (!isOperandImmEqual(MO, Value, MRI, /*Splat=*/true)) {
           if (handleReject() == RejectAndGiveUp)
             return false;
@@ -1022,6 +1029,23 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
+    case GIR_AddCImm: {
+      int64_t InsnID = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
+      int64_t TypeID = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
+      int64_t Imm = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
+      assert(OutMIs[InsnID] && "Attempted to add to undefined instruction");
+      unsigned Width = ExecInfo.TypeObjects[TypeID].getScalarSizeInBits();
+      LLVMContext &Ctx = MF->getFunction().getContext();
+      OutMIs[InsnID].addCImm(
+          ConstantInt::get(IntegerType::get(Ctx, Width), Imm, /*signed*/ true));
+      DEBUG_WITH_TYPE(TgtExecutor::getName(),
+                      dbgs() << CurrentIdx << ": GIR_AddCImm(OutMIs[" << InsnID
+                             << "], TypeID=" << TypeID << ", Imm=" << Imm
+                             << ")\n");
+      break;
+    }
     case GIR_ComplexRenderer: {
       int64_t InsnID = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
       int64_t RendererID = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
@@ -1121,7 +1145,7 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
                       dbgs() << CurrentIdx << ": GIR_CustomAction(FnID=" << FnID
                              << ")\n");
       assert(FnID > GICXXCustomAction_Invalid && "Expected a valid FnID");
-      runCustomAction(FnID, State);
+      runCustomAction(FnID, State, OutMIs);
     case GIR_CustomOperandRenderer: {
@@ -1191,12 +1215,14 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
     case GIR_EraseFromParent: {
       int64_t InsnID = MatchTable[CurrentIdx++];
-      assert(State.MIs[InsnID] &&
-             "Attempted to erase an undefined instruction");
-      State.MIs[InsnID]->eraseFromParent();
+      MachineInstr *MI = State.MIs[InsnID];
+      assert(MI && "Attempted to erase an undefined instruction");
                       dbgs() << CurrentIdx << ": GIR_EraseFromParent(MIs["
                              << InsnID << "])\n");
+      if (Observer)
+        Observer->erasingInstr(*MI);
+      MI->eraseFromParent();
@@ -1226,6 +1252,10 @@ bool GIMatchTableExecutor::executeMatchTable(
     case GIR_Done:
                       dbgs() << CurrentIdx << ": GIR_Done\n");
+      if (Observer) {
+        for (MachineInstr *MI : OutMIs)
+          Observer->createdInstr(*MI);
+      }
       return true;

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td b/llvm/include/llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td
index 08cbfc02b6bfa1..5c3d382f210212 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td
@@ -66,10 +66,11 @@ class GICombineRule<dag defs, dag match, dag apply> : GICombine {
   /// is called. Targets can use this to, for instance, check Subtarget
   /// features.
   list<Predicate> Predicates = [];
-/// The operator at the root of a GICombineRule.Defs dag.
-def defs;
+  // Maximum number of permutations of this rule that can be emitted.
+  // Set to -1 to disable the limit.
+  int MaxPermutations = 16;
 /// All arguments of the defs operator must be subclasses of GIDefKind or
 /// sub-dags whose operator is GIDefKindWithArgs.
@@ -82,6 +83,30 @@ class GIDefKindWithArgs;
 ///       is incorrect.
 def root : GIDefKind;
+def gi_mo;
+def gi_imm;
+def pattern;
+// This is an equivalent of PatFrags but for MIR Patterns.
+// GICombinePatFrags can be used in place of instructions for 'match' patterns.
+// Much like normal instructions, the defs (outs) come first, and the ins second
+// Out operands can only be of type "root" or "gi_mo", and they must be defined
+// by an instruction pattern in all alternatives.
+// In operands can be gi_imm or gi_mo. They cannot be redefined in any alternative
+// pattern and may only appear in the C++ code, or in the output operand of an
+// instruction pattern.
+class GICombinePatFrag<dag outs, dag ins, list<dag> alts> {
+  dag InOperands = ins;
+  dag OutOperands = outs;
+  list<dag> Alternatives = alts;
+/// The operator at the root of a GICombineRule.Defs dag.
+def defs;
 /// Declares data that is passed from the match stage to the apply stage.
 class GIDefMatchData<string type> : GIDefKind {
   /// A C++ type name indicating the storage type.

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.cpp
index d747cbf5aadc84..26752369a7711a 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/GlobalISel/GIMatchTableExecutor.cpp
@@ -26,12 +26,19 @@ GIMatchTableExecutor::MatcherState::MatcherState(unsigned MaxRenderers)
 GIMatchTableExecutor::GIMatchTableExecutor() = default;
-bool GIMatchTableExecutor::isOperandImmEqual(
-    const MachineOperand &MO, int64_t Value,
-    const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) const {
-  if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg())
+bool GIMatchTableExecutor::isOperandImmEqual(const MachineOperand &MO,
+                                             int64_t Value,
+                                             const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
+                                             bool Splat) const {
+  if (MO.isReg() && MO.getReg()) {
     if (auto VRegVal = getIConstantVRegValWithLookThrough(MO.getReg(), MRI))
       return VRegVal->Value.getSExtValue() == Value;
+    if (Splat) {
+      if (auto VRegVal = getIConstantSplatVal(MO.getReg(), MRI))
+        return VRegVal->getSExtValue() == Value;
+    }
+  }
   return false;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-imms.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-imms.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..703075d7874ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-imms.td
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+// emits a imm
+def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $a, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (COPY $a, 0))>;
+// implicitly emits a G_CONSTANT
+def InstTest1 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $a, 0)),
+  (apply (COPY $a, (i32 0)))>;
+// emits a CImm because G_CONSTANT is a special case.
+def CImmInstTest1 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_CONSTANT $a, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (G_CONSTANT $a, (i32 42)))>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  InstTest0,
+  InstTest1,
+  CImmInstTest1
+// CHECK:      const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 28, // Rule ID 0 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckConstantInt, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, 0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #0: InstTest0
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddImm, /*InsnID*/0, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @28
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 1*/ 67, // Rule ID 1 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule1Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] Operand 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckConstantInt, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, 0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #1: InstTest1
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 1: @67
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 2*/ 96, // Rule ID 2 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule2Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckLiteralInt, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, 0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #2: CImmInstTest1
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/0, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/42,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 2: @96
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     };
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-operand-types.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-operand-types.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d33fddbc376812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-operand-types.td
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match  (G_MUL i32:$x, i32:$b, i32:$c),
+          (G_MUL $a, i32:$b, i32:$x)),
+  (apply  (G_ADD i64:$tmp, $b, i32:$c),
+          (G_ADD i8:$a, $b, i64:$tmp))>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  InstTest0,
+// CHECK:       const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 73, // Rule ID 0 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_MUL,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/0, /*Type*/GILLT_s8,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/2, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_MUL,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/1, /*Op*/2, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[1] b
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckIsSameOperandIgnoreCopies, /*MI*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, /*OtherMI*/0, /*OtherOpIdx*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s64,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #0: InstTest0
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_ADD,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // b
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/1, /*OpIdx*/2, // c
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_ADD,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/1, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // a
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/1, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // b
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @73
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     };
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-patfrag-root.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-patfrag-root.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..28eb4920a6b713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-patfrag-root.td
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner -gicombiner-matchtable-debug-cxxpreds %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+def MatchFooPerms: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$foo),
+    (ins gi_imm:$cst),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $foo, $b), (G_TRUNC $b, $x):$dbg0),
+      (pattern (G_TRUNC $foo, $z):$dbg1),
+      (pattern (G_FPEXT $foo, $z):$dbg1)
+    ]>;
+def Test0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$root),
+  (match (MatchFooPerms $root, (i32 10))),
+  (apply (COPY $root, (i32 0)))>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  Test0
+// CHECK:      const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 44, // Rule ID 0 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] __Test0_match_0.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[1] __Test0_match_0.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [__Test0_match_0[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @44
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 1*/ 79, // Rule ID 1 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] __Test0_match_0.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [__Test0_match_0[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 1: @79
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 2*/ 114, // Rule ID 2 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_FPEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] __Test0_match_0.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [__Test0_match_0[2]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // root
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 2: @114
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     };
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-permutations.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-permutations.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..513a14849218de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-permutations.td
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner -gicombiner-matchtable-debug-cxxpreds %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+def MatchFooPerms: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$foo),
+    (ins gi_imm:$cst),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $foo, $b), (G_TRUNC $b, $x):$dbg0, "return foo(${x}, ${cst})"),
+      (pattern (G_TRUNC $foo, $z):$dbg1, "return bar(${foo}, ${cst})")
+    ]>;
+def Test0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_AND $dst, $cst0, $tmp),
+         (G_AND $tmp, $cst1, $cst2),
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst0, (i32 10)):$a,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst1, (i32 20)):$b,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst2, (i32 30)):$c
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)), "APPLY ${cst0}")>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  Test0
+// CHECK:      bool GenMyCombiner::testMIPredicate_MI(unsigned PredicateID, const MachineInstr & MI, const MatcherState &State) const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   switch (PredicateID) {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner0: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[2]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner0 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner1: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[5]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner1 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner2: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[7]->getOperand(1), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner2 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner3: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[2]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner3 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner4: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[5]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner4 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner5: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(2), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner5 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner6: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[2]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner6 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner7: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner7 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner8: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[6]->getOperand(1), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner8 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner9: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[2]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner9 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner10: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner10 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner11: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[0], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(2), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner11 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner12: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner12 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner13: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[4]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner13 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner14: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[6]->getOperand(1), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner14 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner15: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner15 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner16: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[4]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner16 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner17: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(2), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner17 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner18: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner18 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner19: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner19 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner20: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return foo(State.MIs[5]->getOperand(1), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner20 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner21: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), 10)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner21 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner22: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(1), 20)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner22 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner23: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Pattern Alternatives: [a[1], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return bar(State.MIs[3]->getOperand(2), 30)
+// CHECK-NEXT:     llvm_unreachable("GICombiner23 should have returned");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   llvm_unreachable("Unknown predicate");
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return false;
+// CHECK:      const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 746,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 1*/ 111, // Rule ID 0 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] a.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/4, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] b.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/6, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[6]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/6, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[6] c.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/7, /*MI*/6, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[7]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/7, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[7] c.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/6,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/7,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[0], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 1: @111
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 2*/ 208, // Rule ID 1 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] a.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/4, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] b.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/6, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[6]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/6, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[6] c.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/6,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[0], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 2: @208
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 3*/ 305, // Rule ID 2 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] a.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] c.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/6, /*MI*/5, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[6]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/6, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[6] c.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner6,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner7,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner8,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/6,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[0], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 3: @305
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 4*/ 393, // Rule ID 3 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] a.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] c.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner9,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner10,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner11,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[0], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 4: @393
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 5*/ 490, // Rule ID 4 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] b.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] c.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/6, /*MI*/5, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[6]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/6, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[6] c.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner12,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner13,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner14,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/6,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[1], b[0], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 5: @490
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 6*/ 578, // Rule ID 5 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] b.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/3, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] b.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] c.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner15,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner16,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner17,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[1], b[0], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 6: @578
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 7*/ 666, // Rule ID 6 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] b.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] c.b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/5, /*MI*/4, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[5]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/5, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[5] c.x
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner18,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner19,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner20,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/5,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[1], b[1], c[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 7: @666
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 8*/ 745, // Rule ID 7 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] cst0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] a.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/2, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[2]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/2, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/3, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[3]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/3, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[3] b.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[2] cst2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/4, /*MI*/2, /*OpIdx*/2, // MIs[4]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/4, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[4] c.z
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner21,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner22,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner23,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/3,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: Test0 @ [a[1], b[1], c[1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 8: @745
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @746
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     };
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-variadics.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-variadics.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..534e15c8b6fcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table-variadics.td
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_BUILD_VECTOR $a, $b, $c, $d)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+def InstTest1 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_BUILD_VECTOR $a, $b)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+def InstTest2 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, $b)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+def InstTest3 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, $b, $c, $d)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  InstTest0,
+  InstTest1,
+  InstTest2,
+  InstTest3
+// CHECK:      const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 26,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 1*/ 15, // Rule ID 1 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule1Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckNumOperands, /*MI*/0, /*Expected*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #1: InstTest1
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 1: @15
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 2*/ 25, // Rule ID 0 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckNumOperands, /*MI*/0, /*Expected*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] c
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] d
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: InstTest0
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 2: @25
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @26
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 3*/ 52,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 4*/ 41, // Rule ID 2 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule2Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckNumOperands, /*MI*/0, /*Expected*/2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #2: InstTest2
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 4: @41
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 5*/ 51, // Rule ID 3 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule3Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckNumOperands, /*MI*/0, /*Expected*/4,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] b
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] c
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] d
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #3: InstTest3
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 5: @51
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 3: @52
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     };
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table.td
index 3b29a4e8bbc67b..4c5b572e277849 100644
--- a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table.td
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/match-table.td
@@ -10,52 +10,68 @@ def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
 def dummy;
-def R0 : Register<"r0"> { let Namespace = "MyTarget"; }
-def GPR32 : RegisterClass<"MyTarget", [i32], 32, (add R0)>;
-class I<dag OOps, dag IOps, list<dag> Pat>
-  : Instruction {
-  let Namespace = "MyTarget";
-  let OutOperandList = OOps;
-  let InOperandList = IOps;
-  let Pattern = Pat;
-def MOV : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def TRUNC : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def ZEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def SEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
 def HasAnswerToEverything : Predicate<"Subtarget->getAnswerToUniverse() == 42 && Subtarget->getAnswerToLife() == 42">;
 def WipOpcodeTest0 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d),
-  (match (wip_match_opcode TRUNC):$d),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode G_TRUNC):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
 def WipOpcodeTest1 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d),
-  (match (wip_match_opcode TRUNC, SEXT):$d),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode G_TRUNC, G_SEXT):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
 // Note: also checks that spaces in the type name are removed.
 def reg_matchinfo : GIDefMatchData<"Register  ">;
 def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d, reg_matchinfo:$r0, reg_matchinfo:$r1),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY ${r0}, ${r1} }])>;
 let Predicates = [HasAnswerToEverything] in
 def InstTest1 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d, reg_matchinfo:$r0),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d,
-         (ZEXT $b, $c),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d,
+         (G_ZEXT $b, $c),
          [{ return CHECK ${a}, ${b}, ${c}, ${d} }]),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+def InOutInstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$root),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $tmp, $ext),
+         (G_STORE $tmp, $ptr):$root),
+  (apply (G_STORE $ext, $ptr):$root, "APPLY ${ext} ${ptr} ${root}")>;
+// Imm operand of G_CONSTANT should match a literal int, while the second
+// should match a constant.
+def InOutInstTest1 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match
+      (G_CONSTANT $x, -42:$z),
+      (G_AND $dst, $x, (i32 43))),
+  (apply (G_TRUNC $dst, $z))>;
+def MatchICst: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$foo, gi_imm:$cst),
+    [(pattern "return matchIConstant(${foo}, ${cst});")]>;
+def PatFragTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst), (MatchICst $cst, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// TODO: add test with temp reg use
 def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
-  InstTest1
+  InstTest1,
+  InOutInstTest0,
+  InOutInstTest1,
+  PatFragTest0
 // We have at most 2 registers used by one rule at a time, so we should only have 2 registers MDInfos.
@@ -69,6 +85,9 @@ def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
 // CHECK-NEXT: case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner0: {
 // CHECK-NEXT:   return CHECK State.MIs[0]->getOperand(0), State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), State.MIs[1]->getOperand(1), State.MIs[0]
+// CHECK-NEXT: case GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner1: {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   return matchIConstant(State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1), 0);
 // Verify we reset MatchData on each tryCombineAll
 // CHECK:      bool GenMyCombiner::tryCombineAll(MachineInstr &I) const {
@@ -79,28 +98,51 @@ def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
 // CHECK-NEXT:   State.MIs.push_back(&I);
 // CHECK-NEXT:   MatchInfos = MatchInfosTy();
-// CHECK-NEXT:   if (executeMatchTable(*this, OutMIs, State, ExecInfo, getMatchTable(), *ST.getInstrInfo(), MRI, *MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo(), *ST.getRegBankInfo(), AvailableFeatures, /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr))
+// CHECK-NEXT:   if (executeMatchTable(*this, OutMIs, State, ExecInfo, getMatchTable(), *ST.getInstrInfo(), MRI, *MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo(), *ST.getRegBankInfo(), AvailableFeatures, /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr, &Observer))
 // CHECK-NEXT:     return true;
 // CHECK-NEXT:   }
 // CHECK-NEXT:   return false;
+// Check apply
+// CHECK:      enum {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0 = GICXXCustomAction_Invalid + 1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:   GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:   GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner2,
+// CHECK-NEXT: };
+// CHECK-NEXT: void GenMyCombiner::runCustomAction(unsigned ApplyID, const MatcherState &State, NewMIVector &OutMIs) const {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   switch(ApplyID) {
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0:{
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return;
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner1:{
+// CHECK-NEXT:     APPLY MatchInfos.MDInfo0, MatchInfos.MDInfo1
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return;
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   case GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner2:{
+// CHECK-NEXT:     APPLY State.MIs[1]->getOperand(1) State.MIs[0]->getOperand(1) OutMIs[0]
+// CHECK-NEXT:     return;
+// CHECK-NEXT:   }
+// CHECK-NEXT:   llvm_unreachable("Unknown Apply Action");
 // Verify match table.
 // CHECK:      const int64_t *GenMyCombiner::getMatchTable() const {
 // CHECK-NEXT:   constexpr static int64_t MatchTable0[] = {
 // CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 0*/ 20,
-// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, MyTarget::TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 1*/ 12, // Rule ID 0 //
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule0Enabled,
-// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: WipOpcodeTest0; wip_match_opcode alternative 'TRUNC'
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #0: WipOpcodeTest0; wip_match_opcode 'G_TRUNC'
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
 // CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 1: @12
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 2*/ 19, // Rule ID 1 //
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule1Enabled,
-// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #1: WipOpcodeTest1; wip_match_opcode alternative 'TRUNC'
+// CHECK-NEXT:         // Combiner Rule #1: WipOpcodeTest1; wip_match_opcode 'G_TRUNC'
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIR_Done,
 // CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 2: @19
@@ -108,13 +150,13 @@ def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
 // CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 0: @20
 // CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 3*/ 30, // Rule ID 2 //
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule1Enabled,
-// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, MyTarget::SEXT,
-// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #1: WipOpcodeTest1; wip_match_opcode alternative 'SEXT'
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_SEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #1: WipOpcodeTest1; wip_match_opcode 'G_SEXT'
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner0,
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
 // CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 3: @30
 // CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 4*/ 64,
-// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, MyTarget::MOV,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::COPY,
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 5*/ 42, // Rule ID 3 //
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule2Enabled,
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
@@ -131,8 +173,8 @@ def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] a
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[0] b
-// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsn, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
-// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, MyTarget::ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // MIs[1] c
 // CHECK-NEXT:         // No operand predicates
 // CHECK-NEXT:         GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner0,
@@ -143,6 +185,65 @@ def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
 // CHECK-NEXT:       // Label 6: @63
 // CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_Reject,
 // CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 4: @64
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 7*/ 101, // Rule ID 5 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule4Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_STORE,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] tmp
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[1] ext
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] ptr
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #4: InOutInstTest0
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_STORE,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // ext
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // ptr
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MergeMemOperands, /*InsnID*/0, /*MergeInsnID's*/0, 1, GIU_MergeMemOperands_EndOfList,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_CustomAction, GICXXCustomAction_CombineApplyGICombiner2,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 7: @101
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 8*/ 143, // Rule ID 6 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule5Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_AND,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckType, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/2, /*Type*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] x
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_RecordInsnIgnoreCopies, /*DefineMI*/1, /*MI*/0, /*OpIdx*/1, // MIs[1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/1, TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[1] z
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckLiteralInt, /*MI*/1, /*Op*/1, -42,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckConstantInt, /*MI*/0, /*Op*/2, 43,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckIsSafeToFold, /*InsnID*/1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #5: InOutInstTest1
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/1, /*OpIdx*/1, // z
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 8: @143
+// CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Try, /*On fail goto*//*Label 9*/ 181, // Rule ID 7 //
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckSimplePredicate, GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule6Enabled,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckOpcode, /*MI*/0, TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // MIs[0] cst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // No operand predicates
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIM_CheckCxxInsnPredicate, /*MI*/0, /*FnId*/GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_GICombiner1,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_MakeTempReg, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TypeID*/GILLT_s32,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/1, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/1, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddCImm, /*InsnID*/1, /*Type*/GILLT_s32, /*Imm*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       // Combiner Rule #6: PatFragTest0 @ [__PatFragTest0_match_1[0]]
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_BuildMI, /*InsnID*/0, /*Opcode*/TargetOpcode::COPY,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Copy, /*NewInsnID*/0, /*OldInsnID*/0, /*OpIdx*/0, // dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_AddTempRegister, /*InsnID*/0, /*TempRegID*/0, /*TempRegFlags*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_EraseFromParent, /*InsnID*/0,
+// CHECK-NEXT:       GIR_Done,
+// CHECK-NEXT:     // Label 9: @181
 // CHECK-NEXT:     GIM_Reject,
 // CHECK-NEXT:     };
 // CHECK-NEXT:   return MatchTable0;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/operand-types.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/operand-types.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..af588a787eb055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/operand-types.td
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -gicombiner-stop-after-parse -combiners=MyCombiner %s | \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:InstTest0 id:0 root:x
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InstTest0_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>i64:$z, i32:$y, i16:$w])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__InstTest0_match_1:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>i64:$x, i32:$y, i64:$z])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__InstTest0_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_MUL operands:[<def>i64:$x, i32:$y, i16:$w])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     w -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     x -> __InstTest0_match_1
+// CHECK-NEXT:     y -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     z -> __InstTest0_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     w -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     x -> __InstTest0_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     y -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match
+      (G_BUILD_VECTOR i64:$z, $y, $w),
+      (G_BUILD_VECTOR $x, i32:$y, $z)),
+  (apply (G_MUL i64:$x, $y, i16:$w))>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:PatFragTest0 id:1 root:dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (PatFrags
+// CHECK-NEXT:     (PatFrag name:FooPF
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (outs [cst:root])
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (alternatives [
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CodeGenInstructionPattern name:__FooPF_alt0_pattern_0 G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>i64:$cst, i8:$y, $x]),
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CodeGenInstructionPattern name:__FooPF_alt0_pattern_1 G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>$x, i8:$y, $w]),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CodeGenInstructionPattern name:__FooPF_alt1_pattern_0 G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>i32:$cst, i32:$y, i16:$x]),
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CodeGenInstructionPattern name:__FooPF_alt1_pattern_1 G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>i16:$x, i32:$y, $w]),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:       ])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__PatFragTest0_match_0:(PatFragPattern FooPF operands:[<def>$dst])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__PatFragTest0_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$dst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest0_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest0_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (PermutationsToEmit
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [__PatFragTest0_match_0[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [__PatFragTest0_match_0[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def FooPF: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$cst),(ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_BUILD_VECTOR i64:$cst, $y, $x), (G_BUILD_VECTOR $x, i8:$y, $w)),
+      (pattern (G_BUILD_VECTOR i32:$cst, $y, i16:$x), (G_BUILD_VECTOR $x, i32:$y, $w)),
+    ]>;
+def PatFragTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (FooPF $dst)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  InstTest0,
+  PatFragTest0

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/patfrag-errors.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/patfrag-errors.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fba501cf220cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/patfrag-errors.td
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// RUN: not llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s 2>&1| \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not=error:
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+def dummy;
+def MatchFooPerms: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$foo, gi_imm:$cst),
+    [
+      (pattern "return foo(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+      (pattern "return bar(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+      (pattern "return bux(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot emit rule 'too_many_perms'; 27 permutations would be emitted, but the max is 16
+let MaxPermutations = 16 in
+def too_many_perms : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst),
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$a,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$b,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$c
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)), "APPLY ${src}")>;
+def DummyCXXPF: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$in),
+    [
+      (pattern "return foo()"),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: operand 'foo' (for parameter 'in' of 'DummyCXXPF') cannot be unbound
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: one or more alternatives of 'DummyCXXPF' do not bind 'in' to an instruction operand; either use a bound operand or ensure 'DummyCXXPF' binds 'in' in all alternatives
+def undef_livein : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $bar),
+         (DummyCXXPF $foo)
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: GICombinePatFrag must have one root in its 'out' operands
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'OutMustBeRoot'
+def OutMustBeRoot: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs $foo, $bar),
+    (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $foo, $bar), (G_FPEXT $bar, $y)),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(OutMustBeRoot ?:$bar, ?:$foo)'
+def out_must_be_root : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $bar),
+         (OutMustBeRoot $bar, $foo)
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: output parameter 'bar' must be 'root' or 'gi_mo'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'BadOutType'
+def BadOutType: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$foo, gi_imm:$bar),
+    (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $foo, $bar), (G_FPEXT $bar, $y)),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(BadOutType ?:$bar, ?:$foo)'
+def bad_out_type : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $bar),
+         (BadOutType $bar, $foo)
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: pattern 'dbg' ('G_FPEXT') is unreachable from the pattern root!
+def UnreachablePat: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs root:$foo, $bar),
+    (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $foo, $x), (G_FPEXT $bar, $y):$dbg),
+    ]>;
+def unreachable_pat : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $bar),
+         (UnreachablePat $bar, $foo)
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: wip_match_opcode cannot be used in GICombinePatFrag
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'WipMatchOpcodePatFrag'
+def WipMatchOpcodePatFrag: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (wip_match_opcode G_ZEXT)),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(WipMatchOpcodePatFrag)'
+def wip_match_opcode_patfrag : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (WipMatchOpcodePatFrag)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+def DummyPF: GICombinePatFrag<(outs),(ins),[]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: nested GICombinePatFrag are not supported
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'NestingPatFrag'
+def NestingPatFrag: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins),
+    [
+      (pattern (DummyPF)),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(NestingPatFrag)'
+def nest_pat_frag : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (NestingPatFrag)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: input parameter 'k' cannot be redefined!
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'DupParamIn'
+def DupParamIn: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$k, gi_mo:$k),
+    [
+      (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $x)),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(DupParamIn ?:$dst, ?:$bar)'
+def dup_params_in : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (DupParamIn $dst, $bar)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: duplicate parameter 'k'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'DupParamOut'
+def DupParamOut: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k, root:$k),
+  (ins),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $x)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(DupParamOut ?:$dst, ?:$bar)'
+def dup_params_out : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (DupParamOut $dst, $bar)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: input parameter 'k' cannot be redefined!
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'DupParamInOut'
+def DupParamInOut: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins gi_mo:$k),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $x)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(DupParamInOut ?:$dst, ?:$bar)'
+def dup_params_inout : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (DupParamInOut $dst, $bar)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: output parameter 'k' must be defined by all alternative patterns in 'DefByAllAlts'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'DefByAllAlts'
+def DefByAllAlts: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $x)),
+    (pattern (G_FPEXT $z, $k))
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(DefByAllAlts ?:$dst)'
+def def_by_all_alts : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (DefByAllAlts $dst)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Operand 'x' is defined multiple times in patterns of alternative #1
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Could not parse GICombinePatFrag 'MultiDefInPat'
+def MultiDefInPat: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $a)),
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $x), (G_ZEXT $x, $foo), (G_FPEXT $x, $foo)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(MultiDefInPat ?:$dst)'
+def multi_def_in_pat : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (MultiDefInPat $dst)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+def ExpectedImm: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins gi_imm:$i),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $i)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected operand 1 of 'ExpectedImm' to be an immediate; got MachineOperand $z
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(ExpectedImm ?:$dst, ?:$z)'
+def expected_imm : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (ExpectedImm $dst, $z)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: operand 1 of 'ExpectedImm' cannot be a named immediate
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(ExpectedImm ?:$dst, (i32 0):$z)'
+def expected_imm_namedimm : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (ExpectedImm $dst, (i32 0):$z)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+def ExpectedMO: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins gi_mo:$i),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, $i)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected operand 1 of 'ExpectedMO' to be a MachineOperand; got imm 0
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(ExpectedMO ?:$dst, (i32 0))'
+def expected_mo : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (ExpectedMO $dst, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected operand 1 of 'ExpectedMO' to be a MachineOperand; got imm 0:$z
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(ExpectedMO ?:$dst, (i32 0):$z)'
+def expected_mo_namedimm : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (ExpectedMO $dst, (i32 0):$z)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'dum': using GICombinePatFrag is not supported in apply patterns
+def patfrag_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (COPY $dst, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (DummyPF):$dum)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot use 'DummyPF as match root
+def patfrag_cannot_be_root : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$root),
+  (match (DummyPF):$root),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)):$root)>;
+def TypedParams: GICombinePatFrag<
+  (outs root:$k),
+  (ins gi_mo:$i),
+  [
+    (pattern (G_ZEXT $k, i32:$i)),
+  ]>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+3]]:{{[0-9]+}}: warning: impossible type constraints: operand 1 of 'broken' has type 'i64', but 'TypedParams' constrains it to 'i32'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: operand 1 of 'broken' is 'k'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: argument 1 of 'TypedParams' is 'i'
+def inconsistent_arg_type : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (TypedParams $dst, i64:$k):$broken),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: error: Failed to parse one or more rules
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  too_many_perms,
+  undef_livein,
+  out_must_be_root,
+  bad_out_type,
+  unreachable_pat,
+  wip_match_opcode_patfrag,
+  nest_pat_frag,
+  dup_params_in,
+  dup_params_out,
+  dup_params_inout,
+  def_by_all_alts,
+  multi_def_in_pat,
+  expected_imm,
+  expected_imm_namedimm,
+  expected_mo,
+  expected_mo_namedimm,
+  patfrag_in_apply,
+  patfrag_cannot_be_root,
+  inconsistent_arg_type

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-errors.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-errors.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..0a484a5b1c1ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-errors.td
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// RUN: not llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
+// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s 2>&1| \
+// RUN: FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not=error:
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
+def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
+def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Cannot find root 'missing' in match patterns!
+def root_not_found : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$missing),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: apply pattern 'd' is supposed to be a root but it does not redefine any of the defs of the match root
+def misleading_root : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $tmp, $b):$d,
+         (COPY $a, $tmp))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: C++ code cannot be the root of a rule!
+def cxx_root : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match "return MATCH":$a),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }]:$z)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Cannot use live-in operand 'b' as match pattern root!
+def livein_root : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$b),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'COPY' expected 2 operands, got 1
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(COPY ?:$a)'
+def not_enough_operands : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a):$d),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'COPY' expected 2 operands, got 3
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(COPY ?:$a, ?:$b, ?:$c)'
+def too_many_operands : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b, $c):$d),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Operand 'd' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns
+def multi_defs : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $d, $b), (COPY $d, $x)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Operand 'd' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns
+def multi_defs_2 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $d, $d, $b)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: pattern 'foo' ('COPY') is unreachable from the pattern root!
+def unreachable_pat : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d, (COPY $z, $k):$foo),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'applytest': wip_match_opcode is not supported in apply patterns
+def wip_match_opcode_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d, (wip_match_opcode G_ZEXT)),
+  (apply (wip_match_opcode G_ZEXT):$applytest)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: wip_match_opcode can not be used with instruction patterns!
+def wip_match_opcode_with_inst_pat : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d, (wip_match_opcode G_ZEXT)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: wip_opcode_match can only be present once
+def multiple_wip_match_opcode : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode COPY):$d, (wip_match_opcode G_ZEXT)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Operand 'a' is defined multiple times in the 'apply' patterns
+def multiple_def_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $b), (COPY $a, $b))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'd' match pattern defined more than once!
+def redef_match : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d, (COPY $b, $z):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $b))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'o' apply pattern defined more than once!
+def redef_apply: GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $x):$o, (COPY $x, $b):$o)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: redefining an instruction other than the root is not supported (operand 'b'
+def redef_nonroot : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b), (COPY $b, $z)),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $b), (G_ZEXT $b, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Cannot define live-in operand 'b' in the 'apply' pattern
+def cannot_def_match_livein : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $b), (COPY $b, $b))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid output operand 'x': operand is not a live-in of the match pattern, and it has no definition
+def undef_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $x))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: def of pattern root 'a' is not redefined in the apply pattern!
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: match pattern root is 'foo'
+def no_redef_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$foo),
+  (apply (COPY $x, $b))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error:  def of pattern root 'b' is not redefined in the apply pattern!
+def no_redef_in_apply_multidefroot : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, $b, $c)),
+  (apply (COPY $a, $c))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot use wip_match_opcode in combination with apply instruction patterns
+def instpat_with_wipmatch : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode COPY):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $x, $b):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot parse operand '(i32)'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(COPY ?:$x, (i32))
+def bad_imm_noarg : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $x, (i32)):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $x, $b):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot parse operand '(i32 0, 0)'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(COPY ?:$x, (i32 0, 0))
+def bad_imm_too_many_args : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $x, (i32 0, 0)):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $x, $b):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: cannot parse immediate '(COPY 0)', 'COPY' is not a ValueType
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(COPY ?:$x, (COPY 0))
+def bad_imm_not_a_valuetype : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (COPY $x, (COPY 0)):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $x, $b):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid output operand 'imm': output immediates cannot be named
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: while emitting pattern 'd' (COPY)
+def output_imm_cannot_be_named : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (COPY $x, (i32 0)):$d),
+  (apply (COPY $x, (i32 0):$imm):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'G_CONSTANT' immediate must be typed!
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: while emitting pattern 'd' (G_CONSTANT)
+def output_imm_must_be_typed : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (COPY $x, (i32 0)):$d),
+  (apply (G_CONSTANT $x, 0):$d)>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'G_BUILD_VECTOR' expected at least 2 operands, got 1
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(G_BUILD_VECTOR ?:$x)'
+def too_few_ops_for_variadic : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (G_BUILD_VECTOR $x)),
+  (apply (COPY $x, 0))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: expected an operand name after 'i32'
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(G_FNEG ?:$x, i32)'
+def expected_op_name : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (G_FNEG $x, i32)),
+  (apply (COPY $x, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+3]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid operand type: 'not_a_type' is not a ValueType
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Failed to parse pattern: '(G_FNEG ?:$x, not_a_type:$y)'
+def not_a_type;
+def bad_mo_type_not_a_valuetype : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (G_FNEG $x, not_a_type:$y)),
+  (apply (COPY $x, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: def of a new register 'newreg' in the apply patterns must have a type
+def untyped_new_reg_in_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (G_FNEG $x, $y)),
+  (apply (COPY $newreg, (i32 0)),
+         (COPY $x, $newreg))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'y' is a named immediate, it cannot be defined by another instruction
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: 'y' is defined by 'foo'
+def def_named_imm_match : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match  (G_SEXT $y, $z):$foo,
+          (G_FNEG $x, (i32 0):$y)),
+  (apply (COPY $x, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: invalid output operand 'tmp': output immediates cannot be named
+// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: note: while emitting pattern 'foo' (COPY)
+def def_named_imm_apply : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$x),
+  (match (G_FNEG $x, $y)),
+  (apply (COPY i32:$tmp, $y),
+         (COPY $x, (i32 0):$tmp):$foo)>;
+// CHECK: error: Failed to parse one or more rules
+def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
+  root_not_found,
+  misleading_root,
+  cxx_root,
+  livein_root,
+  not_enough_operands,
+  too_many_operands,
+  multi_defs,
+  multi_defs_2,
+  unreachable_pat,
+  wip_match_opcode_in_apply,
+  wip_match_opcode_with_inst_pat,
+  multiple_wip_match_opcode,
+  multiple_def_in_apply,
+  redef_match,
+  redef_apply,
+  redef_nonroot,
+  cannot_def_match_livein,
+  undef_in_apply,
+  no_redef_in_apply,
+  no_redef_in_apply_multidefroot,
+  instpat_with_wipmatch,
+  bad_imm_noarg,
+  bad_imm_too_many_args,
+  bad_imm_not_a_valuetype,
+  output_imm_cannot_be_named,
+  output_imm_must_be_typed,
+  too_few_ops_for_variadic,
+  expected_op_name,
+  bad_mo_type_not_a_valuetype,
+  untyped_new_reg_in_apply,
+  def_named_imm_match,
+  def_named_imm_apply

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing-errors.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing-errors.td
deleted file mode 100644
index a693c162c3e6f8..00000000000000
--- a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing-errors.td
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: not llvm-tblgen -I %p/../../../include -gen-global-isel-combiner-matchtable \
-// RUN:     -combiners=MyCombiner %s 2>&1| \
-// RUN: FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not=error:
-include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
-include "llvm/Target/GlobalISel/Combine.td"
-def MyTargetISA : InstrInfo;
-def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
-def dummy;
-def R0 : Register<"r0"> { let Namespace = "MyTarget"; }
-def GPR32 : RegisterClass<"MyTarget", [i32], 32, (add R0)>;
-class I<dag OOps, dag IOps, list<dag> Pat>
-  : Instruction {
-  let Namespace = "MyTarget";
-  let OutOperandList = OOps;
-  let InOperandList = IOps;
-  let Pattern = Pat;
-def MOV : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def ADD : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1, GPR32:$src2), []>;
-def SUB : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1, GPR32:$src2), []>;
-def MUL : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1, GPR32:$src2), []>;
-def TRUNC : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def SEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def ZEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def ICMP : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$tst, GPR32:$src1, GPR32:$src2), []>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Cannot find root 'missing' in match patterns!
-def root_not_found : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$missing),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Cannot use live-in operand 'b' as match pattern root!
-def livein_root : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$b),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b)),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'MOV' expected 2 operands, got 1
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Expected a subclass of GIMatchKind or a sub-dag whose operator is either of a GIMatchKindWithArgs or Instruction
-def not_enough_operands : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $a):$d),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+2]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: 'MOV' expected 2 operands, got 3
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Expected a subclass of GIMatchKind or a sub-dag whose operator is either of a GIMatchKindWithArgs or Instruction
-def too_many_operands : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b, $c):$d),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Operand 'd' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns
-def multi_defs : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $d, $b), (MOV $d, $x)),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error: Instruction pattern '__anon_pat_match_5_0' is unreachable from the pattern root!
-def unreachable_pat : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d, (MOV $z, $k)),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error:  wip_match_opcode can not be used with instruction patterns!
-def wip_match_opcode_with_inst_pat : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d, (wip_match_opcode SEXT)),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: :[[@LINE+1]]:{{[0-9]+}}: error:  wip_opcode_match can only be present once
-def multiple_wip_match_opcode : GICombineRule<
-  (defs root:$d),
-  (match (wip_match_opcode MOV):$d, (wip_match_opcode SEXT)),
-  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
-// CHECK: error: Failed to parse one or more rules
-def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
-  root_not_found,
-  livein_root,
-  not_enough_operands,
-  too_many_operands,
-  multi_defs,
-  unreachable_pat,
-  wip_match_opcode_with_inst_pat,
-  multiple_wip_match_opcode

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing.td
index 15208e7f26d97e..b4a22675c6f17a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing.td
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter/pattern-parsing.td
@@ -10,69 +10,55 @@ def MyTarget : Target { let InstructionSet = MyTargetISA; }
 def dummy;
-def R0 : Register<"r0"> { let Namespace = "MyTarget"; }
-def GPR32 : RegisterClass<"MyTarget", [i32], 32, (add R0)>;
-class I<dag OOps, dag IOps, list<dag> Pat>
-  : Instruction {
-  let Namespace = "MyTarget";
-  let OutOperandList = OOps;
-  let InOperandList = IOps;
-  let Pattern = Pat;
-def MOV : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def TRUNC : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def ZEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
-def SEXT : I<(outs GPR32:$dst), (ins GPR32:$src1), []>;
 def HasAnswerToEverything : Predicate<"Subtarget->getAnswerToUniverse() == 42 && Subtarget->getAnswerToLife() == 42">;
 def reg_matchinfo : GIDefMatchData<"Register">;
 // CHECK:      (CombineRule name:WipOpcodeTest0 id:0 root:d
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchDatas <empty>)
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     <root>d:(AnyOpcodePattern [TRUNC])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>d:(AnyOpcodePattern [G_TRUNC])
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     __anon_pat_apply_0_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __WipOpcodeTest0_apply_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable <empty>)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats <empty>)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats <empty>)
 def WipOpcodeTest0 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d),
-  (match (wip_match_opcode TRUNC):$d),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode G_TRUNC):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
 // CHECK:     (CombineRule name:WipOpcodeTest1 id:1 root:d
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchDatas <empty>)
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     <root>d:(AnyOpcodePattern [TRUNC, SEXT])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>d:(AnyOpcodePattern [G_TRUNC, G_SEXT])
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     __anon_pat_apply_1_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __WipOpcodeTest1_apply_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable <empty>)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats <empty>)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats <empty>)
 def WipOpcodeTest1 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d),
-  (match (wip_match_opcode TRUNC, SEXT):$d),
+  (match (wip_match_opcode G_TRUNC, G_SEXT):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
 // CHECK:     (CombineRule name:InstTest0 id:2 root:d
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchDatas <empty>)
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     <root>d:(InstructionPattern inst:MOV operands:[<def>a, b])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>d:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$a, $b])
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     __anon_pat_apply_2_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InstTest0_apply_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable
-// CHECK-NEXT:     [a match_pat:d]
-// CHECK-NEXT:     [b live-in]
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a -> d
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b -> <live-in>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats <empty>)
 def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d),
+  (match (COPY $a, $b):$d),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
 // CHECK:      (CombineRule name:InstTest1 id:3 root:d
@@ -80,28 +66,246 @@ def InstTest0 : GICombineRule<
 // CHECK-NEXT:      (MatchDataInfo pattern_symbol:r0 type:'Register' var_name:MDInfo0)
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     <root>d:(InstructionPattern inst:MOV operands:[<def>a, b])
-// CHECK-NEXT:     __anon_pat_match_3_0:(InstructionPattern inst:ZEXT operands:[<def>x, a])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>d:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$a, i32:$b])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InstTest1_match_1:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_ZEXT operands:[<def>$x, 0])
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
 // CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
-// CHECK-NEXT:     __anon_pat_apply_3_1:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InstTest1_apply_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
-// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable
-// CHECK-NEXT:     [a match_pat:d]
-// CHECK-NEXT:     [b live-in]
-// CHECK-NEXT:     [x match_pat:__anon_pat_match_3_0]
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a -> d
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     x -> __InstTest1_match_1
 // CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats <empty>)
 let Predicates = [HasAnswerToEverything] in
 def InstTest1 : GICombineRule<
   (defs root:$d, reg_matchinfo:$r0),
-  (match (MOV $a, $b):$d,
-         (ZEXT $x, $a)),
+  (match (COPY $a, i32:$b):$d,
+         (G_ZEXT $x, 0)),
   (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:InstTest2 id:4 root:d
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchDatas
+// CHECK-NEXT:     (MatchDataInfo pattern_symbol:r0 type:'Register' var_name:MDInfo0)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__InstTest2_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$d, (i32 0):$x])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InstTest2_apply_0:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY")
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     d -> __InstTest2_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     x -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats <empty>)
+def InstTest2 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$d, reg_matchinfo:$r0),
+  (match (COPY $d, (i32 0):$x)),
+  (apply [{ APPLY }])>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:InOutInstTest0 id:5 root:dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__InOutInstTest0_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$dst, $tmp])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InOutInstTest0_match_1:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_ZEXT operands:[<def>$tmp, $src])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__InOutInstTest0_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_TRUNC operands:[<def>$dst, $src])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __InOutInstTest0_apply_1:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY ${src}")
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __InOutInstTest0_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     src -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     tmp -> __InOutInstTest0_match_1
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __InOutInstTest0_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     src -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def InOutInstTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (COPY $dst, $tmp),
+         (G_ZEXT $tmp, $src)),
+  (apply (G_TRUNC $dst, $src), "APPLY ${src}")>;
+def MatchICst: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$foo, gi_imm:$cst),
+    [(pattern "return matchIConstant(${foo}, ${cst})")]>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:PatFragTest0 id:6 root:dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (PatFrags
+// CHECK-NEXT:     (PatFrag name:MatchICst
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (ins [foo:machine_operand, cst:imm])
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (alternatives [
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CXXPattern name:__MatchICst_alt0_pattern_0 match code:"return matchIConstant(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:       ])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__PatFragTest0_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_ZEXT operands:[<def>$dst, $cst])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __PatFragTest0_match_1:(PatFragPattern MatchICst operands:[$cst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__PatFragTest0_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$dst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __PatFragTest0_apply_1:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY ${src}")
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     cst -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest0_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest0_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def PatFragTest0 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst), (MatchICst $cst, (i32 0))),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)), "APPLY ${src}")>;
+def MatchFooPerms: GICombinePatFrag<
+    (outs),
+    (ins gi_mo:$foo, gi_imm:$cst),
+    [
+      (pattern "return foo(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+      (pattern "return bar(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+      (pattern "return bux(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+    ]>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:PatFragTest1 id:7 root:dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (PatFrags
+// CHECK-NEXT:     (PatFrag name:MatchFooPerms
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (ins [foo:machine_operand, cst:imm])
+// CHECK-NEXT:       (alternatives [
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CXXPattern name:__MatchFooPerms_alt0_pattern_0 match code:"return foo(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CXXPattern name:__MatchFooPerms_alt1_pattern_0 match code:"return bar(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:         [
+// CHECK-NEXT:           (CXXPattern name:__MatchFooPerms_alt2_pattern_0 match code:"return bux(${foo}, ${cst})"),
+// CHECK-NEXT:         ],
+// CHECK-NEXT:       ])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__PatFragTest1_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_ZEXT operands:[<def>$dst, $cst])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a:(PatFragPattern MatchFooPerms operands:[$cst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b:(PatFragPattern MatchFooPerms operands:[$cst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     c:(PatFragPattern MatchFooPerms operands:[$cst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__PatFragTest1_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$dst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     __PatFragTest1_apply_1:(CXXPattern apply code:"APPLY ${src}")
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     cst -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest1_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __PatFragTest1_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (PermutationsToEmit
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[0], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[0], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[0], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[1], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[1], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[1], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[2], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[2], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[0], b[2], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[0], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[0], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[0], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[1], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[1], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[1], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[2], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[2], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[1], b[2], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[0], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[0], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[0], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[1], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[1], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[1], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[2], c[0]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[2], c[1]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:     [a[2], b[2], c[2]],
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+let MaxPermutations = -1 in
+def PatFragTest1 : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst),
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$a,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$b,
+         (MatchFooPerms $cst, (i32 0)):$c
+  ),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)), "APPLY ${src}")>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:VariadicsInTest id:8 root:dst
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__VariadicsInTest_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_BUILD_VECTOR operands:[<def>$dst, $a, $b])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__VariadicsInTest_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$dst, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __VariadicsInTest_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     dst -> __VariadicsInTest_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def VariadicsInTest : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$dst),
+  (match (G_BUILD_VECTOR $dst, $a, $b)),
+  (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>;
+// CHECK:      (CombineRule name:VariadicsOutTest id:9 root:a
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <match_root>__VariadicsOutTest_match_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern G_UNMERGE_VALUES operands:[<def>$a, <def>$b, $src])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__VariadicsOutTest_apply_0:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$a, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <apply_root>__VariadicsOutTest_apply_1:(CodeGenInstructionPattern COPY operands:[<def>$b, (i32 0)])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable MatchPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a -> __VariadicsOutTest_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b -> __VariadicsOutTest_match_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     src -> <live-in>
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+// CHECK-NEXT:   (OperandTable ApplyPats
+// CHECK-NEXT:     a -> __VariadicsOutTest_apply_0
+// CHECK-NEXT:     b -> __VariadicsOutTest_apply_1
+// CHECK-NEXT:   )
+def VariadicsOutTest : GICombineRule<
+  (defs root:$a),
+  (match (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, $b, $src)),
+  (apply (COPY $a, (i32 0)),
+         (COPY $b, (i32 0)))>;
 def MyCombiner: GICombinerHelper<"GenMyCombiner", [
-  InstTest1
+  InstTest1,
+  InstTest2,
+  InOutInstTest0,
+  PatFragTest0,
+  PatFragTest1,
+  VariadicsInTest,
+  VariadicsOutTest

diff  --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.td
index 24ebe807d27b0d..f00eea3970894a 100644
--- a/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.td
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.td
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def HasC : Predicate<"Subtarget->hasC()"> { let RecomputePerFunction = 1; }
 // CHECK-NEXT:    const int64_t *getMatchTable() const override;
 // CHECK-NEXT:    bool testMIPredicate_MI(unsigned PredicateID, const MachineInstr &MI, const MatcherState &State) const override;
 // CHECK-NEXT:    bool testSimplePredicate(unsigned PredicateID) const override;
-// CHECK-NEXT:    void runCustomAction(unsigned FnID, const MatcherState &State) const override;
+// CHECK-NEXT:    void runCustomAction(unsigned FnID, const MatcherState &State, NewMIVector &OutMIs) const override;

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.cpp
index fbdc0499a8cfbe..53efa66f9dfc1b 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static cl::opt<unsigned>
 /// getValueType - Return the MVT::SimpleValueType that the specified TableGen
 /// record corresponds to.
-MVT::SimpleValueType llvm::getValueType(Record *Rec) {
+MVT::SimpleValueType llvm::getValueType(const Record *Rec) {
   return (MVT::SimpleValueType)Rec->getValueAsInt("Value");

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.h b/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.h
index 2ba3af724d36dd..a2b559d53b19c2 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.h
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/CodeGenTarget.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class CodeGenSubRegIndex;
 /// getValueType - Return the MVT::SimpleValueType that the specified TableGen
 /// record corresponds to.
-MVT::SimpleValueType getValueType(Record *Rec);
+MVT::SimpleValueType getValueType(const Record *Rec);
 StringRef getName(MVT::SimpleValueType T);
 StringRef getEnumName(MVT::SimpleValueType T);

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h
index f536e801b27f39..b82c3257b32135 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CodeExpansions.h
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class CodeExpansions {
     Expansions.try_emplace(Name, Expansion);
+  void redeclare(StringRef Name, StringRef Expansion) {
+    Expansions[Name] = Expansion;
+  }
   std::string lookup(StringRef Variable) const {
     return Expansions.lookup(Variable);

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h
index 394c43e3fa833b..3d34eb450ed2d2 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISel/CombinerUtils.h
@@ -61,10 +61,9 @@ inline const DagInit *getDagWithSpecificOperator(const Init &N,
 inline const DagInit *getDagWithOperatorOfSubClass(const Init &N,
                                                    StringRef Cls) {
   if (const DagInit *I = dyn_cast<DagInit>(&N))
-    if (I->getNumArgs() > 0)
-      if (const DefInit *OpI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(I->getOperator()))
-        if (OpI->getDef()->isSubClassOf(Cls))
-          return I;
+    if (const DefInit *OpI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(I->getOperator()))
+      if (OpI->getDef()->isSubClassOf(Cls))
+        return I;
   return nullptr;
 } // namespace llvm

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp
index b4a16a34f88e28..53bb54850c9150 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelCombinerMatchTableEmitter.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,21 @@
 /// \file Generate a combiner implementation for GlobalISel from a declarative
 /// syntax using GlobalISelMatchTable.
+/// Usually, TableGen backends use "assert is an error" as a means to report
+/// invalid input. They try to diagnose common case but don't try very hard and
+/// crashes can be common. This backend aims to behave closer to how a language
+/// compiler frontend would behave: we try extra hard to diagnose invalid inputs
+/// early, and any crash should be considered a bug (= a feature or diagnostic
+/// is missing).
+/// While this can make the backend a bit more complex than it needs to be, it
+/// pays off because MIR patterns can get complicated. Giving useful error
+/// messages to combine writers can help boost their productivity.
+/// As with anything, a good balance has to be found. We also don't want to
+/// write hundreds of lines of code to detect edge cases. In practice, crashing
+/// very occasionally, or giving poor errors in some rare instances, is fine.
 #include "CodeGenInstruction.h"
@@ -19,12 +34,14 @@
 #include "GlobalISelMatchTable.h"
 #include "GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h"
 #include "SubtargetFeatureInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
@@ -39,26 +56,58 @@ using namespace llvm::gi;
 extern cl::list<std::string> SelectedCombiners;
 extern cl::opt<bool> StopAfterParse;
+extern cl::OptionCategory GICombinerEmitterCat;
+static cl::opt<bool> DebugCXXPreds(
+    "gicombiner-matchtable-debug-cxxpreds",
+    cl::desc("Add Contextual/Debug comments to all C++ predicates"),
+    cl::cat(GICombinerEmitterCat));
 namespace {
 constexpr StringLiteral CXXApplyPrefix = "GICXXCustomAction_CombineApply";
 constexpr StringLiteral CXXPredPrefix = "GICXXPred_MI_Predicate_";
+constexpr StringLiteral PatFragClassName = "GICombinePatFrag";
 std::string getIsEnabledPredicateEnumName(unsigned CombinerRuleID) {
   return "GICXXPred_Simple_IsRule" + to_string(CombinerRuleID) + "Enabled";
+/// Copies a StringRef into a static pool to make sure it has a static lifetime.
+StringRef insertStrRef(StringRef S) {
+  if (S.empty())
+    return {};
+  static StringSet<> Pool;
+  auto [It, Inserted] = Pool.insert(S);
+  return It->getKey();
 void declareInstExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const InstructionMatcher &IM,
                           StringRef Name) {
   CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(IM.getInsnVarID()) + "]");
+void declareInstExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const BuildMIAction &A,
+                          StringRef Name) {
+  // Note: we use redeclare here because this may overwrite a matcher inst
+  // expansion.
+  CE.redeclare(Name, "OutMIs[" + to_string(A.getInsnID()) + "]");
 void declareOperandExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, const OperandMatcher &OM,
                              StringRef Name) {
   CE.declare(Name, "State.MIs[" + to_string(OM.getInsnVarID()) +
                        "]->getOperand(" + to_string(OM.getOpIdx()) + ")");
+void declareTempRegExpansion(CodeExpansions &CE, unsigned TempRegID,
+                             StringRef Name) {
+  CE.declare(Name, "State.TempRegisters[" + to_string(TempRegID) + "]");
+std::string makeAnonPatName(StringRef Prefix, unsigned Idx) {
+  return ("__" + Prefix + "_" + Twine(Idx)).str();
 template <typename Container> auto keys(Container &&C) {
   return map_range(C, [](auto &Entry) -> auto & { return Entry.first; });
@@ -67,6 +116,11 @@ template <typename Container> auto values(Container &&C) {
   return map_range(C, [](auto &Entry) -> auto & { return Entry.second; });
+LLTCodeGen getLLTCodeGenFromRecord(const Record *Ty) {
+  assert(Ty->isSubClassOf("ValueType"));
+  return LLTCodeGen(*MVTToLLT(getValueType(Ty)));
 //===- MatchData Handling -------------------------------------------------===//
 /// Represents MatchData defined by the match stage and required by the apply
@@ -135,32 +189,84 @@ void AssignMatchDataVariables(MutableArrayRef<MatchDataInfo> Infos) {
   static unsigned NextVarID = 0;
   StringMap<unsigned> SeenTypes;
-  for (auto &I : Infos) {
-    unsigned &NumSeen = SeenTypes[I.getType()];
-    auto &ExistingVars = AllMatchDataVars[I.getType()];
+  for (auto &Info : Infos) {
+    unsigned &NumSeen = SeenTypes[Info.getType()];
+    auto &ExistingVars = AllMatchDataVars[Info.getType()];
     if (NumSeen == ExistingVars.size())
       ExistingVars.push_back("MDInfo" + to_string(NextVarID++));
-    I.setVariableName(ExistingVars[NumSeen++]);
+    Info.setVariableName(ExistingVars[NumSeen++]);
 //===- C++ Predicates Handling --------------------------------------------===//
-/// Entry into the static pool of all CXX Predicate code. This contains the
+/// Entry into the static pool of all CXX Predicate code. This contains
 /// fully expanded C++ code.
-/// Each CXXPattern creates a new entry in the pool to store its data, even
-/// after the pattern is destroyed.
+/// The static pool is hidden inside the object and can be accessed through
+/// getAllMatchCode/getAllApplyCode
 /// Note that CXXPattern trims C++ code, so the Code is already expected to be
 /// free of leading/trailing whitespace.
-struct CXXPredicateCode {
+class CXXPredicateCode {
+  using CXXPredicateCodePool =
+      DenseMap<hash_code, std::unique_ptr<CXXPredicateCode>>;
+  static CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXMatchCode;
+  static CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXApplyCode;
+  /// Sorts a `CXXPredicateCodePool` by their IDs and returns it.
+  static std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *>
+  getSorted(const CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool) {
+    std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *> Out;
+    std::transform(Pool.begin(), Pool.end(), std::back_inserter(Out),
+                   [&](auto &Elt) { return Elt.second.get(); });
+    sort(Out, [](const auto *A, const auto *B) { return A->ID < B->ID; });
+    return Out;
+  }
+  /// Gets an instance of `CXXPredicateCode` for \p Code, or returns an already
+  /// existing one.
+  static const CXXPredicateCode &get(CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool,
+                                     std::string Code) {
+    // Check if we already have an identical piece of code, if not, create an
+    // entry in the pool.
+    const auto CodeHash = hash_value(Code);
+    if (auto It = Pool.find(CodeHash); It != Pool.end())
+      return *It->second;
+    const auto ID = Pool.size();
+    auto OwnedData = std::unique_ptr<CXXPredicateCode>(
+        new CXXPredicateCode(std::move(Code), ID));
+    const auto &DataRef = *OwnedData;
+    Pool[CodeHash] = std::move(OwnedData);
+    return DataRef;
+  }
   CXXPredicateCode(std::string Code, unsigned ID)
       : Code(Code), ID(ID), BaseEnumName("GICombiner" + to_string(ID)) {
-    assert(StringRef(Code).trim() == Code &&
-           "Code was expected to be trimmed!");
+    // Don't assert if ErrorsPrinted is set. This may mean CodeExpander failed,
+    // and it may add spaces in such cases.
+    assert(ErrorsPrinted || StringRef(Code).trim() == Code &&
+                                "Code was expected to be trimmed!");
+  }
+  static const CXXPredicateCode &getMatchCode(std::string Code) {
+    return get(AllCXXMatchCode, std::move(Code));
+  }
+  static const CXXPredicateCode &getApplyCode(std::string Code) {
+    return get(AllCXXApplyCode, std::move(Code));
+  }
+  static std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *> getAllMatchCode() {
+    return getSorted(AllCXXMatchCode);
+  }
+  static std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *> getAllApplyCode() {
+    return getSorted(AllCXXApplyCode);
   const std::string Code;
@@ -176,48 +282,29 @@ struct CXXPredicateCode {
-using CXXPredicateCodePool =
-    DenseMap<hash_code, std::unique_ptr<CXXPredicateCode>>;
-CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXMatchCode;
-CXXPredicateCodePool AllCXXApplyCode;
-/// Gets an instance of `CXXPredicateCode` for \p Code, or returns an already
-/// existing one.
-const CXXPredicateCode &getOrInsert(CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool,
-                                    std::string Code) {
-  // Check if we already have an identical piece of code, if not, create an
-  // entry in the pool.
-  const auto CodeHash = hash_value(Code);
-  if (auto It = Pool.find(CodeHash); It != Pool.end())
-    return *It->second;
-  const auto ID = Pool.size();
-  auto OwnedData = std::make_unique<CXXPredicateCode>(std::move(Code), ID);
-  const auto &DataRef = *OwnedData;
-  Pool[CodeHash] = std::move(OwnedData);
-  return DataRef;
-/// Sorts a `CXXPredicateCodePool` by their IDs and returns it.
-std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *>
-getSorted(const CXXPredicateCodePool &Pool) {
-  std::vector<const CXXPredicateCode *> Out;
-  std::transform(Pool.begin(), Pool.end(), std::back_inserter(Out),
-                 [&](auto &Elt) { return Elt.second.get(); });
-  sort(Out, [](const auto *A, const auto *B) { return A->ID < B->ID; });
-  return Out;
+CXXPredicateCode::CXXPredicateCodePool CXXPredicateCode::AllCXXMatchCode;
+CXXPredicateCode::CXXPredicateCodePool CXXPredicateCode::AllCXXApplyCode;
 //===- Pattern Base Class -------------------------------------------------===//
-// An abstract pattern found in a combine rule. This can be an apply or match
-// pattern.
+/// Base class for all patterns that can be written in an `apply`, `match` or
+/// `pattern` DAG operator.
+/// For example:
+///     (apply (G_ZEXT $x, $y), (G_ZEXT $y, $z), "return isFoo(${z})")
+/// Creates 3 Pattern objects:
+///   - Two CodeGenInstruction Patterns
+///   - A CXXPattern
 class Pattern {
   enum {
-    K_Inst,
+    K_CodeGenInstruction,
+    K_PatFrag,
   virtual ~Pattern() = default;
@@ -232,7 +319,8 @@ class Pattern {
   void dump() const { return print(dbgs()); }
-  Pattern(unsigned Kind, StringRef Name) : Kind(Kind), Name(Name.str()) {
+  Pattern(unsigned Kind, StringRef Name)
+      : Kind(Kind), Name(insertStrRef(Name)) {
     assert(!Name.empty() && "unnamed pattern!");
@@ -241,21 +329,19 @@ class Pattern {
   unsigned Kind;
-  // Note: if this ever changes to a StringRef (e.g. allocated in a pool or
-  // something), CombineRuleBuilder::verify() needs to be updated as well.
-  // It currently checks that the StringRef in the PatternMap references this.
-  std::string Name;
+  StringRef Name;
 const char *Pattern::getKindName() const {
   switch (Kind) {
   case K_AnyOpcode:
     return "AnyOpcodePattern";
-  case K_Inst:
-    return "InstructionPattern";
   case K_CXX:
     return "CXXPattern";
+  case K_CodeGenInstruction:
+    return "CodeGenInstructionPattern";
+  case K_PatFrag:
+    return "PatFragPattern";
   llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
@@ -275,6 +361,9 @@ void Pattern::printImpl(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName,
 /// `wip_match_opcode` patterns.
 /// This matches one or more opcodes, and does not check any operands
 /// whatsoever.
+/// TODO: Long-term, this needs to be removed. It's a hack around MIR
+///       pattern matching limitations.
 class AnyOpcodePattern : public Pattern {
   AnyOpcodePattern(StringRef Name) : Pattern(K_AnyOpcode, Name) {}
@@ -300,77 +389,9 @@ void AnyOpcodePattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
-//===- InstructionPattern -------------------------------------------------===//
-/// Matches an instruction, e.g. `G_ADD $x, $y, $z`.
-/// This pattern is simply CodeGenInstruction + a list of operands.
-class InstructionPattern : public Pattern {
-  struct Operand {
-    std::string Name;
-    bool IsDef = false;
-  };
-  InstructionPattern(const CodeGenInstruction &I, StringRef Name)
-      : Pattern(K_Inst, Name), I(I) {}
-  static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_Inst; }
-  const auto &operands() const { return Operands; }
-  void addOperand(StringRef Name);
-  unsigned getNumDefs() const { return I.Operands.NumDefs; }
-  const CodeGenInstruction &getInst() const { return I; }
-  StringRef getInstName() const { return I.TheDef->getName(); }
-  void reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const;
-  bool checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) const;
-  void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
-  const CodeGenInstruction &I;
-  SmallVector<Operand, 4> Operands;
-void InstructionPattern::addOperand(StringRef Name) {
-  const bool IsDef = Operands.size() < getNumDefs();
-  Operands.emplace_back(Operand{Name.str(), IsDef});
-void InstructionPattern::reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const {
-  PrintError(Locs, "Instruction pattern '" + getName() +
-                       "' is unreachable from the pattern root!");
-bool InstructionPattern::checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) const {
-  unsigned NumExpectedOperands = I.Operands.size();
-  if (NumExpectedOperands != Operands.size()) {
-    PrintError(Loc, "'" + getInstName() + "' expected " +
-                        Twine(NumExpectedOperands) + " operands, got " +
-                        Twine(Operands.size()));
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void InstructionPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
-  printImpl(OS, PrintName, [&OS, this]() {
-    OS << "inst:" << I.TheDef->getName() << " operands:["
-       << join(map_range(Operands,
-                         [](const auto &O) {
-                           return (O.IsDef ? "<def>" : "") + O.Name;
-                         }),
-               ", ")
-       << "]";
-  });
 //===- CXXPattern ---------------------------------------------------------===//
-/// Raw C++ code which may need some expansions.
+/// Represents raw C++ code which may need some expansions.
 ///   e.g. [{ return isFooBux(${src}.getReg()); }]
@@ -392,15 +413,15 @@ void InstructionPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
 /// `.startswith("return")` trivially without worrying about spaces.
 class CXXPattern : public Pattern {
-  CXXPattern(const StringInit &Code, StringRef Name, bool IsApply)
-      : CXXPattern(Code.getAsUnquotedString(), Name, IsApply) {}
+  CXXPattern(const StringInit &Code, StringRef Name)
+      : CXXPattern(Code.getAsUnquotedString(), Name) {}
-  CXXPattern(StringRef Code, StringRef Name, bool IsApply)
-      : Pattern(K_CXX, Name), IsApply(IsApply), RawCode(Code.trim().str()) {}
+  CXXPattern(StringRef Code, StringRef Name)
+      : Pattern(K_CXX, Name), RawCode(Code.trim().str()) {}
   static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_CXX; }
-  bool isApply() const { return IsApply; }
+  void setIsApply(bool Value = true) { IsApply = Value; }
   StringRef getRawCode() const { return RawCode; }
   /// Expands raw code, replacing things such as `${foo}` with their
@@ -409,27 +430,37 @@ class CXXPattern : public Pattern {
   /// \param CE     Map of Code Expansions
   /// \param Locs   SMLocs for the Code Expander, in case it needs to emit
   ///               diagnostics.
+  /// \param AddComment If DebugCXXPreds is enabled, this is called to emit a
+  ///                   comment before the expanded code.
+  ///
   /// \return A CXXPredicateCode object that contains the expanded code. Note
   /// that this may or may not insert a new object. All CXXPredicateCode objects
   /// are held in a set to avoid emitting duplicate C++ code.
-  const CXXPredicateCode &expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE,
-                                     ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const;
+  const CXXPredicateCode &
+  expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE, ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs,
+             function_ref<void(raw_ostream &)> AddComment = {}) const;
   void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
-  bool IsApply;
+  bool IsApply = false;
   std::string RawCode;
-const CXXPredicateCode &CXXPattern::expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE,
-                                               ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const {
+const CXXPredicateCode &
+CXXPattern::expandCode(const CodeExpansions &CE, ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs,
+                       function_ref<void(raw_ostream &)> AddComment) const {
   std::string Result;
   raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
+  if (DebugCXXPreds && AddComment)
+    AddComment(OS);
   CodeExpander Expander(RawCode, CE, Locs, /*ShowExpansions*/ false);
-  return getOrInsert(IsApply ? AllCXXApplyCode : AllCXXMatchCode,
-                     std::move(Result));
+  if (IsApply)
+    return CXXPredicateCode::getApplyCode(std::move(Result));
+  return CXXPredicateCode::getMatchCode(std::move(Result));
 void CXXPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
@@ -440,253 +471,1236 @@ void CXXPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
-//===- CombineRuleBuilder -------------------------------------------------===//
-/// Helper for CombineRuleBuilder.
-/// Represents information about an operand.
-/// Operands with no MatchPat are considered live-in to the pattern.
-struct OperandTableEntry {
-  // The matcher pattern that defines this operand.
-  // null for live-ins.
-  InstructionPattern *MatchPat = nullptr;
-  // The apply pattern that (re)defines this operand.
-  // This can only be non-null if MatchPat is.
-  InstructionPattern *ApplyPat = nullptr;
-  bool isLiveIn() const { return !MatchPat; }
+//===- InstructionPattern ---------------------------------------------===//
-/// Parses combine rule and builds a small intermediate representation to tie
-/// patterns together and emit RuleMatchers to match them. This may emit more
-/// than one RuleMatcher, e.g. for `wip_match_opcode`.
-/// Memory management for `Pattern` objects is done through `std::unique_ptr`.
-/// In most cases, there are two stages to a pattern's lifetime:
-///   - Creation in a `parse` function
-///     - The unique_ptr is stored in a variable, and may be destroyed if the
-///       pattern is found to be semantically invalid.
-///   - Ownership transfer into a `PatternMap`
-///     - Once a pattern is moved into either the map of Match or Apply
-///       patterns, it is known to be valid and it never moves back.
-class CombineRuleBuilder {
+/// Base class for CodeGenInstructionPattern & PatFragPattern, which handles all
+/// the boilerplate for patterns that have a list of operands for some (pseudo)
+/// instruction.
+class InstructionPattern : public Pattern {
-  using PatternMap = MapVector<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<Pattern>>;
+  class Operand;
-  CombineRuleBuilder(const CodeGenTarget &CGT,
-                     SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures,
-                     Record &RuleDef, unsigned ID,
-                     std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs)
-      : CGT(CGT), SubtargetFeatures(SubtargetFeatures), RuleDef(RuleDef),
-        RuleID(ID), OutRMs(OutRMs) {}
+  virtual ~InstructionPattern();
-  /// Parses all fields in the RuleDef record.
-  bool parseAll();
+  static bool classof(const Pattern *P) {
+    return P->getKind() == K_CodeGenInstruction || P->getKind() == K_PatFrag;
+  }
-  /// Emits all RuleMatchers into the vector of RuleMatchers passed in the
-  /// constructor.
-  bool emitRuleMatchers();
+  template <typename... Ty> void addOperand(Ty &&...Init) {
+    Operands.emplace_back(std::forward<Ty>(Init)...);
+  }
-  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
-  void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
+  auto &operands() { return Operands; }
+  const auto &operands() const { return Operands; }
+  unsigned operands_size() const { return Operands.size(); }
+  Operand &getOperand(unsigned K) { return Operands[K]; }
+  const Operand &getOperand(unsigned K) const { return Operands[K]; }
-  /// Debug-only verification of invariants.
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  void verify() const;
+  auto named_operands() {
+    return make_filter_range(Operands,
+                             [&](auto &O) { return O.isNamedOperand(); });
+  }
-  void PrintError(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintError(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
+  auto named_operands() const {
+    return make_filter_range(Operands,
+                             [&](auto &O) { return O.isNamedOperand(); });
+  }
-  /// Adds the expansions from \see MatchDatas to \p CE.
-  void declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CodeExpansions &CE) const;
+  virtual bool isVariadic() const { return false; }
+  virtual unsigned getNumInstOperands() const = 0;
+  virtual unsigned getNumInstDefs() const = 0;
-  /// Adds \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
-  void addCXXPredicate(InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeExpansions &CE,
-                       const CXXPattern &P);
+  bool hasAllDefs() const { return operands_size() >= getNumInstDefs(); }
-  /// Generates a name for anonymous patterns.
-  ///
-  /// e.g. (G_ADD $x, $y, $z):$foo is a pattern named "foo", but if ":$foo" is
-  /// absent, then the pattern is anonymous and this is used to assign it a
-  /// name.
-  std::string makeAnonPatName(StringRef Prefix) const;
-  mutable unsigned AnonIDCnt = 0;
+  virtual StringRef getInstName() const = 0;
-  /// Creates a new RuleMatcher with some boilerplate
-  /// settings/actions/predicates, and and adds it to \p OutRMs.
-  /// \see addFeaturePredicates too.
-  ///
-  /// \param AdditionalComment Comment string to be added to the
-  ///        `DebugCommentAction`.
-  RuleMatcher &addRuleMatcher(Twine AdditionalComment = "");
-  bool addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M);
+  void reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const;
+  virtual bool checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc);
-  bool findRoots();
-  bool buildOperandsTable();
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName = true) const override;
-  bool parseDefs(DagInit &Def);
-  bool parseMatch(DagInit &Match);
-  bool parseApply(DagInit &Apply);
+  InstructionPattern(unsigned K, StringRef Name) : Pattern(K, Name) {}
-  std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseInstructionMatcher(const Init &Arg,
-                                                   StringRef PatName);
-  std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
-                                                      StringRef PatName);
+  // std::vector is used here because we can instantiate it using a forward
+  // declaration.
+  std::vector<Operand> Operands;
-  bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const InstructionPattern &IP);
-  bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP);
+/// An operand for an InstructionPattern.
+/// Operands are composed of three elements:
+///   - (Optional) Value
+///   - (Optional) Name
+///   - (Optional) Type
+/// Some examples:
+///   (i32 0):$x -> V=int(0), Name='x', Type=i32
+///   0:$x -> V=int(0), Name='x'
+///   $x -> Name='x'
+///   i32:$x -> Name='x', Type = i32
+class InstructionPattern::Operand {
+  using IntImmTy = int64_t;
-  bool emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M);
+  Operand(IntImmTy Imm, StringRef Name, const Record *Type)
+      : Value(Imm), Name(insertStrRef(Name)), Type(Type) {
+    assert(!Type || Type->isSubClassOf("ValueType"));
+  }
-  // Recursively visits InstructionPattern from P to build up the
-  // RuleMatcher/InstructionMatcher. May create new InstructionMatchers as
-  // needed.
-  bool emitInstructionMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M,
-                                   InstructionMatcher &IM,
-                                   const InstructionPattern &P,
-                                   DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats);
+  Operand(StringRef Name, const Record *Type)
+      : Name(insertStrRef(Name)), Type(Type) {}
-  const CodeGenTarget &CGT;
-  SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures;
-  Record &RuleDef;
-  const unsigned RuleID;
-  std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs;
+  bool isNamedImmediate() const { return hasImmValue() && isNamedOperand(); }
-  // For InstructionMatcher::addOperand
-  unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID = 0;
+  bool hasImmValue() const { return Value.has_value(); }
+  IntImmTy getImmValue() const { return *Value; }
-  /// The root of the pattern.
-  StringRef RootName;
+  bool isNamedOperand() const { return !Name.empty(); }
+  StringRef getOperandName() const {
+    assert(isNamedOperand() && "Operand is unnamed");
+    return Name;
+  }
-  /// These maps have ownership of the actual Pattern objects.
-  /// They both map a Pattern's name to the Pattern instance.
-  PatternMap MatchPats;
-  PatternMap ApplyPats;
+  Operand withNewName(StringRef NewName) const {
+    Operand Result = *this;
+    Result.Name = insertStrRef(NewName);
+    return Result;
+  }
-  /// Set by findRoots.
-  Pattern *MatchRoot = nullptr;
+  void setIsDef(bool Value = true) { Def = Value; }
+  bool isDef() const { return Def; }
-  MapVector<StringRef, OperandTableEntry> OperandTable;
-  SmallVector<MatchDataInfo, 2> MatchDatas;
+  void setType(const Record *R) {
+    assert((!Type || (Type == R)) && "Overwriting type!");
+    Type = R;
+  }
+  const Record *getType() const { return Type; }
+  std::string describe() const {
+    if (!hasImmValue())
+      return "MachineOperand $" + getOperandName().str() + "";
+    std::string Str = "imm " + to_string(getImmValue());
+    if (isNamedImmediate())
+      Str += ":$" + getOperandName().str() + "";
+    return Str;
+  }
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
+    if (isDef())
+      OS << "<def>";
+    bool NeedsColon = true;
+    if (const Record *Ty = getType()) {
+      if (hasImmValue())
+        OS << "(" << Ty->getName() << " " << getImmValue() << ")";
+      else
+        OS << Ty->getName();
+    } else if (hasImmValue())
+      OS << getImmValue();
+    else
+      NeedsColon = false;
+    if (isNamedOperand())
+      OS << (NeedsColon ? ":" : "") << "$" << getOperandName();
+  }
+  void dump() const { return print(dbgs()); }
+  std::optional<int64_t> Value;
+  StringRef Name;
+  const Record *Type = nullptr;
+  bool Def = false;
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseAll() {
-  if (!parseDefs(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Defs")))
-    return false;
-  if (!parseMatch(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Match")))
-    return false;
-  if (!parseApply(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Apply")))
-    return false;
-  if (!buildOperandsTable())
-    return false;
-  if (!findRoots())
-    return false;
-  LLVM_DEBUG(verify());
-  return true;
+InstructionPattern::~InstructionPattern() = default;
+void InstructionPattern::reportUnreachable(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Locs) const {
+  PrintError(Locs, "pattern '" + getName() + "' ('" + getInstName() +
+                       "') is unreachable from the pattern root!");
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitRuleMatchers() {
-  assert(MatchRoot);
-  CodeExpansions CE;
-  declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CE);
+bool InstructionPattern::checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) {
+  unsigned NumExpectedOperands = getNumInstOperands();
-  switch (MatchRoot->getKind()) {
-  case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode: {
-    if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, *cast<AnyOpcodePattern>(MatchRoot)))
-      return false;
-    break;
-  }
-  case Pattern::K_Inst:
-    if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, *cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot)))
+  if (isVariadic()) {
+    if (Operands.size() < NumExpectedOperands) {
+      PrintError(Loc, +"'" + getInstName() + "' expected at least " +
+                          Twine(NumExpectedOperands) + " operands, got " +
+                          Twine(Operands.size()));
       return false;
-    break;
-  case Pattern::K_CXX:
-    PrintError("C++ code cannot be the root of a pattern!");
+    }
+  } else if (NumExpectedOperands != Operands.size()) {
+    PrintError(Loc, +"'" + getInstName() + "' expected " +
+                        Twine(NumExpectedOperands) + " operands, got " +
+                        Twine(Operands.size()));
     return false;
-  default:
-    llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
+  unsigned OpIdx = 0;
+  unsigned NumDefs = getNumInstDefs();
+  for (auto &Op : Operands)
+    Op.setIsDef(OpIdx++ < NumDefs);
   return true;
-void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
-  OS << "(CombineRule name:" << RuleDef.getName() << " id:" << RuleID
-     << " root:" << RootName << "\n";
+void InstructionPattern::print(raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintName) const {
+  printImpl(OS, PrintName, [&OS, this] {
+    OS << getInstName() << " operands:[";
+    StringRef Sep = "";
+    for (const auto &Op : Operands) {
+      OS << Sep;
+      Op.print(OS);
+      Sep = ", ";
+    }
+    OS << "]";
+  });
-  OS << "  (MatchDatas ";
-  if (MatchDatas.empty())
-    OS << "<empty>)\n";
-  else {
-    OS << "\n";
-    for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas) {
-      OS << "    ";
-      MD.print(OS);
-      OS << "\n";
+//===- OperandTable -------------------------------------------------------===//
+/// Maps InstructionPattern operands to their definitions. This allows us to tie
diff erent patterns of a (apply), (match) or (patterns) set of patterns
+/// together.
+template <typename DefTy = InstructionPattern> class OperandTable {
+  static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<InstructionPattern, DefTy>,
+                "DefTy should be a derived class from InstructionPattern");
+  bool addPattern(DefTy *P, function_ref<void(StringRef)> DiagnoseRedef) {
+    for (const auto &Op : P->named_operands()) {
+      StringRef OpName = Op.getOperandName();
+      // We always create an entry in the OperandTable, even for uses.
+      // Uses of operands that don't have a def (= live-ins) will remain with a
+      // nullptr as the Def.
+      //
+      // This allows us tell whether an operand exists in a pattern or not. If
+      // there is no entry for it, it doesn't exist, if there is an entry, it's
+      // used/def'd at least once.
+      auto &Def = Table[OpName];
+      if (!Op.isDef())
+        continue;
+      if (Def) {
+        DiagnoseRedef(OpName);
+        return false;
+      }
+      Def = P;
-    OS << "  )\n";
+    return true;
-  const auto DumpPats = [&](StringRef Name, const PatternMap &Pats) {
-    OS << "  (" << Name << " ";
-    if (Pats.empty()) {
+  struct LookupResult {
+    LookupResult() = default;
+    LookupResult(DefTy *Def) : Found(true), Def(Def) {}
+    bool Found = false;
+    DefTy *Def = nullptr;
+    bool isLiveIn() const { return Found && !Def; }
+  };
+  LookupResult lookup(StringRef OpName) const {
+    if (auto It = Table.find(OpName); It != Table.end())
+      return LookupResult(It->second);
+    return LookupResult();
+  }
+  DefTy *getDef(StringRef OpName) const { return lookup(OpName).Def; }
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Name = "",
+             StringRef Indent = "") const {
+    OS << Indent << "(OperandTable ";
+    if (!Name.empty())
+      OS << Name << " ";
+    if (Table.empty()) {
       OS << "<empty>)\n";
-    OS << "\n";
-    for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
-      OS << "    ";
-      if (Pat.get() == MatchRoot)
-        OS << "<root>";
-      OS << Name << ":";
-      Pat->print(OS, /*PrintName=*/false);
-      OS << "\n";
-    }
-    OS << "  )\n";
-  };
-  DumpPats("MatchPats", MatchPats);
-  DumpPats("ApplyPats", ApplyPats);
+    SmallVector<StringRef, 0> Keys(Table.keys());
+    sort(Keys);
-  OS << "  (OperandTable ";
-  if (OperandTable.empty())
-    OS << "<empty>)\n";
-  else {
     OS << "\n";
-    for (const auto &[Key, Val] : OperandTable) {
-      OS << "    [" << Key;
-      if (const auto *P = Val.MatchPat)
-        OS << " match_pat:" << P->getName();
-      if (const auto *P = Val.ApplyPat)
-        OS << " apply_pat:" << P->getName();
-      if (Val.isLiveIn())
-        OS << " live-in";
-      OS << "]\n";
+    for (const auto &Key : Keys) {
+      const auto *Def = Table.at(Key);
+      OS << Indent << "  " << Key << " -> "
+         << (Def ? Def->getName() : "<live-in>") << "\n";
-    OS << "  )\n";
+    OS << Indent << ")\n";
-  OS << ")\n";
+  auto begin() const { return Table.begin(); }
+  auto end() const { return Table.end(); }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-void CombineRuleBuilder::verify() const {
-  const auto VerifyPats = [&](const PatternMap &Pats) {
-    for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
-      if (!Pat)
-        PrintFatalError("null pattern in pattern map!");
+  void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
-      if (Name != Pat->getName()) {
-        Pat->dump();
-        PrintFatalError("Pattern name mismatch! Map name: " + Name +
+  StringMap<DefTy *> Table;
+//===- CodeGenInstructionPattern ------------------------------------------===//
+/// Matches an instruction, e.g. `G_ADD $x, $y, $z`.
+class CodeGenInstructionPattern : public InstructionPattern {
+  CodeGenInstructionPattern(const CodeGenInstruction &I, StringRef Name)
+      : InstructionPattern(K_CodeGenInstruction, Name), I(I) {}
+  static bool classof(const Pattern *P) {
+    return P->getKind() == K_CodeGenInstruction;
+  }
+  bool is(StringRef OpcodeName) const {
+    return I.TheDef->getName() == OpcodeName;
+  }
+  bool hasVariadicDefs() const;
+  bool isVariadic() const override { return I.Operands.isVariadic; }
+  unsigned getNumInstDefs() const override;
+  unsigned getNumInstOperands() const override;
+  const CodeGenInstruction &getInst() const { return I; }
+  StringRef getInstName() const override { return I.TheDef->getName(); }
+  const CodeGenInstruction &I;
+bool CodeGenInstructionPattern::hasVariadicDefs() const {
+  // Note: we cannot use variadicOpsAreDefs, it's not set for
+  // GenericInstructions.
+  if (!isVariadic())
+    return false;
+  if (I.variadicOpsAreDefs)
+    return true;
+  DagInit *OutOps = I.TheDef->getValueAsDag("OutOperandList");
+  if (OutOps->arg_empty())
+    return false;
+  auto *LastArgTy = dyn_cast<DefInit>(OutOps->getArg(OutOps->arg_size() - 1));
+  return LastArgTy && LastArgTy->getDef()->getName() == "variable_ops";
+unsigned CodeGenInstructionPattern::getNumInstDefs() const {
+  if (!isVariadic() || !hasVariadicDefs())
+    return I.Operands.NumDefs;
+  unsigned NumOuts = I.Operands.size() - I.Operands.NumDefs;
+  assert(Operands.size() > NumOuts);
+  return std::max<unsigned>(I.Operands.NumDefs, Operands.size() - NumOuts);
+unsigned CodeGenInstructionPattern::getNumInstOperands() const {
+  unsigned NumCGIOps = I.Operands.size();
+  return isVariadic() ? std::max<unsigned>(NumCGIOps, Operands.size())
+                      : NumCGIOps;
+//===- OperandTypeChecker -------------------------------------------------===//
+/// This is a trivial type checker for all operands in a set of
+/// InstructionPatterns.
+/// It infers the type of each operand, check it's consistent with the known
+/// type of the operand, and then sets all of the types in all operands in
+/// setAllOperandTypes.
+class OperandTypeChecker {
+  OperandTypeChecker(ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) : DiagLoc(DiagLoc) {}
+  bool check(InstructionPattern *P);
+  void setAllOperandTypes();
+  struct OpTypeInfo {
+    const Record *Type = nullptr;
+    InstructionPattern *TypeSrc = nullptr;
+  };
+  ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc;
+  StringMap<OpTypeInfo> Types;
+  SmallVector<InstructionPattern *, 16> Pats;
+bool OperandTypeChecker::check(InstructionPattern *P) {
+  Pats.push_back(P);
+  for (auto &Op : P->named_operands()) {
+    const Record *Ty = Op.getType();
+    if (!Ty)
+      continue;
+    auto &Info = Types[Op.getOperandName()];
+    if (!Info.Type) {
+      Info.Type = Ty;
+      Info.TypeSrc = P;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (Info.Type != Ty) {
+      PrintError(DiagLoc, "conflicting types for operand '" +
+                              Op.getOperandName() + "': first seen with '" +
+                              Info.Type->getName() + "' in '" +
+                              Info.TypeSrc->getName() + ", now seen with '" +
+                              Ty->getName() + "' in '" + P->getName() + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void OperandTypeChecker::setAllOperandTypes() {
+  for (auto *Pat : Pats) {
+    for (auto &Op : Pat->named_operands()) {
+      if (auto &Info = Types[Op.getOperandName()]; Info.Type)
+        Op.setType(Info.Type);
+    }
+  }
+//===- PatFrag ------------------------------------------------------------===//
+/// Represents a parsed GICombinePatFrag. This can be thought of as the
+/// equivalent of a CodeGenInstruction, but for PatFragPatterns.
+/// PatFrags are made of 3 things:
+///   - Out parameters (defs)
+///   - In parameters
+///   - A set of pattern lists (alternatives).
+/// If the PatFrag uses instruction patterns, the root must be one of the defs.
+/// Note that this DOES NOT represent the use of the PatFrag, only its
+/// definition. The use of the PatFrag in a Pattern is represented by
+/// PatFragPattern.
+/// PatFrags use the term "parameter" instead of operand because they're
+/// essentially macros, and using that name avoids confusion. Other than that,
+/// they're structured similarly to a MachineInstruction  - all parameters
+/// (operands) are in the same list, with defs at the start. This helps mapping
+/// parameters to values, because, param N of a PatFrag is always operand N of a
+/// PatFragPattern.
+class PatFrag {
+  enum ParamKind {
+    PK_Root,
+    PK_MachineOperand,
+    PK_Imm,
+  };
+  struct Param {
+    StringRef Name;
+    ParamKind Kind;
+  };
+  using ParamVec = SmallVector<Param, 4>;
+  using ParamIt = ParamVec::const_iterator;
+  /// Represents an alternative of the PatFrag. When parsing a GICombinePatFrag,
+  /// this is created from its "Alternatives" list. Each alternative is a list
+  /// of patterns written wrapped in a  `(pattern ...)` dag init.
+  ///
+  /// Each argument to the `pattern` DAG operator is parsed into a Pattern
+  /// instance.
+  struct Alternative {
+    OperandTable<> OpTable;
+    SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Pattern>, 4> Pats;
+  };
+  PatFrag(const Record &Def) : Def(Def) {}
+  static StringRef getParamKindStr(ParamKind OK);
+  StringRef getName() const { return Def.getName(); }
+  const Record &getDef() const { return Def; }
+  ArrayRef<SMLoc> getLoc() const { return Def.getLoc(); }
+  Alternative &addAlternative() { return Alts.emplace_back(); }
+  const Alternative &getAlternative(unsigned K) const { return Alts[K]; }
+  unsigned num_alternatives() const { return Alts.size(); }
+  void addInParam(StringRef Name, ParamKind Kind);
+  iterator_range<ParamIt> in_params() const;
+  unsigned num_in_params() const { return Params.size() - NumOutParams; }
+  void addOutParam(StringRef Name, ParamKind Kind);
+  iterator_range<ParamIt> out_params() const;
+  unsigned num_out_params() const { return NumOutParams; }
+  unsigned num_roots() const;
+  unsigned num_params() const { return num_in_params() + num_out_params(); }
+  /// Finds the operand \p Name and returns its index or -1 if not found.
+  /// Remember that all params are part of the same list, with out params at the
+  /// start. This means that the index returned can be used to access operands
+  /// of InstructionPatterns.
+  unsigned getParamIdx(StringRef Name) const;
+  const Param &getParam(unsigned K) const { return Params[K]; }
+  bool canBeMatchRoot() const { return num_roots() == 1; }
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Indent = "") const;
+  void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
+  /// Checks if the in-param \p ParamName can be unbound or not.
+  /// \p ArgName is the name of the argument passed to the PatFrag.
+  ///
+  /// An argument can be unbound only if, for all alternatives:
+  ///   - There is no CXX pattern, OR:
+  ///   - There is an InstructionPattern that binds the parameter.
+  ///
+  /// e.g. in (MyPatFrag $foo), if $foo has never been seen before (= it's
+  /// unbound), this checks if MyPatFrag supports it or not.
+  bool handleUnboundInParam(StringRef ParamName, StringRef ArgName,
+                            ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) const;
+  bool checkSemantics();
+  bool buildOperandsTables();
+  static void printParamsList(raw_ostream &OS, iterator_range<ParamIt> Params);
+  void PrintError(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintError(&Def, Msg); }
+  const Record &Def;
+  unsigned NumOutParams = 0;
+  ParamVec Params;
+  SmallVector<Alternative, 2> Alts;
+StringRef PatFrag::getParamKindStr(ParamKind OK) {
+  switch (OK) {
+  case PK_Root:
+    return "root";
+  case PK_MachineOperand:
+    return "machine_operand";
+  case PK_Imm:
+    return "imm";
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unknown operand kind!");
+void PatFrag::addInParam(StringRef Name, ParamKind Kind) {
+  Params.emplace_back(Param{insertStrRef(Name), Kind});
+iterator_range<PatFrag::ParamIt> PatFrag::in_params() const {
+  return {Params.begin() + NumOutParams, Params.end()};
+void PatFrag::addOutParam(StringRef Name, ParamKind Kind) {
+  assert(NumOutParams == Params.size() &&
+         "Adding out-param after an in-param!");
+  Params.emplace_back(Param{insertStrRef(Name), Kind});
+  ++NumOutParams;
+iterator_range<PatFrag::ParamIt> PatFrag::out_params() const {
+  return {Params.begin(), Params.begin() + NumOutParams};
+unsigned PatFrag::num_roots() const {
+  return count_if(out_params(),
+                  [&](const auto &P) { return P.Kind == PK_Root; });
+unsigned PatFrag::getParamIdx(StringRef Name) const {
+  for (const auto &[Idx, Op] : enumerate(Params)) {
+    if (Op.Name == Name)
+      return Idx;
+  }
+  return -1;
+bool PatFrag::checkSemantics() {
+  for (const auto &Alt : Alts) {
+    for (const auto &Pat : Alt.Pats) {
+      switch (Pat->getKind()) {
+      case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
+        PrintError("wip_match_opcode cannot be used in " + PatFragClassName);
+        return false;
+      case Pattern::K_CXX:
+      case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
+        continue;
+      case Pattern::K_PatFrag:
+        // TODO: It's just that the emitter doesn't handle it but technically
+        // there is no reason why we can't. We just have to be careful with
+        // operand mappings, it could get complex.
+        PrintError("nested " + PatFragClassName + " are not supported");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  StringSet<> SeenOps;
+  for (const auto &Op : in_params()) {
+    if (SeenOps.count(Op.Name)) {
+      PrintError("duplicate parameter '" + Op.Name + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Check this operand is NOT defined in any alternative's patterns.
+    for (const auto &Alt : Alts) {
+      if (Alt.OpTable.lookup(Op.Name).Def) {
+        PrintError("input parameter '" + Op.Name + "' cannot be redefined!");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    if (Op.Kind == PK_Root) {
+      PrintError("input parameterr '" + Op.Name + "' cannot be a root!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    SeenOps.insert(Op.Name);
+  }
+  for (const auto &Op : out_params()) {
+    if (Op.Kind != PK_Root && Op.Kind != PK_MachineOperand) {
+      PrintError("output parameter '" + Op.Name +
+                 "' must be 'root' or 'gi_mo'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (SeenOps.count(Op.Name)) {
+      PrintError("duplicate parameter '" + Op.Name + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Check this operand is defined in all alternative's patterns.
+    for (const auto &Alt : Alts) {
+      if (!Alt.OpTable.getDef(Op.Name)) {
+        PrintError("output parameter '" + Op.Name +
+                   "' must be defined by all alternative patterns in '" +
+                   Def.getName() + "'");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    SeenOps.insert(Op.Name);
+  }
+  if (num_out_params() != 0 && num_roots() == 0) {
+    PrintError(PatFragClassName + " must have one root in its 'out' operands");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (num_roots() > 1) {
+    PrintError(PatFragClassName + " can only have one root");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // TODO: find unused params
+  // Now, typecheck all alternatives.
+  for (auto &Alt : Alts) {
+    OperandTypeChecker OTC(Def.getLoc());
+    for (auto &Pat : Alt.Pats) {
+      if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+        if (!OTC.check(IP))
+          return false;
+      }
+    }
+    OTC.setAllOperandTypes();
+  }
+  return true;
+bool PatFrag::handleUnboundInParam(StringRef ParamName, StringRef ArgName,
+                                   ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) const {
+  // The parameter must be a live-in of all alternatives for this to work.
+  // Otherwise, we risk having unbound parameters being used (= crashes).
+  //
+  // Examples:
+  //
+  // in (ins $y), (patterns (G_FNEG $dst, $y), "return matchFnegOp(${y})")
+  //    even if $y is unbound, we'll lazily bind it when emitting the G_FNEG.
+  //
+  // in (ins $y), (patterns "return matchFnegOp(${y})")
+  //    if $y is unbound when this fragment is emitted, C++ code expansion will
+  //    fail.
+  for (const auto &Alt : Alts) {
+    auto &OT = Alt.OpTable;
+    if (!OT.lookup(ParamName).Found) {
+      ::PrintError(DiagLoc, "operand '" + ArgName + "' (for parameter '" +
+                                ParamName + "' of '" + getName() +
+                                "') cannot be unbound");
+      PrintNote(
+          DiagLoc,
+          "one or more alternatives of '" + getName() + "' do not bind '" +
+              ParamName +
+              "' to an instruction operand; either use a bound operand or "
+              "ensure '" +
+              Def.getName() + "' binds '" + ParamName +
+              "' in all alternatives");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool PatFrag::buildOperandsTables() {
+  // enumerate(...) doesn't seem to allow lvalues so we need to count the old
+  // way.
+  unsigned Idx = 0;
+  const auto DiagnoseRedef = [this, &Idx](StringRef OpName) {
+    PrintError("Operand '" + OpName +
+               "' is defined multiple times in patterns of alternative #" +
+               to_string(Idx));
+  };
+  for (auto &Alt : Alts) {
+    for (auto &Pat : Alt.Pats) {
+      auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get());
+      if (!IP)
+        continue;
+      if (!Alt.OpTable.addPattern(IP, DiagnoseRedef))
+        return false;
+    }
+    ++Idx;
+  }
+  return true;
+void PatFrag::print(raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Indent) const {
+  OS << Indent << "(PatFrag name:" << getName() << "\n";
+  if (!in_params().empty()) {
+    OS << Indent << "  (ins ";
+    printParamsList(OS, in_params());
+    OS << ")\n";
+  }
+  if (!out_params().empty()) {
+    OS << Indent << "  (outs ";
+    printParamsList(OS, out_params());
+    OS << ")\n";
+  }
+  // TODO: Dump OperandTable as well.
+  OS << Indent << "  (alternatives [\n";
+  for (const auto &Alt : Alts) {
+    OS << Indent << "    [\n";
+    for (const auto &Pat : Alt.Pats) {
+      OS << Indent << "      ";
+      Pat->print(OS, /*PrintName=*/true);
+      OS << ",\n";
+    }
+    OS << Indent << "    ],\n";
+  }
+  OS << Indent << "  ])\n";
+  OS << Indent << ')';
+void PatFrag::printParamsList(raw_ostream &OS, iterator_range<ParamIt> Params) {
+  OS << '['
+     << join(map_range(Params,
+                       [](auto &O) {
+                         return (O.Name + ":" + getParamKindStr(O.Kind)).str();
+                       }),
+             ", ")
+     << ']';
+//===- PatFragPattern -----------------------------------------------------===//
+class PatFragPattern : public InstructionPattern {
+  PatFragPattern(const PatFrag &PF, StringRef Name)
+      : InstructionPattern(K_PatFrag, Name), PF(PF) {}
+  static bool classof(const Pattern *P) { return P->getKind() == K_PatFrag; }
+  const PatFrag &getPatFrag() const { return PF; }
+  StringRef getInstName() const override { return PF.getName(); }
+  unsigned getNumInstDefs() const override { return PF.num_out_params(); }
+  unsigned getNumInstOperands() const override { return PF.num_params(); }
+  bool checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) override;
+  /// Before emitting the patterns inside the PatFrag, add all necessary code
+  /// expansions to \p PatFragCEs imported from \p ParentCEs.
+  ///
+  /// For a MachineOperand PatFrag parameter, this will fetch the expansion for
+  /// that operand from \p ParentCEs and add it to \p PatFragCEs. Errors can be
+  /// emitted if the MachineOperand reference is unbound.
+  ///
+  /// For an Immediate PatFrag parameter this simply adds the integer value to
+  /// \p PatFragCEs as an expansion.
+  ///
+  /// \param ParentCEs Contains all of the code expansions declared by the other
+  ///                  patterns emitted so far in the pattern list containing
+  ///                  this PatFragPattern.
+  /// \param PatFragCEs Output Code Expansions (usually empty)
+  /// \param DiagLoc    Diagnostic loc in case an error occurs.
+  /// \return `true` on success, `false` on failure.
+  bool mapInputCodeExpansions(const CodeExpansions &ParentCEs,
+                              CodeExpansions &PatFragCEs,
+                              ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) const;
+  const PatFrag &PF;
+bool PatFragPattern::checkSemantics(ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) {
+  InstructionPattern::checkSemantics(DiagLoc);
+  for (const auto &[Idx, Op] : enumerate(Operands)) {
+    switch (PF.getParam(Idx).Kind) {
+    case PatFrag::PK_Imm:
+      if (!Op.hasImmValue()) {
+        PrintError(DiagLoc, "expected operand " + to_string(Idx) + " of '" +
+                                getInstName() + "' to be an immediate; got " +
+                                Op.describe());
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
+        PrintError(DiagLoc, "operand " + to_string(Idx) + " of '" +
+                                getInstName() +
+                                "' cannot be a named immediate");
+        return false;
+      }
+      break;
+    case PatFrag::PK_Root:
+    case PatFrag::PK_MachineOperand:
+      if (!Op.isNamedOperand() || Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
+        PrintError(DiagLoc, "expected operand " + to_string(Idx) + " of '" +
+                                getInstName() +
+                                "' to be a MachineOperand; got " +
+                                Op.describe());
+        return false;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool PatFragPattern::mapInputCodeExpansions(const CodeExpansions &ParentCEs,
+                                            CodeExpansions &PatFragCEs,
+                                            ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc) const {
+  for (const auto &[Idx, Op] : enumerate(operands())) {
+    StringRef ParamName = PF.getParam(Idx).Name;
+    // Operands to a PFP can only be named, or be an immediate, but not a named
+    // immediate.
+    assert(!Op.isNamedImmediate());
+    if (Op.isNamedOperand()) {
+      StringRef ArgName = Op.getOperandName();
+      // Map it only if it's been defined.
+      auto It = ParentCEs.find(ArgName);
+      if (It == ParentCEs.end()) {
+        if (!PF.handleUnboundInParam(ParamName, ArgName, DiagLoc))
+          return false;
+      } else
+        PatFragCEs.declare(ParamName, It->second);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (Op.hasImmValue()) {
+      PatFragCEs.declare(ParamName, to_string(Op.getImmValue()));
+      continue;
+    }
+    llvm_unreachable("Unknown Operand Type!");
+  }
+  return true;
+//===- PrettyStackTrace Helpers  ------------------------------------------===//
+class PrettyStackTraceParse : public PrettyStackTraceEntry {
+  const Record &Def;
+  PrettyStackTraceParse(const Record &Def) : Def(Def) {}
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
+    if (Def.isSubClassOf("GICombineRule"))
+      OS << "Parsing GICombineRule '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    else if (Def.isSubClassOf(PatFragClassName))
+      OS << "Parsing " << PatFragClassName << " '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    else
+      OS << "Parsing '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    OS << "\n";
+  }
+class PrettyStackTraceEmit : public PrettyStackTraceEntry {
+  const Record &Def;
+  const Pattern *Pat = nullptr;
+  PrettyStackTraceEmit(const Record &Def, const Pattern *Pat = nullptr)
+      : Def(Def), Pat(Pat) {}
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
+    if (Def.isSubClassOf("GICombineRule"))
+      OS << "Emitting GICombineRule '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    else if (Def.isSubClassOf(PatFragClassName))
+      OS << "Emitting " << PatFragClassName << " '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    else
+      OS << "Emitting '" << Def.getName() << "'";
+    if (Pat)
+      OS << " [" << Pat->getKindName() << " '" << Pat->getName() << "']";
+    OS << "\n";
+  }
+//===- CombineRuleBuilder -------------------------------------------------===//
+/// Parses combine rule and builds a small intermediate representation to tie
+/// patterns together and emit RuleMatchers to match them. This may emit more
+/// than one RuleMatcher, e.g. for `wip_match_opcode`.
+/// Memory management for `Pattern` objects is done through `std::unique_ptr`.
+/// In most cases, there are two stages to a pattern's lifetime:
+///   - Creation in a `parse` function
+///     - The unique_ptr is stored in a variable, and may be destroyed if the
+///       pattern is found to be semantically invalid.
+///   - Ownership transfer into a `PatternMap`
+///     - Once a pattern is moved into either the map of Match or Apply
+///       patterns, it is known to be valid and it never moves back.
+class CombineRuleBuilder {
+  using PatternMap = MapVector<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<Pattern>>;
+  using PatternAlternatives = DenseMap<const Pattern *, unsigned>;
+  CombineRuleBuilder(const CodeGenTarget &CGT,
+                     SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures,
+                     Record &RuleDef, unsigned ID,
+                     std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs)
+      : CGT(CGT), SubtargetFeatures(SubtargetFeatures), RuleDef(RuleDef),
+        RuleID(ID), OutRMs(OutRMs) {}
+  /// Parses all fields in the RuleDef record.
+  bool parseAll();
+  /// Emits all RuleMatchers into the vector of RuleMatchers passed in the
+  /// constructor.
+  bool emitRuleMatchers();
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
+  void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
+  /// Debug-only verification of invariants.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  void verify() const;
+  const CodeGenInstruction &getGConstant() const {
+    return CGT.getInstruction(RuleDef.getRecords().getDef("G_CONSTANT"));
+  }
+  void PrintError(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintError(&RuleDef, Msg); }
+  void PrintWarning(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintWarning(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
+  void PrintNote(Twine Msg) const { ::PrintNote(RuleDef.getLoc(), Msg); }
+  void print(raw_ostream &OS, const PatternAlternatives &Alts) const;
+  bool addApplyPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat);
+  bool addMatchPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat);
+  /// Adds the expansions from \see MatchDatas to \p CE.
+  void declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CodeExpansions &CE) const;
+  /// Adds a matcher \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
+  /// Note that the predicate is added on the last InstructionMatcher.
+  ///
+  /// \p Alts is only used if DebugCXXPreds is enabled.
+  void addCXXPredicate(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
+                       const CXXPattern &P, const PatternAlternatives &Alts);
+  /// Adds an apply \p P to \p IM, expanding its code using \p CE.
+  void addCXXAction(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
+                    const CXXPattern &P);
+  bool hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns() const;
+  bool hasAnyOpcodeMatchPattern() const {
+    return any_of(MatchPats, [&](const auto &E) {
+      return isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(E.second.get());
+    });
+  }
+  // Infer machine operand types and check their consistency.
+  bool typecheckPatterns();
+  /// For all PatFragPatterns, add a new entry in PatternAlternatives for each
+  /// PatternList it contains. This is multiplicative, so if we have 2
+  /// PatFrags with 3 alternatives each, we get 2*3 permutations added to
+  /// PermutationsToEmit. The "MaxPermutations" field controls how many
+  /// permutations are allowed before an error is emitted and this function
+  /// returns false. This is a simple safeguard to prevent combination of
+  /// PatFrags from generating enormous amounts of rules.
+  bool buildPermutationsToEmit();
+  /// Creates a new RuleMatcher with some boilerplate
+  /// settings/actions/predicates, and and adds it to \p OutRMs.
+  /// \see addFeaturePredicates too.
+  ///
+  /// \param Alts Current set of alternatives, for debug comment.
+  /// \param AdditionalComment Comment string to be added to the
+  ///        `DebugCommentAction`.
+  RuleMatcher &addRuleMatcher(const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
+                              Twine AdditionalComment = "");
+  bool addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M);
+  bool findRoots();
+  bool buildRuleOperandsTable();
+  bool parseDefs(const DagInit &Def);
+  bool
+  parsePatternList(const DagInit &List,
+                   function_ref<bool(std::unique_ptr<Pattern>)> ParseAction,
+                   StringRef Operator, ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc,
+                   StringRef AnonPatNamePrefix) const;
+  std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseInstructionPattern(const Init &Arg,
+                                                   StringRef PatName) const;
+  std::unique_ptr<Pattern> parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
+                                                      StringRef PatName) const;
+  bool parseInstructionPatternOperand(InstructionPattern &IP,
+                                      const Init *OpInit,
+                                      const StringInit *OpName) const;
+  std::unique_ptr<PatFrag> parsePatFragImpl(const Record *Def) const;
+  bool parsePatFragParamList(
+      ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc, const DagInit &OpsList,
+      function_ref<bool(StringRef, PatFrag::ParamKind)> ParseAction) const;
+  const PatFrag *parsePatFrag(const Record *Def) const;
+  bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
+                        const InstructionPattern &IP);
+  bool emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
+                        const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP);
+  bool emitPatFragMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
+                               const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &RM,
+                               InstructionMatcher *IM,
+                               const PatFragPattern &PFP,
+                               DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats);
+  bool emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M);
+  // Recursively visits CodeGenInstructionPattern from P to build up the
+  // RuleMatcher actions.
+  bool
+  emitCodeGenInstructionApplyPattern(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M,
+                                     const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+                                     DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats,
+                                     StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID);
+  bool
+  emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(RuleMatcher &M, BuildMIAction &DstMI,
+                                        const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+                                        const InstructionPattern::Operand &O);
+  // Recursively visits CodeGenInstructionPattern from P to build up the
+  // RuleMatcher/InstructionMatcher. May create new InstructionMatchers as
+  // needed.
+  using OperandMapperFnRef = function_ref<InstructionPattern::Operand(
+      const InstructionPattern::Operand &)>;
+  using OperandDefLookupFn =
+      function_ref<const InstructionPattern *(StringRef)>;
+  bool emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
+      CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &M,
+      InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+      DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats, OperandDefLookupFn LookupOperandDef,
+      OperandMapperFnRef OperandMapper = [](const auto &O) { return O; });
+  const CodeGenTarget &CGT;
+  SubtargetFeatureInfoMap &SubtargetFeatures;
+  Record &RuleDef;
+  const unsigned RuleID;
+  std::vector<RuleMatcher> &OutRMs;
+  // For InstructionMatcher::addOperand
+  unsigned AllocatedTemporariesBaseID = 0;
+  /// The root of the pattern.
+  StringRef RootName;
+  /// These maps have ownership of the actual Pattern objects.
+  /// They both map a Pattern's name to the Pattern instance.
+  PatternMap MatchPats;
+  PatternMap ApplyPats;
+  /// Operand tables to tie match/apply patterns together.
+  OperandTable<> MatchOpTable;
+  OperandTable<CodeGenInstructionPattern> ApplyOpTable;
+  /// Set by findRoots.
+  Pattern *MatchRoot = nullptr;
+  SmallDenseSet<InstructionPattern *, 2> ApplyRoots;
+  SmallVector<MatchDataInfo, 2> MatchDatas;
+  SmallVector<PatternAlternatives, 1> PermutationsToEmit;
+  // print()/debug-only members.
+  mutable SmallPtrSet<const PatFrag *, 2> SeenPatFrags;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseAll() {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceParse(RuleDef);
+  if (!parseDefs(*RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Defs")))
+    return false;
+  if (!parsePatternList(
+          *RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Match"),
+          [this](auto Pat) { return addMatchPattern(std::move(Pat)); }, "match",
+          RuleDef.getLoc(), (RuleDef.getName() + "_match").str()))
+    return false;
+  if (!parsePatternList(
+          *RuleDef.getValueAsDag("Apply"),
+          [this](auto Pat) { return addApplyPattern(std::move(Pat)); }, "apply",
+          RuleDef.getLoc(), (RuleDef.getName() + "_apply").str()))
+    return false;
+  if (!buildRuleOperandsTable() || !typecheckPatterns() || !findRoots() ||
+      !buildPermutationsToEmit())
+    return false;
+  LLVM_DEBUG(verify());
+  return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitRuleMatchers() {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef);
+  assert(MatchRoot);
+  CodeExpansions CE;
+  declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(CE);
+  assert(!PermutationsToEmit.empty());
+  for (const auto &Alts : PermutationsToEmit) {
+    switch (MatchRoot->getKind()) {
+    case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode: {
+      if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, Alts, *cast<AnyOpcodePattern>(MatchRoot)))
+        return false;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Pattern::K_PatFrag:
+    case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
+      if (!emitMatchPattern(CE, Alts, *cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot)))
+        return false;
+      break;
+    case Pattern::K_CXX:
+      PrintError("C++ code cannot be the root of a rule!");
+      return false;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
+  OS << "(CombineRule name:" << RuleDef.getName() << " id:" << RuleID
+     << " root:" << RootName << "\n";
+  if (!MatchDatas.empty()) {
+    OS << "  (MatchDatas\n";
+    for (const auto &MD : MatchDatas) {
+      OS << "    ";
+      MD.print(OS);
+      OS << "\n";
+    }
+    OS << "  )\n";
+  }
+  if (!SeenPatFrags.empty()) {
+    OS << "  (PatFrags\n";
+    for (const auto *PF : SeenPatFrags) {
+      PF->print(OS, /*Indent=*/"    ");
+      OS << "\n";
+    }
+    OS << "  )\n";
+  }
+  const auto DumpPats = [&](StringRef Name, const PatternMap &Pats) {
+    OS << "  (" << Name << " ";
+    if (Pats.empty()) {
+      OS << "<empty>)\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    OS << "\n";
+    for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
+      OS << "    ";
+      if (Pat.get() == MatchRoot)
+        OS << "<match_root>";
+      if (isa<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get()) &&
+          ApplyRoots.contains(cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())))
+        OS << "<apply_root>";
+      OS << Name << ":";
+      Pat->print(OS, /*PrintName=*/false);
+      OS << "\n";
+    }
+    OS << "  )\n";
+  };
+  DumpPats("MatchPats", MatchPats);
+  DumpPats("ApplyPats", ApplyPats);
+  MatchOpTable.print(OS, "MatchPats", /*Indent*/ "  ");
+  ApplyOpTable.print(OS, "ApplyPats", /*Indent*/ "  ");
+  if (PermutationsToEmit.size() > 1) {
+    OS << "  (PermutationsToEmit\n";
+    for (const auto &Perm : PermutationsToEmit) {
+      OS << "    ";
+      print(OS, Perm);
+      OS << ",\n";
+    }
+    OS << "  )\n";
+  }
+  OS << ")\n";
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+void CombineRuleBuilder::verify() const {
+  const auto VerifyPats = [&](const PatternMap &Pats) {
+    for (const auto &[Name, Pat] : Pats) {
+      if (!Pat)
+        PrintFatalError("null pattern in pattern map!");
+      if (Name != Pat->getName()) {
+        Pat->dump();
+        PrintFatalError("Pattern name mismatch! Map name: " + Name +
                         ", Pat name: " + Pat->getName());
-      // As an optimization, the PatternMaps don't re-allocate the PatternName
-      // string. They simply reference the std::string inside Pattern. Ensure
-      // this is the case to avoid memory issues.
+      // Sanity check: the map should point to the same data as the Pattern.
+      // Both strings are allocated in the pool using insertStrRef.
       if (Name.data() != Pat->getName().data()) {
         dbgs() << "Map StringRef: '" << Name << "' @ "
                << (const void *)Name.data() << "\n";
@@ -701,41 +1715,91 @@ void CombineRuleBuilder::verify() const {
-  for (const auto &[Name, Op] : OperandTable) {
-    if (Op.ApplyPat && !Op.MatchPat) {
-      dump();
-      PrintFatalError("Operand " + Name +
-                      " has an apply pattern, but no match pattern!");
-    }
+  // Check there are no wip_match_opcode patterns in the "apply" patterns.
+  if (any_of(ApplyPats,
+             [&](auto &E) { return isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(E.second.get()); })) {
+    dump();
+    PrintFatalError(
+        "illegal wip_match_opcode pattern in the 'apply' patterns!");
+  }
+  // Check there are no nullptrs in ApplyRoots.
+  if (ApplyRoots.contains(nullptr)) {
+    PrintFatalError(
+        "CombineRuleBuilder's ApplyRoots set contains a null pointer!");
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M) {
-  if (!RuleDef.getValue("Predicates"))
-    return true;
+void CombineRuleBuilder::print(raw_ostream &OS,
+                               const PatternAlternatives &Alts) const {
+  SmallVector<std::string, 1> Strings(
+      map_range(Alts, [](const auto &PatAndPerm) {
+        return PatAndPerm.first->getName().str() + "[" +
+               to_string(PatAndPerm.second) + "]";
+      }));
+  // Sort so output is deterministic for tests. Otherwise it's sorted by pointer
+  // values.
+  sort(Strings);
+  OS << "[" << join(Strings, ", ") << "]";
-  ListInit *Preds = RuleDef.getValueAsListInit("Predicates");
-  for (Init *I : Preds->getValues()) {
-    if (DefInit *Pred = dyn_cast<DefInit>(I)) {
-      Record *Def = Pred->getDef();
-      if (!Def->isSubClassOf("Predicate")) {
-        ::PrintError(Def->getLoc(), "Unknown 'Predicate' Type");
-        return false;
-      }
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::addApplyPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat) {
+  StringRef Name = Pat->getName();
+  if (ApplyPats.contains(Name)) {
+    PrintError("'" + Name + "' apply pattern defined more than once!");
+    return false;
+  }
-      if (Def->getValueAsString("CondString").empty())
-        continue;
+  if (isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(Pat.get())) {
+    PrintError("'" + Name +
+               "': wip_match_opcode is not supported in apply patterns");
+    return false;
+  }
-      if (SubtargetFeatures.count(Def) == 0) {
-        SubtargetFeatures.emplace(
-            Def, SubtargetFeatureInfo(Def, SubtargetFeatures.size()));
-      }
+  if (isa<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+    if (hasAnyOpcodeMatchPattern()) {
+      PrintError("cannot use wip_match_opcode in combination with apply "
+                 "instruction patterns!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (isa<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+      PrintError("'" + Name + "': using " + PatFragClassName +
+                 " is not supported in apply patterns");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()))
+    CXXPat->setIsApply();
+  ApplyPats[Name] = std::move(Pat);
+  return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::addMatchPattern(std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat) {
+  StringRef Name = Pat->getName();
+  if (MatchPats.contains(Name)) {
+    PrintError("'" + Name + "' match pattern defined more than once!");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // TODO: Could move this to some "checkSemantics" method?
+  if (isa<AnyOpcodePattern>(Pat.get())) {
+    if (hasAnyOpcodeMatchPattern()) {
+      PrintError("wip_opcode_match can only be present once");
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
-      M.addRequiredFeature(Def);
+  if (const auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+    if (!CXXPat->getRawCode().contains("return ")) {
+      PrintWarning("'match' C++ code does not seem to return!");
+  MatchPats[Name] = std::move(Pat);
   return true;
@@ -745,109 +1809,273 @@ void CombineRuleBuilder::declareAllMatchDatasExpansions(
     CE.declare(MD.getPatternSymbol(), MD.getQualifiedVariableName());
-void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXPredicate(InstructionMatcher &IM,
+void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXPredicate(RuleMatcher &M,
                                          const CodeExpansions &CE,
-                                         const CXXPattern &P) {
-  const auto &ExpandedCode = P.expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
-  IM.addPredicate<GenericInstructionPredicateMatcher>(
+                                         const CXXPattern &P,
+                                         const PatternAlternatives &Alts) {
+  // FIXME: Hack so C++ code is executed last. May not work for more complex
+  // patterns.
+  auto &IM = *std::prev(M.insnmatchers().end());
+  const auto &ExpandedCode =
+      P.expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc(), [&](raw_ostream &OS) {
+        OS << "// Pattern Alternatives: ";
+        print(OS, Alts);
+        OS << "\n";
+      });
+  IM->addPredicate<GenericInstructionPredicateMatcher>(
-std::string CombineRuleBuilder::makeAnonPatName(StringRef Prefix) const {
-  return to_string("__anon_pat_" + Prefix + "_" + to_string(RuleID) + "_" +
-                   to_string(AnonIDCnt++));
+void CombineRuleBuilder::addCXXAction(RuleMatcher &M, const CodeExpansions &CE,
+                                      const CXXPattern &P) {
+  const auto &ExpandedCode = P.expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
+  M.addAction<CustomCXXAction>(
+      ExpandedCode.getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix));
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns() const {
+  return all_of(ApplyPats, [&](auto &Entry) {
+    return isa<CXXPattern>(Entry.second.get());
+  });
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::typecheckPatterns() {
+  OperandTypeChecker OTC(RuleDef.getLoc());
+  for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
+    if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+      if (!OTC.check(IP))
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
+    if (auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+      if (!OTC.check(IP))
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  OTC.setAllOperandTypes();
+  return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildPermutationsToEmit() {
+  PermutationsToEmit.clear();
+  // Start with one empty set of alternatives.
+  PermutationsToEmit.emplace_back();
+  for (const auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
+    unsigned NumAlts = 0;
+    // Note: technically, AnyOpcodePattern also needs permutations, but:
+    //    - We only allow a single one of them in the root.
+    //    - They cannot be mixed with any other pattern other than C++ code.
+    // So we don't really need to take them into account here. We could, but
+    // that pattern is a hack anyway and the less it's involved, the better.
+    if (const auto *PFP = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get()))
+      NumAlts = PFP->getPatFrag().num_alternatives();
+    else
+      continue;
+    // For each pattern that needs permutations, multiply the current set of
+    // alternatives.
+    auto CurPerms = PermutationsToEmit;
+    PermutationsToEmit.clear();
+    for (const auto &Perm : CurPerms) {
+      assert(!Perm.count(Pat.get()) && "Pattern already emitted?");
+      for (unsigned K = 0; K < NumAlts; ++K) {
+        PatternAlternatives NewPerm = Perm;
+        NewPerm[Pat.get()] = K;
+        PermutationsToEmit.emplace_back(std::move(NewPerm));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (int64_t MaxPerms = RuleDef.getValueAsInt("MaxPermutations");
+      MaxPerms > 0) {
+    if ((int64_t)PermutationsToEmit.size() > MaxPerms) {
+      PrintError("cannot emit rule '" + RuleDef.getName() + "'; " +
+                 Twine(PermutationsToEmit.size()) +
+                 " permutations would be emitted, but the max is " +
+                 Twine(MaxPerms));
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Ensure we always have a single empty entry, it simplifies the emission
+  // logic so it doesn't need to handle the case where there are no perms.
+  if (PermutationsToEmit.empty()) {
+    PermutationsToEmit.emplace_back();
+    return true;
+  }
+  return true;
-RuleMatcher &CombineRuleBuilder::addRuleMatcher(Twine AdditionalComment) {
+RuleMatcher &CombineRuleBuilder::addRuleMatcher(const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
+                                                Twine AdditionalComment) {
   auto &RM = OutRMs.emplace_back(RuleDef.getLoc());
+  RM.setPermanentGISelFlags(GISF_IgnoreCopies);
-  const std::string AdditionalCommentStr = AdditionalComment.str();
-  RM.addAction<DebugCommentAction>(
-      "Combiner Rule #" + to_string(RuleID) + ": " + RuleDef.getName().str() +
-      (AdditionalCommentStr.empty() ? "" : "; " + AdditionalCommentStr));
+  std::string Comment;
+  raw_string_ostream CommentOS(Comment);
+  CommentOS << "Combiner Rule #" << RuleID << ": " << RuleDef.getName();
+  if (!Alts.empty()) {
+    CommentOS << " @ ";
+    print(CommentOS, Alts);
+  }
+  if (!AdditionalComment.isTriviallyEmpty())
+    CommentOS << "; " << AdditionalComment;
+  RM.addAction<DebugCommentAction>(Comment);
   return RM;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::addFeaturePredicates(RuleMatcher &M) {
+  if (!RuleDef.getValue("Predicates"))
+    return true;
+  ListInit *Preds = RuleDef.getValueAsListInit("Predicates");
+  for (Init *PI : Preds->getValues()) {
+    DefInit *Pred = dyn_cast<DefInit>(PI);
+    if (!Pred)
+      continue;
+    Record *Def = Pred->getDef();
+    if (!Def->isSubClassOf("Predicate")) {
+      ::PrintError(Def, "Unknown 'Predicate' Type");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (Def->getValueAsString("CondString").empty())
+      continue;
+    if (SubtargetFeatures.count(Def) == 0) {
+      SubtargetFeatures.emplace(
+          Def, SubtargetFeatureInfo(Def, SubtargetFeatures.size()));
+    }
+    M.addRequiredFeature(Def);
+  }
+  return true;
 bool CombineRuleBuilder::findRoots() {
+  const auto Finish = [&]() {
+    assert(MatchRoot);
+    if (hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns())
+      return true;
+    auto *IPRoot = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(MatchRoot);
+    if (!IPRoot)
+      return true;
+    if (IPRoot->getNumInstDefs() == 0) {
+      // No defs to work with -> find the root using the pattern name.
+      auto It = ApplyPats.find(RootName);
+      if (It == ApplyPats.end()) {
+        PrintError("Cannot find root '" + RootName + "' in apply patterns!");
+        return false;
+      }
+      auto *ApplyRoot = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(It->second.get());
+      if (!ApplyRoot) {
+        PrintError("apply pattern root '" + RootName +
+                   "' must be an instruction pattern");
+        return false;
+      }
+      ApplyRoots.insert(ApplyRoot);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Collect all redefinitions of the MatchRoot's defs and put them in
+    // ApplyRoots.
+    for (unsigned K = 0; K < IPRoot->getNumInstDefs(); ++K) {
+      auto &O = IPRoot->getOperand(K);
+      assert(O.isDef() && O.isNamedOperand());
+      StringRef Name = O.getOperandName();
+      auto *ApplyRedef = ApplyOpTable.getDef(Name);
+      if (!ApplyRedef) {
+        PrintError("def of pattern root '" + Name +
+                   "' is not redefined in the apply pattern!");
+        PrintNote("match pattern root is '" + MatchRoot->getName() + "'");
+        return false;
+      }
+      ApplyRoots.insert((InstructionPattern *)ApplyRedef);
+    }
+    if (auto It = ApplyPats.find(RootName); It != ApplyPats.end()) {
+      if (find(ApplyRoots, It->second.get()) == ApplyRoots.end()) {
+        PrintError("apply pattern '" + RootName +
+                   "' is supposed to be a root but it does not redefine any of "
+                   "the defs of the match root");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  };
   // Look by pattern name, e.g.
   //    (G_FNEG $x, $y):$root
-  if (auto It = MatchPats.find(RootName); It != MatchPats.end()) {
-    MatchRoot = It->second.get();
-    return true;
+  if (auto MatchPatIt = MatchPats.find(RootName);
+      MatchPatIt != MatchPats.end()) {
+    MatchRoot = MatchPatIt->second.get();
+    return Finish();
   // Look by def:
   //    (G_FNEG $root, $y)
-  auto It = OperandTable.find(RootName);
-  if (It == OperandTable.end()) {
+  auto LookupRes = MatchOpTable.lookup(RootName);
+  if (!LookupRes.Found) {
     PrintError("Cannot find root '" + RootName + "' in match patterns!");
     return false;
-  if (!It->second.MatchPat) {
+  MatchRoot = LookupRes.Def;
+  if (!MatchRoot) {
     PrintError("Cannot use live-in operand '" + RootName +
                "' as match pattern root!");
     return false;
-  MatchRoot = It->second.MatchPat;
-  return true;
+  return Finish();
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildOperandsTable() {
-  // Walk each instruction pattern
-  for (auto &P : values(MatchPats)) {
-    auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(P.get());
-    if (!IP)
-      continue;
-    for (const auto &Operand : IP->operands()) {
-      // Create an entry, no matter if it's a use or a def.
-      auto &Entry = OperandTable[Operand.Name];
-      // We only need to do additional checking on defs, though.
-      if (!Operand.IsDef)
-        continue;
-      if (Entry.MatchPat) {
-        PrintError("Operand '" + Operand.Name +
-                   "' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns");
-        return false;
-      }
-      Entry.MatchPat = IP;
-    }
-  }
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::buildRuleOperandsTable() {
+  const auto DiagnoseRedefMatch = [&](StringRef OpName) {
+    PrintError("Operand '" + OpName +
+               "' is defined multiple times in the 'match' patterns");
+  };
-  for (auto &P : values(ApplyPats)) {
-    auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(P.get());
-    if (!IP)
-      continue;
-    for (const auto &Operand : IP->operands()) {
-      // Create an entry, no matter if it's a use or a def.
-      auto &Entry = OperandTable[Operand.Name];
+  const auto DiagnoseRedefApply = [&](StringRef OpName) {
+    PrintError("Operand '" + OpName +
+               "' is defined multiple times in the 'apply' patterns");
+  };
-      // We only need to do additional checking on defs, though.
-      if (!Operand.IsDef)
-        continue;
+  for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
+    auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get());
+    if (IP && !MatchOpTable.addPattern(IP, DiagnoseRedefMatch))
+      return false;
+  }
-      if (!Entry.MatchPat) {
-        PrintError("Cannot define live-in operand '" + Operand.Name +
-                   "' in the 'apply' pattern");
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (Entry.ApplyPat) {
-        PrintError("Operand '" + Operand.Name +
-                   "' is defined multiple times in the 'apply' patterns");
-        return false;
-      }
-      Entry.ApplyPat = IP;
-    }
+  for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
+    auto *IP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Pat.get());
+    if (IP && !ApplyOpTable.addPattern(IP, DiagnoseRedefApply))
+      return false;
   return true;
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseDefs(DagInit &Def) {
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseDefs(const DagInit &Def) {
   if (Def.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "defs") {
     PrintError("Expected defs operator");
     return false;
@@ -893,98 +2121,84 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseDefs(DagInit &Def) {
   return true;
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseMatch(DagInit &Match) {
-  if (Match.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "match") {
-    PrintError("Expected match operator");
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::parsePatternList(
+    const DagInit &List,
+    function_ref<bool(std::unique_ptr<Pattern>)> ParseAction,
+    StringRef Operator, ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc,
+    StringRef AnonPatNamePrefix) const {
+  if (List.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != Operator) {
+    ::PrintError(DiagLoc, "Expected " + Operator + " operator");
     return false;
-  if (Match.getNumArgs() == 0) {
-    PrintError("Matcher is empty");
+  if (List.getNumArgs() == 0) {
+    ::PrintError(DiagLoc, Operator + " pattern list is empty");
     return false;
   // The match section consists of a list of matchers and predicates. Parse each
   // one and add the equivalent GIMatchDag nodes, predicates, and edges.
-  bool HasOpcodeMatcher = false;
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Match.getNumArgs(); ++I) {
-    Init *Arg = Match.getArg(I);
-    std::string Name = Match.getArgName(I)
-                           ? Match.getArgName(I)->getValue().str()
-                           : makeAnonPatName("match");
-    if (MatchPats.contains(Name)) {
-      PrintError("'" + Name + "' match pattern defined more than once!");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (auto Pat = parseInstructionMatcher(*Arg, Name)) {
-      MatchPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < List.getNumArgs(); ++I) {
+    Init *Arg = List.getArg(I);
+    std::string Name = List.getArgName(I)
+                           ? List.getArgName(I)->getValue().str()
+                           : makeAnonPatName(AnonPatNamePrefix, I);
+    if (auto Pat = parseInstructionPattern(*Arg, Name)) {
+      if (!ParseAction(std::move(Pat)))
+        return false;
     if (auto Pat = parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(*Arg, Name)) {
-      if (HasOpcodeMatcher) {
-        PrintError("wip_opcode_match can only be present once");
+      if (!ParseAction(std::move(Pat)))
         return false;
-      }
-      HasOpcodeMatcher = true;
-      MatchPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
     // Parse arbitrary C++ code
     if (const auto *StringI = dyn_cast<StringInit>(Arg)) {
-      auto CXXPat =
-          std::make_unique<CXXPattern>(*StringI, Name, /*IsApply*/ false);
-      if (!CXXPat->getRawCode().contains("return ")) {
-        PrintWarning(RuleDef.getLoc(),
-                     "'match' C++ code does not seem to return!");
-      }
-      MatchPats[CXXPat->getName()] = std::move(CXXPat);
+      auto CXXPat = std::make_unique<CXXPattern>(*StringI, Name);
+      if (!ParseAction(std::move(CXXPat)))
+        return false;
-    // TODO: don't print this on, e.g. bad operand count in inst pat
-    PrintError("Expected a subclass of GIMatchKind or a sub-dag whose "
-               "operator is either of a GIMatchKindWithArgs or Instruction");
-    PrintNote("Pattern was `" + Arg->getAsString() + "'");
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseApply(DagInit &Apply) {
-  // Currently we only support C++ :(
-  if (Apply.getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc())->getName() != "apply") {
-    PrintError("Expected 'apply' operator in Apply DAG");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (Apply.getNumArgs() != 1) {
-    PrintError("Expected exactly 1 argument in 'apply'");
+    ::PrintError(DiagLoc,
+                 "Failed to parse pattern: '" + Arg->getAsString() + "'");
     return false;
-  const StringInit *Code = dyn_cast<StringInit>(Apply.getArg(0));
-  auto Pat = std::make_unique<CXXPattern>(*Code, makeAnonPatName("apply"),
-                                          /*IsApply*/ true);
-  ApplyPats[Pat->getName()] = std::move(Pat);
   return true;
-CombineRuleBuilder::parseInstructionMatcher(const Init &Arg, StringRef Name) {
-  const DagInit *Matcher = getDagWithOperatorOfSubClass(Arg, "Instruction");
-  if (!Matcher)
+CombineRuleBuilder::parseInstructionPattern(const Init &Arg,
+                                            StringRef Name) const {
+  const DagInit *DagPat = dyn_cast<DagInit>(&Arg);
+  if (!DagPat)
     return nullptr;
-  auto &Instr = CGT.getInstruction(Matcher->getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc()));
-  auto Pat = std::make_unique<InstructionPattern>(Instr, Name);
+  std::unique_ptr<InstructionPattern> Pat;
+  if (const DagInit *IP = getDagWithOperatorOfSubClass(Arg, "Instruction")) {
+    auto &Instr = CGT.getInstruction(IP->getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc()));
+    Pat = std::make_unique<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Instr, Name);
+  } else if (const DagInit *PFP =
+                 getDagWithOperatorOfSubClass(Arg, PatFragClassName)) {
+    const Record *Def = PFP->getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc());
+    const PatFrag *PF = parsePatFrag(Def);
+    if (!PF)
+      return nullptr; // Already diagnosed by parsePatFrag
+    Pat = std::make_unique<PatFragPattern>(*PF, Name);
+  } else {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
-  for (const auto &NameInit : Matcher->getArgNames())
-    Pat->addOperand(NameInit->getAsUnquotedString());
+  for (unsigned K = 0; K < DagPat->getNumArgs(); ++K) {
+    if (!parseInstructionPatternOperand(*Pat, DagPat->getArg(K),
+                                        DagPat->getArgName(K)))
+      return nullptr;
+  }
   if (!Pat->checkSemantics(RuleDef.getLoc()))
     return nullptr;
@@ -994,7 +2208,7 @@ CombineRuleBuilder::parseInstructionMatcher(const Init &Arg, StringRef Name) {
 CombineRuleBuilder::parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
-                                               StringRef Name) {
+                                               StringRef Name) const {
   const DagInit *Matcher = getDagWithSpecificOperator(Arg, "wip_match_opcode");
   if (!Matcher)
     return nullptr;
@@ -1020,15 +2234,230 @@ CombineRuleBuilder::parseWipMatchOpcodeMatcher(const Init &Arg,
   return std::move(Result);
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::parseInstructionPatternOperand(
+    InstructionPattern &IP, const Init *OpInit,
+    const StringInit *OpName) const {
+  const auto ParseErr = [&]() {
+    PrintError("cannot parse operand '" + OpInit->getAsUnquotedString() + "' ");
+    if (OpName)
+      PrintNote("operand name is '" + OpName->getAsUnquotedString() + "'");
+    return false;
+  };
+  // untyped immediate, e.g. 0
+  if (const auto *IntImm = dyn_cast<IntInit>(OpInit)) {
+    std::string Name = OpName ? OpName->getAsUnquotedString() : "";
+    IP.addOperand(IntImm->getValue(), Name, /*Type=*/nullptr);
+    return true;
+  }
+  // typed immediate, e.g. (i32 0)
+  if (const auto *DagOp = dyn_cast<DagInit>(OpInit)) {
+    if (DagOp->getNumArgs() != 1)
+      return ParseErr();
+    Record *ImmTy = DagOp->getOperatorAsDef(RuleDef.getLoc());
+    if (!ImmTy->isSubClassOf("ValueType")) {
+      PrintError("cannot parse immediate '" + OpInit->getAsUnquotedString() +
+                 "', '" + ImmTy->getName() + "' is not a ValueType!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!IP.hasAllDefs()) {
+      PrintError("out operand of '" + IP.getInstName() +
+                 "' cannot be an immediate");
+      return false;
+    }
+    const auto *Val = dyn_cast<IntInit>(DagOp->getArg(0));
+    if (!Val)
+      return ParseErr();
+    std::string Name = OpName ? OpName->getAsUnquotedString() : "";
+    IP.addOperand(Val->getValue(), Name, ImmTy);
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Typed operand e.g. $x/$z in (G_FNEG $x, $z)
+  if (auto *DefI = dyn_cast<DefInit>(OpInit)) {
+    if (!OpName) {
+      PrintError("expected an operand name after '" + OpInit->getAsString() +
+                 "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    const Record *Def = DefI->getDef();
+    if (!Def->isSubClassOf("ValueType")) {
+      PrintError("invalid operand type: '" + Def->getName() +
+                 "' is not a ValueType");
+      return false;
+    }
+    IP.addOperand(OpName->getAsUnquotedString(), Def);
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Untyped operand e.g. $x/$z in (G_FNEG $x, $z)
+  if (isa<UnsetInit>(OpInit)) {
+    assert(OpName && "Unset w/ no OpName?");
+    IP.addOperand(OpName->getAsUnquotedString(), /*Type=*/nullptr);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return ParseErr();
+CombineRuleBuilder::parsePatFragImpl(const Record *Def) const {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceParse(*Def);
+  if (!Def->isSubClassOf(PatFragClassName))
+    return nullptr;
+  const DagInit *Ins = Def->getValueAsDag("InOperands");
+  if (Ins->getOperatorAsDef(Def->getLoc())->getName() != "ins") {
+    ::PrintError(Def, "expected 'ins' operator for " + PatFragClassName +
+                          " in operands list");
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const DagInit *Outs = Def->getValueAsDag("OutOperands");
+  if (Outs->getOperatorAsDef(Def->getLoc())->getName() != "outs") {
+    ::PrintError(Def, "expected 'outs' operator for " + PatFragClassName +
+                          " out operands list");
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  auto Result = std::make_unique<PatFrag>(*Def);
+  if (!parsePatFragParamList(Def->getLoc(), *Outs,
+                             [&](StringRef Name, PatFrag::ParamKind Kind) {
+                               Result->addOutParam(Name, Kind);
+                               return true;
+                             }))
+    return nullptr;
+  if (!parsePatFragParamList(Def->getLoc(), *Ins,
+                             [&](StringRef Name, PatFrag::ParamKind Kind) {
+                               Result->addInParam(Name, Kind);
+                               return true;
+                             }))
+    return nullptr;
+  const ListInit *Alts = Def->getValueAsListInit("Alternatives");
+  unsigned AltIdx = 0;
+  for (const Init *Alt : *Alts) {
+    const auto *PatDag = dyn_cast<DagInit>(Alt);
+    if (!PatDag) {
+      ::PrintError(Def, "expected dag init for PatFrag pattern alternative");
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    PatFrag::Alternative &A = Result->addAlternative();
+    const auto AddPat = [&](std::unique_ptr<Pattern> Pat) {
+      A.Pats.push_back(std::move(Pat));
+      return true;
+    };
+    if (!parsePatternList(
+            *PatDag, AddPat, "pattern", Def->getLoc(),
+            /*AnonPatPrefix*/
+            (Def->getName() + "_alt" + Twine(AltIdx++) + "_pattern").str()))
+      return nullptr;
+  }
+  if (!Result->buildOperandsTables() || !Result->checkSemantics())
+    return nullptr;
+  return Result;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::parsePatFragParamList(
+    ArrayRef<SMLoc> DiagLoc, const DagInit &OpsList,
+    function_ref<bool(StringRef, PatFrag::ParamKind)> ParseAction) const {
+  for (unsigned K = 0; K < OpsList.getNumArgs(); ++K) {
+    const StringInit *Name = OpsList.getArgName(K);
+    const Init *Ty = OpsList.getArg(K);
+    if (!Name) {
+      ::PrintError(DiagLoc, "all operands must be named'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    const std::string NameStr = Name->getAsUnquotedString();
+    PatFrag::ParamKind OpKind;
+    if (isSpecificDef(*Ty, "gi_imm"))
+      OpKind = PatFrag::PK_Imm;
+    else if (isSpecificDef(*Ty, "root"))
+      OpKind = PatFrag::PK_Root;
+    else if (isa<UnsetInit>(Ty) ||
+             isSpecificDef(*Ty, "gi_mo")) // no type = gi_mo.
+      OpKind = PatFrag::PK_MachineOperand;
+    else {
+      ::PrintError(
+          DiagLoc,
+          "'" + NameStr +
+              "' operand type was expected to be 'root', 'gi_imm' or 'gi_mo'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!ParseAction(NameStr, OpKind))
+      return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+const PatFrag *CombineRuleBuilder::parsePatFrag(const Record *Def) const {
+  // Cache already parsed PatFrags to avoid doing extra work.
+  static DenseMap<const Record *, std::unique_ptr<PatFrag>> ParsedPatFrags;
+  auto It = ParsedPatFrags.find(Def);
+  if (It != ParsedPatFrags.end()) {
+    SeenPatFrags.insert(It->second.get());
+    return It->second.get();
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<PatFrag> NewPatFrag = parsePatFragImpl(Def);
+  if (!NewPatFrag) {
+    ::PrintError(Def, "Could not parse " + PatFragClassName + " '" +
+                          Def->getName() + "'");
+    // Put a nullptr in the map so we don't attempt parsing this again.
+    ParsedPatFrags[Def] = nullptr;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  const auto *Res = NewPatFrag.get();
+  ParsedPatFrags[Def] = std::move(NewPatFrag);
+  SeenPatFrags.insert(Res);
+  return Res;
 bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
+                                          const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
                                           const InstructionPattern &IP) {
-  auto &M = addRuleMatcher();
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &IP);
+  auto &M = addRuleMatcher(Alts);
   InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher("root");
   declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, IP.getName());
   DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
-  if (!emitInstructionMatchPattern(CE, M, IM, IP, SeenPats))
-    return false;
+  const auto FindOperandDef = [&](StringRef Op) -> InstructionPattern * {
+    return MatchOpTable.getDef(Op);
+  };
+  if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&IP)) {
+    if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, IM, *CGP, SeenPats,
+                                            FindOperandDef))
+      return false;
+  } else if (const auto *PFP = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(&IP)) {
+    if (!PFP->getPatFrag().canBeMatchRoot()) {
+      PrintError("cannot use '" + PFP->getInstName() + " as match root");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, &IM, *PFP, SeenPats))
+      return false;
+  } else
+    llvm_unreachable("Unknown kind of InstructionPattern!");
   // Emit remaining patterns
   for (auto &Pat : values(MatchPats)) {
@@ -1039,11 +2468,17 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
     case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
       PrintError("wip_match_opcode can not be used with instruction patterns!");
       return false;
-    case Pattern::K_Inst:
+    case Pattern::K_PatFrag: {
+      if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, /*IM*/ nullptr,
+                                   *cast<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get()), SeenPats))
+        return false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
       return false;
     case Pattern::K_CXX: {
-      addCXXPredicate(IM, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
+      addCXXPredicate(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()), Alts);
@@ -1055,11 +2490,13 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
 bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
+                                          const PatternAlternatives &Alts,
                                           const AnyOpcodePattern &AOP) {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &AOP);
   for (const CodeGenInstruction *CGI : AOP.insts()) {
-    auto &M = addRuleMatcher("wip_match_opcode alternative '" +
-                             CGI->TheDef->getName() + "'");
+    auto &M = addRuleMatcher(Alts, "wip_match_opcode '" +
+                                       CGI->TheDef->getName() + "'");
     InstructionMatcher &IM = M.addInstructionMatcher(AOP.getName());
     declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, AOP.getName());
@@ -1078,12 +2515,20 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
       case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
         PrintError("wip_match_opcode can only be present once!");
         return false;
-      case Pattern::K_Inst:
+      case Pattern::K_PatFrag: {
+        DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
+        if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, /*IM*/ nullptr,
+                                     *cast<PatFragPattern>(Pat.get()),
+                                     SeenPats))
+          return false;
+        continue;
+      }
+      case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
         return false;
       case Pattern::K_CXX: {
-        addCXXPredicate(IM, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
+        addCXXPredicate(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()), Alts);
@@ -1098,30 +2543,374 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitMatchPattern(CodeExpansions &CE,
   return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitPatFragMatchPattern(
+    CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &RM,
+    InstructionMatcher *IM, const PatFragPattern &PFP,
+    DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats) {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &PFP);
+  if (SeenPats.contains(&PFP))
+    return true;
+  SeenPats.insert(&PFP);
+  const auto &PF = PFP.getPatFrag();
+  if (!IM) {
+    // When we don't have an IM, this means this PatFrag isn't reachable from
+    // the root. This is only acceptable if it doesn't define anything (e.g. a
+    // pure C++ PatFrag).
+    if (PF.num_out_params() != 0) {
+      PFP.reportUnreachable(RuleDef.getLoc());
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // When an IM is provided, this is reachable from the root, and we're
+    // expecting to have output operands.
+    // TODO: If we want to allow for multiple roots we'll need a map of IMs
+    // then, and emission becomes a bit more complicated.
+    assert(PF.num_roots() == 1);
+  }
+  CodeExpansions PatFragCEs;
+  if (!PFP.mapInputCodeExpansions(CE, PatFragCEs, RuleDef.getLoc()))
+    return false;
+  // List of {ParamName, ArgName}.
+  // When all patterns have been emitted, find expansions in PatFragCEs named
+  // ArgName and add their expansion to CE using ParamName as the key.
+  SmallVector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, 4> CEsToImport;
+  // Map parameter names to the actual argument.
+  const auto OperandMapper =
+      [&](const InstructionPattern::Operand &O) -> InstructionPattern::Operand {
+    if (!O.isNamedOperand())
+      return O;
+    StringRef ParamName = O.getOperandName();
+    // Not sure what to do with those tbh. They should probably never be here.
+    assert(!O.isNamedImmediate() && "TODO: handle named imms");
+    unsigned PIdx = PF.getParamIdx(ParamName);
+    // Map parameters to the argument values.
+    if (PIdx == (unsigned)-1) {
+      // This is a temp of the PatFragPattern, prefix the name to avoid
+      // conflicts.
+      return O.withNewName((PFP.getName() + "." + ParamName).str());
+    }
+    // The operand will be added to PatFragCEs's code expansions using the
+    // parameter's name. If it's bound to some operand during emission of the
+    // patterns, we'll want to add it to CE.
+    auto ArgOp = PFP.getOperand(PIdx);
+    if (ArgOp.isNamedOperand())
+      CEsToImport.emplace_back(ArgOp.getOperandName().str(), ParamName);
+    if (ArgOp.getType() && O.getType() && ArgOp.getType() != O.getType()) {
+      StringRef PFName = PF.getName();
+      PrintWarning("impossible type constraints: operand " + Twine(PIdx) +
+                   " of '" + PFP.getName() + "' has type '" +
+                   ArgOp.getType()->getName() + "', but '" + PFName +
+                   "' constrains it to '" + O.getType()->getName() + "'");
+      if (ArgOp.isNamedOperand())
+        PrintNote("operand " + Twine(PIdx) + " of '" + PFP.getName() +
+                  "' is '" + ArgOp.getOperandName() + "'");
+      if (O.isNamedOperand())
+        PrintNote("argument " + Twine(PIdx) + " of '" + PFName + "' is '" +
+                  ParamName + "'");
+    }
+    return ArgOp;
+  };
+  // PatFragPatterns are only made of InstructionPatterns or CXXPatterns.
+  // Emit instructions from the root.
+  const auto &FragAlt = PF.getAlternative(Alts.lookup(&PFP));
+  const auto &FragAltOT = FragAlt.OpTable;
+  const auto LookupOperandDef =
+      [&](StringRef Op) -> const InstructionPattern * {
+    return FragAltOT.getDef(Op);
+  };
+  DenseSet<const Pattern *> PatFragSeenPats;
+  for (const auto &[Idx, InOp] : enumerate(PF.out_params())) {
+    if (InOp.Kind != PatFrag::PK_Root)
+      continue;
+    StringRef ParamName = InOp.Name;
+    const auto *Def = FragAltOT.getDef(ParamName);
+    assert(Def && "PatFrag::checkSemantics should have emitted an error if "
+                  "an out operand isn't defined!");
+    assert(isa<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Def) &&
+           "Nested PatFrags not supported yet");
+    if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
+            PatFragCEs, Alts, RM, *IM, *cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Def),
+            PatFragSeenPats, LookupOperandDef, OperandMapper))
+      return false;
+  }
+  // Emit leftovers.
+  for (const auto &Pat : FragAlt.Pats) {
+    if (PatFragSeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
+      continue;
+    if (const auto *CXXPat = dyn_cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+      addCXXPredicate(RM, PatFragCEs, *CXXPat, Alts);
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (const auto *IP = dyn_cast<InstructionPattern>(Pat.get())) {
+      IP->reportUnreachable(PF.getLoc());
+      return false;
+    }
+    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern kind in PatFrag");
+  }
+  for (const auto &[ParamName, ArgName] : CEsToImport) {
+    // Note: we're find if ParamName already exists. It just means it's been
+    // bound before, so we prefer to keep the first binding.
+    CE.declare(ParamName, PatFragCEs.lookup(ArgName));
+  }
+  return true;
 bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitApplyPatterns(CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M) {
+  if (hasOnlyCXXApplyPatterns()) {
+    for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats))
+      addCXXAction(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
+    return true;
+  }
+  DenseSet<const Pattern *> SeenPats;
+  StringMap<unsigned> OperandToTempRegID;
+  for (auto *ApplyRoot : ApplyRoots) {
+    assert(isa<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(ApplyRoot) &&
+           "PatFragPatterns are not supported in apply patterns yet!");
+    if (!emitCodeGenInstructionApplyPattern(
+            CE, M, *cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(ApplyRoot), SeenPats,
+            OperandToTempRegID))
+      return false;
+  }
   for (auto &Pat : values(ApplyPats)) {
+    if (SeenPats.contains(Pat.get()))
+      continue;
     switch (Pat->getKind()) {
     case Pattern::K_AnyOpcode:
-    case Pattern::K_Inst:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unsupported pattern kind in output pattern!");
+      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern in apply!");
+    case Pattern::K_PatFrag:
+      // TODO: We could support pure C++ PatFrags as a temporary thing.
+      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected pattern in apply!");
+    case Pattern::K_CodeGenInstruction:
+      cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(Pat.get())->reportUnreachable(
+          RuleDef.getLoc());
+      return false;
     case Pattern::K_CXX: {
-      CXXPattern *CXXPat = cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get());
-      const auto &ExpandedCode = CXXPat->expandCode(CE, RuleDef.getLoc());
-      M.addAction<CustomCXXAction>(
-          ExpandedCode.getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix));
+      addCXXAction(M, CE, *cast<CXXPattern>(Pat.get()));
-      llvm_unreachable("Unknown pattern kind!");
+      llvm_unreachable("unknown pattern kind!");
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitCodeGenInstructionApplyPattern(
+    CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+    DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats,
+    StringMap<unsigned> &OperandToTempRegID) {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &P);
+  if (SeenPats.contains(&P))
+    return true;
+  SeenPats.insert(&P);
+  // First, render the uses.
+  for (auto &Op : P.named_operands()) {
+    if (Op.isDef())
+      continue;
+    StringRef OpName = Op.getOperandName();
+    if (const auto *DefPat = ApplyOpTable.getDef(OpName)) {
+      if (!emitCodeGenInstructionApplyPattern(CE, M, *DefPat, SeenPats,
+                                              OperandToTempRegID))
+        return false;
+    } else {
+      // If we have no def, check this exists in the MatchRoot.
+      if (!Op.isNamedImmediate() && !MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found) {
+        PrintError("invalid output operand '" + OpName +
+                   "': operand is not a live-in of the match pattern, and it "
+                   "has no definition");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Now render this inst.
+  auto &DstMI =
+      M.addAction<BuildMIAction>(M.allocateOutputInsnID(), &P.getInst());
+  for (auto &Op : P.operands()) {
+    if (Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
+      PrintError("invalid output operand '" + Op.getOperandName() +
+                 "': output immediates cannot be named");
+      PrintNote("while emitting pattern '" + P.getName() + "' (" +
+                P.getInstName() + ")");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (Op.hasImmValue()) {
+      if (!emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(M, DstMI, P, Op))
+        return false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    StringRef OpName = Op.getOperandName();
+    // Uses of operand.
+    if (!Op.isDef()) {
+      if (auto It = OperandToTempRegID.find(OpName);
+          It != OperandToTempRegID.end()) {
+        assert(!MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found &&
+               "Temp reg is also from match pattern?");
+        DstMI.addRenderer<TempRegRenderer>(It->second);
+      } else {
+        // This should be a match live in or a redef of a matched instr.
+        // If it's a use of a temporary register, then we messed up somewhere -
+        // the previous condition should have passed.
+        assert(MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found &&
+               !ApplyOpTable.getDef(OpName) && "Temp reg not emitted yet!");
+        DstMI.addRenderer<CopyRenderer>(OpName);
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Determine what we're dealing with. Are we replace a matched instruction?
+    // Creating a new one?
+    auto OpLookupRes = MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName);
+    if (OpLookupRes.Found) {
+      if (OpLookupRes.isLiveIn()) {
+        // live-in of the match pattern.
+        PrintError("Cannot define live-in operand '" + OpName +
+                   "' in the 'apply' pattern");
+        return false;
+      }
+      assert(OpLookupRes.Def);
+      // TODO: Handle this. We need to mutate the instr, or delete the old
+      // one.
+      //       Likewise, we also need to ensure we redef everything, if the
+      //       instr has more than one def, we need to redef all or nothing.
+      if (OpLookupRes.Def != MatchRoot) {
+        PrintError("redefining an instruction other than the root is not "
+                   "supported (operand '" +
+                   OpName + "')");
+        return false;
+      }
+      // redef of a match
+      DstMI.addRenderer<CopyRenderer>(OpName);
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Define a new register unique to the apply patterns (AKA a "temp"
+    // register).
+    unsigned TempRegID;
+    if (auto It = OperandToTempRegID.find(OpName);
+        It != OperandToTempRegID.end()) {
+      TempRegID = It->second;
+    } else {
+      // This is a brand new register.
+      TempRegID = M.allocateTempRegID();
+      OperandToTempRegID[OpName] = TempRegID;
+      const Record *Ty = Op.getType();
+      if (!Ty) {
+        PrintError("def of a new register '" + OpName +
+                   "' in the apply patterns must have a type");
+        return false;
+      }
+      declareTempRegExpansion(CE, TempRegID, OpName);
+      // Always insert the action at the beginning, otherwise we may end up
+      // using the temp reg before it's available.
+      M.insertAction<MakeTempRegisterAction>(
+          M.actions_begin(), getLLTCodeGenFromRecord(Ty), TempRegID);
+    }
+    DstMI.addRenderer<TempRegRenderer>(TempRegID);
+  }
+  // TODO: works?
+  DstMI.chooseInsnToMutate(M);
+  declareInstExpansion(CE, DstMI, P.getName());
+  return true;
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitCodeGenInstructionApplyImmOperand(
+    RuleMatcher &M, BuildMIAction &DstMI, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+    const InstructionPattern::Operand &O) {
+  // If we have a type, we implicitly emit a G_CONSTANT, except for G_CONSTANT
+  // itself where we emit a CImm.
+  //
+  // No type means we emit a simple imm.
+  // G_CONSTANT is a special case and needs a CImm though so this is likely a
+  // mistake.
+  const bool isGConstant = P.is("G_CONSTANT");
+  const Record *Ty = O.getType();
+  if (!Ty) {
+    if (isGConstant) {
+      PrintError("'G_CONSTANT' immediate must be typed!");
+      PrintNote("while emitting pattern '" + P.getName() + "' (" +
+                P.getInstName() + ")");
+      return false;
+    DstMI.addRenderer<ImmRenderer>(O.getImmValue());
+    return true;
+  LLTCodeGen LLT = getLLTCodeGenFromRecord(Ty);
+  if (isGConstant) {
+    DstMI.addRenderer<ImmRenderer>(O.getImmValue(), LLT);
+    return true;
+  }
+  unsigned TempRegID = M.allocateTempRegID();
+  auto ActIt = M.insertAction<BuildMIAction>(
+      M.actions_begin(), M.allocateOutputInsnID(), &getGConstant());
+  // Ensure MakeTempReg occurs before the BuildMI of th G_CONSTANT.
+  M.insertAction<MakeTempRegisterAction>(ActIt, LLT, TempRegID);
+  auto &ConstantMI = *static_cast<BuildMIAction *>(ActIt->get());
+  ConstantMI.addRenderer<TempRegRenderer>(TempRegID);
+  ConstantMI.addRenderer<ImmRenderer>(O.getImmValue(), LLT);
+  DstMI.addRenderer<TempRegRenderer>(TempRegID);
   return true;
-bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitInstructionMatchPattern(
-    CodeExpansions &CE, RuleMatcher &M, InstructionMatcher &IM,
-    const InstructionPattern &P, DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats) {
+bool isLiteralImm(const InstructionPattern &P, unsigned OpIdx) {
+  if (const auto *CGP = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(&P)) {
+    StringRef InstName = CGP->getInst().TheDef->getName();
+    return (InstName == "G_CONSTANT" || InstName == "G_FCONSTANT") &&
+           OpIdx == 1;
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("TODO");
+bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(
+    CodeExpansions &CE, const PatternAlternatives &Alts, RuleMatcher &M,
+    InstructionMatcher &IM, const CodeGenInstructionPattern &P,
+    DenseSet<const Pattern *> &SeenPats, OperandDefLookupFn LookupOperandDef,
+    OperandMapperFnRef OperandMapper) {
+  auto StackTrace = PrettyStackTraceEmit(RuleDef, &P);
   if (SeenPats.contains(&P))
     return true;
@@ -1130,31 +2919,97 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitInstructionMatchPattern(
   declareInstExpansion(CE, IM, P.getName());
-  unsigned OpIdx = 0;
-  for (auto &O : P.operands()) {
-    auto &OpTableEntry = OperandTable.find(O.Name)->second;
+  for (const auto &[Idx, OriginalO] : enumerate(P.operands())) {
+    // Remap the operand. This is used when emitting InstructionPatterns inside
+    // PatFrags, so it can remap them to the arguments passed to the pattern.
+    //
+    // We use the remapped operand to emit immediates, and for the symbolic
+    // operand names (in IM.addOperand). CodeExpansions and OperandTable lookups
+    // still use the original name.
+    //
+    // The "def" flag on the remapped operand is always ignored.
+    auto RemappedO = OperandMapper(OriginalO);
+    assert(RemappedO.isNamedOperand() == OriginalO.isNamedOperand() &&
+           "Cannot remap an unnamed operand to a named one!");
+    const auto OpName =
+        RemappedO.isNamedOperand() ? RemappedO.getOperandName().str() : "";
     OperandMatcher &OM =
-        IM.addOperand(OpIdx++, O.Name, AllocatedTemporariesBaseID++);
-    declareOperandExpansion(CE, OM, O.Name);
+        IM.addOperand(Idx, OpName, AllocatedTemporariesBaseID++);
+    if (!OpName.empty())
+      declareOperandExpansion(CE, OM, OriginalO.getOperandName());
+    // Handle immediates.
+    if (RemappedO.hasImmValue()) {
+      if (isLiteralImm(P, Idx))
+        OM.addPredicate<LiteralIntOperandMatcher>(RemappedO.getImmValue());
+      else
+        OM.addPredicate<ConstantIntOperandMatcher>(RemappedO.getImmValue());
+    }
+    // Handle typed operands, but only bother to check if it hasn't been done
+    // before.
+    //
+    // getOperandMatcher will always return the first OM to have been created
+    // for that Operand. "OM" here is always a new OperandMatcher.
+    //
+    // Always emit a check for unnamed operands.
+    if (OpName.empty() ||
+        !M.getOperandMatcher(OpName).contains<LLTOperandMatcher>()) {
+      if (const Record *Ty = RemappedO.getType())
+        OM.addPredicate<LLTOperandMatcher>(getLLTCodeGenFromRecord(Ty));
+    }
+    // Stop here if the operand is a def, or if it had no name.
+    if (OriginalO.isDef() || !OriginalO.isNamedOperand())
+      continue;
-    if (O.IsDef)
+    const auto *DefPat = LookupOperandDef(OriginalO.getOperandName());
+    if (!DefPat)
-    if (InstructionPattern *DefPat = OpTableEntry.MatchPat) {
-      auto InstOpM = OM.addPredicate<InstructionOperandMatcher>(M, O.Name);
-      if (!InstOpM) {
-        // TODO: copy-pasted from GlobalISelEmitter.cpp. Is it still relevant
-        // here?
-        PrintError("Nested instruction '" + DefPat->getName() +
-                   "' cannot be the same as another operand '" + O.Name + "'");
+    if (OriginalO.hasImmValue()) {
+      assert(!OpName.empty());
+      // This is a named immediate that also has a def, that's not okay.
+      // e.g.
+      //    (G_SEXT $y, (i32 0))
+      //    (COPY $x, 42:$y)
+      PrintError("'" + OpName +
+                 "' is a named immediate, it cannot be defined by another "
+                 "instruction");
+      PrintNote("'" + OpName + "' is defined by '" + DefPat->getName() + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    // From here we know that the operand defines an instruction, and we need to
+    // emit it.
+    auto InstOpM =
+        OM.addPredicate<InstructionOperandMatcher>(M, DefPat->getName());
+    if (!InstOpM) {
+      // TODO: copy-pasted from GlobalISelEmitter.cpp. Is it still relevant
+      // here?
+      PrintError("Nested instruction '" + DefPat->getName() +
+                 "' cannot be the same as another operand '" +
+                 OriginalO.getOperandName() + "'");
+      return false;
+    }
+    auto &IM = (*InstOpM)->getInsnMatcher();
+    if (const auto *CGIDef = dyn_cast<CodeGenInstructionPattern>(DefPat)) {
+      if (!emitCodeGenInstructionMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, IM, *CGIDef,
+                                              SeenPats, LookupOperandDef,
+                                              OperandMapper))
         return false;
-      }
+      continue;
+    }
-      if (!emitInstructionMatchPattern(CE, M, (*InstOpM)->getInsnMatcher(),
-                                       *DefPat, SeenPats))
+    if (const auto *PFPDef = dyn_cast<PatFragPattern>(DefPat)) {
+      if (!emitPatFragMatchPattern(CE, Alts, M, &IM, *PFPDef, SeenPats))
         return false;
+      continue;
+    llvm_unreachable("unknown type of InstructionPattern");
   return true;
@@ -1162,10 +3017,12 @@ bool CombineRuleBuilder::emitInstructionMatchPattern(
 //===- GICombinerEmitter --------------------------------------------------===//
-/// This class is essentially the driver. It fetches all TableGen records, calls
-/// CombineRuleBuilder to build the MatchTable's RuleMatchers, then creates the
-/// MatchTable & emits it. It also handles emitting all the supporting code such
-/// as the list of LLTs, the CXXPredicates, etc.
+/// Main implementation class. This emits the tablegenerated output.
+/// It collects rules, uses `CombineRuleBuilder` to parse them and accumulate
+/// RuleMatchers, then takes all the necessary state/data from the various
+/// static storage pools and wires them together to emit the match table &
+/// associated function/data structures.
 class GICombinerEmitter final : public GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter {
   RecordKeeper &Records;
   StringRef Name;
@@ -1338,7 +3195,7 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
      << "  if (executeMatchTable(*this, OutMIs, State, ExecInfo"
      << ", getMatchTable(), *ST.getInstrInfo(), MRI, "
         "*MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo(), *ST.getRegBankInfo(), AvailableFeatures"
-     << ", /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr)) {\n"
+     << ", /*CoverageInfo*/ nullptr, &Observer)) {\n"
      << "    return true;\n"
      << "  }\n\n"
      << "  return false;\n"
@@ -1346,7 +3203,7 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::emitAdditionalImpl(raw_ostream &OS) {
 void GICombinerEmitter::emitMIPredicateFns(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  auto MatchCode = getSorted(AllCXXMatchCode);
+  auto MatchCode = CXXPredicateCode::getAllMatchCode();
   emitMIPredicateFnsImpl<const CXXPredicateCode *>(
       OS, "", ArrayRef<const CXXPredicateCode *>(MatchCode),
       [](const CXXPredicateCode *C) -> StringRef { return C->BaseEnumName; },
@@ -1400,7 +3257,7 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) {
 void GICombinerEmitter::emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  const auto ApplyCode = getSorted(AllCXXApplyCode);
+  const auto ApplyCode = CXXPredicateCode::getAllApplyCode();
   if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
     OS << "enum {\n";
@@ -1414,13 +3271,14 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) {
   OS << "void " << getClassName()
-     << "::runCustomAction(unsigned ApplyID, const MatcherState &State) const "
+     << "::runCustomAction(unsigned ApplyID, const MatcherState &State, "
+        "NewMIVector &OutMIs) const "
   if (!ApplyCode.empty()) {
     OS << "  switch(ApplyID) {\n";
     for (const auto &Apply : ApplyCode) {
       OS << "  case " << Apply->getEnumNameWithPrefix(CXXApplyPrefix) << ":{\n"
-         << "    " << Apply->Code << "\n"
+         << "    " << join(split(Apply->Code, "\n"), "\n    ") << "\n"
          << "    return;\n";
       OS << "  }\n";
@@ -1490,24 +3348,28 @@ GICombinerEmitter::buildMatchTable(MutableArrayRef<RuleMatcher> Rules) {
 void GICombinerEmitter::gatherRules(
     std::vector<RuleMatcher> &ActiveRules,
     const std::vector<Record *> &&RulesAndGroups) {
-  for (Record *R : RulesAndGroups) {
-    if (R->isValueUnset("Rules")) {
-      AllCombineRules.emplace_back(NextRuleID, R->getName().str());
-      CombineRuleBuilder CRB(Target, SubtargetFeatures, *R, NextRuleID++,
+  for (Record *Rec : RulesAndGroups) {
+    if (Rec->isValueUnset("Rules")) {
+      AllCombineRules.emplace_back(NextRuleID, Rec->getName().str());
+      CombineRuleBuilder CRB(Target, SubtargetFeatures, *Rec, NextRuleID++,
-      if (!CRB.parseAll())
+      if (!CRB.parseAll()) {
+        assert(ErrorsPrinted && "Parsing failed without errors!");
+      }
       if (StopAfterParse) {
-      if (!CRB.emitRuleMatchers())
+      if (!CRB.emitRuleMatchers()) {
+        assert(ErrorsPrinted && "Emission failed without errors!");
+      }
     } else
-      gatherRules(ActiveRules, R->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
+      gatherRules(ActiveRules, Rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("Rules"));
@@ -1518,6 +3380,9 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
   if (ErrorsPrinted)
     PrintFatalError(Combiner->getLoc(), "Failed to parse one or more rules");
+  if (StopAfterParse)
+    return;
   Records.startTimer("Creating Match Table");
   unsigned MaxTemporaries = 0;
   for (const auto &Rule : Rules)
@@ -1531,11 +3396,17 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
   // Unused
   std::vector<StringRef> CustomRendererFns;
-  // Unused, but hack to avoid empty declarator
-  std::vector<LLTCodeGen> TypeObjects = {LLTCodeGen(LLT::scalar(1))};
   // Unused
   std::vector<Record *> ComplexPredicates;
+  SmallVector<LLTCodeGen, 16> TypeObjects;
+  append_range(TypeObjects, KnownTypes);
+  llvm::sort(TypeObjects);
+  // Hack: Avoid empty declarator.
+  if (TypeObjects.empty())
+    TypeObjects.push_back(LLT::scalar(1));
   // GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS, which pulls in extra dependencies.
   OS << "#ifdef GET_GICOMBINER_DEPS\n"
      << "#include \"llvm/ADT/SparseBitVector.h\"\n"
@@ -1570,6 +3441,7 @@ void GICombinerEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
 static void EmitGICombiner(RecordKeeper &RK, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  EnablePrettyStackTrace();
   CodeGenTarget Target(RK);
   if (SelectedCombiners.empty())

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp
index b9a87368ca0e99..fca9fc59fab061 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelEmitter.cpp
@@ -2366,7 +2366,8 @@ void GlobalISelEmitter::emitTestSimplePredicate(raw_ostream &OS) {
 void GlobalISelEmitter::emitRunCustomAction(raw_ostream &OS) {
   OS << "void " << getClassName()
-     << "::runCustomAction(unsigned, const MatcherState&) const {\n"
+     << "::runCustomAction(unsigned, const MatcherState&, NewMIVector &) const "
+        "{\n"
      << "    llvm_unreachable(\"" + getClassName() +
             " does not support custom C++ actions!\");\n"
      << "}\n";

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTable.h b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTable.h
index c773cbfbba6fc3..46490e8e3fb18c 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTable.h
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTable.h
@@ -526,6 +526,8 @@ class RuleMatcher : public Matcher {
+  void setPermanentGISelFlags(GISelFlags V) { Flags = V; }
   // Update the active GISelFlags based on the GISelFlags Record R.
   // A SaveAndRestore object is returned so the old GISelFlags are restored
   // at the end of the scope.
@@ -648,6 +650,10 @@ template <class PredicateTy> class PredicateListMatcher {
   bool predicates_empty() const { return Predicates.empty(); }
+  template <typename Ty> bool contains() const {
+    return any_of(Predicates, [&](auto &P) { return isa<Ty>(P.get()); });
+  }
   std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy> predicates_pop_front() {
     std::unique_ptr<PredicateTy> Front = std::move(Predicates.front());
@@ -1930,23 +1936,41 @@ class TempRegRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
 /// Adds a specific immediate to the instruction being built.
+/// If a LLT is passed, a ConstantInt immediate is created instead.
 class ImmRenderer : public OperandRenderer {
   unsigned InsnID;
   int64_t Imm;
+  std::optional<LLTCodeGen> CImmLLT;
   ImmRenderer(unsigned InsnID, int64_t Imm)
       : OperandRenderer(OR_Imm), InsnID(InsnID), Imm(Imm) {}
+  ImmRenderer(unsigned InsnID, int64_t Imm, const LLTCodeGen &CImmLLT)
+      : OperandRenderer(OR_Imm), InsnID(InsnID), Imm(Imm), CImmLLT(CImmLLT) {
+    KnownTypes.insert(CImmLLT);
+  }
   static bool classof(const OperandRenderer *R) {
     return R->getKind() == OR_Imm;
   void emitRenderOpcodes(MatchTable &Table, RuleMatcher &Rule) const override {
-    Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIR_AddImm") << MatchTable::Comment("InsnID")
-          << MatchTable::IntValue(InsnID) << MatchTable::Comment("Imm")
-          << MatchTable::IntValue(Imm) << MatchTable::LineBreak;
+    if (CImmLLT) {
+      assert(Table.isCombiner() &&
+             "ConstantInt immediate are only for combiners!");
+      Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIR_AddCImm")
+            << MatchTable::Comment("InsnID") << MatchTable::IntValue(InsnID)
+            << MatchTable::Comment("Type")
+            << MatchTable::NamedValue(CImmLLT->getCxxEnumValue())
+            << MatchTable::Comment("Imm") << MatchTable::IntValue(Imm)
+            << MatchTable::LineBreak;
+    } else {
+      Table << MatchTable::Opcode("GIR_AddImm") << MatchTable::Comment("InsnID")
+            << MatchTable::IntValue(InsnID) << MatchTable::Comment("Imm")
+            << MatchTable::IntValue(Imm) << MatchTable::LineBreak;
+    }

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.cpp
index 8dc422b140a5ee..ae3d85c717b1f8 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.cpp
@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ void GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter::emitTemporariesDecl(
         ", const MatcherState &State) "
         "const override;\n"
      << "  bool testSimplePredicate(unsigned PredicateID) const override;\n"
-     << "  void runCustomAction(unsigned FnID, const MatcherState &State) "
+     << "  void runCustomAction(unsigned FnID, const MatcherState &State, "
+        "NewMIVector &OutMIs) "
         "const override;\n";
   emitAdditionalTemporariesDecl(OS, "  ");
   OS << "#endif // ifdef " << IfDefName << "\n\n";

diff  --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h
index d526e08a96e310..0cde21f5f7d9b2 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter.h
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ class GlobalISelMatchTableExecutorEmitter {
     if (!Predicates.empty()) {
       OS << "  switch (PredicateID) {\n";
       for (const auto &Pred : Predicates) {
-        const auto Code = GetPredCode(Pred);
+        // Ensure all code is indented.
+        const auto Code = join(split(GetPredCode(Pred).str(), "\n"), "\n    ");
         OS << "  case GICXXPred_" << TypeIdentifier << "_Predicate_"
            << GetPredEnumName(Pred) << ": {\n"
            << "    " << Code << "\n";


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