[PATCH] D156467: [mlir][ArmSME] Add conversion from ArmSME to SCF to materialize loops

Cullen Rhodes via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jul 31 10:14:14 PDT 2023

c-rhodes marked 4 inline comments as done.
c-rhodes added inline comments.

Comment at: mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/IR/ArmSME.td:355
+    $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $tile `,` $tile_slice_index
+      attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($tile) `,` type($result)
+  }];
awarzynski wrote:
> Given that `type($tile)` will always be equal to `type($result)`, I wonder whether this wouldn't be cleaner:
> ```
> let assemblyFormat = [{
>     $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $tile `,` $tile_slice_index
>       attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($tile)
>   }];
> ```
> or (with index type):
> ```
> let assemblyFormat = [{
>     $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $tile `,` $tile_slice_index
>       attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($tile) `,` type($tile_slice_index)
>   }]
> ```
> Given that `type($tile)` will always be equal to `type($result)`, I wonder whether this wouldn't be cleaner:
> ```
> let assemblyFormat = [{
>     $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $tile `,` $tile_slice_index
>       attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($tile)
>   }];
> ```

it was originally like this but i changed the memref to have indices rather than a single index and `TypesMatchWith` no longer worked coming after `Variadic<Index>`, I've re-introduced this but moved `indices` after the `tile`to get it to work. 

Comment at: mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/IR/ArmSME.td:322-323
+    The memory is defined by a base and index and must be contiguous. The
+    memref must be either rank 1 or rank 2 with dynamic dimensions, since the
+    operation is scalable, and the element type must be a scalar that matches
awarzynski wrote:
> dcaballe wrote:
> > -> ~The slice of memory read is defined...?
> [nit] Perhaps this is just me and also English is not my first language, but this reads a bit like:
> > The memref must be either "rank 1" or "rank 2 with dynamic dimensions"
> i.e. as if "dynamic dimensions" only referred to "rank 2". 
> [nit] Perhaps this is just me and also English is not my first language, but this reads a bit like:
> > The memref must be either "rank 1" or "rank 2 with dynamic dimensions"
> i.e. as if "dynamic dimensions" only referred to "rank 2". 

Good point, I've clarified it.

Comment at: mlir/lib/Conversion/ArmSMEToSCF/ArmSMEToSCF.cpp:71
+    // use as input tile to 'arm_sme.load_tile_slice' ops.
+    auto tileInit =
+        rewriter.create<arm_sme::CastTileToVector>(loc, tileType, tileId);
awarzynski wrote:
> [nit] "Init" in `tileInit` suggests that something might be initialised. Perhaps `tileIdAsVector`?
> [nit] "Init" in `tileInit` suggests that something might be initialised. Perhaps `tileIdAsVector`?

the idea here was to get an initial tile, I've renamed it to `tile`.

Comment at: mlir/lib/Conversion/ArmSMEToSCF/ArmSMEToSCF.cpp:89
+    auto tileSliceIndex = forOp.getInductionVar();
+    // TODO: use indices
+    // Create 'arm_sme.load_tile_slice' to load tile slice from
awarzynski wrote:
> Can you expand?
> Can you expand?

This is fixed in D156689

Comment at: mlir/test/Dialect/ArmSME/invalid.mlir:77-81
+func.func @arm_sme_load_tile_slice__tile_and_result_type_mismatch(%src : memref<?x?xi8>, %tile : vector<[16]x[16]xi8>, %tile_slice_index : index) {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  // expected-error at +1 {{expected result type to match tile type}}
+  %tile_update = arm_sme.load_tile_slice %src[%c0], %tile, %tile_slice_index : memref<?x?xi8>, vector<[16]x[16]xi8>, vector<[4]x[4]xi32>
+  return
awarzynski wrote:
> Similar test for `arm_sme.store_tile_slice`? If we preserve this assembly format.
> Similar test for `arm_sme.store_tile_slice`? If we preserve this assembly format.

Format has changed but this op doesn't have a result type anyway 



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