[PATCH] D130315: [BOLT][DWARF] Implement new mechanism for DWARFRewriter

Dmitri Gribenko via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 7 04:55:12 PDT 2023

gribozavr2 added a comment.


This commit introduces a null pointer dereference in a unit test, so I'm going to revert it together with all dependent commits:

  $ lldb -- ./unittests/DebugInfo/DWARF/DebugInfoDWARFTests --gtest_filter=DWARFDebugInfo.TestDwarfToFunctions
  This is google-lldb.
  Help: http://go/lldb. File a bug: http://go/lldb-bug.
  (lldb) target create "./unittests/DebugInfo/DWARF/DebugInfoDWARFTests"
  Current executable set to '/usr/local/google/home/dmitrig/llvm2/build-debug/unittests/DebugInfo/DWARF/DebugInfoDWARFTests' (x86_64).
  (lldb) settings set -- target.run-args  "--gtest_filter=DWARFDebugInfo.TestDwarfToFunctions"
  (lldb) r
  Process 2771099 launched: '/usr/local/google/home/dmitrig/llvm2/build-debug/unittests/DebugInfo/DWARF/DebugInfoDWARFTests' (x86_64)
  Note: Google Test filter = DWARFDebugInfo.TestDwarfToFunctions
  [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
  [----------] Global test environment set-up.
  [----------] 1 test from DWARFDebugInfo
  [ RUN      ] DWARFDebugInfo.TestDwarfToFunctions
  Process 2771099 stopped
  * thread #1, name = 'DebugInfoDWARFT', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV: address not mapped to object (fault address: 0x20)
      frame #0: 0x0000555555c0d41c DebugInfoDWARFTests`llvm::DWARFUnitHeader::getVersion(this=0x0000000000000018) const at DWARFUnit.h:89:33
     86     bool applyIndexEntry(const DWARFUnitIndex::Entry *Entry);
     87     uint64_t getOffset() const { return Offset; }
     88     const dwarf::FormParams &getFormParams() const { return FormParams; }
  -> 89     uint16_t getVersion() const { return FormParams.Version; }
     90     dwarf::DwarfFormat getFormat() const { return FormParams.Format; }
     91     uint8_t getAddressByteSize() const { return FormParams.AddrSize; }
     92     uint8_t getRefAddrByteSize() const { return FormParams.getRefAddrByteSize(); }
  (lldb) up
  frame #1: 0x000055555810bc59 DebugInfoDWARFTests`llvm::DWARFUnit::getVersion(this=0x0000000000000000) const at DWARFUnit.h:323:47
     320    const dwarf::FormParams &getFormParams() const {
     321      return Header.getFormParams();
     322    }
  -> 323    uint16_t getVersion() const { return Header.getVersion(); }
     324    uint8_t getAddressByteSize() const { return Header.getAddressByteSize(); }
     325    uint8_t getRefAddrByteSize() const { return Header.getRefAddrByteSize(); }
     326    uint8_t getDwarfOffsetByteSize() const {
  (lldb) up
  frame #2: 0x00005555581953a3 DebugInfoDWARFTests`llvm::DWARFFormValue::getAsSectionedAddress(Value=0x00007fffffffd2e8, Form=0, U=0x0000000000000000) at DWARFFormValue.cpp:642:51
     640  std::optional<object::SectionedAddress> DWARFFormValue::getAsSectionedAddress(
     641      const ValueType &Value, const dwarf::Form Form, const DWARFUnit *U) {
  -> 642    if (!doesFormBelongToClass(Form, FC_Address, U->getVersion()))
     643      return std::nullopt;
     644    bool AddrOffset = Form == dwarf::DW_FORM_LLVM_addrx_offset;
     645    if (Form == DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index || Form == DW_FORM_addrx ||
  (lldb) p U
  (const llvm::DWARFUnit *) nullptr

Please also note that https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/460a2244430fae192298a5fd9fa2a269e540e8c1 was landed with an incorrect Phabricator link.

This commit also needed numerous fixup commits, which is a good signal that this commit chain needs better testing before landing.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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