[PATCH] D152924: [libLTO][AIX] Respect `-f[no]-integrated-as` on AIX

Qiongsi Wu via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 16 06:18:37 PDT 2023

qiongsiwu1 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/CommonArgs.cpp:703
+    Arg *A = Args.getLastArgNoClaim(options::OPT_fno_integrated_as);
+    D.Diag(diag::warn_drv_unsupported_lto_option_for_target)
+        << A->getSpelling() << ToolChain.getTriple().getTriple();
MaskRay wrote:
> The patch is titled AIX but this would change the Linux behavior. In my experience this diagnostic is not useful.
Yes I agree the title is a bit misleading. The warning is added because the behaviour of `-fno-integrated-as` changes with and without `-flto`. Without `-flto`, `clang` does create the job to invoke system assembler, and with `-flto`, currently `clang` silently ignores the `-fno-integrated-as` option (without this patch). I felt that was unexpected, hence I added the warning. I am happy to remove the warning if the community thinks that silently ignoring the option is acceptable. 

The limitation of this diagnostic is that it goes through `clang` and there is nothing in the backend guarding against using `-no-integrated-as` directly through `-plugin-opt` on Linux, which will be ignored. @MaskRay is this something we should worry about? If not, I will not try looking for a place to add the warning in the backend.


  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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