[PATCH] D153050: [mlir][ArmSME] Insert intrinsics to enable/disable ZA

Cullen Rhodes via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 16 02:46:22 PDT 2023

c-rhodes added inline comments.

Comment at: mlir/test/Dialect/ArmSME/enable-arm-za.mlir:1-3
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -enable-arm-streaming -convert-vector-to-llvm="enable-arm-sme" | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -enable-arm-streaming=enable-za -convert-vector-to-llvm="enable-arm-sme" | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-ENABLE-ZA
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -convert-vector-to-llvm="enable-arm-sme" | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK-NO-ARM-STREAMING
awarzynski wrote:
> Personal opinion, feel free to ignore.
> 1. Custom prefix everywhere - this way you use the prefixes to "document" the test cases (e.g. "ENABLE-ZA" clearly suggests that in this case `ZA` is explicitly enabled)
> 2. Drop `CHECK` from custom prefixes. I think that most people know that these are `CHECK` ... prefixes. And shorter prefix means less noise/repetition.
> 3. Match the order of checks with the `RUN` lines (so, right now, it would be `CHECK`, then `CHECK-ENABLE-ZA` and `CHECK-NO-ARM-STREAMING`).
> Like I said, person opinion, aka nit :)
> Personal opinion, feel free to ignore.
> 1. Custom prefix everywhere - this way you use the prefixes to "document" the test cases (e.g. "ENABLE-ZA" clearly suggests that in this case `ZA` is explicitly enabled)
> 2. Drop `CHECK` from custom prefixes. I think that most people know that these are `CHECK` ... prefixes. And shorter prefix means less noise/repetition.
> 3. Match the order of checks with the `RUN` lines (so, right now, it would be `CHECK`, then `CHECK-ENABLE-ZA` and `CHECK-NO-ARM-STREAMING`).
> Like I said, person opinion, aka nit :)

Done, cheers

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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