[PATCH] D139827: [RISCV][Asan] Use dynamic shadow offset to make it work on different width of virtual-memory system.

Hau Hsu via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 14 22:36:56 PDT 2023

hauhsu added a comment.

Hi all,
I just published 3 more reviews:

With the 3 new patches, the `check-lsan` passes in our sv39, sv48, sv57 QEMU system mode test environments.
The common `check-asan` failure cases in the 3 virtual memory modes are

  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/Linux/syscalls.cpp
  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/Posix/bcmp_test.cpp
  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/memcmp_test.cpp
  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/log-path_test.cpp

The first 3 failures are because the CHECK statements check specific function names in call stack, like

  // CHECK: AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow  (v)
  // CHECK: {{#1.*bcmp}}                             
  // CHECK: {{#2.*main}}

But the  function `QuickCheckForUnpoisonedRegion()` is not inlined, so the call stack looks like

  #0 0x2aac31a59c in MemcmpInterceptorCommon(void*, int (*)(void const*, void const*, unsigned long), void const*, void const*, unsigned long) .../llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/asan/../sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common_interceptors.inc:804:7
  #1 0x2aac31a9aa in QuickCheckForUnpoisonedRegion .../llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/asan/../sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common_interceptors.inc:850:10
  #2 0x2aac31a9aa in bcmp .../llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/asan/../sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common_interceptors.inc:817:7
  #3 0x2aac3bbca8 in main .../llvm-project/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/bcmp_test.cpp:13:13
  #4 0x3f886e36c0  (/lib/libc.so.6+0x266c0)
  #5 0x3f886e376c in __libc_start_main (/lib/libc.so.6+0x2676c)
  #6 0x2aac306d52 in _start (.../llvm-project/build/test/asan/RISCV64LinuxConfig/TestCases/Posix/Output/bcmp_test.cpp.tmp+0x26d52)

https://reviews.llvm.org/D152991 looses the check statement to make the tests pass.

For  `AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/log-path_test.cpp` failure, one of the test tries to set the log path to `/INVALID` and expects error.
But since in our QEMU test environment uses root, so the path is actually valid.

There are 3 additional check-asan failures for sv57:

  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/Linux/allocator_oom_test.cpp
  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/Linux/auto_memory_profile_test.cpp
  AddressSanitizer-riscv64-linux :: TestCases/Linux/quarantine_size_mb.cpp

We are still investigating them. But since the tests seems not so critical and  sv57 is rather little users, we decide to propose the reviews for now.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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