[PATCH] D151932: Add dsymutil dwarf5 tests for darwin

Shubham Sandeep Rastogi via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 6 10:06:21 PDT 2023

rastogishubham marked 3 inline comments as done.
rastogishubham added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/test/tools/dsymutil/ARM/dwarf5-darwin.test:3
+RUN: yaml2obj %p/../Inputs/dwarf5-darwin.yaml -o %t.dir/dwarf5-darwin.o
+RUN: dsymutil %t.dir/dwarf5-darwin.o -o %t.dir/dwarf5-darwin.dSYM
+RUN: llvm-dwarfdump %t.dir/dwarf5-darwin.dSYM -a --verbose | FileCheck %s
aprantl wrote:
> Either I'm confused by this test, or the test is doing something stange, but you can probably get rid of the .yaml file entirely.
> dsymutil takes an executable mach-o binary (or a dylib) as input. So the input file's extension should probably not be `.o`.
> But we also shouldn't need to create one, because dsymutil can take a debug map (~ what dsymutil -s would print) in yaml as input. This is why most tests just use `-y %p/dummy-debug-map.map`, which is a debug map that looks for a files named 1.o 2.o 3.o. So if you name your files accordingly (look at what the other tests are doing), you should be able to do the same.
It was meant to be .out or something, not .o, that is my mistake, but I will rewrite the test to use the debug-map



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