[llvm] 9c6bee6 - [RISCV][GlobalISel] Add lowerCall for calling convention

Nitin John Raj via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 1 15:59:00 PDT 2023

Author: Nitin John Raj
Date: 2023-06-01T15:54:25-07:00
New Revision: 9c6bee653ca0b777389f5b6ba2e623e94da41ce4

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/9c6bee653ca0b777389f5b6ba2e623e94da41ce4
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/9c6bee653ca0b777389f5b6ba2e623e94da41ce4.diff

LOG: [RISCV][GlobalISel] Add lowerCall for calling convention

This patch implements minimal support for lowering function calls to callees with arguments and/or return values according to the RISC-V calling convention. Integer, pointer and aggregate types are supported.

Feedback is very much appreciated.

Reviewed By: arsenm

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D75023




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/GISel/RISCVCallLowering.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/GISel/RISCVCallLowering.cpp
index cc6cf64a9a2db..f8389376b2020 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/GISel/RISCVCallLowering.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/GISel/RISCVCallLowering.cpp
@@ -133,6 +133,21 @@ struct RISCVIncomingValueHandler : public CallLowering::IncomingValueHandler {
+struct RISCVCallReturnHandler : public RISCVIncomingValueHandler {
+  RISCVCallReturnHandler(MachineIRBuilder &B, MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
+                         MachineInstrBuilder &MIB)
+      : RISCVIncomingValueHandler(B, MRI), MIB(MIB) {}
+  MachineInstrBuilder MIB;
+  void assignValueToReg(Register ValVReg, Register PhysReg,
+                        CCValAssign VA) override {
+    // Copy argument received in physical register to desired VReg.
+    MIB.addDef(PhysReg, RegState::Implicit);
+    MIRBuilder.buildCopy(ValVReg, PhysReg);
+  }
 } // namespace
 RISCVCallLowering::RISCVCallLowering(const RISCVTargetLowering &TLI)
@@ -232,5 +247,86 @@ bool RISCVCallLowering::lowerFormalArguments(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder,
 bool RISCVCallLowering::lowerCall(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder,
                                   CallLoweringInfo &Info) const {
-  return false;
+  MachineFunction &MF = MIRBuilder.getMF();
+  const DataLayout &DL = MF.getDataLayout();
+  const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
+  CallingConv::ID CC = F.getCallingConv();
+  // TODO: Support vararg functions.
+  if (Info.IsVarArg)
+    return false;
+  // TODO: Support all argument types.
+  for (auto &AInfo : Info.OrigArgs) {
+    if (AInfo.Ty->isIntegerTy())
+      continue;
+    if (AInfo.Ty->isPointerTy())
+      continue;
+    if (AInfo.Ty->isFloatingPointTy())
+      continue;
+    return false;
+  }
+  SmallVector<ArgInfo, 32> SplitArgInfos;
+  SmallVector<ISD::OutputArg, 8> Outs;
+  unsigned Index = 0;
+  for (auto &AInfo : Info.OrigArgs) {
+    // Handle any required unmerging of split value types from a given VReg into
+    // physical registers. ArgInfo objects are constructed correspondingly and
+    // appended to SplitArgInfos.
+    splitToValueTypes(AInfo, SplitArgInfos, DL, CC);
+    ++Index;
+  }
+  // TODO: Support tail calls.
+  Info.IsTailCall = false;
+  if (!Info.Callee.isReg())
+    Info.Callee.setTargetFlags(RISCVII::MO_CALL);
+  MachineInstrBuilder Call =
+      MIRBuilder
+          .buildInstrNoInsert(Info.Callee.isReg() ? RISCV::PseudoCALLIndirect
+                                                  : RISCV::PseudoCALL)
+          .add(Info.Callee);
+  RISCVOutgoingValueAssigner ArgAssigner(
+      CC == CallingConv::Fast ? RISCV::CC_RISCV_FastCC : RISCV::CC_RISCV,
+      /*IsRet=*/false);
+  RISCVOutgoingValueHandler ArgHandler(MIRBuilder, MF.getRegInfo(), Call);
+  if (!determineAndHandleAssignments(ArgHandler, ArgAssigner, SplitArgInfos,
+                                     MIRBuilder, CC, Info.IsVarArg))
+    return false;
+  MIRBuilder.insertInstr(Call);
+  if (Info.OrigRet.Ty->isVoidTy())
+    return true;
+  // TODO: Only integer, pointer and aggregate types are supported now.
+  if (!Info.OrigRet.Ty->isIntOrPtrTy() && !Info.OrigRet.Ty->isAggregateType())
+    return false;
+  SmallVector<ArgInfo, 4> SplitRetInfos;
+  splitToValueTypes(Info.OrigRet, SplitRetInfos, DL, CC);
+  // Assignments should be handled *before* the merging of values takes place.
+  // To ensure this, the insert point is temporarily adjusted to just after the
+  // call instruction.
+  MachineBasicBlock::iterator CallInsertPt = Call;
+  MIRBuilder.setInsertPt(MIRBuilder.getMBB(), std::next(CallInsertPt));
+  RISCVIncomingValueAssigner RetAssigner(
+      CC == CallingConv::Fast ? RISCV::CC_RISCV_FastCC : RISCV::CC_RISCV,
+      /*IsRet=*/true);
+  RISCVCallReturnHandler RetHandler(MIRBuilder, MF.getRegInfo(), Call);
+  if (!determineAndHandleAssignments(RetHandler, RetAssigner, SplitRetInfos,
+                                     MIRBuilder, CC, Info.IsVarArg))
+    return false;
+  // Readjust insert point to end of basic block.
+  MIRBuilder.setMBB(MIRBuilder.getMBB());
+  return true;

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/GlobalISel/irtranslator/calls.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/GlobalISel/irtranslator/calls.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8375acf5e1ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/GlobalISel/irtranslator/calls.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_mir_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -global-isel -stop-after=irtranslator -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
+; RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV32I %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -global-isel -stop-after=irtranslator -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
+; RUN:   | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64I %s
+declare void @void_noargs()
+define void @test_call_void_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_noargs, implicit-def $x1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_noargs, implicit-def $x1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare void @void_args_i8(i8, i8)
+define void @test_call_void_args_i8() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i8
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 0
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ANYEXT [[C]](s8)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ANYEXT [[C1]](s8)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[ANYEXT]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[ANYEXT1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i8, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i8
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 0
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ANYEXT [[C]](s8)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ANYEXT [[C1]](s8)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[ANYEXT]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[ANYEXT1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i8, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_args_i8(i8 0, i8 1)
+  ret void
+declare void @void_args_i8_zext(i8 zeroext, i8 zeroext)
+define void @test_call_void_args_i8_zext() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i8_zext
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 0
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[ZEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ZEXT [[C]](s8)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[ZEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ZEXT [[C1]](s8)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[ZEXT]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[ZEXT1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i8_zext, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i8_zext
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 0
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_CONSTANT i8 1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ZEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ZEXT [[C]](s8)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ZEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ZEXT [[C1]](s8)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[ZEXT]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[ZEXT1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i8_zext, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_args_i8_zext(i8 zeroext 0, i8 zeroext 1)
+  ret void
+declare void @void_args_i16_sext(i16 signext, i16 signext)
+define void @test_call_void_args_i16_sext() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i16_sext
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_CONSTANT i16 0
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_CONSTANT i16 1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[SEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_SEXT [[C]](s16)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[SEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_SEXT [[C1]](s16)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[SEXT]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[SEXT1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i16_sext, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i16_sext
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_CONSTANT i16 0
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_CONSTANT i16 1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[SEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_SEXT [[C]](s16)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[SEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_SEXT [[C1]](s16)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[SEXT]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[SEXT1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i16_sext, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_args_i16_sext(i16 signext 0, i16 signext 1)
+  ret void
+declare void @void_args_i32(i32, i32)
+define void @test_call_void_args_i32() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i32
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[C]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[C1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i32, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i32
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ANYEXT [[C]](s32)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[ANYEXT1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_ANYEXT [[C1]](s32)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[ANYEXT]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[ANYEXT1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i32, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_args_i32(i32 0, i32 1)
+  ret void
+declare void @void_args_i64(i64, i64)
+define void @test_call_void_args_i64() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i64
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_CONSTANT i64 0
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_CONSTANT i64 1
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[UV:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32), [[UV1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES [[C]](s64)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[UV2:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32), [[UV3:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES [[C1]](s64)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[UV]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[UV1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x12 = COPY [[UV2]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x13 = COPY [[UV3]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i64, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11, implicit $x12, implicit $x13
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_void_args_i64
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_CONSTANT i64 0
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_CONSTANT i64 1
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[C]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x11 = COPY [[C1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_args_i64, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10, implicit $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_args_i64(i64 0, i64 1)
+  ret void
+declare i8 @i8_noargs()
+define void @test_call_i8_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_i8_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i8_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_i8_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i8_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s8) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call i8 @i8_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare i16 @i16_noargs()
+define void @test_call_i16_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_i16_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i16_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_i16_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i16_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s16) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call i16 @i16_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare i32 @i32_noargs()
+define void @test_call_i32_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_i32_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i32_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_i32_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i32_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call i32 @i32_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare i64 @i64_noargs()
+define void @test_call_i64_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_i64_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i64_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10, implicit-def $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[MV:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = G_MERGE_VALUES [[COPY]](s32), [[COPY1]](s32)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_i64_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i64_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call i64 @i64_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare ptr @ptr_noargs()
+define void @test_call_ptr_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_ptr_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @ptr_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_ptr_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @ptr_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call ptr @ptr_noargs()
+  ret void
+declare [2 x i32] @i32x2_noargs()
+define void @test_call_i32x2_noargs() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_call_i32x2_noargs
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i32x2_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10, implicit-def $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $x11
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_call_i32x2_noargs
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @i32x2_noargs, implicit-def $x1, implicit-def $x10, implicit-def $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_TRUNC [[COPY]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s64) = COPY $x11
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[TRUNC1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_TRUNC [[COPY1]](s64)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  %a = call [2 x i32] @i32x2_noargs()
+  ret void
+%struct.Foo = type { i32, i32, i32, i16, i8 }
+ at foo = global %struct.Foo { i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i16 4, i8 5 }, align 4
+declare void @void_byval_args(ptr byval(%struct.Foo) %f)
+define void @test_void_byval_args() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_void_byval_args
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[GV:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = G_GLOBAL_VALUE @foo
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[GV]](p0)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_byval_args, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_void_byval_args
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[GV:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = G_GLOBAL_VALUE @foo
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[GV]](p0)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_byval_args, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_byval_args(ptr byval(%struct.Foo) @foo)
+  ret void
+declare void @void_sret_args(ptr sret(%struct.Foo) %f)
+define void @test_void_sret_args() {
+  ; RV32I-LABEL: name: test_void_sret_args
+  ; RV32I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   [[GV:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = G_GLOBAL_VALUE @foo
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[GV]](p0)
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_sret_args, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10
+  ; RV32I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  ; RV64I-LABEL: name: test_void_sret_args
+  ; RV64I: bb.1.entry:
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   [[GV:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = G_GLOBAL_VALUE @foo
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   $x10 = COPY [[GV]](p0)
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoCALL target-flags(riscv-call) @void_sret_args, implicit-def $x1, implicit $x10
+  ; RV64I-NEXT:   PseudoRET
+  call void @void_sret_args(ptr sret(%struct.Foo) @foo)
+  ret void


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