[PATCH] D151470: [RISCV][NFC] Make Reduction scheduler resources SEW aware

Craig Topper via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 26 08:17:43 PDT 2023

craig.topper added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVInstrInfoVPseudos.td:3467
     defvar mx = m.MX;
-    defvar WriteVIWRedV_From_MX = !cast<SchedWrite>("WriteVIWRedV_From_" # mx);
-    defm _VS : VPseudoTernaryWithTailPolicy_E<V_M1.vrclass, m.vrclass, V_M1.vrclass, m>,
-               Sched<[WriteVIWRedV_From_MX, ReadVIWRedV, ReadVIWRedV,
-                      ReadVIWRedV, ReadVMask]>;
+    foreach e = SchedSEWSet<mx>.val in {
+      defvar WriteVIWRedV_From_MX_E = !cast<SchedWrite>("WriteVIWRedV_From_" # mx # "_E" # e);
michaelmaitland wrote:
> craig.topper wrote:
> > Should we have a different SEWSet that doesn't 64 in it since we can't widen those?
> We would need to do this for all widening instructions, not just reductions? Same for narrowing instructions shouldn't contain the smallest SEW?
SEW is the destination for narrowing instructions. SEW=64 can never be the destination of a narrowing instruction.

Do we use SEWSet on any widening or narrowing instructions other than reductions?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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