[PATCH] D148169: [compiler-rt] [test] [profile] Add an .exe suffix to some temp executables

Vitaly Buka via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 19 10:58:46 PDT 2023

vitalybuka added inline comments.

Comment at: compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-basic.c:41
+// RUN: %run %t.dir4/merge4.exe
+// RUN: rm -f %t.dir4/merge4.exe
 // RUN: llvm-profdata merge -o %t.m4.profdata ./
mstorsjo wrote:
> alvinhochun wrote:
> > Do you know is there any reason why this test case needs to remove the exe but the previous test cases don't? Can we instead just remove this rm command?
> In this test, the profile data files are written in the same directory as the executable, and `llvm-profdata` reads all files the directory. If the executable is left there, it fails to read that file.
can you keep everything as is and just do
rm -f %t.dir4/merge4*

Comment at: compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-tmpdir.c:7
 // Check that a dir separator is appended after %t is subsituted.
-// RUN: env TMPDIR="%t" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="%%traw1.profraw" %run ./binary
+// RUN: env TMPDIR="%t" LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="%%traw1.profraw" %run ./binary.exe
 // RUN: llvm-profdata show ./raw1.profraw | FileCheck %s -check-prefix TMPDIR
why do you need exe here?
isn't windows will implicitly add .exe when you run  ./binary ?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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