[PATCH] D147456: [AutoFDO] Stale profile matching(part 1)

Wenlei He via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 5 11:28:21 PDT 2023

wenlei added a comment.

Thanks for working on this. Looks good overall, except a few naming nits.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h:845
+  // same location.
+  const LineLocation &remapLoc(const LineLocation &Loc) const {
+    if (!StaleProfileMappings)
similarly, `mapIRLocToProfileLoc`?

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h:1264
+  /// be remapped to 1 and find the location of bar in the profile.
+  LocToLocMap *StaleProfileMappings = nullptr;
How about name it `IRToProfileLocationMap` to make it more explicit. 

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfile.cpp:134
+static cl::opt<bool> SampleProfileMatching(
+    "sample-profile-matching", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false),
+    cl::desc("Run stale profile matching algorithm and use the remapped "
nit: we always match profile regardless of staleness. how about something like `salvage-stale-profile` (or `sample-profile-salvage-stale`)

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfile.cpp:451
+  // of current build is matched to the location in the profile.
+  StringMap<LocToLocMap> FuncToMatchingsMap;
hoy wrote:
> Where is this DS populated? Is it in a separate patch?
same question. I saw it being populated in the 2nd patch, but the split between the two patches is a bit weird if its population is left out. not a big deal though as long as the entire stack works..

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/SampleProfile.cpp:2100
-void SampleProfileMatcher::detectProfileMismatch(const Function &F,
-                                                 const FunctionSamples &FS) {
+void SampleProfileMatcher::detectProfileMismatch(
+    const FunctionSamples &FS,
With the refactoring, this function is now narrower, and perhaps we could rename it to something like `countProfileMismatches` to reflect the narrowed scope.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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