[PATCH] D141848: [Test] Fix YAML mapping keys duplication. NFC.

Cyndy Ishida via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 6 11:44:03 PST 2023

cishida accepted this revision.
cishida added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/unittests/TextAPI/TextStubV4Tests.cpp:984
+      "  - targets: [ x86_64-maccatalyst ]\n"
+      "    symbols: [ _symAB ]\n"
asi-sc wrote:
> @spowell , @cishida , @steven_wu , `TBDv4File` file seems to contain two files incorrectly merged into one. I've merged some fields so that it doesn't contradict YAML spec, but I'm not sure in the correctness of this change. If such a merging is not possible, when we must split one file into two. However, looking at the checks, it doesn't sound as a required thing for this test. Could you please have a look? 
That sounds right. This input was meant to represent two libraries but the test never checked that and the input was indeed invalid. Thanks for cleaning this up! LGTM.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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