[llvm] 5de5f66 - [extract_symbols.py] Better handling of templates

John Brawn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 6 07:36:46 PST 2023

Author: John Brawn
Date: 2023-02-06T15:36:39Z
New Revision: 5de5f66b984a96cda9ffa1456ca221759d2556c5

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/5de5f66b984a96cda9ffa1456ca221759d2556c5
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/5de5f66b984a96cda9ffa1456ca221759d2556c5.diff

LOG: [extract_symbols.py] Better handling of templates

Since commit 846b676 SmallVectorBase<uint32_t> has been explicitly
instantiated, which means that clang.exe must export it for a plugin
to be able to link against it, but the constructor is not exported as
currently no template constructors or destructors are exported.

We can't just export all constructors and destructors, as that puts us
over the symbol limit on Windows, so instead rewrite how we decide
which templates need to be exported to be more precise. Currently we
assume that templates instantiated many times have no explicit
instantiations, but this isn't necessarily true and results also in
exporting implicit template instantiations that we don't need
to. Instead check for references to template members, as this
indicates that the template must be explicitly instantiated (as if it
weren't the template would just be implicitly instantiated on use).

Doing this reduces the number of symbols exported from clang from
66011 to 53993 (in the build configuration that I've been testing). It
also lets us get rid of the special-case handling of Type::getAs, as
its explicit instantiations are now being detected as such.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D142989




diff  --git a/llvm/utils/extract_symbols.py b/llvm/utils/extract_symbols.py
index 298ee6ba4eeb..f64e3d1eebb9 100755
--- a/llvm/utils/extract_symbols.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/extract_symbols.py
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 import multiprocessing
 import argparse
-# Define functions which extract a list of symbols from a library using several
diff erent tools. We use subprocess.Popen and yield a symbol at a time instead
-# of using subprocess.check_output and returning a list as, especially on
-# Windows, waiting for the entire output to be ready can take a significant
-# amount of time.
+# Define functions which extract a list of pairs of (symbols, is_def) from a
+# library using several 
diff erent tools. We use subprocess.Popen and yield a
+# symbol at a time instead of using subprocess.check_output and returning a list
+# as, especially on Windows, waiting for the entire output to be ready can take
+# a significant amount of time.
 def dumpbin_get_symbols(lib):
     process = subprocess.Popen(['dumpbin','/symbols',lib], bufsize=1,
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ def dumpbin_get_symbols(lib):
     for line in process.stdout:
-        # Look for external symbols that are defined in some section
-        match = re.match("^.+SECT.+External\s+\|\s+(\S+).*$", line)
+        # Look for external symbols
+        match = re.match("^.+(SECT|UNDEF).+External\s+\|\s+(\S+).*$", line)
         if match:
-            yield match.group(1)
+            yield (match.group(2), match.group(1) != "UNDEF")
 def nm_get_symbols(lib):
@@ -60,7 +60,11 @@ def nm_get_symbols(lib):
         # but \s+ match newline also, so \s+\S* will match the optional size field.
         match = re.match("^(\S+)\s+[BDGRSTVW]\s+\S+\s+\S*$", line)
         if match:
-            yield match.group(1)
+            yield (match.group(1), True)
+        # Look for undefined symbols, which have only name and type (which is U).
+        match = re.match("^(\S+)\s+U\s+$", line)
+        if match:
+            yield (match.group(1), False)
 def readobj_get_symbols(lib):
@@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ def readobj_get_symbols(lib):
     for line in process.stdout:
         # When looking through the output of llvm-readobj we expect to see Name,
         # Section, then StorageClass, so record Name and Section when we see
-        # them and decide if this is a defined external symbol when we see
+        # them and decide if this is an external symbol when we see
         # StorageClass.
         match = re.search('Name: (\S+)', line)
         if match:
@@ -83,9 +87,8 @@ def readobj_get_symbols(lib):
         if match:
             storageclass = match.group(1)
             if section != 'IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE' and \
-               section != 'IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED' and \
                storageclass == 'External':
-                yield name
+                yield (name, section != 'IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED')
 # Define functions which determine if the target is 32-bit Windows (as that's
@@ -146,23 +149,11 @@ def should_keep_microsoft_symbol(symbol, calling_convention_decoration):
         if symbol.startswith(("__xmm@", "__ymm@", "__real@")):
             return None
         return symbol
-    # Function template instantiations start with ?$; keep the instantiations of
-    # clang::Type::getAs, as some of them are explipict specializations that are
-    # defined in clang's lib/AST/Type.cpp; discard the rest as it's assumed that
-    # the definition is public
-    elif re.match('\?\?\$getAs at .+@Type at clang@@', symbol):
-        return symbol
-    elif symbol.startswith('??$'):
-        return None
     # Deleting destructors start with ?_G or ?_E and can be discarded because
     # link.exe gives you a warning telling you they can't be exported if you
     # don't
     elif symbol.startswith('??_G') or symbol.startswith('??_E'):
         return None
-    # Constructors (?0) and destructors (?1) of templates (?$) are assumed to be
-    # defined in headers and not required to be kept
-    elif symbol.startswith('??0?$') or symbol.startswith('??1?$'):
-        return None
     # An anonymous namespace is mangled as ?A(maybe hex number)@. Any symbol
     # that mentions an anonymous namespace can be discarded, as the anonymous
     # namespace doesn't exist outside of that translation unit.
@@ -216,18 +207,6 @@ def should_keep_itanium_symbol(symbol, calling_convention_decoration):
         return None
     if not names:
         return symbol
-    # Constructors and destructors of templates classes are assumed to be
-    # defined in headers and not required to be kept
-    if re.match('[CD][123]', names[-1][0]) and names[-2][1]:
-        return None
-    # Keep the instantiations of clang::Type::getAs, as some of them are
-    # explipict specializations that are defined in clang's lib/AST/Type.cpp;
-    # discard any other function template instantiations as it's assumed that
-    # the definition is public
-    elif symbol.startswith('_ZNK5clang4Type5getAs'):
-        return symbol
-    elif names[-1][1]:
-        return None
     # Keep llvm:: and clang:: names
     elif names[0][0] == '4llvm' or names[0][0] == '5clang':
         return symbol
@@ -338,14 +317,79 @@ def parse_itanium_nested_name(arg):
     # If we get here then something went wrong
     return None, None
+# Parse a microsoft mangled symbol and return a list of pairs of
+# (name, is_template). This is very rudimentary and does just enough
+# in order to determine if the first or second component is a template.
+def parse_microsoft_mangling(arg):
+    # If the name doesn't start with ? this isn't a mangled name
+    if not arg.startswith('?'):
+        return [(arg, False)]
+    arg = arg[1:]
+    components = []
+    while len(arg) > 0:
+        # If we see an empty component we've reached the end
+        if arg.startswith('@'):
+            return components
+        # Check for a simple name
+        match = re.match('(\w+)@(.+)', arg)
+        if match:
+            components.append((match.group(1), False))
+            arg = match.group(2)
+            continue
+        # Check for a special function name
+        match = re.match('(\?_?\w)(.+)', arg)
+        if match:
+            components.append((match.group(1), False))
+            arg = match.group(2)
+            continue
+        # Check for a template name
+        match = re.match('\?\$(\w+)@[^@]+@(.+)', arg)
+        if match:
+            components.append((match.group(1), True))
+            arg = match.group(2)
+            continue
+        # Some other kind of name that we can't handle
+        components.append((arg, False))
+        return components
+    return components
 def extract_symbols(arg):
     get_symbols, should_keep_symbol, calling_convention_decoration, lib = arg
-    symbols = dict()
-    for symbol in get_symbols(lib):
+    symbol_defs = dict()
+    symbol_refs = set()
+    for (symbol, is_def) in get_symbols(lib):
         symbol = should_keep_symbol(symbol, calling_convention_decoration)
         if symbol:
-            symbols[symbol] = 1 + symbols.setdefault(symbol,0)
-    return symbols
+            if is_def:
+                symbol_defs[symbol] = 1 + symbol_defs.setdefault(symbol,0)
+            else:
+                symbol_refs.add(symbol)
+    return (symbol_defs, symbol_refs)
+def get_template_name(sym, mangling):
+    # Parse the mangling into a list of (name, is_template)
+    try:
+        if mangling == 'microsoft':
+            names = parse_microsoft_mangling(sym)
+        else:
+            match = re.match('_Z(T[VTIS])?(N.+)', sym)
+            if match:
+                names, _ = parse_itanium_nested_name(match.group(2))
+            else:
+                names = None
+    except TooComplexName:
+        return None
+    if not names:
+        return None
+    # If any component is a template then return it
+    for name, is_template in names:
+        if is_template:
+            return name
+    # Not a template
+    return None
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     tool_exes = ['dumpbin','nm','objdump','llvm-readobj']
@@ -458,68 +502,32 @@ def extract_symbols(arg):
     # Merge everything into a single dict
-    symbols = dict()
-    for this_lib_symbols in libs_symbols:
-        for k,v in list(this_lib_symbols.items()):
-            symbols[k] = v + symbols.setdefault(k,0)
-    # Count instances of member functions of template classes, and map the
-    # symbol name to the function+class. We do this under the assumption that if
-    # a member function of a template class is instantiated many times it's
-    # probably declared in a public header file.
-    template_function_count = dict()
-    template_function_mapping = dict()
-    template_function_count[""] = 0
-    for k in symbols:
-        name = None
-        if args.mangling == 'microsoft':
-            # Member functions of templates start with
-            # ?<fn_name>@?$<class_name>@, so we map to <fn_name>@?$<class_name>.
-            # As manglings go from the innermost scope to the outermost scope
-            # this means:
-            #  * When we have a function member of a subclass of a template
-            #    class then <fn_name> will actually contain the mangling of
-            #    both the subclass and the function member. This is fine.
-            #  * When we have a function member of a template subclass of a
-            #    (possibly template) class then it's the innermost template
-            #    subclass that becomes <class_name>. This should be OK so long
-            #    as we don't have multiple classes with a template subclass of
-            #    the same name.
-            match = re.search("^\?(\??\w+\@\?\$\w+)\@", k)
-            if match:
-                name = match.group(1)
-        else:
-            # Find member functions of templates by demangling the name and
-            # checking if the second-to-last name in the list is a template.
-            match = re.match('_Z(T[VTIS])?(N.+)', k)
-            if match:
-                try:
-                    names, _ = parse_itanium_nested_name(match.group(2))
-                    if names and names[-2][1]:
-                        name = ''.join([x for x,_ in names])
-                except TooComplexName:
-                    # Manglings that are too complex should already have been
-                    # filtered out, but if we happen to somehow see one here
-                    # just leave it as-is.
-                    pass
-        if name:
-            old_count = template_function_count.setdefault(name,0)
-            template_function_count[name] = old_count + 1
-            template_function_mapping[k] = name
-        else:
-            template_function_mapping[k] = ""
+    symbol_defs = dict()
+    symbol_refs = set()
+    for (this_lib_defs, this_lib_refs) in libs_symbols:
+        for k,v in list(this_lib_defs.items()):
+            symbol_defs[k] = v + symbol_defs.setdefault(k,0)
+        for sym in list(this_lib_refs):
+            symbol_refs.add(sym)
+    # Find which template instantiations are referenced at least once.
+    template_instantiation_refs = set()
+    for sym in list(symbol_refs):
+        template = get_template_name(sym, args.mangling)
+        if template:
+            template_instantiation_refs.add(template)
     # Print symbols which both:
     #  * Appear in exactly one input, as symbols defined in multiple
     #    objects/libraries are assumed to have public definitions.
-    #  * Aren't instances of member functions of templates which have been
-    #    instantiated 100 times or more, which are assumed to have public
-    #    definitions. (100 is an arbitrary guess here.)
+    #  * Are not a template instantiation that isn't referenced anywhere. This
+    #    is because we need to export any explicitly instantiated templates,
+    #    and we expect those to be referenced in some object.
     if args.o:
         outfile = open(args.o,'w')
         outfile = sys.stdout
-    for k,v in list(symbols.items()):
-        template_count = template_function_count[template_function_mapping[k]]
-        if v == 1 and template_count < 100:
+    for k,v in list(symbol_defs.items()):
+        template = get_template_name(k, args.mangling)
+        if v == 1 and (not template or template in template_instantiation_refs):
             print(k, file=outfile)


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