[PATCH] D119547: [libc][bazel] Add tests to the bazel build

Geoffrey Martin-Noble via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 9 14:11:13 PST 2022

GMNGeoffrey added inline comments.

Comment at: utils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/libc/test/src/math/libc_math_test_rules.bzl:36
+        additional_deps = additional_deps,
+        size = "enormous",  # Some tests are emulated and take very long.
+    )
gchatelet wrote:
> GMNGeoffrey wrote:
> > Oh no 😨 How much does this extend CI runtime? Also, how many tests are like this? Instead of hardcoding "enormous" for every test, could you just pass that argument for the few that are in fact enormous? Separately, I think it is a better fit to use the `timeout` argument here `timeout = "eternal"`. Test size is ill-defined, but I think by any reasonable definition this test isn't an enormous one. Those usually involve spinning up whole servers and such. I think it's a small test that just happens to take a very long time.
> It is not //that// bad. Here are the top tests sorted by runtime:
> ```
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:hypot_test                             PASSED in 44.1s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:hypotf_test                            PASSED in 31.4s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:remquol_test                           PASSED in 19.7s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:sincosf_test                           PASSED in 12.8s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:sqrtf_test                             PASSED in 6.3s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:sqrt_test                              PASSED in 6.0s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:sqrtl_test                             PASSED in 4.8s
> @llvm-project//libc/test/src/math:sinf_test                              PASSED in 3.8s
> ...
> ```
> @lntue can we add the size tag only on the few bad ones?
Thos are all within the timeouts for "short", which is implied by "small". It doesn't seem like any of these should be tagged "enormous"

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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