[llvm] a290770 - [benchmark] Pull latest; disable -Werror

Mircea Trofin via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 13 17:13:35 PST 2021

Author: Mircea Trofin
Date: 2021-12-13T17:09:38-08:00
New Revision: a290770fa848cfe9b46dcc2c44e06e15cafd0f23

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a290770fa848cfe9b46dcc2c44e06e15cafd0f23
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a290770fa848cfe9b46dcc2c44e06e15cafd0f23.diff

LOG: [benchmark] Pull latest; disable -Werror

Pulled the latest (b000672), which adds an option to disable -Werror,
which caused issues previously (see for instance

Applied https://github.com/google/benchmark/pull/1305 to unblock, as
this issue is causing downstream buildbot failures.

The only change is in llvm/CMakeLists.txt, where we set

This patch also introduces a convenience script to pull benchmark from

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D115684




diff  --git a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
index df34265ddc475..9e2d2365b653f 100644
--- a/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1209,6 +1209,8 @@ if (LLVM_INCLUDE_BENCHMARKS)
   set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_GTEST_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable Google Test in benchmark" FORCE)
+    "Handle -Werror for Google Benchmark based on LLVM_ENABLE_WERROR" FORCE)
   # Since LLVM requires C++11 it is safe to assume that std::regex is available.

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/.clang-format b/third-party/benchmark/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e7d00feaa08a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Language:        Cpp
+BasedOnStyle:  Google
+PointerAlignment: Left

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/.clang-tidy b/third-party/benchmark/.clang-tidy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..56938a598d1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/.clang-tidy
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Checks:          'clang-analyzer-*,readability-redundant-*,performance-*'
+WarningsAsErrors: 'clang-analyzer-*,readability-redundant-*,performance-*'
+HeaderFilterRegex: '.*'
+AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false
+FormatStyle:     none
+User:            user

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/.travis.yml b/third-party/benchmark/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8cfed3d10dab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+sudo: required
+dist: trusty
+language: cpp
+  include:
+    - compiler: gcc
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            - lcov
+      env: COMPILER=g++ C_COMPILER=gcc BUILD_TYPE=Coverage
+    - compiler: gcc
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            - g++-multilib
+            - libc6:i386
+      env:
+        - COMPILER=g++
+        - C_COMPILER=gcc
+        - BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - BUILD_32_BITS=ON
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-m32"
+    - compiler: gcc
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            - g++-multilib
+            - libc6:i386
+      env:
+        - COMPILER=g++
+        - C_COMPILER=gcc
+        - BUILD_TYPE=Release
+        - BUILD_32_BITS=ON
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-m32"
+    - compiler: gcc
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=g++-6 C_COMPILER=gcc-6  BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -O2 -fsanitize=undefined,address -fuse-ld=gold"
+    # Clang w/ libc++
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            clang-3.8
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            clang-3.8
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Release
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    # Clang w/ 32bit libc++
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            - clang-3.8
+            - g++-multilib
+            - libc6:i386
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1
+        - BUILD_32_BITS=ON
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-m32"
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    # Clang w/ 32bit libc++
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            - clang-3.8
+            - g++-multilib
+            - libc6:i386
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Release
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1
+        - BUILD_32_BITS=ON
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-m32"
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    # Clang w/ libc++, ASAN, UBSAN
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            clang-3.8
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1 LIBCXX_SANITIZER="Undefined;Address"
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined,address -fno-sanitize-recover=all"
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+        - UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1
+    # Clang w/ libc++ and MSAN
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            clang-3.8
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
+        - LIBCXX_BUILD=1 LIBCXX_SANITIZER=MemoryWithOrigins
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins"
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    # Clang w/ libc++ and MSAN
+    - compiler: clang
+      dist: xenial
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages:
+            clang-3.8
+      env:
+        - INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA=1
+        - COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=thread -fno-sanitize-recover=all"
+        - EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode8.3
+      compiler: clang
+      env:
+        - COMPILER=clang++
+        - BUILD_TYPE=Release
+        - BUILD_32_BITS=ON
+        - EXTRA_FLAGS="-m32"
+  - if [ -n "${LIBCXX_BUILD}" ]; then
+      source .libcxx-setup.sh;
+    fi
+  - if [ -n "${ENABLE_SANITIZER}" ]; then
+    else
+      export EXTRA_OPTIONS="";
+    fi
+  - mkdir -p build && cd build
+  - if [ -z "$BUILD_32_BITS" ]; then
+      export BUILD_32_BITS=OFF && echo disabling 32 bit build;
+    fi
+  - if [ -n "${INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA}" ]; then
+      sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test";
+      sudo apt-get update --option Acquire::Retries=100 --option Acquire::http::Timeout="60";
+    fi
+  - if [ -n "${INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA}" ]; then
+      travis_wait sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install g++-6;
+    fi
+  - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" -a "${BUILD_32_BITS}" == "OFF" ]; then
+      travis_wait sudo -E apt-get -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install llvm-3.9-tools;
+      sudo cp /usr/lib/llvm-3.9/bin/FileCheck /usr/local/bin/;
+    fi
+  - if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "Coverage" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
+      PATH=~/.local/bin:${PATH};
+      pip install --user --upgrade pip;
+      travis_wait pip install --user cpp-coveralls;
+    fi
+  - if [ "${C_COMPILER}" == "gcc-7" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
+      rm -f /usr/local/include/c++;
+      brew update;
+      travis_wait brew install gcc at 7;
+    fi
+  - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
+      sudo apt-get update -qq;
+      sudo apt-get install -qq unzip cmake3;
+      wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/3.2.0/bazel-3.2.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh --output-document bazel-installer.sh;
+      travis_wait sudo bash bazel-installer.sh;
+    fi
+  - if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
+      curl -L -o bazel-installer.sh https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/3.2.0/bazel-3.2.0-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh;
+      travis_wait sudo bash bazel-installer.sh;
+    fi
+  - make
+  - ctest -C ${BUILD_TYPE} --output-on-failure
+  - bazel test -c dbg --define google_benchmark.have_regex=posix --announce_rc --verbose_failures --test_output=errors --keep_going //test/...
+  - if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "Coverage" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
+      coveralls --include src --include include --gcov-options '\-lp' --root .. --build-root .;
+    fi

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py b/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5649ddcc749f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import os
+import ycm_core
+# These are the compilation flags that will be used in case there's no
+# compilation database set (by default, one is not set).
+flags = [
+# ...and the same thing goes for the magic -x option which specifies the
+# language that the files to be compiled are written in. This is mostly
+# relevant for c++ headers.
+# For a C project, you would set this to 'c' instead of 'c++'.
+'-x', 'c++',
+'-I', 'include',
+'-isystem', '/usr/include',
+'-isystem', '/usr/local/include',
+# Set this to the absolute path to the folder (NOT the file!) containing the
+# compile_commands.json file to use that instead of 'flags'. See here for
+# more details: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html
+# Most projects will NOT need to set this to anything; you can just change the
+# 'flags' list of compilation flags. Notice that YCM itself uses that approach.
+compilation_database_folder = ''
+if os.path.exists( compilation_database_folder ):
+  database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase( compilation_database_folder )
+  database = None
+def DirectoryOfThisScript():
+  return os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
+def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, working_directory ):
+  if not working_directory:
+    return list( flags )
+  new_flags = []
+  make_next_absolute = False
+  path_flags = [ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' ]
+  for flag in flags:
+    new_flag = flag
+    if make_next_absolute:
+      make_next_absolute = False
+      if not flag.startswith( '/' ):
+        new_flag = os.path.join( working_directory, flag )
+    for path_flag in path_flags:
+      if flag == path_flag:
+        make_next_absolute = True
+        break
+      if flag.startswith( path_flag ):
+        path = flag[ len( path_flag ): ]
+        new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join( working_directory, path )
+        break
+    if new_flag:
+      new_flags.append( new_flag )
+  return new_flags
+def IsHeaderFile( filename ):
+  extension = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 1 ]
+  return extension in [ '.h', '.hxx', '.hpp', '.hh' ]
+def GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ):
+  # The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have entries
+  # for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for a
+  # corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that file
+  # should be good enough.
+  if IsHeaderFile( filename ):
+    basename = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ]
+    for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS:
+      replacement_file = basename + extension
+      if os.path.exists( replacement_file ):
+        compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(
+          replacement_file )
+        if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
+          return compilation_info
+    return None
+  return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
+def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ):
+  if database:
+    # Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a
+    # python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object
+    compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
+    if not compilation_info:
+      return None
+    final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
+      compilation_info.compiler_flags_,
+      compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_ )
+  else:
+    relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript()
+    final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, relative_to )
+  return {
+    'flags': final_flags,
+    'do_cache': True
+  }

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/AUTHORS b/third-party/benchmark/AUTHORS
index 838dd4f5bd5e7..54770f35499ce 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/AUTHORS
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/AUTHORS
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ David Coeurjolly <david.coeurjolly at liris.cnrs.fr>
 Deniz Evrenci <denizevrenci at gmail.com>
 Dirac Research 
 Dominik Czarnota <dominik.b.czarnota at gmail.com>
+Dominik Korman <kormandominik at gmail.com>
+Donald Aingworth <donalds_junk_mail at yahoo.com>
 Eric Backus <eric_backus at alum.mit.edu>
 Eric Fiselier <eric at efcs.ca>
 Eugene Zhuk <eugene.zhuk at gmail.com>

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/BUILD.bazel b/third-party/benchmark/BUILD.bazel
index eb35b62730c67..904c691d643e4 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/BUILD.bazel
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
-load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library")
+    name = "qnx",
+    constraint_values = ["@platforms//os:qnx"],
+    values = {
+        "cpu": "x64_qnx",
+    },
+    visibility = [":__subpackages__"],
     name = "windows",
+    constraint_values = ["@platforms//os:windows"],
     values = {
         "cpu": "x64_windows",

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt b/third-party/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
index ef8dcdc68cfb8..8af49406d052f 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,18 +13,31 @@ foreach(p
-project (benchmark VERSION 1.5.4 LANGUAGES CXX)
+project (benchmark VERSION 1.6.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING "Enable testing of the benchmark library." ON)
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS "Enable the use of exceptions in the benchmark library." ON)
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LTO "Enable link time optimisation of the benchmark library." OFF)
 option(BENCHMARK_USE_LIBCXX "Build and test using libc++ as the standard library." OFF)
+option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_WERROR "Build Release candidates with -Werror." ON)
+option(BENCHMARK_FORCE_WERROR "Build Release candidates with -Werror regardless of compiler issues." OFF)
+  # PGC++ maybe reporting false positives.
   option(BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS "Build a 32 bit version of the library." OFF)
   set(BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build a 32 bit version of the library - unsupported when using MSVC)" FORCE)
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_INSTALL "Enable installation of benchmark. (Projects embedding benchmark may want to turn this OFF.)" ON)
+option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_DOXYGEN "Build documentation with Doxygen." OFF)
+option(BENCHMARK_INSTALL_DOCS "Enable installation of documentation." ON)
 # Allow unmet dependencies to be met using CMake's ExternalProject mechanics, which
 # may require downloading the source code.
@@ -33,6 +46,7 @@ option(BENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES "Allow the downloading and in-tree buildi
 # This option can be used to disable building and running unit tests which depend on gtest
 # in cases where it is not possible to build or find a valid version of gtest.
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_GTEST_TESTS "Enable building the unit tests which depend on gtest" ON)
+option(BENCHMARK_USE_BUNDLED_GTEST "Use bundled GoogleTest. If disabled, the find_package(GTest) will be used." ON)
 option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LIBPFM "Enable performance counters provided by libpfm" OFF)
@@ -112,6 +126,9 @@ string(SUBSTRING ${VERSION} 0 1 GENERIC_LIB_SOVERSION)
+check_library_exists(rt shm_open "" HAVE_LIB_RT)
@@ -160,9 +177,11 @@ else()
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror RELEASE)
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror RELWITHDEBINFO)
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror MINSIZEREL)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror RELEASE)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror RELWITHDEBINFO)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Werror MINSIZEREL)
+  endif()
     # Disable warning when compiling tests as gtest does not use 'override'.
@@ -181,9 +200,11 @@ else()
   # Disable deprecation warnings for release builds (when -Werror is enabled).
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated RELEASE)
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated RELWITHDEBINFO)
-  add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated MINSIZEREL)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated RELEASE)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated RELWITHDEBINFO)
+      add_cxx_compiler_flag(-Wno-deprecated MINSIZEREL)
+  endif()
@@ -307,7 +328,15 @@ if (BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING)
       NOT (TARGET gtest AND TARGET gtest_main AND
            TARGET gmock AND TARGET gmock_main))
-    include(GoogleTest)
+      include(GoogleTest)
+    else()
+      find_package(GTest CONFIG REQUIRED)
+      add_library(gtest ALIAS GTest::gtest)
+      add_library(gtest_main ALIAS GTest::gtest_main)
+      add_library(gmock ALIAS GTest::gmock)
+      add_library(gmock_main ALIAS GTest::gmock_main)
+    endif()

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/CONTRIBUTORS b/third-party/benchmark/CONTRIBUTORS
index 7489731de5a82..651fbeafe66ab 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/CONTRIBUTORS
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/CONTRIBUTORS
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ David Coeurjolly <david.coeurjolly at liris.cnrs.fr>
 Deniz Evrenci <denizevrenci at gmail.com>
 Dominic Hamon <dma at stripysock.com> <dominic at google.com>
 Dominik Czarnota <dominik.b.czarnota at gmail.com>
+Dominik Korman <kormandominik at gmail.com>
+Donald Aingworth <donalds_junk_mail at yahoo.com>
 Eric Backus <eric_backus at alum.mit.edu>
 Eric Fiselier <eric at efcs.ca>
 Eugene Zhuk <eugene.zhuk at gmail.com>

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/README.md b/third-party/benchmark/README.md
index aa61cef1b162f..7b81d960fc1d7 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/README.md
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/README.md
@@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_SomeFunction);
+## Getting Started
 To get started, see [Requirements](#requirements) and
 [Installation](#installation). See [Usage](#usage) for a full example and the
-[User Guide](#user-guide) for a more comprehensive feature overview.
+[User Guide](docs/user_guide.md) for a more comprehensive feature overview.
 It may also help to read the [Google Test documentation](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/primer.md)
 as some of the structural aspects of the APIs are similar.
-### Resources
+## Resources
 [Discussion group](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/benchmark-discuss)
@@ -57,27 +59,25 @@ The following minimum versions are required to build the library:
 * Visual Studio 14 2015
 * Intel 2015 Update 1
-See [Platform-Specific Build Instructions](#platform-specific-build-instructions).
+See [Platform-Specific Build Instructions](docs/platform_specific_build_instructions.md).
 ## Installation
 This describes the installation process using cmake. As pre-requisites, you'll
 need git and cmake installed.
-_See [dependencies.md](dependencies.md) for more details regarding supported
+_See [dependencies.md](docs/dependencies.md) for more details regarding supported
 versions of build tools._
 # Check out the library.
 $ git clone https://github.com/google/benchmark.git
-# Benchmark requires Google Test as a dependency. Add the source tree as a subdirectory.
-$ git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git benchmark/googletest
 # Go to the library root directory
 $ cd benchmark
 # Make a build directory to place the build output.
 $ cmake -E make_directory "build"
-# Generate build system files with cmake.
-$ cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
+# Generate build system files with cmake, and download any dependencies.
+$ cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DBENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
 # or, starting with CMake 3.13, use a simpler form:
 # cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B "build"
 # Build the library.
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ sudo cmake --build "build" --config Release --target install
 Note that Google Benchmark requires Google Test to build and run the tests. This
 dependency can be provided two ways:
-* Checkout the Google Test sources into `benchmark/googletest` as above.
+* Checkout the Google Test sources into `benchmark/googletest`.
 * Otherwise, if `-DBENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=ON` is specified during
-  configuration, the library will automatically download and build any required
-  dependencies.
+  configuration as above, the library will automatically download and build
+  any required dependencies.
 If you do not wish to build and run the tests, add `-DBENCHMARK_ENABLE_GTEST_TESTS=OFF`
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Alternatively, link against the `benchmark_main` library and remove
 `BENCHMARK_MAIN();` above to get the same behavior.
 The compiled executable will run all benchmarks by default. Pass the `--help`
-flag for option information or see the guide below.
+flag for option information or see the [User Guide](docs/user_guide.md).
 ### Usage with CMake
@@ -214,1165 +214,3 @@ Either way, link to the library as follows.
 target_link_libraries(MyTarget benchmark::benchmark)
-## Platform Specific Build Instructions
-### Building with GCC
-When the library is built using GCC it is necessary to link with the pthread
-library due to how GCC implements `std::thread`. Failing to link to pthread will
-lead to runtime exceptions (unless you're using libc++), not linker errors. See
-[issue #67](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/67) for more details. You
-can link to pthread by adding `-pthread` to your linker command. Note, you can
-also use `-lpthread`, but there are potential issues with ordering of command
-line parameters if you use that.
-### Building with Visual Studio 2015 or 2017
-The `shlwapi` library (`-lshlwapi`) is required to support a call to `CPUInfo` which reads the registry. Either add `shlwapi.lib` under `[ Configuration Properties > Linker > Input ]`, or use the following:
-// Alternatively, can add libraries using linker options.
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma comment ( lib, "Shlwapi.lib" )
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#pragma comment ( lib, "benchmarkd.lib" )
-#pragma comment ( lib, "benchmark.lib" )
-Can also use the graphical version of CMake:
-* Open `CMake GUI`.
-* Under `Where to build the binaries`, same path as source plus `build`.
-* Under `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`, same path as source plus `install`.
-* Click `Configure`, `Generate`, `Open Project`.
-* If build fails, try deleting entire directory and starting again, or unticking options to build less.
-### Building with Intel 2015 Update 1 or Intel System Studio Update 4
-See instructions for building with Visual Studio. Once built, right click on the solution and change the build to Intel.
-### Building on Solaris
-If you're running benchmarks on solaris, you'll want the kstat library linked in
-too (`-lkstat`).
-## User Guide
-### Command Line
-[Output Formats](#output-formats)
-[Output Files](#output-files)
-[Running Benchmarks](#running-benchmarks)
-[Running a Subset of Benchmarks](#running-a-subset-of-benchmarks)
-[Result Comparison](#result-comparison)
-[Extra Context](#extra-context)
-### Library
-[Runtime and Reporting Considerations](#runtime-and-reporting-considerations)
-[Passing Arguments](#passing-arguments)
-[Custom Benchmark Name](#custom-benchmark-name)
-[Calculating Asymptotic Complexity](#asymptotic-complexity)
-[Templated Benchmarks](#templated-benchmarks)
-[Custom Counters](#custom-counters)
-[Multithreaded Benchmarks](#multithreaded-benchmarks)
-[CPU Timers](#cpu-timers)
-[Manual Timing](#manual-timing)
-[Setting the Time Unit](#setting-the-time-unit)
-[Random Interleaving](docs/random_interleaving.md)
-[User-Requested Performance Counters](docs/perf_counters.md)
-[Preventing Optimization](#preventing-optimization)
-[Reporting Statistics](#reporting-statistics)
-[Custom Statistics](#custom-statistics)
-[Using RegisterBenchmark](#using-register-benchmark)
-[Exiting with an Error](#exiting-with-an-error)
-[A Faster KeepRunning Loop](#a-faster-keep-running-loop)
-[Disabling CPU Frequency Scaling](#disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling)
-<a name="output-formats" />
-### Output Formats
-The library supports multiple output formats. Use the
-`--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>` flag (or set the
-`BENCHMARK_FORMAT=<console|json|csv>` environment variable) to set
-the format type. `console` is the default format.
-The Console format is intended to be a human readable format. By default
-the format generates color output. Context is output on stderr and the
-tabular data on stdout. Example tabular output looks like:
-Benchmark                               Time(ns)    CPU(ns) Iterations
-BM_SetInsert/1024/1                        28928      29349      23853  133.097kB/s   33.2742k items/s
-BM_SetInsert/1024/8                        32065      32913      21375  949.487kB/s   237.372k items/s
-BM_SetInsert/1024/10                       33157      33648      21431  1.13369MB/s   290.225k items/s
-The JSON format outputs human readable json split into two top level attributes.
-The `context` attribute contains information about the run in general, including
-information about the CPU and the date.
-The `benchmarks` attribute contains a list of every benchmark run. Example json
-output looks like:
-  "context": {
-    "date": "2015/03/17-18:40:25",
-    "num_cpus": 40,
-    "mhz_per_cpu": 2801,
-    "cpu_scaling_enabled": false,
-    "build_type": "debug"
-  },
-  "benchmarks": [
-    {
-      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/1",
-      "iterations": 94877,
-      "real_time": 29275,
-      "cpu_time": 29836,
-      "bytes_per_second": 134066,
-      "items_per_second": 33516
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/8",
-      "iterations": 21609,
-      "real_time": 32317,
-      "cpu_time": 32429,
-      "bytes_per_second": 986770,
-      "items_per_second": 246693
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/10",
-      "iterations": 21393,
-      "real_time": 32724,
-      "cpu_time": 33355,
-      "bytes_per_second": 1199226,
-      "items_per_second": 299807
-    }
-  ]
-The CSV format outputs comma-separated values. The `context` is output on stderr
-and the CSV itself on stdout. Example CSV output looks like:
-<a name="output-files" />
-### Output Files
-Write benchmark results to a file with the `--benchmark_out=<filename>` option
-(or set `BENCHMARK_OUT`). Specify the output format with
-`--benchmark_out_format={json|console|csv}` (or set
-`BENCHMARK_OUT_FORMAT={json|console|csv}`). Note that the 'csv' reporter is
-deprecated and the saved `.csv` file 
-[is not parsable](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/794) by csv 
-Specifying `--benchmark_out` does not suppress the console output.
-<a name="running-benchmarks" />
-### Running Benchmarks
-Benchmarks are executed by running the produced binaries. Benchmarks binaries,
-by default, accept options that may be specified either through their command
-line interface or by setting environment variables before execution. For every
-`--option_flag=<value>` CLI switch, a corresponding environment variable
-`OPTION_FLAG=<value>` exist and is used as default if set (CLI switches always
- prevails). A complete list of CLI options is available running benchmarks
- with the `--help` switch.
-<a name="running-a-subset-of-benchmarks" />
-### Running a Subset of Benchmarks
-The `--benchmark_filter=<regex>` option (or `BENCHMARK_FILTER=<regex>`
-environment variable) can be used to only run the benchmarks that match
-the specified `<regex>`. For example:
-$ ./run_benchmarks.x --benchmark_filter=BM_memcpy/32
-Run on (1 X 2300 MHz CPU )
-2016-06-25 19:34:24
-Benchmark              Time           CPU Iterations
-BM_memcpy/32          11 ns         11 ns   79545455
-BM_memcpy/32k       2181 ns       2185 ns     324074
-BM_memcpy/32          12 ns         12 ns   54687500
-BM_memcpy/32k       1834 ns       1837 ns     357143
-<a name="result-comparison" />
-### Result comparison
-It is possible to compare the benchmarking results.
-See [Additional Tooling Documentation](docs/tools.md)
-<a name="extra-context" />
-### Extra Context
-Sometimes it's useful to add extra context to the content printed before the
-results. By default this section includes information about the CPU on which
-the benchmarks are running. If you do want to add more context, you can use
-the `benchmark_context` command line flag:
-$ ./run_benchmarks --benchmark_context=pwd=`pwd`
-Run on (1 x 2300 MHz CPU)
-pwd: /home/user/benchmark/
-Benchmark              Time           CPU Iterations
-BM_memcpy/32          11 ns         11 ns   79545455
-BM_memcpy/32k       2181 ns       2185 ns     324074
-You can get the same effect with the API:
-  benchmark::AddCustomContext("foo", "bar");
-Note that attempts to add a second value with the same key will fail with an
-error message.
-<a name="runtime-and-reporting-considerations" />
-### Runtime and Reporting Considerations
-When the benchmark binary is executed, each benchmark function is run serially.
-The number of iterations to run is determined dynamically by running the
-benchmark a few times and measuring the time taken and ensuring that the
-ultimate result will be statistically stable. As such, faster benchmark
-functions will be run for more iterations than slower benchmark functions, and
-the number of iterations is thus reported.
-In all cases, the number of iterations for which the benchmark is run is
-governed by the amount of time the benchmark takes. Concretely, the number of
-iterations is at least one, not more than 1e9, until CPU time is greater than
-the minimum time, or the wallclock time is 5x minimum time. The minimum time is
-set per benchmark by calling `MinTime` on the registered benchmark object.
-Average timings are then reported over the iterations run. If multiple
-repetitions are requested using the `--benchmark_repetitions` command-line
-option, or at registration time, the benchmark function will be run several
-times and statistical results across these repetitions will also be reported.
-As well as the per-benchmark entries, a preamble in the report will include
-information about the machine on which the benchmarks are run.
-<a name="passing-arguments" />
-### Passing Arguments
-Sometimes a family of benchmarks can be implemented with just one routine that
-takes an extra argument to specify which one of the family of benchmarks to
-run. For example, the following code defines a family of benchmarks for
-measuring the speed of `memcpy()` calls of 
diff erent lengths:
-static void BM_memcpy(benchmark::State& state) {
-  char* src = new char[state.range(0)];
-  char* dst = new char[state.range(0)];
-  memset(src, 'x', state.range(0));
-  for (auto _ : state)
-    memcpy(dst, src, state.range(0));
-  state.SetBytesProcessed(int64_t(state.iterations()) *
-                          int64_t(state.range(0)));
-  delete[] src;
-  delete[] dst;
-The preceding code is quite repetitive, and can be replaced with the following
-short-hand. The following invocation will pick a few appropriate arguments in
-the specified range and will generate a benchmark for each such argument.
-BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->Range(8, 8<<10);
-By default the arguments in the range are generated in multiples of eight and
-the command above selects [ 8, 64, 512, 4k, 8k ]. In the following code the
-range multiplier is changed to multiples of two.
-BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(8, 8<<10);
-Now arguments generated are [ 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 4k, 8k ].
-The preceding code shows a method of defining a sparse range.  The following
-example shows a method of defining a dense range. It is then used to benchmark
-the performance of `std::vector` initialization for uniformly increasing sizes.
-static void BM_DenseRange(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for(auto _ : state) {
-    std::vector<int> v(state.range(0), state.range(0));
-    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(v.data());
-    benchmark::ClobberMemory();
-  }
-BENCHMARK(BM_DenseRange)->DenseRange(0, 1024, 128);
-Now arguments generated are [ 0, 128, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024 ].
-You might have a benchmark that depends on two or more inputs. For example, the
-following code defines a family of benchmarks for measuring the speed of set
-static void BM_SetInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
-  std::set<int> data;
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    state.PauseTiming();
-    data = ConstructRandomSet(state.range(0));
-    state.ResumeTiming();
-    for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j)
-      data.insert(RandomNumber());
-  }
-    ->Args({1<<10, 128})
-    ->Args({2<<10, 128})
-    ->Args({4<<10, 128})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 128})
-    ->Args({1<<10, 512})
-    ->Args({2<<10, 512})
-    ->Args({4<<10, 512})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 512});
-The preceding code is quite repetitive, and can be replaced with the following
-short-hand. The following macro will pick a few appropriate arguments in the
-product of the two specified ranges and will generate a benchmark for each such
-BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert)->Ranges({{1<<10, 8<<10}, {128, 512}});
-Some benchmarks may require specific argument values that cannot be expressed
-with `Ranges`. In this case, `ArgsProduct` offers the ability to generate a
-benchmark input for each combination in the product of the supplied vectors.
-    ->ArgsProduct({{1<<10, 3<<10, 8<<10}, {20, 40, 60, 80}})
-// would generate the same benchmark arguments as
-    ->Args({1<<10, 20})
-    ->Args({3<<10, 20})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 20})
-    ->Args({3<<10, 40})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 40})
-    ->Args({1<<10, 40})
-    ->Args({1<<10, 60})
-    ->Args({3<<10, 60})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 60})
-    ->Args({1<<10, 80})
-    ->Args({3<<10, 80})
-    ->Args({8<<10, 80});
-For more complex patterns of inputs, passing a custom function to `Apply` allows
-programmatic specification of an arbitrary set of arguments on which to run the
-benchmark. The following example enumerates a dense range on one parameter,
-and a sparse range on the second.
-static void CustomArguments(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) {
-  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
-    for (int j = 32; j <= 1024*1024; j *= 8)
-      b->Args({i, j});
-#### Passing Arbitrary Arguments to a Benchmark
-In C++11 it is possible to define a benchmark that takes an arbitrary number
-of extra arguments. The `BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(func, test_case_name, ...args)`
-macro creates a benchmark that invokes `func`  with the `benchmark::State` as
-the first argument followed by the specified `args...`.
-The `test_case_name` is appended to the name of the benchmark and
-should describe the values passed.
-template <class ...ExtraArgs>
-void BM_takes_args(benchmark::State& state, ExtraArgs&&... extra_args) {
-  [...]
-// Registers a benchmark named "BM_takes_args/int_string_test" that passes
-// the specified values to `extra_args`.
-BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_takes_args, int_string_test, 42, std::string("abc"));
-Note that elements of `...args` may refer to global variables. Users should
-avoid modifying global state inside of a benchmark.
-<a name="asymptotic-complexity" />
-### Calculating Asymptotic Complexity (Big O)
-Asymptotic complexity might be calculated for a family of benchmarks. The
-following code will calculate the coefficient for the high-order term in the
-running time and the normalized root-mean square error of string comparison.
-static void BM_StringCompare(benchmark::State& state) {
-  std::string s1(state.range(0), '-');
-  std::string s2(state.range(0), '-');
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(s1.compare(s2));
-  }
-  state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0));
-    ->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity(benchmark::oN);
-As shown in the following invocation, asymptotic complexity might also be
-calculated automatically.
-    ->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity();
-The following code will specify asymptotic complexity with a lambda function,
-that might be used to customize high-order term calculation.
-    ->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity([](benchmark::IterationCount n)->double{return n; });
-<a name="custom-benchmark-name" />
-### Custom Benchmark Name
-You can change the benchmark's name as follows:
-BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->Name("memcpy")->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(8, 8<<10);
-The invocation will execute the benchmark as before using `BM_memcpy` but changes
-the prefix in the report to `memcpy`.
-<a name="templated-benchmarks" />
-### Templated Benchmarks
-This example produces and consumes messages of size `sizeof(v)` `range_x`
-times. It also outputs throughput in the absence of multiprogramming.
-template <class Q> void BM_Sequential(benchmark::State& state) {
-  Q q;
-  typename Q::value_type v;
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int i = state.range(0); i--; )
-      q.push(v);
-    for (int e = state.range(0); e--; )
-      q.Wait(&v);
-  }
-  // actually messages, not bytes:
-  state.SetBytesProcessed(
-      static_cast<int64_t>(state.iterations())*state.range(0));
-BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Sequential, WaitQueue<int>)->Range(1<<0, 1<<10);
-Three macros are provided for adding benchmark templates.
-#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(func, ...) // Takes any number of parameters.
-#else // C++ < C++11
-#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(func, arg1)
-#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1(func, arg1)
-#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2(func, arg1, arg2)
-<a name="fixtures" />
-### Fixtures
-Fixture tests are created by first defining a type that derives from
-`::benchmark::Fixture` and then creating/registering the tests using the
-following macros:
-* `BENCHMARK_F(ClassName, Method)`
-* `BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ClassName, Method)`
-* `BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ClassName, Method)`
-For Example:
-class MyFixture : public benchmark::Fixture {
-  void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) {
-  }
-  void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State& state) {
-  }
-BENCHMARK_F(MyFixture, FooTest)(benchmark::State& st) {
-   for (auto _ : st) {
-     ...
-  }
-BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(MyFixture, BarTest)(benchmark::State& st) {
-   for (auto _ : st) {
-     ...
-  }
-/* BarTest is NOT registered */
-BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MyFixture, BarTest)->Threads(2);
-/* BarTest is now registered */
-#### Templated Fixtures
-Also you can create templated fixture by using the following macros:
-* `BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(ClassName, Method, ...)`
-* `BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_DEFINE_F(ClassName, Method, ...)`
-For example:
-template<typename T>
-class MyFixture : public benchmark::Fixture {};
-BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(MyFixture, IntTest, int)(benchmark::State& st) {
-   for (auto _ : st) {
-     ...
-  }
-BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_DEFINE_F(MyFixture, DoubleTest, double)(benchmark::State& st) {
-   for (auto _ : st) {
-     ...
-  }
-BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MyFixture, DoubleTest)->Threads(2);
-<a name="custom-counters" />
-### Custom Counters
-You can add your own counters with user-defined names. The example below
-will add columns "Foo", "Bar" and "Baz" in its output:
-static void UserCountersExample1(benchmark::State& state) {
-  double numFoos = 0, numBars = 0, numBazs = 0;
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    // ... count Foo,Bar,Baz events
-  }
-  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
-  state.counters["Bar"] = numBars;
-  state.counters["Baz"] = numBazs;
-The `state.counters` object is a `std::map` with `std::string` keys
-and `Counter` values. The latter is a `double`-like class, via an implicit
-conversion to `double&`. Thus you can use all of the standard arithmetic
-assignment operators (`=,+=,-=,*=,/=`) to change the value of each counter.
-In multithreaded benchmarks, each counter is set on the calling thread only.
-When the benchmark finishes, the counters from each thread will be summed;
-the resulting sum is the value which will be shown for the benchmark.
-The `Counter` constructor accepts three parameters: the value as a `double`
-; a bit flag which allows you to show counters as rates, and/or as per-thread
-iteration, and/or as per-thread averages, and/or iteration invariants,
-and/or finally inverting the result; and a flag specifying the 'unit' - i.e.
-is 1k a 1000 (default, `benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1000`), or 1024
-  // sets a simple counter
-  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
-  // Set the counter as a rate. It will be presented divided
-  // by the duration of the benchmark.
-  // Meaning: per one second, how many 'foo's are processed?
-  state.counters["FooRate"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate);
-  // Set the counter as a rate. It will be presented divided
-  // by the duration of the benchmark, and the result inverted.
-  // Meaning: how many seconds it takes to process one 'foo'?
-  state.counters["FooInvRate"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate | benchmark::Counter::kInvert);
-  // Set the counter as a thread-average quantity. It will
-  // be presented divided by the number of threads.
-  state.counters["FooAvg"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreads);
-  // There's also a combined flag:
-  state.counters["FooAvgRate"] = Counter(numFoos,benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreadsRate);
-  // This says that we process with the rate of state.range(0) bytes every iteration:
-  state.counters["BytesProcessed"] = Counter(state.range(0), benchmark::Counter::kIsIterationInvariantRate, benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1024);
-When you're compiling in C++11 mode or later you can use `insert()` with
-  // With C++11, this can be done:
-  state.counters.insert({{"Foo", numFoos}, {"Bar", numBars}, {"Baz", numBazs}});
-  // ... instead of:
-  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
-  state.counters["Bar"] = numBars;
-  state.counters["Baz"] = numBazs;
-#### Counter Reporting
-When using the console reporter, by default, user counters are printed at
-the end after the table, the same way as ``bytes_processed`` and
-``items_processed``. This is best for cases in which there are few counters,
-or where there are only a couple of lines per benchmark. Here's an example of
-the default output:
-Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations UserCounters...
-BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2248 ns      10277 ns      68808 Bar=16 Bat=40 Baz=24 Foo=8
-BM_UserCounter/threads:1      9797 ns       9788 ns      71523 Bar=2 Bat=5 Baz=3 Foo=1024m
-BM_UserCounter/threads:2      4924 ns       9842 ns      71036 Bar=4 Bat=10 Baz=6 Foo=2
-BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2589 ns      10284 ns      68012 Bar=8 Bat=20 Baz=12 Foo=4
-BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2212 ns      10287 ns      68040 Bar=16 Bat=40 Baz=24 Foo=8
-BM_UserCounter/threads:16     1782 ns      10278 ns      68144 Bar=32 Bat=80 Baz=48 Foo=16
-BM_UserCounter/threads:32     1291 ns      10296 ns      68256 Bar=64 Bat=160 Baz=96 Foo=32
-BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2615 ns      10307 ns      68040 Bar=8 Bat=20 Baz=12 Foo=4
-BM_Factorial                    26 ns         26 ns   26608979 40320
-BM_Factorial/real_time          26 ns         26 ns   26587936 40320
-BM_CalculatePiRange/1           16 ns         16 ns   45704255 0
-BM_CalculatePiRange/8           73 ns         73 ns    9520927 3.28374
-BM_CalculatePiRange/64         609 ns        609 ns    1140647 3.15746
-BM_CalculatePiRange/512       4900 ns       4901 ns     142696 3.14355
-If this doesn't suit you, you can print each counter as a table column by
-passing the flag `--benchmark_counters_tabular=true` to the benchmark
-application. This is best for cases in which there are a lot of counters, or
-a lot of lines per individual benchmark. Note that this will trigger a
-reprinting of the table header any time the counter set changes between
-individual benchmarks. Here's an example of corresponding output when
-`--benchmark_counters_tabular=true` is passed:
-Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations    Bar   Bat   Baz   Foo
-BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2198 ns       9953 ns      70688     16    40    24     8
-BM_UserCounter/threads:1      9504 ns       9504 ns      73787      2     5     3     1
-BM_UserCounter/threads:2      4775 ns       9550 ns      72606      4    10     6     2
-BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2508 ns       9951 ns      70332      8    20    12     4
-BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2055 ns       9933 ns      70344     16    40    24     8
-BM_UserCounter/threads:16     1610 ns       9946 ns      70720     32    80    48    16
-BM_UserCounter/threads:32     1192 ns       9948 ns      70496     64   160    96    32
-BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2506 ns       9949 ns      70332      8    20    12     4
-Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations
-BM_Factorial                    26 ns         26 ns   26392245 40320
-BM_Factorial/real_time          26 ns         26 ns   26494107 40320
-BM_CalculatePiRange/1           15 ns         15 ns   45571597 0
-BM_CalculatePiRange/8           74 ns         74 ns    9450212 3.28374
-BM_CalculatePiRange/64         595 ns        595 ns    1173901 3.15746
-BM_CalculatePiRange/512       4752 ns       4752 ns     147380 3.14355
-BM_CalculatePiRange/4k       37970 ns      37972 ns      18453 3.14184
-BM_CalculatePiRange/32k     303733 ns     303744 ns       2305 3.14162
-BM_CalculatePiRange/256k   2434095 ns    2434186 ns        288 3.1416
-BM_CalculatePiRange/1024k  9721140 ns    9721413 ns         71 3.14159
-BM_CalculatePi/threads:8      2255 ns       9943 ns      70936
-Note above the additional header printed when the benchmark changes from
-``BM_UserCounter`` to ``BM_Factorial``. This is because ``BM_Factorial`` does
-not have the same counter set as ``BM_UserCounter``.
-<a name="multithreaded-benchmarks"/>
-### Multithreaded Benchmarks
-In a multithreaded test (benchmark invoked by multiple threads simultaneously),
-it is guaranteed that none of the threads will start until all have reached
-the start of the benchmark loop, and all will have finished before any thread
-exits the benchmark loop. (This behavior is also provided by the `KeepRunning()`
-API) As such, any global setup or teardown can be wrapped in a check against the thread
-static void BM_MultiThreaded(benchmark::State& state) {
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
-    // Setup code here.
-  }
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    // Run the test as normal.
-  }
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
-    // Teardown code here.
-  }
-If the benchmarked code itself uses threads and you want to compare it to
-single-threaded code, you may want to use real-time ("wallclock") measurements
-for latency comparisons:
-BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Range(8, 8<<10)->UseRealTime();
-Without `UseRealTime`, CPU time is used by default.
-<a name="cpu-timers" />
-### CPU Timers
-By default, the CPU timer only measures the time spent by the main thread.
-If the benchmark itself uses threads internally, this measurement may not
-be what you are looking for. Instead, there is a way to measure the total
-CPU usage of the process, by all the threads.
-void callee(int i);
-static void MyMain(int size) {
-#pragma omp parallel for
-  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-    callee(i);
-static void BM_OpenMP(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (auto _ : state)
-    MyMain(state.range(0));
-// Measure the time spent by the main thread, use it to decide for how long to
-// run the benchmark loop. Depending on the internal implementation detail may
-// measure to anywhere from near-zero (the overhead spent before/after work
-// handoff to worker thread[s]) to the whole single-thread time.
-BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10);
-// Measure the user-visible time, the wall clock (literally, the time that
-// has passed on the clock on the wall), use it to decide for how long to
-// run the benchmark loop. This will always be meaningful, an will match the
-// time spent by the main thread in single-threaded case, in general decreasing
-// with the number of internal threads doing the work.
-BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->UseRealTime();
-// Measure the total CPU consumption, use it to decide for how long to
-// run the benchmark loop. This will always measure to no less than the
-// time spent by the main thread in single-threaded case.
-BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->MeasureProcessCPUTime();
-// A mixture of the last two. Measure the total CPU consumption, but use the
-// wall clock to decide for how long to run the benchmark loop.
-BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->MeasureProcessCPUTime()->UseRealTime();
-#### Controlling Timers
-Normally, the entire duration of the work loop (`for (auto _ : state) {}`)
-is measured. But sometimes, it is necessary to do some work inside of
-that loop, every iteration, but without counting that time to the benchmark time.
-That is possible, although it is not recommended, since it has high overhead.
-static void BM_SetInsert_With_Timer_Control(benchmark::State& state) {
-  std::set<int> data;
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. They will not count until they are resumed.
-    data = ConstructRandomSet(state.range(0)); // Do something that should not be measured
-    state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. They are now counting again.
-    // The rest will be measured.
-    for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j)
-      data.insert(RandomNumber());
-  }
-BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert_With_Timer_Control)->Ranges({{1<<10, 8<<10}, {128, 512}});
-<a name="manual-timing" />
-### Manual Timing
-For benchmarking something for which neither CPU time nor real-time are
-correct or accurate enough, completely manual timing is supported using
-the `UseManualTime` function.
-When `UseManualTime` is used, the benchmarked code must call
-`SetIterationTime` once per iteration of the benchmark loop to
-report the manually measured time.
-An example use case for this is benchmarking GPU execution (e.g. OpenCL
-or CUDA kernels, OpenGL or Vulkan or Direct3D draw calls), which cannot
-be accurately measured using CPU time or real-time. Instead, they can be
-measured accurately using a dedicated API, and these measurement results
-can be reported back with `SetIterationTime`.
-static void BM_ManualTiming(benchmark::State& state) {
-  int microseconds = state.range(0);
-  std::chrono::duration<double, std::micro> sleep_duration {
-    static_cast<double>(microseconds)
-  };
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    // Simulate some useful workload with a sleep
-    std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_duration);
-    auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    auto elapsed_seconds =
-      std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(
-        end - start);
-    state.SetIterationTime(elapsed_seconds.count());
-  }
-BENCHMARK(BM_ManualTiming)->Range(1, 1<<17)->UseManualTime();
-<a name="setting-the-time-unit" />
-### Setting the Time Unit
-If a benchmark runs a few milliseconds it may be hard to visually compare the
-measured times, since the output data is given in nanoseconds per default. In
-order to manually set the time unit, you can specify it manually:
-<a name="preventing-optimization" />
-### Preventing Optimization
-To prevent a value or expression from being optimized away by the compiler
-the `benchmark::DoNotOptimize(...)` and `benchmark::ClobberMemory()`
-functions can be used.
-static void BM_test(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-      int x = 0;
-      for (int i=0; i < 64; ++i) {
-        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x += i);
-      }
-  }
-`DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` forces the  *result* of `<expr>` to be stored in either
-memory or a register. For GNU based compilers it acts as read/write barrier
-for global memory. More specifically it forces the compiler to flush pending
-writes to memory and reload any other values as necessary.
-Note that `DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` does not prevent optimizations on `<expr>`
-in any way. `<expr>` may even be removed entirely when the result is already
-known. For example:
-  /* Example 1: `<expr>` is removed entirely. */
-  int foo(int x) { return x + 42; }
-  while (...) DoNotOptimize(foo(0)); // Optimized to DoNotOptimize(42);
-  /*  Example 2: Result of '<expr>' is only reused */
-  int bar(int) __attribute__((const));
-  while (...) DoNotOptimize(bar(0)); // Optimized to:
-  // int __result__ = bar(0);
-  // while (...) DoNotOptimize(__result__);
-The second tool for preventing optimizations is `ClobberMemory()`. In essence
-`ClobberMemory()` forces the compiler to perform all pending writes to global
-memory. Memory managed by block scope objects must be "escaped" using
-`DoNotOptimize(...)` before it can be clobbered. In the below example
-`ClobberMemory()` prevents the call to `v.push_back(42)` from being optimized
-static void BM_vector_push_back(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    std::vector<int> v;
-    v.reserve(1);
-    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(v.data()); // Allow v.data() to be clobbered.
-    v.push_back(42);
-    benchmark::ClobberMemory(); // Force 42 to be written to memory.
-  }
-Note that `ClobberMemory()` is only available for GNU or MSVC based compilers.
-<a name="reporting-statistics" />
-### Statistics: Reporting the Mean, Median and Standard Deviation of Repeated Benchmarks
-By default each benchmark is run once and that single result is reported.
-However benchmarks are often noisy and a single result may not be representative
-of the overall behavior. For this reason it's possible to repeatedly rerun the
-The number of runs of each benchmark is specified globally by the
-`--benchmark_repetitions` flag or on a per benchmark basis by calling
-`Repetitions` on the registered benchmark object. When a benchmark is run more
-than once the mean, median and standard deviation of the runs will be reported.
-Additionally the `--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}`,
-`--benchmark_display_aggregates_only={true|false}` flags or
-`ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)`, `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` functions can be
-used to change how repeated tests are reported. By default the result of each
-repeated run is reported. When `report aggregates only` option is `true`,
-only the aggregates (i.e. mean, median and standard deviation, maybe complexity
-measurements if they were requested) of the runs is reported, to both the
-reporters - standard output (console), and the file.
-However when only the `display aggregates only` option is `true`,
-only the aggregates are displayed in the standard output, while the file
-output still contains everything.
-Calling `ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)` / `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` on a
-registered benchmark object overrides the value of the appropriate flag for that
-<a name="custom-statistics" />
-### Custom Statistics
-While having mean, median and standard deviation is nice, this may not be
-enough for everyone. For example you may want to know what the largest
-observation is, e.g. because you have some real-time constraints. This is easy.
-The following code will specify a custom statistic to be calculated, defined
-by a lambda function.
-void BM_spin_empty(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int x = 0; x < state.range(0); ++x) {
-      benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x);
-    }
-  }
-  ->ComputeStatistics("max", [](const std::vector<double>& v) -> double {
-    return *(std::max_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v)));
-  })
-  ->Arg(512);
-<a name="using-register-benchmark" />
-### Using RegisterBenchmark(name, fn, args...)
-The `RegisterBenchmark(name, func, args...)` function provides an alternative
-way to create and register benchmarks.
-`RegisterBenchmark(name, func, args...)` creates, registers, and returns a
-pointer to a new benchmark with the specified `name` that invokes
-`func(st, args...)` where `st` is a `benchmark::State` object.
-Unlike the `BENCHMARK` registration macros, which can only be used at the global
-scope, the `RegisterBenchmark` can be called anywhere. This allows for
-benchmark tests to be registered programmatically.
-Additionally `RegisterBenchmark` allows any callable object to be registered
-as a benchmark. Including capturing lambdas and function objects.
-For Example:
-auto BM_test = [](benchmark::State& st, auto Inputs) { /* ... */ };
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  for (auto& test_input : { /* ... */ })
-      benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(test_input.name(), BM_test, test_input);
-  benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
-  benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks();
-  benchmark::Shutdown();
-<a name="exiting-with-an-error" />
-### Exiting with an Error
-When errors caused by external influences, such as file I/O and network
-communication, occur within a benchmark the
-`State::SkipWithError(const char* msg)` function can be used to skip that run
-of benchmark and report the error. Note that only future iterations of the
-`KeepRunning()` are skipped. For the ranged-for version of the benchmark loop
-Users must explicitly exit the loop, otherwise all iterations will be performed.
-Users may explicitly return to exit the benchmark immediately.
-The `SkipWithError(...)` function may be used at any point within the benchmark,
-including before and after the benchmark loop. Moreover, if `SkipWithError(...)`
-has been used, it is not required to reach the benchmark loop and one may return
-from the benchmark function early.
-For example:
-static void BM_test(benchmark::State& state) {
-  auto resource = GetResource();
-  if (!resource.good()) {
-    state.SkipWithError("Resource is not good!");
-    // KeepRunning() loop will not be entered.
-  }
-  while (state.KeepRunning()) {
-    auto data = resource.read_data();
-    if (!resource.good()) {
-      state.SkipWithError("Failed to read data!");
-      break; // Needed to skip the rest of the iteration.
-    }
-    do_stuff(data);
-  }
-static void BM_test_ranged_fo(benchmark::State & state) {
-  auto resource = GetResource();
-  if (!resource.good()) {
-    state.SkipWithError("Resource is not good!");
-    return; // Early return is allowed when SkipWithError() has been used.
-  }
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    auto data = resource.read_data();
-    if (!resource.good()) {
-      state.SkipWithError("Failed to read data!");
-      break; // REQUIRED to prevent all further iterations.
-    }
-    do_stuff(data);
-  }
-<a name="a-faster-keep-running-loop" />
-### A Faster KeepRunning Loop
-In C++11 mode, a ranged-based for loop should be used in preference to
-the `KeepRunning` loop for running the benchmarks. For example:
-static void BM_Fast(benchmark::State &state) {
-  for (auto _ : state) {
-    FastOperation();
-  }
-The reason the ranged-for loop is faster than using `KeepRunning`, is
-because `KeepRunning` requires a memory load and store of the iteration count
-ever iteration, whereas the ranged-for variant is able to keep the iteration count
-in a register.
-For example, an empty inner loop of using the ranged-based for method looks like:
-# Loop Init
-  mov rbx, qword ptr [r14 + 104]
-  call benchmark::State::StartKeepRunning()
-  test rbx, rbx
-  je .LoopEnd
-.LoopHeader: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
-  add rbx, -1
-  jne .LoopHeader
-Compared to an empty `KeepRunning` loop, which looks like:
-.LoopHeader: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1
-  cmp byte ptr [rbx], 1
-  jne .LoopInit
-.LoopBody: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
-  mov rax, qword ptr [rbx + 8]
-  lea rcx, [rax + 1]
-  mov qword ptr [rbx + 8], rcx
-  cmp rax, qword ptr [rbx + 104]
-  jb .LoopHeader
-  jmp .LoopEnd
-  mov rdi, rbx
-  call benchmark::State::StartKeepRunning()
-  jmp .LoopBody
-Unless C++03 compatibility is required, the ranged-for variant of writing
-the benchmark loop should be preferred.
-<a name="disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling" />
-### Disabling CPU Frequency Scaling
-If you see this error:
-***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
-you might want to disable the CPU frequency scaling while running the benchmark:
-sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
-sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/WORKSPACE b/third-party/benchmark/WORKSPACE
index 631f3ba05de53..949eb98bc5d9d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/WORKSPACE
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/WORKSPACE
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
 workspace(name = "com_github_google_benchmark")
 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
-    name = "rules_cc",
-    strip_prefix = "rules_cc-a508235df92e71d537fcbae0c7c952ea6957a912",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_cc/archive/a508235df92e71d537fcbae0c7c952ea6957a912.zip"],
-    sha256 = "d7dc12c1d5bc1a87474de8e3d17b7731a4dcebcfb8aa3990fe8ac7734ef12f2f",
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
     name = "com_google_absl",
@@ -16,11 +10,10 @@ http_archive(
     urls = ["https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/archive/20200225.2.tar.gz"],
     name = "com_google_googletest",
-    strip_prefix = "googletest-3f0cf6b62ad1eb50d8736538363d3580dd640c3e",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/3f0cf6b62ad1eb50d8736538363d3580dd640c3e.zip"],
-    sha256 = "8f827dd550db8b4fdf73904690df0be9fccc161017c9038a724bc9a0617a1bc8",
+    remote = "https://github.com/google/googletest.git",
+    tag = "release-1.11.0",

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/benchmark.cc b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/benchmark.cc
index 1b01fe7f7f0f7..02b6ed7ed5900 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/benchmark.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/benchmark.cc
@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(_benchmark, m) {
       .def_property("items_processed", &State::items_processed,
-      .def("set_label", (void (State::*)(const char*)) & State::SetLabel)
+      .def("set_label", (void(State::*)(const char*)) & State::SetLabel)
       .def("range", &State::range, py::arg("pos") = 0)
       .def_property_readonly("iterations", &State::iterations)
       .def_readwrite("counters", &State::counters)
-      .def_readonly("thread_index", &State::thread_index)
-      .def_readonly("threads", &State::threads);
+      .def_property_readonly("thread_index", &State::thread_index)
+      .def_property_readonly("threads", &State::threads);
   m.def("Initialize", Initialize);
   m.def("RegisterBenchmark", RegisterBenchmark,

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py
index 9134e8cffeafb..487acc9f1e092 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def with_options(state):
-def with_options(state):
+def with_options2(state):
     while state:

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Config.cmake.in b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Config.cmake.in
index 6e9256eea8a2d..2e15f0cf82dca 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Config.cmake.in
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Config.cmake.in
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
+include (CMakeFindDependencyMacro)
+find_dependency (Threads)
 include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/@targets_export_name at .cmake")

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake
index dd611fc875f19..66cb91008b733 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake
@@ -29,13 +29,20 @@ set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
+# googletest doesn't seem to want to stay build warning clean so let's not hurt ourselves.
 # Add googletest directly to our build. This defines
 # the gtest and gtest_main targets.

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake.in b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake.in
index fd957ff564095..ce653ac375aca 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake.in
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/GoogleTest.cmake.in
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ if(EXISTS "${GOOGLETEST_PATH}"            AND IS_DIRECTORY "${GOOGLETEST_PATH}"
-    message(SEND_ERROR "Did not find Google Test sources! Either pass correct path in GOOGLETEST_PATH, or enable BENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES, or disable BENCHMARK_ENABLE_GTEST_TESTS / BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING.")
+    message(SEND_ERROR "Did not find Google Test sources! Either pass correct path in GOOGLETEST_PATH, or enable BENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES, or disable BENCHMARK_USE_BUNDLED_GTEST, or disable BENCHMARK_ENABLE_GTEST_TESTS / BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING.")
+    return()
     message(WARNING "Did not find Google Test sources! Fetching from web...")
       GIT_REPOSITORY    https://github.com/google/googletest.git
-      GIT_TAG           master
+      GIT_TAG           "release-1.11.0"
       PREFIX            "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
       STAMP_DIR         "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/stamp"
       DOWNLOAD_DIR      "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/download"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMAr.cmake b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMAr.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..23469813cfab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMAr.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  NAMES llvm-ar
+  DOC "The llvm-ar executable"
+  )
+  URL https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-ar.html
+  DESCRIPTION "create, modify, and extract from archives"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMNm.cmake b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMNm.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e56430a04f6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMNm.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  NAMES llvm-nm
+  DOC "The llvm-nm executable"
+  )
+  URL https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-nm.html
+  DESCRIPTION "list LLVM bitcode and object file’s symbol table"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMRanLib.cmake b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMRanLib.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7b53e1a790590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindLLVMRanLib.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  NAMES llvm-ranlib
+  DOC "The llvm-ranlib executable"
+  )
+  DESCRIPTION "generate index for LLVM archive"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindPFM.cmake b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindPFM.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cf807a1ee9e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/cmake/Modules/FindPFM.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# If successful, the following variables will be defined:
+# Set BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LIBPFM to 0 to disable, regardless of libpfm presence.
+set_package_properties(PFM PROPERTIES
+                       URL http://perfmon2.sourceforge.net/
+                       DESCRIPTION "a helper library to develop monitoring tools"
+                       PURPOSE "Used to program specific performance monitoring events")
+check_library_exists(libpfm.a pfm_initialize "" HAVE_LIBPFM_INITIALIZE)
+  check_include_file(perfmon/perf_event.h HAVE_PERFMON_PERF_EVENT_H)
+  check_include_file(perfmon/pfmlib.h HAVE_PERFMON_PFMLIB_H)
+  check_include_file(perfmon/pfmlib_perf_event.h HAVE_PERFMON_PFMLIB_PERF_EVENT_H)
+    message("Using Perf Counters.")
+    set(HAVE_LIBPFM 1)
+    set(PFM_FOUND 1)
+  endif()
+  message("Perf Counters support requested, but was unable to find libpfm.")

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/docs/_config.yml b/third-party/benchmark/docs/_config.yml
index fc24e7a62dc28..2f7efbeab578c 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/docs/_config.yml
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/_config.yml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-theme: jekyll-theme-hacker
\ No newline at end of file
+theme: jekyll-theme-minimal
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/dependencies.md b/third-party/benchmark/docs/dependencies.md
similarity index 54%
rename from third-party/benchmark/dependencies.md
rename to third-party/benchmark/docs/dependencies.md
index 6289b4e3548bb..7af52b95bd86e 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/dependencies.md
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/dependencies.md
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
 To ensure the broadest compatibility when building the benchmark library, but
 still allow forward progress, we require any build tooling to be available for:
-* Debian stable AND
-* The last two Ubuntu LTS releases AND
+* Debian stable _and_
+* The last two Ubuntu LTS releases
 Currently, this means using build tool versions that are available for Ubuntu
-16.04 (Xenial), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), and Debian stretch.
+18.04 (Bionic Beaver), Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa), and Debian 11 (bullseye).
-_Note, [travis](.travis.yml) runs under Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) for linux builds._
+_Note, CI also runs ubuntu-16.04 and ubuntu-14.04 to ensure best effort support
+for older versions._
 ## cmake
 The current supported version is cmake 3.5.1 as of 2018-06-06.
-_Note, this version is also available for Ubuntu 14.04, the previous Ubuntu LTS
+_Note, this version is also available for Ubuntu 14.04, an older Ubuntu LTS
 release, as `cmake3`._

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/docs/index.md b/third-party/benchmark/docs/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..eb82eff9eee00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Benchmark
+* [Assembly Tests](AssemblyTests.md)
+* [Dependencies](dependencies.md)
+* [Perf Counters](perf_counters.md)
+* [Platform Specific Build Instructions](platform_specific_build_instructions.md)
+* [Random Interleaving](random_interleaving.md)
+* [Releasing](releasing.md)
+* [Tools](tools.md)
+* [User Guide](user_guide.md)
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/docs/platform_specific_build_instructions.md b/third-party/benchmark/docs/platform_specific_build_instructions.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2d5d6c47eead8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/platform_specific_build_instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Platform Specific Build Instructions
+## Building with GCC
+When the library is built using GCC it is necessary to link with the pthread
+library due to how GCC implements `std::thread`. Failing to link to pthread will
+lead to runtime exceptions (unless you're using libc++), not linker errors. See
+[issue #67](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/67) for more details. You
+can link to pthread by adding `-pthread` to your linker command. Note, you can
+also use `-lpthread`, but there are potential issues with ordering of command
+line parameters if you use that.
+On QNX, the pthread library is part of libc and usually included automatically
+There's no separate pthread library to link.
+## Building with Visual Studio 2015 or 2017
+The `shlwapi` library (`-lshlwapi`) is required to support a call to `CPUInfo` which reads the registry. Either add `shlwapi.lib` under `[ Configuration Properties > Linker > Input ]`, or use the following:
+// Alternatively, can add libraries using linker options.
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#pragma comment ( lib, "Shlwapi.lib" )
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#pragma comment ( lib, "benchmarkd.lib" )
+#pragma comment ( lib, "benchmark.lib" )
+Can also use the graphical version of CMake:
+* Open `CMake GUI`.
+* Under `Where to build the binaries`, same path as source plus `build`.
+* Under `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`, same path as source plus `install`.
+* Click `Configure`, `Generate`, `Open Project`.
+* If build fails, try deleting entire directory and starting again, or unticking options to build less.
+## Building with Intel 2015 Update 1 or Intel System Studio Update 4
+See instructions for building with Visual Studio. Once built, right click on the solution and change the build to Intel.
+## Building on Solaris
+If you're running benchmarks on solaris, you'll want the kstat library linked in
+too (`-lkstat`).
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/docs/releasing.md b/third-party/benchmark/docs/releasing.md
index 7a6dfc4017b28..334f935393813 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/docs/releasing.md
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/releasing.md
@@ -8,10 +8,23 @@
     * `git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)..HEAD` gives you the list of
       commits between the last annotated tag and HEAD
     * Pick the most interesting.
-* Create one last commit that updates the version saved in `CMakeLists.txt` to the release version you're creating. (This version will be used if benchmark is installed from the archive you'll be creating in the next step.)
+* Create one last commit that updates the version saved in `CMakeLists.txt` and the
+  `__version__` variable in `bindings/python/google_benchmark/__init__.py`to the release
+  version you're creating. (This version will be used if benchmark is installed from the
+  archive you'll be creating in the next step.)
-project (benchmark VERSION 1.5.3 LANGUAGES CXX)
+project (benchmark VERSION 1.6.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
+# bindings/python/google_benchmark/__init__.py
+# ...
+__version__ = "1.6.0"  # <-- change this to the release version you are creating
+# ...
 * Create a release through github's interface
@@ -19,4 +32,4 @@ project (benchmark VERSION 1.5.3 LANGUAGES CXX)
     * Update this to an annotated tag:
       * `git pull --tags`
       * `git tag -a -f <tag> <tag>`
-      * `git push --force origin`
+      * `git push --force --tags origin`

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/docs/user_guide.md b/third-party/benchmark/docs/user_guide.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..34bea6904240a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/docs/user_guide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
+# User Guide
+## Command Line
+[Output Formats](#output-formats)
+[Output Files](#output-files)
+[Running Benchmarks](#running-benchmarks)
+[Running a Subset of Benchmarks](#running-a-subset-of-benchmarks)
+[Result Comparison](#result-comparison)
+[Extra Context](#extra-context)
+## Library
+[Runtime and Reporting Considerations](#runtime-and-reporting-considerations)
+[Passing Arguments](#passing-arguments)
+[Custom Benchmark Name](#custom-benchmark-name)
+[Calculating Asymptotic Complexity](#asymptotic-complexity)
+[Templated Benchmarks](#templated-benchmarks)
+[Custom Counters](#custom-counters)
+[Multithreaded Benchmarks](#multithreaded-benchmarks)
+[CPU Timers](#cpu-timers)
+[Manual Timing](#manual-timing)
+[Setting the Time Unit](#setting-the-time-unit)
+[Random Interleaving](random_interleaving.md)
+[User-Requested Performance Counters](perf_counters.md)
+[Preventing Optimization](#preventing-optimization)
+[Reporting Statistics](#reporting-statistics)
+[Custom Statistics](#custom-statistics)
+[Using RegisterBenchmark](#using-register-benchmark)
+[Exiting with an Error](#exiting-with-an-error)
+[A Faster KeepRunning Loop](#a-faster-keep-running-loop)
+[Disabling CPU Frequency Scaling](#disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling)
+<a name="output-formats" />
+## Output Formats
+The library supports multiple output formats. Use the
+`--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>` flag (or set the
+`BENCHMARK_FORMAT=<console|json|csv>` environment variable) to set
+the format type. `console` is the default format.
+The Console format is intended to be a human readable format. By default
+the format generates color output. Context is output on stderr and the
+tabular data on stdout. Example tabular output looks like:
+Benchmark                               Time(ns)    CPU(ns) Iterations
+BM_SetInsert/1024/1                        28928      29349      23853  133.097kB/s   33.2742k items/s
+BM_SetInsert/1024/8                        32065      32913      21375  949.487kB/s   237.372k items/s
+BM_SetInsert/1024/10                       33157      33648      21431  1.13369MB/s   290.225k items/s
+The JSON format outputs human readable json split into two top level attributes.
+The `context` attribute contains information about the run in general, including
+information about the CPU and the date.
+The `benchmarks` attribute contains a list of every benchmark run. Example json
+output looks like:
+  "context": {
+    "date": "2015/03/17-18:40:25",
+    "num_cpus": 40,
+    "mhz_per_cpu": 2801,
+    "cpu_scaling_enabled": false,
+    "build_type": "debug"
+  },
+  "benchmarks": [
+    {
+      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/1",
+      "iterations": 94877,
+      "real_time": 29275,
+      "cpu_time": 29836,
+      "bytes_per_second": 134066,
+      "items_per_second": 33516
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/8",
+      "iterations": 21609,
+      "real_time": 32317,
+      "cpu_time": 32429,
+      "bytes_per_second": 986770,
+      "items_per_second": 246693
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "BM_SetInsert/1024/10",
+      "iterations": 21393,
+      "real_time": 32724,
+      "cpu_time": 33355,
+      "bytes_per_second": 1199226,
+      "items_per_second": 299807
+    }
+  ]
+The CSV format outputs comma-separated values. The `context` is output on stderr
+and the CSV itself on stdout. Example CSV output looks like:
+<a name="output-files" />
+## Output Files
+Write benchmark results to a file with the `--benchmark_out=<filename>` option
+(or set `BENCHMARK_OUT`). Specify the output format with
+`--benchmark_out_format={json|console|csv}` (or set
+`BENCHMARK_OUT_FORMAT={json|console|csv}`). Note that the 'csv' reporter is
+deprecated and the saved `.csv` file
+[is not parsable](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/794) by csv
+Specifying `--benchmark_out` does not suppress the console output.
+<a name="running-benchmarks" />
+## Running Benchmarks
+Benchmarks are executed by running the produced binaries. Benchmarks binaries,
+by default, accept options that may be specified either through their command
+line interface or by setting environment variables before execution. For every
+`--option_flag=<value>` CLI switch, a corresponding environment variable
+`OPTION_FLAG=<value>` exist and is used as default if set (CLI switches always
+ prevails). A complete list of CLI options is available running benchmarks
+ with the `--help` switch.
+<a name="running-a-subset-of-benchmarks" />
+## Running a Subset of Benchmarks
+The `--benchmark_filter=<regex>` option (or `BENCHMARK_FILTER=<regex>`
+environment variable) can be used to only run the benchmarks that match
+the specified `<regex>`. For example:
+$ ./run_benchmarks.x --benchmark_filter=BM_memcpy/32
+Run on (1 X 2300 MHz CPU )
+2016-06-25 19:34:24
+Benchmark              Time           CPU Iterations
+BM_memcpy/32          11 ns         11 ns   79545455
+BM_memcpy/32k       2181 ns       2185 ns     324074
+BM_memcpy/32          12 ns         12 ns   54687500
+BM_memcpy/32k       1834 ns       1837 ns     357143
+<a name="result-comparison" />
+## Result comparison
+It is possible to compare the benchmarking results.
+See [Additional Tooling Documentation](tools.md)
+<a name="extra-context" />
+## Extra Context
+Sometimes it's useful to add extra context to the content printed before the
+results. By default this section includes information about the CPU on which
+the benchmarks are running. If you do want to add more context, you can use
+the `benchmark_context` command line flag:
+$ ./run_benchmarks --benchmark_context=pwd=`pwd`
+Run on (1 x 2300 MHz CPU)
+pwd: /home/user/benchmark/
+Benchmark              Time           CPU Iterations
+BM_memcpy/32          11 ns         11 ns   79545455
+BM_memcpy/32k       2181 ns       2185 ns     324074
+You can get the same effect with the API:
+  benchmark::AddCustomContext("foo", "bar");
+Note that attempts to add a second value with the same key will fail with an
+error message.
+<a name="runtime-and-reporting-considerations" />
+## Runtime and Reporting Considerations
+When the benchmark binary is executed, each benchmark function is run serially.
+The number of iterations to run is determined dynamically by running the
+benchmark a few times and measuring the time taken and ensuring that the
+ultimate result will be statistically stable. As such, faster benchmark
+functions will be run for more iterations than slower benchmark functions, and
+the number of iterations is thus reported.
+In all cases, the number of iterations for which the benchmark is run is
+governed by the amount of time the benchmark takes. Concretely, the number of
+iterations is at least one, not more than 1e9, until CPU time is greater than
+the minimum time, or the wallclock time is 5x minimum time. The minimum time is
+set per benchmark by calling `MinTime` on the registered benchmark object.
+Average timings are then reported over the iterations run. If multiple
+repetitions are requested using the `--benchmark_repetitions` command-line
+option, or at registration time, the benchmark function will be run several
+times and statistical results across these repetitions will also be reported.
+As well as the per-benchmark entries, a preamble in the report will include
+information about the machine on which the benchmarks are run.
+<a name="setup-teardown" />
+## Setup/Teardown
+Global setup/teardown specific to each benchmark can be done by
+passing a callback to Setup/Teardown:
+The setup/teardown callbacks will be invoked once for each benchmark.
+If the benchmark is multi-threaded (will run in k threads), they will be invoked exactly once before
+each run with k threads.
+If the benchmark uses 
diff erent size groups of threads, the above will be true for each size group.
+static void DoSetup(const benchmark::State& state) {
+static void DoTeardown(const benchmark::State& state) {
+static void BM_func(benchmark::State& state) {...}
+In this example, `DoSetup` and `DoTearDown` will be invoked 4 times each,
+specifically, once for each of this family:
+ - BM_func_Arg_1_Threads_16, BM_func_Arg_1_Threads_32
+ - BM_func_Arg_3_Threads_16, BM_func_Arg_3_Threads_32
+<a name="passing-arguments" />
+## Passing Arguments
+Sometimes a family of benchmarks can be implemented with just one routine that
+takes an extra argument to specify which one of the family of benchmarks to
+run. For example, the following code defines a family of benchmarks for
+measuring the speed of `memcpy()` calls of 
diff erent lengths:
+static void BM_memcpy(benchmark::State& state) {
+  char* src = new char[state.range(0)];
+  char* dst = new char[state.range(0)];
+  memset(src, 'x', state.range(0));
+  for (auto _ : state)
+    memcpy(dst, src, state.range(0));
+  state.SetBytesProcessed(int64_t(state.iterations()) *
+                          int64_t(state.range(0)));
+  delete[] src;
+  delete[] dst;
+The preceding code is quite repetitive, and can be replaced with the following
+short-hand. The following invocation will pick a few appropriate arguments in
+the specified range and will generate a benchmark for each such argument.
+BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->Range(8, 8<<10);
+By default the arguments in the range are generated in multiples of eight and
+the command above selects [ 8, 64, 512, 4k, 8k ]. In the following code the
+range multiplier is changed to multiples of two.
+BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(8, 8<<10);
+Now arguments generated are [ 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 4k, 8k ].
+The preceding code shows a method of defining a sparse range.  The following
+example shows a method of defining a dense range. It is then used to benchmark
+the performance of `std::vector` initialization for uniformly increasing sizes.
+static void BM_DenseRange(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for(auto _ : state) {
+    std::vector<int> v(state.range(0), state.range(0));
+    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(v.data());
+    benchmark::ClobberMemory();
+  }
+BENCHMARK(BM_DenseRange)->DenseRange(0, 1024, 128);
+Now arguments generated are [ 0, 128, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024 ].
+You might have a benchmark that depends on two or more inputs. For example, the
+following code defines a family of benchmarks for measuring the speed of set
+static void BM_SetInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
+  std::set<int> data;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    state.PauseTiming();
+    data = ConstructRandomSet(state.range(0));
+    state.ResumeTiming();
+    for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j)
+      data.insert(RandomNumber());
+  }
+    ->Args({1<<10, 128})
+    ->Args({2<<10, 128})
+    ->Args({4<<10, 128})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 128})
+    ->Args({1<<10, 512})
+    ->Args({2<<10, 512})
+    ->Args({4<<10, 512})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 512});
+The preceding code is quite repetitive, and can be replaced with the following
+short-hand. The following macro will pick a few appropriate arguments in the
+product of the two specified ranges and will generate a benchmark for each such
+{% raw %}
+BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert)->Ranges({{1<<10, 8<<10}, {128, 512}});
+{% endraw %}
+Some benchmarks may require specific argument values that cannot be expressed
+with `Ranges`. In this case, `ArgsProduct` offers the ability to generate a
+benchmark input for each combination in the product of the supplied vectors.
+{% raw %}
+    ->ArgsProduct({{1<<10, 3<<10, 8<<10}, {20, 40, 60, 80}})
+// would generate the same benchmark arguments as
+    ->Args({1<<10, 20})
+    ->Args({3<<10, 20})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 20})
+    ->Args({3<<10, 40})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 40})
+    ->Args({1<<10, 40})
+    ->Args({1<<10, 60})
+    ->Args({3<<10, 60})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 60})
+    ->Args({1<<10, 80})
+    ->Args({3<<10, 80})
+    ->Args({8<<10, 80});
+{% endraw %}
+For the most common scenarios, helper methods for creating a list of
+integers for a given sparse or dense range are provided.
+    ->ArgsProduct({
+      benchmark::CreateRange(8, 128, /*multi=*/2),
+      benchmark::CreateDenseRange(1, 4, /*step=*/1)
+    })
+// would generate the same benchmark arguments as
+    ->ArgsProduct({
+      {8, 16, 32, 64, 128},
+      {1, 2, 3, 4}
+    });
+For more complex patterns of inputs, passing a custom function to `Apply` allows
+programmatic specification of an arbitrary set of arguments on which to run the
+benchmark. The following example enumerates a dense range on one parameter,
+and a sparse range on the second.
+static void CustomArguments(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) {
+  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i)
+    for (int j = 32; j <= 1024*1024; j *= 8)
+      b->Args({i, j});
+### Passing Arbitrary Arguments to a Benchmark
+In C++11 it is possible to define a benchmark that takes an arbitrary number
+of extra arguments. The `BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(func, test_case_name, ...args)`
+macro creates a benchmark that invokes `func`  with the `benchmark::State` as
+the first argument followed by the specified `args...`.
+The `test_case_name` is appended to the name of the benchmark and
+should describe the values passed.
+template <class ...ExtraArgs>
+void BM_takes_args(benchmark::State& state, ExtraArgs&&... extra_args) {
+  [...]
+// Registers a benchmark named "BM_takes_args/int_string_test" that passes
+// the specified values to `extra_args`.
+BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_takes_args, int_string_test, 42, std::string("abc"));
+Note that elements of `...args` may refer to global variables. Users should
+avoid modifying global state inside of a benchmark.
+<a name="asymptotic-complexity" />
+## Calculating Asymptotic Complexity (Big O)
+Asymptotic complexity might be calculated for a family of benchmarks. The
+following code will calculate the coefficient for the high-order term in the
+running time and the normalized root-mean square error of string comparison.
+static void BM_StringCompare(benchmark::State& state) {
+  std::string s1(state.range(0), '-');
+  std::string s2(state.range(0), '-');
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(s1.compare(s2));
+  }
+  state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0));
+    ->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity(benchmark::oN);
+As shown in the following invocation, asymptotic complexity might also be
+calculated automatically.
+    ->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity();
+The following code will specify asymptotic complexity with a lambda function,
+that might be used to customize high-order term calculation.
+    ->Range(1<<10, 1<<18)->Complexity([](benchmark::IterationCount n)->double{return n; });
+<a name="custom-benchmark-name" />
+## Custom Benchmark Name
+You can change the benchmark's name as follows:
+BENCHMARK(BM_memcpy)->Name("memcpy")->RangeMultiplier(2)->Range(8, 8<<10);
+The invocation will execute the benchmark as before using `BM_memcpy` but changes
+the prefix in the report to `memcpy`.
+<a name="templated-benchmarks" />
+## Templated Benchmarks
+This example produces and consumes messages of size `sizeof(v)` `range_x`
+times. It also outputs throughput in the absence of multiprogramming.
+template <class Q> void BM_Sequential(benchmark::State& state) {
+  Q q;
+  typename Q::value_type v;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    for (int i = state.range(0); i--; )
+      q.push(v);
+    for (int e = state.range(0); e--; )
+      q.Wait(&v);
+  }
+  // actually messages, not bytes:
+  state.SetBytesProcessed(
+      static_cast<int64_t>(state.iterations())*state.range(0));
+// C++03
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_Sequential, WaitQueue<int>)->Range(1<<0, 1<<10);
+// C++11 or newer, you can use the BENCHMARK macro with template parameters:
+BENCHMARK(BM_Sequential<WaitQueue<int>>)->Range(1<<0, 1<<10);
+Three macros are provided for adding benchmark templates.
+#define BENCHMARK(func<...>) // Takes any number of parameters.
+#else // C++ < C++11
+#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(func, arg1)
+#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1(func, arg1)
+#define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2(func, arg1, arg2)
+<a name="fixtures" />
+## Fixtures
+Fixture tests are created by first defining a type that derives from
+`::benchmark::Fixture` and then creating/registering the tests using the
+following macros:
+* `BENCHMARK_F(ClassName, Method)`
+* `BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ClassName, Method)`
+* `BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ClassName, Method)`
+For Example:
+class MyFixture : public benchmark::Fixture {
+  void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) {
+  }
+  void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State& state) {
+  }
+BENCHMARK_F(MyFixture, FooTest)(benchmark::State& st) {
+   for (auto _ : st) {
+     ...
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(MyFixture, BarTest)(benchmark::State& st) {
+   for (auto _ : st) {
+     ...
+  }
+/* BarTest is NOT registered */
+BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MyFixture, BarTest)->Threads(2);
+/* BarTest is now registered */
+### Templated Fixtures
+Also you can create templated fixture by using the following macros:
+* `BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(ClassName, Method, ...)`
+* `BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_DEFINE_F(ClassName, Method, ...)`
+For example:
+template<typename T>
+class MyFixture : public benchmark::Fixture {};
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(MyFixture, IntTest, int)(benchmark::State& st) {
+   for (auto _ : st) {
+     ...
+  }
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_DEFINE_F(MyFixture, DoubleTest, double)(benchmark::State& st) {
+   for (auto _ : st) {
+     ...
+  }
+BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(MyFixture, DoubleTest)->Threads(2);
+<a name="custom-counters" />
+## Custom Counters
+You can add your own counters with user-defined names. The example below
+will add columns "Foo", "Bar" and "Baz" in its output:
+static void UserCountersExample1(benchmark::State& state) {
+  double numFoos = 0, numBars = 0, numBazs = 0;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    // ... count Foo,Bar,Baz events
+  }
+  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
+  state.counters["Bar"] = numBars;
+  state.counters["Baz"] = numBazs;
+The `state.counters` object is a `std::map` with `std::string` keys
+and `Counter` values. The latter is a `double`-like class, via an implicit
+conversion to `double&`. Thus you can use all of the standard arithmetic
+assignment operators (`=,+=,-=,*=,/=`) to change the value of each counter.
+In multithreaded benchmarks, each counter is set on the calling thread only.
+When the benchmark finishes, the counters from each thread will be summed;
+the resulting sum is the value which will be shown for the benchmark.
+The `Counter` constructor accepts three parameters: the value as a `double`
+; a bit flag which allows you to show counters as rates, and/or as per-thread
+iteration, and/or as per-thread averages, and/or iteration invariants,
+and/or finally inverting the result; and a flag specifying the 'unit' - i.e.
+is 1k a 1000 (default, `benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1000`), or 1024
+  // sets a simple counter
+  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
+  // Set the counter as a rate. It will be presented divided
+  // by the duration of the benchmark.
+  // Meaning: per one second, how many 'foo's are processed?
+  state.counters["FooRate"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate);
+  // Set the counter as a rate. It will be presented divided
+  // by the duration of the benchmark, and the result inverted.
+  // Meaning: how many seconds it takes to process one 'foo'?
+  state.counters["FooInvRate"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kIsRate | benchmark::Counter::kInvert);
+  // Set the counter as a thread-average quantity. It will
+  // be presented divided by the number of threads.
+  state.counters["FooAvg"] = Counter(numFoos, benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreads);
+  // There's also a combined flag:
+  state.counters["FooAvgRate"] = Counter(numFoos,benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreadsRate);
+  // This says that we process with the rate of state.range(0) bytes every iteration:
+  state.counters["BytesProcessed"] = Counter(state.range(0), benchmark::Counter::kIsIterationInvariantRate, benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1024);
+When you're compiling in C++11 mode or later you can use `insert()` with
+{% raw %}
+  // With C++11, this can be done:
+  state.counters.insert({{"Foo", numFoos}, {"Bar", numBars}, {"Baz", numBazs}});
+  // ... instead of:
+  state.counters["Foo"] = numFoos;
+  state.counters["Bar"] = numBars;
+  state.counters["Baz"] = numBazs;
+{% endraw %}
+### Counter Reporting
+When using the console reporter, by default, user counters are printed at
+the end after the table, the same way as ``bytes_processed`` and
+``items_processed``. This is best for cases in which there are few counters,
+or where there are only a couple of lines per benchmark. Here's an example of
+the default output:
+Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations UserCounters...
+BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2248 ns      10277 ns      68808 Bar=16 Bat=40 Baz=24 Foo=8
+BM_UserCounter/threads:1      9797 ns       9788 ns      71523 Bar=2 Bat=5 Baz=3 Foo=1024m
+BM_UserCounter/threads:2      4924 ns       9842 ns      71036 Bar=4 Bat=10 Baz=6 Foo=2
+BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2589 ns      10284 ns      68012 Bar=8 Bat=20 Baz=12 Foo=4
+BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2212 ns      10287 ns      68040 Bar=16 Bat=40 Baz=24 Foo=8
+BM_UserCounter/threads:16     1782 ns      10278 ns      68144 Bar=32 Bat=80 Baz=48 Foo=16
+BM_UserCounter/threads:32     1291 ns      10296 ns      68256 Bar=64 Bat=160 Baz=96 Foo=32
+BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2615 ns      10307 ns      68040 Bar=8 Bat=20 Baz=12 Foo=4
+BM_Factorial                    26 ns         26 ns   26608979 40320
+BM_Factorial/real_time          26 ns         26 ns   26587936 40320
+BM_CalculatePiRange/1           16 ns         16 ns   45704255 0
+BM_CalculatePiRange/8           73 ns         73 ns    9520927 3.28374
+BM_CalculatePiRange/64         609 ns        609 ns    1140647 3.15746
+BM_CalculatePiRange/512       4900 ns       4901 ns     142696 3.14355
+If this doesn't suit you, you can print each counter as a table column by
+passing the flag `--benchmark_counters_tabular=true` to the benchmark
+application. This is best for cases in which there are a lot of counters, or
+a lot of lines per individual benchmark. Note that this will trigger a
+reprinting of the table header any time the counter set changes between
+individual benchmarks. Here's an example of corresponding output when
+`--benchmark_counters_tabular=true` is passed:
+Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations    Bar   Bat   Baz   Foo
+BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2198 ns       9953 ns      70688     16    40    24     8
+BM_UserCounter/threads:1      9504 ns       9504 ns      73787      2     5     3     1
+BM_UserCounter/threads:2      4775 ns       9550 ns      72606      4    10     6     2
+BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2508 ns       9951 ns      70332      8    20    12     4
+BM_UserCounter/threads:8      2055 ns       9933 ns      70344     16    40    24     8
+BM_UserCounter/threads:16     1610 ns       9946 ns      70720     32    80    48    16
+BM_UserCounter/threads:32     1192 ns       9948 ns      70496     64   160    96    32
+BM_UserCounter/threads:4      2506 ns       9949 ns      70332      8    20    12     4
+Benchmark                        Time           CPU Iterations
+BM_Factorial                    26 ns         26 ns   26392245 40320
+BM_Factorial/real_time          26 ns         26 ns   26494107 40320
+BM_CalculatePiRange/1           15 ns         15 ns   45571597 0
+BM_CalculatePiRange/8           74 ns         74 ns    9450212 3.28374
+BM_CalculatePiRange/64         595 ns        595 ns    1173901 3.15746
+BM_CalculatePiRange/512       4752 ns       4752 ns     147380 3.14355
+BM_CalculatePiRange/4k       37970 ns      37972 ns      18453 3.14184
+BM_CalculatePiRange/32k     303733 ns     303744 ns       2305 3.14162
+BM_CalculatePiRange/256k   2434095 ns    2434186 ns        288 3.1416
+BM_CalculatePiRange/1024k  9721140 ns    9721413 ns         71 3.14159
+BM_CalculatePi/threads:8      2255 ns       9943 ns      70936
+Note above the additional header printed when the benchmark changes from
+``BM_UserCounter`` to ``BM_Factorial``. This is because ``BM_Factorial`` does
+not have the same counter set as ``BM_UserCounter``.
+<a name="multithreaded-benchmarks"/>
+## Multithreaded Benchmarks
+In a multithreaded test (benchmark invoked by multiple threads simultaneously),
+it is guaranteed that none of the threads will start until all have reached
+the start of the benchmark loop, and all will have finished before any thread
+exits the benchmark loop. (This behavior is also provided by the `KeepRunning()`
+API) As such, any global setup or teardown can be wrapped in a check against the thread
+static void BM_MultiThreaded(benchmark::State& state) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
+    // Setup code here.
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    // Run the test as normal.
+  }
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
+    // Teardown code here.
+  }
+If the benchmarked code itself uses threads and you want to compare it to
+single-threaded code, you may want to use real-time ("wallclock") measurements
+for latency comparisons:
+BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Range(8, 8<<10)->UseRealTime();
+Without `UseRealTime`, CPU time is used by default.
+<a name="cpu-timers" />
+## CPU Timers
+By default, the CPU timer only measures the time spent by the main thread.
+If the benchmark itself uses threads internally, this measurement may not
+be what you are looking for. Instead, there is a way to measure the total
+CPU usage of the process, by all the threads.
+void callee(int i);
+static void MyMain(int size) {
+#pragma omp parallel for
+  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    callee(i);
+static void BM_OpenMP(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state)
+    MyMain(state.range(0));
+// Measure the time spent by the main thread, use it to decide for how long to
+// run the benchmark loop. Depending on the internal implementation detail may
+// measure to anywhere from near-zero (the overhead spent before/after work
+// handoff to worker thread[s]) to the whole single-thread time.
+BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10);
+// Measure the user-visible time, the wall clock (literally, the time that
+// has passed on the clock on the wall), use it to decide for how long to
+// run the benchmark loop. This will always be meaningful, an will match the
+// time spent by the main thread in single-threaded case, in general decreasing
+// with the number of internal threads doing the work.
+BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->UseRealTime();
+// Measure the total CPU consumption, use it to decide for how long to
+// run the benchmark loop. This will always measure to no less than the
+// time spent by the main thread in single-threaded case.
+BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->MeasureProcessCPUTime();
+// A mixture of the last two. Measure the total CPU consumption, but use the
+// wall clock to decide for how long to run the benchmark loop.
+BENCHMARK(BM_OpenMP)->Range(8, 8<<10)->MeasureProcessCPUTime()->UseRealTime();
+### Controlling Timers
+Normally, the entire duration of the work loop (`for (auto _ : state) {}`)
+is measured. But sometimes, it is necessary to do some work inside of
+that loop, every iteration, but without counting that time to the benchmark time.
+That is possible, although it is not recommended, since it has high overhead.
+{% raw %}
+static void BM_SetInsert_With_Timer_Control(benchmark::State& state) {
+  std::set<int> data;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    state.PauseTiming(); // Stop timers. They will not count until they are resumed.
+    data = ConstructRandomSet(state.range(0)); // Do something that should not be measured
+    state.ResumeTiming(); // And resume timers. They are now counting again.
+    // The rest will be measured.
+    for (int j = 0; j < state.range(1); ++j)
+      data.insert(RandomNumber());
+  }
+BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert_With_Timer_Control)->Ranges({{1<<10, 8<<10}, {128, 512}});
+{% endraw %}
+<a name="manual-timing" />
+## Manual Timing
+For benchmarking something for which neither CPU time nor real-time are
+correct or accurate enough, completely manual timing is supported using
+the `UseManualTime` function.
+When `UseManualTime` is used, the benchmarked code must call
+`SetIterationTime` once per iteration of the benchmark loop to
+report the manually measured time.
+An example use case for this is benchmarking GPU execution (e.g. OpenCL
+or CUDA kernels, OpenGL or Vulkan or Direct3D draw calls), which cannot
+be accurately measured using CPU time or real-time. Instead, they can be
+measured accurately using a dedicated API, and these measurement results
+can be reported back with `SetIterationTime`.
+static void BM_ManualTiming(benchmark::State& state) {
+  int microseconds = state.range(0);
+  std::chrono::duration<double, std::micro> sleep_duration {
+    static_cast<double>(microseconds)
+  };
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    // Simulate some useful workload with a sleep
+    std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_duration);
+    auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    auto elapsed_seconds =
+      std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(
+        end - start);
+    state.SetIterationTime(elapsed_seconds.count());
+  }
+BENCHMARK(BM_ManualTiming)->Range(1, 1<<17)->UseManualTime();
+<a name="setting-the-time-unit" />
+## Setting the Time Unit
+If a benchmark runs a few milliseconds it may be hard to visually compare the
+measured times, since the output data is given in nanoseconds per default. In
+order to manually set the time unit, you can specify it manually:
+<a name="preventing-optimization" />
+## Preventing Optimization
+To prevent a value or expression from being optimized away by the compiler
+the `benchmark::DoNotOptimize(...)` and `benchmark::ClobberMemory()`
+functions can be used.
+static void BM_test(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+      int x = 0;
+      for (int i=0; i < 64; ++i) {
+        benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x += i);
+      }
+  }
+`DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` forces the  *result* of `<expr>` to be stored in either
+memory or a register. For GNU based compilers it acts as read/write barrier
+for global memory. More specifically it forces the compiler to flush pending
+writes to memory and reload any other values as necessary.
+Note that `DoNotOptimize(<expr>)` does not prevent optimizations on `<expr>`
+in any way. `<expr>` may even be removed entirely when the result is already
+known. For example:
+  /* Example 1: `<expr>` is removed entirely. */
+  int foo(int x) { return x + 42; }
+  while (...) DoNotOptimize(foo(0)); // Optimized to DoNotOptimize(42);
+  /*  Example 2: Result of '<expr>' is only reused */
+  int bar(int) __attribute__((const));
+  while (...) DoNotOptimize(bar(0)); // Optimized to:
+  // int __result__ = bar(0);
+  // while (...) DoNotOptimize(__result__);
+The second tool for preventing optimizations is `ClobberMemory()`. In essence
+`ClobberMemory()` forces the compiler to perform all pending writes to global
+memory. Memory managed by block scope objects must be "escaped" using
+`DoNotOptimize(...)` before it can be clobbered. In the below example
+`ClobberMemory()` prevents the call to `v.push_back(42)` from being optimized
+static void BM_vector_push_back(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    std::vector<int> v;
+    v.reserve(1);
+    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(v.data()); // Allow v.data() to be clobbered.
+    v.push_back(42);
+    benchmark::ClobberMemory(); // Force 42 to be written to memory.
+  }
+Note that `ClobberMemory()` is only available for GNU or MSVC based compilers.
+<a name="reporting-statistics" />
+## Statistics: Reporting the Mean, Median and Standard Deviation / Coefficient of variation of Repeated Benchmarks
+By default each benchmark is run once and that single result is reported.
+However benchmarks are often noisy and a single result may not be representative
+of the overall behavior. For this reason it's possible to repeatedly rerun the
+The number of runs of each benchmark is specified globally by the
+`--benchmark_repetitions` flag or on a per benchmark basis by calling
+`Repetitions` on the registered benchmark object. When a benchmark is run more
+than once the mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient of variation
+of the runs will be reported.
+Additionally the `--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}`,
+`--benchmark_display_aggregates_only={true|false}` flags or
+`ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)`, `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` functions can be
+used to change how repeated tests are reported. By default the result of each
+repeated run is reported. When `report aggregates only` option is `true`,
+only the aggregates (i.e. mean, median, standard deviation and coefficient
+of variation, maybe complexity measurements if they were requested) of the runs
+is reported, to both the reporters - standard output (console), and the file.
+However when only the `display aggregates only` option is `true`,
+only the aggregates are displayed in the standard output, while the file
+output still contains everything.
+Calling `ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)` / `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` on a
+registered benchmark object overrides the value of the appropriate flag for that
+<a name="custom-statistics" />
+## Custom Statistics
+While having these aggregates is nice, this may not be enough for everyone.
+For example you may want to know what the largest observation is, e.g. because
+you have some real-time constraints. This is easy. The following code will
+specify a custom statistic to be calculated, defined by a lambda function.
+void BM_spin_empty(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    for (int x = 0; x < state.range(0); ++x) {
+      benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x);
+    }
+  }
+  ->ComputeStatistics("max", [](const std::vector<double>& v) -> double {
+    return *(std::max_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v)));
+  })
+  ->Arg(512);
+While usually the statistics produce values in time units,
+you can also produce percentages:
+void BM_spin_empty(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    for (int x = 0; x < state.range(0); ++x) {
+      benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x);
+    }
+  }
+  ->ComputeStatistics("ratio", [](const std::vector<double>& v) -> double {
+    return std::begin(v) / std::end(v);
+  }, benchmark::StatisticUnit::Percentage)
+  ->Arg(512);
+<a name="using-register-benchmark" />
+## Using RegisterBenchmark(name, fn, args...)
+The `RegisterBenchmark(name, func, args...)` function provides an alternative
+way to create and register benchmarks.
+`RegisterBenchmark(name, func, args...)` creates, registers, and returns a
+pointer to a new benchmark with the specified `name` that invokes
+`func(st, args...)` where `st` is a `benchmark::State` object.
+Unlike the `BENCHMARK` registration macros, which can only be used at the global
+scope, the `RegisterBenchmark` can be called anywhere. This allows for
+benchmark tests to be registered programmatically.
+Additionally `RegisterBenchmark` allows any callable object to be registered
+as a benchmark. Including capturing lambdas and function objects.
+For Example:
+auto BM_test = [](benchmark::State& st, auto Inputs) { /* ... */ };
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  for (auto& test_input : { /* ... */ })
+      benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(test_input.name(), BM_test, test_input);
+  benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
+  benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks();
+  benchmark::Shutdown();
+<a name="exiting-with-an-error" />
+## Exiting with an Error
+When errors caused by external influences, such as file I/O and network
+communication, occur within a benchmark the
+`State::SkipWithError(const char* msg)` function can be used to skip that run
+of benchmark and report the error. Note that only future iterations of the
+`KeepRunning()` are skipped. For the ranged-for version of the benchmark loop
+Users must explicitly exit the loop, otherwise all iterations will be performed.
+Users may explicitly return to exit the benchmark immediately.
+The `SkipWithError(...)` function may be used at any point within the benchmark,
+including before and after the benchmark loop. Moreover, if `SkipWithError(...)`
+has been used, it is not required to reach the benchmark loop and one may return
+from the benchmark function early.
+For example:
+static void BM_test(benchmark::State& state) {
+  auto resource = GetResource();
+  if (!resource.good()) {
+    state.SkipWithError("Resource is not good!");
+    // KeepRunning() loop will not be entered.
+  }
+  while (state.KeepRunning()) {
+    auto data = resource.read_data();
+    if (!resource.good()) {
+      state.SkipWithError("Failed to read data!");
+      break; // Needed to skip the rest of the iteration.
+    }
+    do_stuff(data);
+  }
+static void BM_test_ranged_fo(benchmark::State & state) {
+  auto resource = GetResource();
+  if (!resource.good()) {
+    state.SkipWithError("Resource is not good!");
+    return; // Early return is allowed when SkipWithError() has been used.
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto data = resource.read_data();
+    if (!resource.good()) {
+      state.SkipWithError("Failed to read data!");
+      break; // REQUIRED to prevent all further iterations.
+    }
+    do_stuff(data);
+  }
+<a name="a-faster-keep-running-loop" />
+## A Faster KeepRunning Loop
+In C++11 mode, a ranged-based for loop should be used in preference to
+the `KeepRunning` loop for running the benchmarks. For example:
+static void BM_Fast(benchmark::State &state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    FastOperation();
+  }
+The reason the ranged-for loop is faster than using `KeepRunning`, is
+because `KeepRunning` requires a memory load and store of the iteration count
+ever iteration, whereas the ranged-for variant is able to keep the iteration count
+in a register.
+For example, an empty inner loop of using the ranged-based for method looks like:
+# Loop Init
+  mov rbx, qword ptr [r14 + 104]
+  call benchmark::State::StartKeepRunning()
+  test rbx, rbx
+  je .LoopEnd
+.LoopHeader: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
+  add rbx, -1
+  jne .LoopHeader
+Compared to an empty `KeepRunning` loop, which looks like:
+.LoopHeader: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1
+  cmp byte ptr [rbx], 1
+  jne .LoopInit
+.LoopBody: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
+  mov rax, qword ptr [rbx + 8]
+  lea rcx, [rax + 1]
+  mov qword ptr [rbx + 8], rcx
+  cmp rax, qword ptr [rbx + 104]
+  jb .LoopHeader
+  jmp .LoopEnd
+  mov rdi, rbx
+  call benchmark::State::StartKeepRunning()
+  jmp .LoopBody
+Unless C++03 compatibility is required, the ranged-for variant of writing
+the benchmark loop should be preferred.
+<a name="disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling" />
+## Disabling CPU Frequency Scaling
+If you see this error:
+***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
+you might want to disable the CPU frequency scaling while running the benchmark:
+sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
+sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h b/third-party/benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h
index 9b5480244d6fb..c8ced387714d3 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ static void BM_StringCopy(benchmark::State& state) {
 // Augment the main() program to invoke benchmarks if specified
-// via the --benchmarks command line flag.  E.g.,
+// via the --benchmark_filter command line flag.  E.g.,
 //       my_unittest --benchmark_filter=all
 //       my_unittest --benchmark_filter=BM_StringCreation
 //       my_unittest --benchmark_filter=String
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ thread exits the loop body. As such, any global setup or teardown you want to
 do can be wrapped in a check against the thread index:
 static void BM_MultiThreaded(benchmark::State& state) {
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     // Setup code here.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     // Run the test as normal.
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     // Teardown code here.
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <iosfwd>
+#include <limits>
 #include <map>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
 #include <vector>
 #if defined(BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11)
+#include <atomic>
 #include <initializer_list>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
@@ -237,16 +239,24 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
+// clang-format off
 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
 #define BENCHMARK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(x, y) __builtin_expect(x, y)
 #define BENCHMARK_DEPRECATED_MSG(msg) __attribute__((deprecated(msg)))
+  _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")             \
+  _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"")
+#define BENCHMARK_RESTORE_DEPRECATED_WARNING _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
 #define BENCHMARK_WARNING_MSG(msg)                           \
   __pragma(message(__FILE__ "(" BENCHMARK_INTERNAL_TOSTRING( \
       __LINE__) ") : warning note: " msg))
+// clang-format on
 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
 #define BENCHMARK_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
@@ -272,7 +282,6 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
 namespace benchmark {
 class BenchmarkReporter;
-class MemoryManager;
 void Initialize(int* argc, char** argv);
 void Shutdown();
@@ -281,11 +290,18 @@ void Shutdown();
 // Returns true there is at least on unrecognized argument (i.e. 'argc' > 1).
 bool ReportUnrecognizedArguments(int argc, char** argv);
+// Returns the current value of --benchmark_filter.
+std::string GetBenchmarkFilter();
 // Generate a list of benchmarks matching the specified --benchmark_filter flag
 // and if --benchmark_list_tests is specified return after printing the name
 // of each matching benchmark. Otherwise run each matching benchmark and
 // report the results.
+// spec : Specify the benchmarks to run. If users do not specify this arg,
+//        then the value of FLAGS_benchmark_filter
+//        will be used.
 // The second and third overload use the specified 'display_reporter' and
 //  'file_reporter' respectively. 'file_reporter' will write to the file
 //  specified
@@ -294,9 +310,62 @@ bool ReportUnrecognizedArguments(int argc, char** argv);
 // RETURNS: The number of matching benchmarks.
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks();
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(std::string spec);
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter);
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
+                              std::string spec);
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
                               BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter);
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
+                              BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter,
+                              std::string spec);
+// If a MemoryManager is registered (via RegisterMemoryManager()),
+// it can be used to collect and report allocation metrics for a run of the
+// benchmark.
+class MemoryManager {
+ public:
+  static const int64_t TombstoneValue;
+  struct Result {
+    Result()
+        : num_allocs(0),
+          max_bytes_used(0),
+          total_allocated_bytes(TombstoneValue),
+          net_heap_growth(TombstoneValue) {}
+    // The number of allocations made in total between Start and Stop.
+    int64_t num_allocs;
+    // The peak memory use between Start and Stop.
+    int64_t max_bytes_used;
+    // The total memory allocated, in bytes, between Start and Stop.
+    // Init'ed to TombstoneValue if metric not available.
+    int64_t total_allocated_bytes;
+    // The net changes in memory, in bytes, between Start and Stop.
+    // ie., total_allocated_bytes - total_deallocated_bytes.
+    // Init'ed to TombstoneValue if metric not available.
+    int64_t net_heap_growth;
+  };
+  virtual ~MemoryManager() {}
+  // Implement this to start recording allocation information.
+  virtual void Start() = 0;
+  // Implement this to stop recording and fill out the given Result structure.
+  BENCHMARK_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use Stop(Result&) instead")
+  virtual void Stop(Result* result) = 0;
+  // FIXME(vyng): Make this pure virtual once we've migrated current users.
+  virtual void Stop(Result& result) { Stop(&result); }
 // Register a MemoryManager instance that will be used to collect and report
 // allocation measurements for benchmark runs.
@@ -327,6 +396,14 @@ BENCHMARK_UNUSED static int stream_init_anchor = InitializeStreams();
+// Force the compiler to flush pending writes to global memory. Acts as an
+// effective read/write barrier
+inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void ClobberMemory() {
+  std::atomic_signal_fence(std::memory_order_acq_rel);
 // The DoNotOptimize(...) function can be used to prevent a value or
 // expression from being optimized away by the compiler. This function is
 // intended to add little to no overhead.
@@ -346,11 +423,11 @@ inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void DoNotOptimize(Tp& value) {
-// Force the compiler to flush pending writes to global memory. Acts as an
-// effective read/write barrier
 inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void ClobberMemory() {
   asm volatile("" : : : "memory");
 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
 template <class Tp>
 inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void DoNotOptimize(Tp const& value) {
@@ -358,13 +435,15 @@ inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void DoNotOptimize(Tp const& value) {
 inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void ClobberMemory() { _ReadWriteBarrier(); }
 template <class Tp>
 inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE void DoNotOptimize(Tp const& value) {
   internal::UseCharPointer(&reinterpret_cast<char const volatile&>(value));
-// FIXME Add ClobberMemory() for non-gnu and non-msvc compilers
+// FIXME Add ClobberMemory() for non-gnu and non-msvc compilers, before C++11.
 // This class is used for user-defined counters.
@@ -374,27 +453,27 @@ class Counter {
     kDefaults = 0,
     // Mark the counter as a rate. It will be presented divided
     // by the duration of the benchmark.
-    kIsRate = 1U << 0U,
+    kIsRate = 1 << 0,
     // Mark the counter as a thread-average quantity. It will be
     // presented divided by the number of threads.
-    kAvgThreads = 1U << 1U,
+    kAvgThreads = 1 << 1,
     // Mark the counter as a thread-average rate. See above.
     kAvgThreadsRate = kIsRate | kAvgThreads,
     // Mark the counter as a constant value, valid/same for *every* iteration.
     // When reporting, it will be *multiplied* by the iteration count.
-    kIsIterationInvariant = 1U << 2U,
+    kIsIterationInvariant = 1 << 2,
     // Mark the counter as a constant rate.
     // When reporting, it will be *multiplied* by the iteration count
     // and then divided by the duration of the benchmark.
     kIsIterationInvariantRate = kIsRate | kIsIterationInvariant,
     // Mark the counter as a iteration-average quantity.
     // It will be presented divided by the number of iterations.
-    kAvgIterations = 1U << 3U,
+    kAvgIterations = 1 << 3,
     // Mark the counter as a iteration-average rate. See above.
     kAvgIterationsRate = kIsRate | kAvgIterations,
     // In the end, invert the result. This is always done last!
-    kInvert = 1U << 31U
+    kInvert = 1 << 31
   enum OneK {
@@ -412,7 +491,7 @@ class Counter {
   Counter(double v = 0., Flags f = kDefaults, OneK k = kIs1000)
       : value(v), flags(f), oneK(k) {}
-  BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double const&() const { return value; }
+  BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double const &() const { return value; }
   BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double&() { return value; }
@@ -439,6 +518,8 @@ enum BigO { oNone, o1, oN, oNSquared, oNCubed, oLogN, oNLogN, oAuto, oLambda };
 typedef uint64_t IterationCount;
+enum StatisticUnit { kTime, kPercentage };
 // BigOFunc is passed to a benchmark in order to specify the asymptotic
 // computational complexity for the benchmark.
 typedef double(BigOFunc)(IterationCount);
@@ -451,9 +532,11 @@ namespace internal {
 struct Statistics {
   std::string name_;
   StatisticsFunc* compute_;
+  StatisticUnit unit_;
-  Statistics(const std::string& name, StatisticsFunc* compute)
-      : name_(name), compute_(compute) {}
+  Statistics(const std::string& name, StatisticsFunc* compute,
+             StatisticUnit unit = kTime)
+      : name_(name), compute_(compute), unit_(unit) {}
 class BenchmarkInstance;
@@ -656,6 +739,14 @@ class State {
   BENCHMARK_DEPRECATED_MSG("use 'range(1)' instead")
   int64_t range_y() const { return range(1); }
+  // Number of threads concurrently executing the benchmark.
+  int threads() const { return threads_; }
+  // Index of the executing thread. Values from [0, threads).
+  int thread_index() const { return thread_index_; }
   IterationCount iterations() const {
     if (BENCHMARK_BUILTIN_EXPECT(!started_, false)) {
@@ -664,8 +755,8 @@ class State {
     return max_iterations - total_iterations_ + batch_leftover_;
- private
-     :  // items we expect on the first cache line (ie 64 bytes of the struct)
+ private:
+  // items we expect on the first cache line (ie 64 bytes of the struct)
   // When total_iterations_ is 0, KeepRunning() and friends will return false.
   // May be larger than max_iterations.
   IterationCount total_iterations_;
@@ -683,7 +774,7 @@ class State {
   bool finished_;
   bool error_occurred_;
- private:  // items we don't need on the first cache line
+  // items we don't need on the first cache line
   std::vector<int64_t> range_;
   int64_t complexity_n_;
@@ -691,10 +782,6 @@ class State {
   // Container for user-defined counters.
   UserCounters counters;
-  // Index of the executing thread. Values from [0, threads).
-  const int thread_index;
-  // Number of threads concurrently executing the benchmark.
-  const int threads;
   State(IterationCount max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges,
@@ -707,6 +794,10 @@ class State {
   // is_batch must be true unless n is 1.
   bool KeepRunningInternal(IterationCount n, bool is_batch);
   void FinishKeepRunning();
+  const int thread_index_;
+  const int threads_;
   internal::ThreadTimer* const timer_;
   internal::ThreadManager* const manager_;
   internal::PerfCountersMeasurement* const perf_counters_measurement_;
@@ -878,6 +969,23 @@ class Benchmark {
     return Ranges(ranges);
+  // Have "setup" and/or "teardown" invoked once for every benchmark run.
+  // If the benchmark is multi-threaded (will run in k threads concurrently),
+  // the setup callback will be be invoked exactly once (not k times) before
+  // each run with k threads. Time allowing (e.g. for a short benchmark), there
+  // may be multiple such runs per benchmark, each run with its own
+  // "setup"/"teardown".
+  //
+  // If the benchmark uses 
diff erent size groups of threads (e.g. via
+  // ThreadRange), the above will be true for each size group.
+  //
+  // The callback will be passed a State object, which includes the number
+  // of threads, thread-index, benchmark arguments, etc.
+  //
+  // The callback must not be NULL or self-deleting.
+  Benchmark* Setup(void (*setup)(const benchmark::State&));
+  Benchmark* Teardown(void (*teardown)(const benchmark::State&));
   // Pass this benchmark object to *func, which can customize
   // the benchmark by calling various methods like Arg, Args,
   // Threads, etc.
@@ -946,7 +1054,9 @@ class Benchmark {
   Benchmark* Complexity(BigOFunc* complexity);
   // Add this statistics to be computed over all the values of benchmark run
-  Benchmark* ComputeStatistics(std::string name, StatisticsFunc* statistics);
+  Benchmark* ComputeStatistics(const std::string& name,
+                               StatisticsFunc* statistics,
+                               StatisticUnit unit = kTime);
   // Support for running multiple copies of the same benchmark concurrently
   // in multiple threads.  This may be useful when measuring the scaling
@@ -1008,6 +1118,10 @@ class Benchmark {
   std::vector<Statistics> statistics_;
   std::vector<int> thread_counts_;
+  typedef void (*callback_function)(const benchmark::State&);
+  callback_function setup_;
+  callback_function teardown_;
   Benchmark& operator=(Benchmark const&);
@@ -1056,8 +1170,7 @@ class LambdaBenchmark : public Benchmark {
   LambdaBenchmark(LambdaBenchmark const&) = delete;
- private:
-  template <class Lam>
+  template <class Lam>  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-redundant-declaration)
   friend Benchmark* ::benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(const char*, Lam&&);
   Lambda lambda_;
@@ -1131,22 +1244,37 @@ class Fixture : public internal::Benchmark {
 // Helpers for generating unique variable names
+#define BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_NAME(...)                                      \
+                           __VA_ARGS__)
+#endif  // BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11
 #define BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_CONCAT2(a, b, c) a##b##c
 // Helper for concatenation with macro name expansion
 #define BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_CONCAT_NAME(BaseClass, Method) \
-    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark
+  BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark
 #define BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_DECLARE(n)                                 \
   static ::benchmark::internal::Benchmark* BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_NAME(n) \
+#define BENCHMARK(...)                                               \
+  BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_DECLARE(_benchmark_) =                           \
+      (::benchmark::internal::RegisterBenchmarkInternal(             \
+          new ::benchmark::internal::FunctionBenchmark(#__VA_ARGS__, \
+                                                       &__VA_ARGS__)))
 #define BENCHMARK(n)                                     \
   BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_DECLARE(n) =                         \
       (::benchmark::internal::RegisterBenchmarkInternal( \
           new ::benchmark::internal::FunctionBenchmark(#n, n)))
+#endif  // BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11
 // Old-style macros
 #define BENCHMARK_WITH_ARG(n, a) BENCHMARK(n)->Arg((a))
@@ -1210,7 +1338,7 @@ class Fixture : public internal::Benchmark {
 #define BENCHMARK_PRIVATE_DECLARE_F(BaseClass, Method)                  \
   class BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark : public BaseClass {           \
    public:                                                              \
-    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() : BaseClass() {                  \
+    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() {                                \
       this->SetName(#BaseClass "/" #Method);                            \
     }                                                                   \
@@ -1221,7 +1349,7 @@ class Fixture : public internal::Benchmark {
 #define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1_PRIVATE_DECLARE_F(BaseClass, Method, a)     \
   class BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark : public BaseClass<a> {        \
    public:                                                              \
-    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() : BaseClass<a>() {               \
+    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() {                                \
       this->SetName(#BaseClass "<" #a ">/" #Method);                    \
     }                                                                   \
@@ -1232,7 +1360,7 @@ class Fixture : public internal::Benchmark {
 #define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE2_PRIVATE_DECLARE_F(BaseClass, Method, a, b)  \
   class BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark : public BaseClass<a, b> {     \
    public:                                                              \
-    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() : BaseClass<a, b>() {            \
+    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() {                                \
       this->SetName(#BaseClass "<" #a "," #b ">/" #Method);             \
     }                                                                   \
@@ -1244,7 +1372,7 @@ class Fixture : public internal::Benchmark {
 #define BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_PRIVATE_DECLARE_F(BaseClass, Method, ...)       \
   class BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark : public BaseClass<__VA_ARGS__> { \
    public:                                                                 \
-    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() : BaseClass<__VA_ARGS__>() {        \
+    BaseClass##_##Method##_Benchmark() {                                   \
       this->SetName(#BaseClass "<" #__VA_ARGS__ ">/" #Method);             \
     }                                                                      \
@@ -1334,11 +1462,7 @@ struct CPUInfo {
     int num_sharing;
-  enum Scaling {
-  };
+  enum Scaling { UNKNOWN, ENABLED, DISABLED };
   int num_cpus;
   Scaling scaling;
@@ -1402,6 +1526,7 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
         : run_type(RT_Iteration),
+          aggregate_unit(kTime),
@@ -1414,10 +1539,8 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
-          counters(),
-          has_memory_result(false),
-          allocs_per_iter(0.0),
-          max_bytes_used(0) {}
+          memory_result(NULL),
+          allocs_per_iter(0.0) {}
     std::string benchmark_name() const;
     BenchmarkName run_name;
@@ -1425,6 +1548,7 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
     int64_t per_family_instance_index;
     RunType run_type;
     std::string aggregate_name;
+    StatisticUnit aggregate_unit;
     std::string report_label;  // Empty if not set by benchmark.
     bool error_occurred;
     std::string error_message;
@@ -1467,9 +1591,8 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
     UserCounters counters;
     // Memory metrics.
-    bool has_memory_result;
+    const MemoryManager::Result* memory_result;
     double allocs_per_iter;
-    int64_t max_bytes_used;
   struct PerFamilyRunReports {
@@ -1552,10 +1675,7 @@ class ConsoleReporter : public BenchmarkReporter {
     OO_Defaults = OO_ColorTabular
   explicit ConsoleReporter(OutputOptions opts_ = OO_Defaults)
-      : output_options_(opts_),
-        name_field_width_(0),
-        prev_counters_(),
-        printed_header_(false) {}
+      : output_options_(opts_), name_field_width_(0), printed_header_(false) {}
   virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE;
   virtual void ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& reports) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE;
@@ -1598,29 +1718,6 @@ class BENCHMARK_DEPRECATED_MSG(
   std::set<std::string> user_counter_names_;
-// If a MemoryManager is registered, it can be used to collect and report
-// allocation metrics for a run of the benchmark.
-class MemoryManager {
- public:
-  struct Result {
-    Result() : num_allocs(0), max_bytes_used(0) {}
-    // The number of allocations made in total between Start and Stop.
-    int64_t num_allocs;
-    // The peak memory use between Start and Stop.
-    int64_t max_bytes_used;
-  };
-  virtual ~MemoryManager() {}
-  // Implement this to start recording allocation information.
-  virtual void Start() = 0;
-  // Implement this to stop recording and fill out the given Result structure.
-  virtual void Stop(Result* result) = 0;
 inline const char* GetTimeUnitString(TimeUnit unit) {
   switch (unit) {
     case kSecond:
@@ -1649,6 +1746,20 @@ inline double GetTimeUnitMultiplier(TimeUnit unit) {
+// Creates a list of integer values for the given range and multiplier.
+// This can be used together with ArgsProduct() to allow multiple ranges
+// with 
diff erent multiplers.
+// Example:
+// ArgsProduct({
+//   CreateRange(0, 1024, /*multi=*/32),
+//   CreateRange(0, 100, /*multi=*/4),
+//   CreateDenseRange(0, 4, /*step=*/1),
+// });
+std::vector<int64_t> CreateRange(int64_t lo, int64_t hi, int multi);
+// Creates a list of integer values for the given range and step.
+std::vector<int64_t> CreateDenseRange(int64_t start, int64_t limit, int step);
 }  // namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/requirements.txt b/third-party/benchmark/requirements.txt
index 85e8986040685..e451894e2356c 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/requirements.txt
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 numpy == 1.19.4
 scipy == 1.5.4
+pandas == 1.1.5

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/setup.py b/third-party/benchmark/setup.py
index 5cdab10cf77c7..4eaccf849801e 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/setup.py
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/setup.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import os
 import posixpath
+import platform
 import re
 import shutil
 import sys
@@ -89,6 +90,8 @@ def bazel_build(self, ext):
             # Link with python*.lib.
             for library_dir in self.library_dirs:
                 bazel_argv.append("--linkopt=/LIBPATH:" + library_dir)
+        elif sys.platform == "darwin" and platform.machine() == "x86_64":
+            bazel_argv.append("--macos_minimum_os=10.9")

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/CMakeLists.txt b/third-party/benchmark/src/CMakeLists.txt
index a6c8e9a7a0b7e..dd82e9761bd48 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,38 +25,32 @@ set_target_properties(benchmark PROPERTIES
 target_include_directories(benchmark PUBLIC
-    )
 # libpfm, if available
-  target_link_libraries(benchmark libpfm.a)
+  target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE pfm)
 # Link threads.
-target_link_libraries(benchmark  ${BENCHMARK_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
-find_library(LIBRT rt)
-  target_link_libraries(benchmark ${LIBRT})
+target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE Threads::Threads)
+target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE ${BENCHMARK_CXX_LIBRARIES})
+  target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE rt)
-  message(WARNING "CMake's FindThreads.cmake did not fail, but CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT ended up being empty. This was fixed in https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/commit/d53317130e84898c5328c237186dbd995aaf1c12 Let's guess that -pthread is sufficient.")
-  target_link_libraries(benchmark -pthread)
 # We need extra libraries on Windows
-  target_link_libraries(benchmark shlwapi)
+  target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE shlwapi)
 # We need extra libraries on Solaris
-  target_link_libraries(benchmark kstat)
+  target_link_libraries(benchmark PRIVATE kstat)
 # Benchmark main library
@@ -67,33 +61,44 @@ set_target_properties(benchmark_main PROPERTIES
-target_include_directories(benchmark PUBLIC
-    )
-target_link_libraries(benchmark_main benchmark::benchmark)
+target_link_libraries(benchmark_main PUBLIC benchmark::benchmark)
-set(generated_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated")
+set(generated_dir "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")
 set(version_config "${generated_dir}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake")
 set(project_config "${generated_dir}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake")
 set(pkg_config "${generated_dir}/${PROJECT_NAME}.pc")
+set(targets_to_export benchmark benchmark_main)
 set(targets_export_name "${PROJECT_NAME}Targets")
 set(namespace "${PROJECT_NAME}::")
+configure_package_config_file (
+  ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Config.cmake.in
+  ${project_config}
   "${version_config}" VERSION ${GENERIC_LIB_VERSION} COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion
-configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Config.cmake.in" "${project_config}" @ONLY)
 configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/benchmark.pc.in" "${pkg_config}" @ONLY)
+export (
+  TARGETS ${targets_to_export}
+  NAMESPACE "${namespace}"
+  FILE ${generated_dir}/${targets_export_name}.cmake
   # Install target (will install the library to specified CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable)
-    TARGETS benchmark benchmark_main
+    TARGETS ${targets_to_export}
     EXPORT ${targets_export_name}
@@ -118,3 +123,37 @@ if (BENCHMARK_ENABLE_INSTALL)
       NAMESPACE "${namespace}"
+  find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED)
+  doxygen_add_docs(benchmark_doxygen
+    docs
+    include
+    src
+    ALL
+    COMMENT "Building documentation with Doxygen.")
+    install(
+  endif()
+    install(
+  endif()
\ No newline at end of file

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark.cc
index 89f64967bf18f..cedeee31c79e5 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark.cc
@@ -56,75 +56,75 @@
 #include "thread_manager.h"
 #include "thread_timer.h"
+namespace benchmark {
 // Print a list of benchmarks. This option overrides all other options.
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_list_tests, false);
+BM_DEFINE_bool(benchmark_list_tests, false);
 // A regular expression that specifies the set of benchmarks to execute.  If
 // this flag is empty, or if this flag is the string \"all\", all benchmarks
 // linked into the binary are run.
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_filter, ".");
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_filter, "");
 // Minimum number of seconds we should run benchmark before results are
 // considered significant.  For cpu-time based tests, this is the lower bound
 // on the total cpu time used by all threads that make up the test.  For
 // real-time based tests, this is the lower bound on the elapsed time of the
 // benchmark execution, regardless of number of threads.
-DEFINE_double(benchmark_min_time, 0.5);
+BM_DEFINE_double(benchmark_min_time, 0.5);
 // The number of runs of each benchmark. If greater than 1, the mean and
 // standard deviation of the runs will be reported.
-DEFINE_int32(benchmark_repetitions, 1);
+BM_DEFINE_int32(benchmark_repetitions, 1);
 // If set, enable random interleaving of repetitions of all benchmarks.
 // See http://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/1051 for details.
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_enable_random_interleaving, false);
+BM_DEFINE_bool(benchmark_enable_random_interleaving, false);
 // Report the result of each benchmark repetitions. When 'true' is specified
 // only the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics are reported for
 // repeated benchmarks. Affects all reporters.
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_report_aggregates_only, false);
+BM_DEFINE_bool(benchmark_report_aggregates_only, false);
 // Display the result of each benchmark repetitions. When 'true' is specified
 // only the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics are displayed for
 // repeated benchmarks. Unlike benchmark_report_aggregates_only, only affects
 // the display reporter, but  *NOT* file reporter, which will still contain
 // all the output.
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_display_aggregates_only, false);
+BM_DEFINE_bool(benchmark_display_aggregates_only, false);
 // The format to use for console output.
 // Valid values are 'console', 'json', or 'csv'.
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_format, "console");
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_format, "console");
 // The format to use for file output.
 // Valid values are 'console', 'json', or 'csv'.
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_out_format, "json");
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_out_format, "json");
 // The file to write additional output to.
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_out, "");
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_out, "");
 // Whether to use colors in the output.  Valid values:
 // 'true'/'yes'/1, 'false'/'no'/0, and 'auto'. 'auto' means to use colors if
 // the output is being sent to a terminal and the TERM environment variable is
 // set to a terminal type that supports colors.
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_color, "auto");
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_color, "auto");
 // Whether to use tabular format when printing user counters to the console.
 // Valid values: 'true'/'yes'/1, 'false'/'no'/0.  Defaults to false.
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_counters_tabular, false);
-// The level of verbose logging to output
-DEFINE_int32(v, 0);
+BM_DEFINE_bool(benchmark_counters_tabular, false);
 // List of additional perf counters to collect, in libpfm format. For more
 // information about libpfm: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/libpfm.3.html
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_perf_counters, "");
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace internal {
+BM_DEFINE_string(benchmark_perf_counters, "");
 // Extra context to include in the output formatted as comma-separated key-value
 // pairs. Kept internal as it's only used for parsing from env/command line.
-DEFINE_kvpairs(benchmark_context, {});
+BM_DEFINE_kvpairs(benchmark_context, {});
+// The level of verbose logging to output
+BM_DEFINE_int32(v, 0);
+namespace internal {
 std::map<std::string, std::string>* global_context = nullptr;
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ State::State(IterationCount max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges,
-      counters(),
-      thread_index(thread_i),
-      threads(n_threads),
+      thread_index_(thread_i),
+      threads_(n_threads),
       perf_counters_measurement_(perf_counters_measurement) {
-  CHECK(max_iterations != 0) << "At least one iteration must be run";
-  CHECK_LT(thread_index, threads) << "thread_index must be less than threads";
+  BM_CHECK(max_iterations != 0) << "At least one iteration must be run";
+  BM_CHECK_LT(thread_index_, threads_)
+      << "thread_index must be less than threads";
   // Note: The use of offsetof below is technically undefined until C++17
   // because State is not a standard layout type. However, all compilers
@@ -181,21 +181,21 @@ State::State(IterationCount max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges,
 void State::PauseTiming() {
   // Add in time accumulated so far
-  CHECK(started_ && !finished_ && !error_occurred_);
+  BM_CHECK(started_ && !finished_ && !error_occurred_);
   if (perf_counters_measurement_) {
     auto measurements = perf_counters_measurement_->StopAndGetMeasurements();
     for (const auto& name_and_measurement : measurements) {
       auto name = name_and_measurement.first;
       auto measurement = name_and_measurement.second;
-      CHECK_EQ(counters[name], 0.0);
+      BM_CHECK_EQ(counters[name], 0.0);
       counters[name] = Counter(measurement, Counter::kAvgIterations);
 void State::ResumeTiming() {
-  CHECK(started_ && !finished_ && !error_occurred_);
+  BM_CHECK(started_ && !finished_ && !error_occurred_);
   if (perf_counters_measurement_) {
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void State::ResumeTiming() {
 void State::SkipWithError(const char* msg) {
-  CHECK(msg);
+  BM_CHECK(msg);
   error_occurred_ = true;
     MutexLock l(manager_->GetBenchmarkMutex());
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void State::SetLabel(const char* label) {
 void State::StartKeepRunning() {
-  CHECK(!started_ && !finished_);
+  BM_CHECK(!started_ && !finished_);
   started_ = true;
   total_iterations_ = error_occurred_ ? 0 : max_iterations;
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void State::StartKeepRunning() {
 void State::FinishKeepRunning() {
-  CHECK(started_ && (!finished_ || error_occurred_));
+  BM_CHECK(started_ && (!finished_ || error_occurred_));
   if (!error_occurred_) {
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
                    BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
                    BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) {
   // Note the file_reporter can be null.
-  CHECK(display_reporter != nullptr);
+  BM_CHECK(display_reporter != nullptr);
   // Determine the width of the name field using a minimum width of 10.
   bool might_have_aggregates = FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1;
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
     assert(runners.size() == benchmarks.size() && "Unexpected runner count.");
-    std::vector<int> repetition_indices;
+    std::vector<size_t> repetition_indices;
     for (size_t runner_index = 0, num_runners = runners.size();
          runner_index != num_runners; ++runner_index) {
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
-              (int)reports_for_family->Runs.front().family_index);
+              static_cast<int>(reports_for_family->Runs.front().family_index));
@@ -377,10 +377,7 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
 // Disable deprecated warnings temporarily because we need to reference
 // CSVReporter but don't want to trigger -Werror=-Wdeprecated-declarations
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
 std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> CreateReporter(
     std::string const& name, ConsoleReporter::OutputOptions output_opts) {
@@ -397,9 +394,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> CreateReporter(
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 }  // end namespace
@@ -434,16 +429,32 @@ ConsoleReporter::OutputOptions GetOutputOptions(bool force_no_color) {
 }  // end namespace internal
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks() {
-  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(nullptr, nullptr);
+  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(nullptr, nullptr, FLAGS_benchmark_filter);
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(std::string spec) {
+  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(nullptr, nullptr, std::move(spec));
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter) {
-  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(display_reporter, nullptr);
+  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(display_reporter, nullptr,
+                                FLAGS_benchmark_filter);
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
+                              std::string spec) {
+  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(display_reporter, nullptr, std::move(spec));
 size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
                               BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) {
-  std::string spec = FLAGS_benchmark_filter;
+  return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(display_reporter, file_reporter,
+                                FLAGS_benchmark_filter);
+size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
+                              BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter,
+                              std::string spec) {
   if (spec.empty() || spec == "all")
     spec = ".";  // Regexp that matches all benchmarks
@@ -499,6 +510,8 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
   return benchmarks.size();
+std::string GetBenchmarkFilter() { return FLAGS_benchmark_filter; }
 void RegisterMemoryManager(MemoryManager* manager) {
   internal::memory_manager = manager;
@@ -530,6 +543,7 @@ void PrintUsageAndExit() {
           "          [--benchmark_out_format=<json|console|csv>]\n"
           "          [--benchmark_color={auto|true|false}]\n"
           "          [--benchmark_counters_tabular={true|false}]\n"
+          "          [--benchmark_perf_counters=<counter>,...]\n"
           "          [--benchmark_context=<key>=<value>,...]\n"
           "          [--v=<verbosity>]\n");
@@ -558,9 +572,6 @@ void ParseCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char** argv) {
         ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_out_format",
                         &FLAGS_benchmark_out_format) ||
         ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_color", &FLAGS_benchmark_color) ||
-        // "color_print" is the deprecated name for "benchmark_color".
-        // TODO: Remove this.
-        ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "color_print", &FLAGS_benchmark_color) ||
         ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_counters_tabular",
                       &FLAGS_benchmark_counters_tabular) ||
         ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_perf_counters",
@@ -602,9 +613,7 @@ void Initialize(int* argc, char** argv) {
   internal::LogLevel() = FLAGS_v;
-void Shutdown() {
-  delete internal::global_context;
+void Shutdown() { delete internal::global_context; }
 bool ReportUnrecognizedArguments(int argc, char** argv) {
   for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.cc
index 89da519afc8cb..4de36e3c8ba3f 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.cc
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ BenchmarkInstance::BenchmarkInstance(Benchmark* benchmark, int family_idx,
   if (!benchmark_.thread_counts_.empty()) {
     name_.threads = StrFormat("threads:%d", threads_);
+  setup_ = benchmark_.setup_;
+  teardown_ = benchmark_.teardown_;
 State BenchmarkInstance::Run(
@@ -90,5 +93,20 @@ State BenchmarkInstance::Run(
   return st;
+void BenchmarkInstance::Setup() const {
+  if (setup_) {
+    State st(/*iters*/ 1, args_, /*thread_id*/ 0, threads_, nullptr, nullptr,
+             nullptr);
+    setup_(st);
+  }
+void BenchmarkInstance::Teardown() const {
+  if (teardown_) {
+    State st(/*iters*/ 1, args_, /*thread_id*/ 0, threads_, nullptr, nullptr,
+             nullptr);
+    teardown_(st);
+  }
 }  // namespace internal
 }  // namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.h
index 9296b7d2c8165..94c2b2972bb18 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_api_internal.h
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ class BenchmarkInstance {
   bool use_real_time() const { return use_real_time_; }
   bool use_manual_time() const { return use_manual_time_; }
   BigO complexity() const { return complexity_; }
-  BigOFunc& complexity_lambda() const { return *complexity_lambda_; }
+  BigOFunc* complexity_lambda() const { return complexity_lambda_; }
   const std::vector<Statistics>& statistics() const { return statistics_; }
   int repetitions() const { return repetitions_; }
   double min_time() const { return min_time_; }
   IterationCount iterations() const { return iterations_; }
   int threads() const { return threads_; }
+  void Setup() const;
+  void Teardown() const;
   State Run(IterationCount iters, int thread_id, internal::ThreadTimer* timer,
             internal::ThreadManager* manager,
@@ -62,6 +64,10 @@ class BenchmarkInstance {
   double min_time_;
   IterationCount iterations_;
   int threads_;  // Number of concurrent threads to us
+  typedef void (*callback_function)(const benchmark::State&);
+  callback_function setup_ = nullptr;
+  callback_function teardown_ = nullptr;
 bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re,

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.cc
index 574462220e7c2..61a0c26178e3d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.cc
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void BenchmarkFamilies::ClearBenchmarks() {
 bool BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(
     std::string spec, std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>* benchmarks,
     std::ostream* ErrStream) {
-  CHECK(ErrStream);
+  BM_CHECK(ErrStream);
   auto& Err = *ErrStream;
   // Make regular expression out of command-line flag
   std::string error_msg;
@@ -211,10 +211,13 @@ Benchmark::Benchmark(const char* name)
-      complexity_lambda_(nullptr) {
+      complexity_lambda_(nullptr),
+      setup_(nullptr),
+      teardown_(nullptr) {
   ComputeStatistics("mean", StatisticsMean);
   ComputeStatistics("median", StatisticsMedian);
   ComputeStatistics("stddev", StatisticsStdDev);
+  ComputeStatistics("cv", StatisticsCV, kPercentage);
 Benchmark::~Benchmark() {}
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Name(const std::string& name) {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Arg(int64_t x) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
   return this;
@@ -236,7 +239,7 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Unit(TimeUnit unit) {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Range(int64_t start, int64_t limit) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
   std::vector<int64_t> arglist;
   AddRange(&arglist, start, limit, range_multiplier_);
@@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Range(int64_t start, int64_t limit) {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Ranges(
     const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>& ranges) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(ranges.size()));
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(ranges.size()));
   std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> arglists(ranges.size());
   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
     AddRange(&arglists[i], ranges[i].first, ranges[i].second,
@@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Ranges(
 Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgsProduct(
     const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>& arglists) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(arglists.size()));
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(arglists.size()));
   std::vector<std::size_t> indices(arglists.size());
   const std::size_t total = std::accumulate(
@@ -289,20 +292,20 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgsProduct(
 Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgName(const std::string& name) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
   arg_names_ = {name};
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgNames(const std::vector<std::string>& names) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(names.size()));
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(names.size()));
   arg_names_ = names;
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::DenseRange(int64_t start, int64_t limit, int step) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
-  CHECK_LE(start, limit);
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == 1);
+  BM_CHECK_LE(start, limit);
   for (int64_t arg = start; arg <= limit; arg += step) {
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::DenseRange(int64_t start, int64_t limit, int step) {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Args(const std::vector<int64_t>& args) {
-  CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(args.size()));
+  BM_CHECK(ArgsCnt() == -1 || ArgsCnt() == static_cast<int>(args.size()));
   return this;
@@ -320,28 +323,40 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Apply(void (*custom_arguments)(Benchmark* benchmark)) {
   return this;
+Benchmark* Benchmark::Setup(void (*setup)(const benchmark::State&)) {
+  BM_CHECK(setup != nullptr);
+  setup_ = setup;
+  return this;
+Benchmark* Benchmark::Teardown(void (*teardown)(const benchmark::State&)) {
+  BM_CHECK(teardown != nullptr);
+  teardown_ = teardown;
+  return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::RangeMultiplier(int multiplier) {
-  CHECK(multiplier > 1);
+  BM_CHECK(multiplier > 1);
   range_multiplier_ = multiplier;
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::MinTime(double t) {
-  CHECK(t > 0.0);
-  CHECK(iterations_ == 0);
+  BM_CHECK(t > 0.0);
+  BM_CHECK(iterations_ == 0);
   min_time_ = t;
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Iterations(IterationCount n) {
-  CHECK(n > 0);
-  CHECK(IsZero(min_time_));
+  BM_CHECK(n > 0);
+  BM_CHECK(IsZero(min_time_));
   iterations_ = n;
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Repetitions(int n) {
-  CHECK(n > 0);
+  BM_CHECK(n > 0);
   repetitions_ = n;
   return this;
@@ -374,14 +389,14 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::MeasureProcessCPUTime() {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::UseRealTime() {
-  CHECK(!use_manual_time_)
+  BM_CHECK(!use_manual_time_)
       << "Cannot set UseRealTime and UseManualTime simultaneously.";
   use_real_time_ = true;
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::UseManualTime() {
-  CHECK(!use_real_time_)
+  BM_CHECK(!use_real_time_)
       << "Cannot set UseRealTime and UseManualTime simultaneously.";
   use_manual_time_ = true;
   return this;
@@ -398,21 +413,22 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Complexity(BigOFunc* complexity) {
   return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::ComputeStatistics(std::string name,
-                                        StatisticsFunc* statistics) {
-  statistics_.emplace_back(name, statistics);
+Benchmark* Benchmark::ComputeStatistics(const std::string& name,
+                                        StatisticsFunc* statistics,
+                                        StatisticUnit unit) {
+  statistics_.emplace_back(name, statistics, unit);
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::Threads(int t) {
-  CHECK_GT(t, 0);
+  BM_CHECK_GT(t, 0);
   return this;
 Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
-  CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
-  CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
+  BM_CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
   AddRange(&thread_counts_, min_threads, max_threads, 2);
   return this;
@@ -420,9 +436,9 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
 Benchmark* Benchmark::DenseThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads,
                                        int stride) {
-  CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
-  CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
-  CHECK_GE(stride, 1);
+  BM_CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(stride, 1);
   for (auto i = min_threads; i < max_threads; i += stride) {
@@ -458,4 +474,19 @@ void ClearRegisteredBenchmarks() {
+std::vector<int64_t> CreateRange(int64_t lo, int64_t hi, int multi) {
+  std::vector<int64_t> args;
+  internal::AddRange(&args, lo, hi, multi);
+  return args;
+std::vector<int64_t> CreateDenseRange(int64_t start, int64_t limit, int step) {
+  BM_CHECK_LE(start, limit);
+  std::vector<int64_t> args;
+  for (int64_t arg = start; arg <= limit; arg += step) {
+    args.push_back(arg);
+  }
+  return args;
 }  // end namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.h
index 09496607f224d..d3f4974e9074d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_register.h
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ namespace internal {
 // Append the powers of 'mult' in the closed interval [lo, hi].
 // Returns iterator to the start of the inserted range.
 template <typename T>
-typename std::vector<T>::iterator
-AddPowers(std::vector<T>* dst, T lo, T hi, int mult) {
-  CHECK_GE(lo, 0);
-  CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
-  CHECK_GE(mult, 2);
+typename std::vector<T>::iterator AddPowers(std::vector<T>* dst, T lo, T hi,
+                                            int mult) {
+  BM_CHECK_GE(lo, 0);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(mult, 2);
   const size_t start_offset = dst->size();
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ AddPowers(std::vector<T>* dst, T lo, T hi, int mult) {
 template <typename T>
 void AddNegatedPowers(std::vector<T>* dst, T lo, T hi, int mult) {
   // We negate lo and hi so we require that they cannot be equal to 'min'.
-  CHECK_GT(lo, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
-  CHECK_GT(hi, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
-  CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
-  CHECK_LE(hi, 0);
+  BM_CHECK_GT(lo, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
+  BM_CHECK_GT(hi, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
+  BM_CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
+  BM_CHECK_LE(hi, 0);
   // Add positive powers, then negate and reverse.
   // Casts necessary since small integers get promoted
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ void AddRange(std::vector<T>* dst, T lo, T hi, int mult) {
   static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value,
                 "Args type must be a signed integer");
-  CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
-  CHECK_GE(mult, 2);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
+  BM_CHECK_GE(mult, 2);
   // Add "lo"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.cc
index 6742d42dbecd3..eac807b066f10 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.cc
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ BenchmarkReporter::Run CreateRunReport(
     const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
     const internal::ThreadManager::Result& results,
     IterationCount memory_iterations,
-    const MemoryManager::Result& memory_result, double seconds,
+    const MemoryManager::Result* memory_result, double seconds,
     int64_t repetition_index, int64_t repeats) {
   // Create report about this benchmark run.
   BenchmarkReporter::Run report;
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ BenchmarkReporter::Run CreateRunReport(
     report.counters = results.counters;
     if (memory_iterations > 0) {
-      report.has_memory_result = true;
+      assert(memory_result != nullptr);
+      report.memory_result = memory_result;
       report.allocs_per_iter =
-          memory_iterations ? static_cast<double>(memory_result.num_allocs) /
+          memory_iterations ? static_cast<double>(memory_result->num_allocs) /
                             : 0;
-      report.max_bytes_used = memory_result.max_bytes_used;
     internal::Finish(&report.counters, results.iterations, seconds,
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void RunInThread(const BenchmarkInstance* b, IterationCount iters,
           : internal::ThreadTimer::Create());
   State st =
       b->Run(iters, thread_id, &timer, manager, perf_counters_measurement);
-  CHECK(st.error_occurred() || st.iterations() >= st.max_iterations)
+  BM_CHECK(st.error_occurred() || st.iterations() >= st.max_iterations)
       << "Benchmark returned before State::KeepRunning() returned false!";
     MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
@@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ BenchmarkRunner::BenchmarkRunner(
     run_results.file_report_aggregates_only =
         (b.aggregation_report_mode() & internal::ARM_FileReportAggregatesOnly);
-    CHECK(FLAGS_benchmark_perf_counters.empty() ||
-          perf_counters_measurement.IsValid())
+    BM_CHECK(FLAGS_benchmark_perf_counters.empty() ||
+             perf_counters_measurement.IsValid())
         << "Perf counters were requested but could not be set up.";
 BenchmarkRunner::IterationResults BenchmarkRunner::DoNIterations() {
-  VLOG(2) << "Running " << b.name().str() << " for " << iters << "\n";
+  BM_VLOG(2) << "Running " << b.name().str() << " for " << iters << "\n";
   std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
   manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(b.threads()));
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ BenchmarkRunner::IterationResults BenchmarkRunner::DoNIterations() {
   // If we were measuring whole-process CPU usage, adjust the CPU time too.
   if (b.measure_process_cpu_time()) i.results.cpu_time_used /= b.threads();
-  VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << i.results.cpu_time_used << "/"
-          << i.results.real_time_used << "\n";
+  BM_VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << i.results.cpu_time_used << "/"
+             << i.results.real_time_used << "\n";
   // By using KeepRunningBatch a benchmark can iterate more times than
   // requested, so take the iteration count from i.results.
@@ -239,8 +239,7 @@ IterationCount BenchmarkRunner::PredictNumItersNeeded(
   // NOTE: When the last run was at least 10% of the min time the max
   // expansion should be 14x.
   bool is_significant = (i.seconds / min_time) > 0.1;
-  multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : std::min(10.0, multiplier);
-  if (multiplier <= 1.0) multiplier = 2.0;
+  multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : 10.0;
   // So what seems to be the sufficiently-large iteration count? Round up.
   const IterationCount max_next_iters = static_cast<IterationCount>(
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ IterationCount BenchmarkRunner::PredictNumItersNeeded(
   // But we do have *some* sanity limits though..
   const IterationCount next_iters = std::min(max_next_iters, kMaxIterations);
-  VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
+  BM_VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
   return next_iters;  // round up before conversion to integer.
@@ -280,7 +279,9 @@ void BenchmarkRunner::DoOneRepetition() {
   // is *only* calculated for the *first* repetition, and other repetitions
   // simply use that precomputed iteration count.
   for (;;) {
+    b.Setup();
     i = DoNIterations();
+    b.Teardown();
     // Do we consider the results to be significant?
     // If we are doing repetitions, and the first repetition was already done,
@@ -303,24 +304,33 @@ void BenchmarkRunner::DoOneRepetition() {
   // Oh, one last thing, we need to also produce the 'memory measurements'..
-  MemoryManager::Result memory_result;
+  MemoryManager::Result* memory_result = nullptr;
   IterationCount memory_iterations = 0;
   if (memory_manager != nullptr) {
+    // TODO(vyng): Consider making BenchmarkReporter::Run::memory_result an
+    // optional so we don't have to own the Result here.
+    // Can't do it now due to cxx03.
+    memory_results.push_back(MemoryManager::Result());
+    memory_result = &memory_results.back();
     // Only run a few iterations to reduce the impact of one-time
     // allocations in benchmarks that are not properly managed.
     memory_iterations = std::min<IterationCount>(16, iters);
     std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
     manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(1));
+    b.Setup();
     RunInThread(&b, memory_iterations, 0, manager.get(),
+    b.Teardown();
-    memory_manager->Stop(&memory_result);
+    memory_manager->Stop(memory_result);
-  // Ok, now actualy report.
+  // Ok, now actually report.
   BenchmarkReporter::Run report =
       CreateRunReport(b, i.results, memory_iterations, memory_result, i.seconds,
                       num_repetitions_done, repeats);

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.h
index 8a855236b2277..752eefdc26fa0 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/benchmark_runner.h
@@ -23,18 +23,14 @@
 #include "perf_counters.h"
 #include "thread_manager.h"
 namespace benchmark {
 namespace internal {
 extern MemoryManager* memory_manager;
@@ -64,7 +60,7 @@ class BenchmarkRunner {
   BenchmarkReporter::PerFamilyRunReports* GetReportsForFamily() const {
     return reports_for_family;
-  };
+  }
   RunResults run_results;
@@ -80,6 +76,8 @@ class BenchmarkRunner {
   std::vector<std::thread> pool;
+  std::vector<MemoryManager::Result> memory_results;
   IterationCount iters;  // preserved between repetitions!
   // So only the first repetition has to find/calculate it,
   // the other repetitions will just use that precomputed iteration count.

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/check.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/check.h
index f5f8253f8040d..0efd13ff4db6d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/check.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/check.h
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ BENCHMARK_NORETURN inline void CallAbortHandler() {
   std::abort();  // fallback to enforce noreturn
-// CheckHandler is the class constructed by failing CHECK macros. CheckHandler
-// will log information about the failures and abort when it is destructed.
+// CheckHandler is the class constructed by failing BM_CHECK macros.
+// CheckHandler will log information about the failures and abort when it is
+// destructed.
 class CheckHandler {
   CheckHandler(const char* check, const char* file, const char* func, int line)
@@ -51,32 +52,32 @@ class CheckHandler {
 }  // end namespace internal
 }  // end namespace benchmark
-// The CHECK macro returns a std::ostream object that can have extra information
-// written to it.
+// The BM_CHECK macro returns a std::ostream object that can have extra
+// information written to it.
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-#define CHECK(b)                                                             \
+#define BM_CHECK(b)                                                          \
   (b ? ::benchmark::internal::GetNullLogInstance()                           \
      : ::benchmark::internal::CheckHandler(#b, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__) \
-#define CHECK(b) ::benchmark::internal::GetNullLogInstance()
+#define BM_CHECK(b) ::benchmark::internal::GetNullLogInstance()
 // clang-format off
 // preserve whitespacing between operators for alignment
-#define CHECK_EQ(a, b) CHECK((a) == (b))
-#define CHECK_NE(a, b) CHECK((a) != (b))
-#define CHECK_GE(a, b) CHECK((a) >= (b))
-#define CHECK_LE(a, b) CHECK((a) <= (b))
-#define CHECK_GT(a, b) CHECK((a) > (b))
-#define CHECK_LT(a, b) CHECK((a) < (b))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_EQ(a, b, eps) CHECK(std::fabs((a) - (b)) <  (eps))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_NE(a, b, eps) CHECK(std::fabs((a) - (b)) >= (eps))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_GE(a, b, eps) CHECK((a) - (b) > -(eps))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_LE(a, b, eps) CHECK((b) - (a) > -(eps))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_GT(a, b, eps) CHECK((a) - (b) >  (eps))
-#define CHECK_FLOAT_LT(a, b, eps) CHECK((b) - (a) >  (eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_EQ(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) == (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_NE(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) != (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_GE(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) >= (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_LE(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) <= (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_GT(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) > (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_LT(a, b) BM_CHECK((a) < (b))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_EQ(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK(std::fabs((a) - (b)) <  (eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_NE(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK(std::fabs((a) - (b)) >= (eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_GE(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK((a) - (b) > -(eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_LE(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK((b) - (a) > -(eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_GT(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK((a) - (b) >  (eps))
+#define BM_CHECK_FLOAT_LT(a, b, eps) BM_CHECK((b) - (a) >  (eps))
 //clang-format on
 #endif  // CHECK_H_

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/colorprint.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/colorprint.cc
index fff6a98818b84..1a000a0637368 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/colorprint.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/colorprint.cc
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 #include "internal_macros.h"
-#include <windows.h>
 #include <io.h>
+#include <windows.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ std::string FormatString(const char* msg, va_list args) {
   // currently there is no error handling for failure, so this is hack.
-  CHECK(ret >= 0);
+  BM_CHECK(ret >= 0);
   if (ret == 0)  // handle empty expansion
     return {};
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ std::string FormatString(const char* msg, va_list args) {
     return local_buff;
   else {
     // we did not provide a long enough buffer on our first attempt.
-    size = (size_t)ret + 1;  // + 1 for the null byte
+    size = static_cast<size_t>(ret) + 1;  // + 1 for the null byte
     std::unique_ptr<char[]> buff(new char[size]);
     ret = vsnprintf(buff.get(), size, msg, args);
-    CHECK(ret > 0 && ((size_t)ret) < size);
+    BM_CHECK(ret > 0 && (static_cast<size_t>(ret)) < size);
     return buff.get();

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.cc
index 5724aaa29402e..9615e351ffaed 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.cc
@@ -248,9 +248,8 @@ bool ParseStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, std::string* value) {
   return true;
-bool ParseKeyValueFlag(
-    const char* str, const char* flag,
-    std::map<std::string, std::string>* value) {
+bool ParseKeyValueFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
+                       std::map<std::string, std::string>* value) {
   const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, false);
   if (value_str == nullptr) return false;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h
index 0c988cccb3ae1..5baaf11784df6 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h
@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
 #define FLAG(name) FLAGS_##name
 // Macros for declaring flags.
-#define DECLARE_bool(name) extern bool FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_int32(name) extern int32_t FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_double(name) extern double FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_string(name) extern std::string FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_kvpairs(name) \
+#define BM_DECLARE_bool(name) extern bool FLAG(name)
+#define BM_DECLARE_int32(name) extern int32_t FLAG(name)
+#define BM_DECLARE_double(name) extern double FLAG(name)
+#define BM_DECLARE_string(name) extern std::string FLAG(name)
+#define BM_DECLARE_kvpairs(name) \
   extern std::map<std::string, std::string> FLAG(name)
 // Macros for defining flags.
-#define DEFINE_bool(name, default_val) \
+#define BM_DEFINE_bool(name, default_val) \
   bool FLAG(name) = benchmark::BoolFromEnv(#name, default_val)
-#define DEFINE_int32(name, default_val) \
+#define BM_DEFINE_int32(name, default_val) \
   int32_t FLAG(name) = benchmark::Int32FromEnv(#name, default_val)
-#define DEFINE_double(name, default_val) \
+#define BM_DEFINE_double(name, default_val) \
   double FLAG(name) = benchmark::DoubleFromEnv(#name, default_val)
-#define DEFINE_string(name, default_val) \
+#define BM_DEFINE_string(name, default_val) \
   std::string FLAG(name) = benchmark::StringFromEnv(#name, default_val)
-#define DEFINE_kvpairs(name, default_val)         \
+#define BM_DEFINE_kvpairs(name, default_val)      \
   std::map<std::string, std::string> FLAG(name) = \
       benchmark::KvPairsFromEnv(#name, default_val)

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/complexity.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/complexity.cc
index 29f7c3b03155a..825c57394a8ca 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/complexity.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/complexity.cc
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
 // Source project : https://github.com/ismaelJimenez/cpp.leastsq
 // Adapted to be used with google benchmark
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+#include "complexity.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cmath>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "check.h"
-#include "complexity.h"
 namespace benchmark {
@@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ LeastSq MinimalLeastSq(const std::vector<int64_t>& n,
 //                  fitting curve.
 LeastSq MinimalLeastSq(const std::vector<int64_t>& n,
                        const std::vector<double>& time, const BigO complexity) {
-  CHECK_EQ(n.size(), time.size());
-  CHECK_GE(n.size(), 2);  // Do not compute fitting curve is less than two
-                          // benchmark runs are given
-  CHECK_NE(complexity, oNone);
+  BM_CHECK_EQ(n.size(), time.size());
+  BM_CHECK_GE(n.size(), 2);  // Do not compute fitting curve is less than two
+                             // benchmark runs are given
+  BM_CHECK_NE(complexity, oNone);
   LeastSq best_fit;
@@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeBigO(
   // Populate the accumulators.
   for (const Run& run : reports) {
-    CHECK_GT(run.complexity_n, 0) << "Did you forget to call SetComplexityN?";
+    BM_CHECK_GT(run.complexity_n, 0)
+        << "Did you forget to call SetComplexityN?";
     real_time.push_back(run.real_accumulated_time / run.iterations);
     cpu_time.push_back(run.cpu_accumulated_time / run.iterations);
@@ -198,6 +200,7 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeBigO(
   big_o.repetition_index = Run::no_repetition_index;
   big_o.threads = reports[0].threads;
   big_o.aggregate_name = "BigO";
+  big_o.aggregate_unit = StatisticUnit::kTime;
   big_o.report_label = reports[0].report_label;
   big_o.iterations = 0;
   big_o.real_accumulated_time = result_real.coef;
@@ -219,6 +222,7 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeBigO(
   rms.per_family_instance_index = reports[0].per_family_instance_index;
   rms.run_type = BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate;
   rms.aggregate_name = "RMS";
+  rms.aggregate_unit = StatisticUnit::kPercentage;
   rms.report_label = big_o.report_label;
   rms.iterations = 0;
   rms.repetition_index = Run::no_repetition_index;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/console_reporter.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/console_reporter.cc
index 6fd764525e814..04cc0b74e58ef 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/console_reporter.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/console_reporter.cc
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ bool ConsoleReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
         << "Color printing is only supported for stdout on windows."
            " Disabling color printing\n";
-    output_options_ = static_cast< OutputOptions >(output_options_ & ~OO_Color);
+    output_options_ = static_cast<OutputOptions>(output_options_ & ~OO_Color);
@@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ bool ConsoleReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
 void ConsoleReporter::PrintHeader(const Run& run) {
-  std::string str = FormatString("%-*s %13s %15s %12s", static_cast<int>(name_field_width_),
-                                 "Benchmark", "Time", "CPU", "Iterations");
-  if(!run.counters.empty()) {
-    if(output_options_ & OO_Tabular) {
-      for(auto const& c : run.counters) {
+  std::string str =
+      FormatString("%-*s %13s %15s %12s", static_cast<int>(name_field_width_),
+                   "Benchmark", "Time", "CPU", "Iterations");
+  if (!run.counters.empty()) {
+    if (output_options_ & OO_Tabular) {
+      for (auto const& c : run.counters) {
         str += FormatString(" %10s", c.first.c_str());
     } else {
@@ -97,7 +98,6 @@ static void IgnoreColorPrint(std::ostream& out, LogColor, const char* fmt,
 static std::string FormatTime(double time) {
   // Align decimal places...
   if (time < 1.0) {
@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ static std::string FormatTime(double time) {
 void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
   typedef void(PrinterFn)(std::ostream&, LogColor, const char*, ...);
   auto& Out = GetOutputStream();
-  PrinterFn* printer = (output_options_ & OO_Color) ?
-                         (PrinterFn*)ColorPrintf : IgnoreColorPrint;
+  PrinterFn* printer = (output_options_ & OO_Color)
+                           ? static_cast<PrinterFn*>(ColorPrintf)
+                           : IgnoreColorPrint;
   auto name_color =
       (result.report_big_o || result.report_rms) ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_GREEN;
   printer(Out, name_color, "%-*s ", name_field_width_,
@@ -134,18 +135,23 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
   const std::string real_time_str = FormatTime(real_time);
   const std::string cpu_time_str = FormatTime(cpu_time);
   if (result.report_big_o) {
     std::string big_o = GetBigOString(result.complexity);
-    printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.2f %-4s %10.2f %-4s ", real_time, big_o.c_str(),
-            cpu_time, big_o.c_str());
+    printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.2f %-4s %10.2f %-4s ", real_time,
+            big_o.c_str(), cpu_time, big_o.c_str());
   } else if (result.report_rms) {
     printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.0f %-4s %10.0f %-4s ", real_time * 100, "%",
             cpu_time * 100, "%");
-  } else {
+  } else if (result.run_type != Run::RT_Aggregate ||
+             result.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kTime) {
     const char* timeLabel = GetTimeUnitString(result.time_unit);
-    printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%s %-4s %s %-4s ", real_time_str.c_str(), timeLabel,
-            cpu_time_str.c_str(), timeLabel);
+    printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%s %-4s %s %-4s ", real_time_str.c_str(),
+            timeLabel, cpu_time_str.c_str(), timeLabel);
+  } else {
+    assert(result.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kPercentage);
+    printer(Out, COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.2f %-4s %10.2f %-4s ",
+            (100. * result.real_accumulated_time), "%",
+            (100. * result.cpu_accumulated_time), "%");
   if (!result.report_big_o && !result.report_rms) {
@@ -153,12 +159,19 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
   for (auto& c : result.counters) {
-    const std::size_t cNameLen = std::max(std::string::size_type(10),
-                                          c.first.length());
-    auto const& s = HumanReadableNumber(c.second.value, c.second.oneK);
+    const std::size_t cNameLen =
+        std::max(std::string::size_type(10), c.first.length());
+    std::string s;
     const char* unit = "";
-    if (c.second.flags & Counter::kIsRate)
-      unit = (c.second.flags & Counter::kInvert) ? "s" : "/s";
+    if (result.run_type == Run::RT_Aggregate &&
+        result.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kPercentage) {
+      s = StrFormat("%.2f", 100. * c.second.value);
+      unit = "%";
+    } else {
+      s = HumanReadableNumber(c.second.value, c.second.oneK);
+      if (c.second.flags & Counter::kIsRate)
+        unit = (c.second.flags & Counter::kInvert) ? "s" : "/s";
+    }
     if (output_options_ & OO_Tabular) {
       printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %*s%s", cNameLen - strlen(unit), s.c_str(),

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/csv_reporter.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/csv_reporter.cc
index af2c18fc8a6ee..1c5e9fa6689c0 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/csv_reporter.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/csv_reporter.cc
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
-#include "complexity.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -22,7 +19,9 @@
 #include <tuple>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "check.h"
+#include "complexity.h"
 #include "string_util.h"
 #include "timers.h"
@@ -37,13 +36,17 @@ std::vector<std::string> elements = {
     "error_occurred", "error_message"};
 }  // namespace
-std::string CsvEscape(const std::string & s) {
+std::string CsvEscape(const std::string& s) {
   std::string tmp;
   tmp.reserve(s.size() + 2);
   for (char c : s) {
     switch (c) {
-    case '"' : tmp += "\"\""; break;
-    default  : tmp += c; break;
+      case '"':
+        tmp += "\"\"";
+        break;
+      default:
+        tmp += c;
+        break;
   return '"' + tmp + '"';
@@ -85,7 +88,8 @@ void CSVReporter::ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& reports) {
       for (const auto& cnt : run.counters) {
         if (cnt.first == "bytes_per_second" || cnt.first == "items_per_second")
-        CHECK(user_counter_names_.find(cnt.first) != user_counter_names_.end())
+        BM_CHECK(user_counter_names_.find(cnt.first) !=
+                 user_counter_names_.end())
             << "All counters must be present in each run. "
             << "Counter named \"" << cnt.first
             << "\" was not in a run after being added to the header";

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h
index f22ca9f7d2998..d65d32a39d3d3 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t Now() {
   // the code is being compiled with a non-ancient compiler.
   _asm rdtsc
 #elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC) && defined(_M_ARM64)
-  // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/intrinsics/arm64-intrinsics?view=vs-2019
+  // See // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/intrinsics/arm64-intrinsics
   // and https://reviews.llvm.org/D53115
   int64_t virtual_timer_value;
   virtual_timer_value = _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_CNTVCT);
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t Now() {
   asm("stck %0" : "=Q"(tsc) : : "cc");
   return tsc;
-#elif defined(__riscv) // RISC-V
+#elif defined(__riscv)  // RISC-V
   // Use RDCYCLE (and RDCYCLEH on riscv32)
 #if __riscv_xlen == 32
   uint32_t cycles_lo, cycles_hi0, cycles_hi1;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/json_reporter.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/json_reporter.cc
index 26898456f8546..e84a4ed24f9d8 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/json_reporter.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/json_reporter.cc
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
-#include "complexity.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <cstdint>
@@ -25,6 +22,8 @@
 #include <tuple>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+#include "complexity.h"
 #include "string_util.h"
 #include "timers.h"
@@ -35,34 +34,53 @@ extern std::map<std::string, std::string>* global_context;
 namespace {
-std::string StrEscape(const std::string & s) {
+std::string StrEscape(const std::string& s) {
   std::string tmp;
   for (char c : s) {
     switch (c) {
-    case '\b': tmp += "\\b"; break;
-    case '\f': tmp += "\\f"; break;
-    case '\n': tmp += "\\n"; break;
-    case '\r': tmp += "\\r"; break;
-    case '\t': tmp += "\\t"; break;
-    case '\\': tmp += "\\\\"; break;
-    case '"' : tmp += "\\\""; break;
-    default  : tmp += c; break;
+      case '\b':
+        tmp += "\\b";
+        break;
+      case '\f':
+        tmp += "\\f";
+        break;
+      case '\n':
+        tmp += "\\n";
+        break;
+      case '\r':
+        tmp += "\\r";
+        break;
+      case '\t':
+        tmp += "\\t";
+        break;
+      case '\\':
+        tmp += "\\\\";
+        break;
+      case '"':
+        tmp += "\\\"";
+        break;
+      default:
+        tmp += c;
+        break;
   return tmp;
 std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, std::string const& value) {
-  return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(), StrEscape(value).c_str());
+  return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(),
+                   StrEscape(value).c_str());
 std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, const char* value) {
-  return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(), StrEscape(value).c_str());
+  return StrFormat("\"%s\": \"%s\"", StrEscape(key).c_str(),
+                   StrEscape(value).c_str());
 std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, bool value) {
-  return StrFormat("\"%s\": %s", StrEscape(key).c_str(), value ? "true" : "false");
+  return StrFormat("\"%s\": %s", StrEscape(key).c_str(),
+                   value ? "true" : "false");
 std::string FormatKV(std::string const& key, int64_t value) {
@@ -126,7 +144,9 @@ bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
                   RoundDouble(info.cycles_per_second / 1000000.0))
       << ",\n";
   if (CPUInfo::Scaling::UNKNOWN != info.scaling) {
-    out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_scaling_enabled", info.scaling == CPUInfo::Scaling::ENABLED ? true : false)
+    out << indent
+        << FormatKV("cpu_scaling_enabled",
+                    info.scaling == CPUInfo::Scaling::ENABLED ? true : false)
         << ",\n";
@@ -139,8 +159,8 @@ bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
     out << cache_indent << FormatKV("type", CI.type) << ",\n";
     out << cache_indent << FormatKV("level", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.level))
         << ",\n";
-    out << cache_indent
-        << FormatKV("size", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.size)) << ",\n";
+    out << cache_indent << FormatKV("size", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.size))
+        << ",\n";
     out << cache_indent
         << FormatKV("num_sharing", static_cast<int64_t>(CI.num_sharing))
         << "\n";
@@ -162,13 +182,15 @@ bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
   const char build_type[] = "debug";
-  out << indent << FormatKV("library_build_type", build_type) << "\n";
+  out << indent << FormatKV("library_build_type", build_type);
   if (internal::global_context != nullptr) {
-    for (const auto& kv: *internal::global_context) {
-      out << indent << FormatKV(kv.first, kv.second) << "\n";
+    for (const auto& kv : *internal::global_context) {
+      out << ",\n";
+      out << indent << FormatKV(kv.first, kv.second);
+  out << "\n";
   // Close context block and open the list of benchmarks.
   out << inner_indent << "},\n";
@@ -229,6 +251,15 @@ void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
   out << indent << FormatKV("threads", run.threads) << ",\n";
   if (run.run_type == BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate) {
     out << indent << FormatKV("aggregate_name", run.aggregate_name) << ",\n";
+    out << indent << FormatKV("aggregate_unit", [&run]() -> const char* {
+      switch (run.aggregate_unit) {
+        case StatisticUnit::kTime:
+          return "time";
+        case StatisticUnit::kPercentage:
+          return "percentage";
+      }
+    }()) << ",\n";
   if (run.error_occurred) {
     out << indent << FormatKV("error_occurred", run.error_occurred) << ",\n";
@@ -236,8 +267,17 @@ void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
   if (!run.report_big_o && !run.report_rms) {
     out << indent << FormatKV("iterations", run.iterations) << ",\n";
-    out << indent << FormatKV("real_time", run.GetAdjustedRealTime()) << ",\n";
-    out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_time", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
+    if (run.run_type != Run::RT_Aggregate ||
+        run.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kTime) {
+      out << indent << FormatKV("real_time", run.GetAdjustedRealTime())
+          << ",\n";
+      out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_time", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
+    } else {
+      assert(run.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kPercentage);
+      out << indent << FormatKV("real_time", run.real_accumulated_time)
+          << ",\n";
+      out << indent << FormatKV("cpu_time", run.cpu_accumulated_time);
+    }
     out << ",\n"
         << indent << FormatKV("time_unit", GetTimeUnitString(run.time_unit));
   } else if (run.report_big_o) {
@@ -255,9 +295,20 @@ void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
     out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV(c.first, c.second);
-  if (run.has_memory_result) {
+  if (run.memory_result) {
+    const MemoryManager::Result memory_result = *run.memory_result;
     out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("allocs_per_iter", run.allocs_per_iter);
-    out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("max_bytes_used", run.max_bytes_used);
+    out << ",\n"
+        << indent << FormatKV("max_bytes_used", memory_result.max_bytes_used);
+    auto report_if_present = [&out, &indent](const char* label, int64_t val) {
+      if (val != MemoryManager::TombstoneValue)
+        out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV(label, val);
+    };
+    report_if_present("total_allocated_bytes",
+                      memory_result.total_allocated_bytes);
+    report_if_present("net_heap_growth", memory_result.net_heap_growth);
   if (!run.report_label.empty()) {
@@ -266,4 +317,7 @@ void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
   out << '\n';
+const int64_t MemoryManager::TombstoneValue =
+    std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
 }  // end namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/log.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/log.h
index 47d0c35c01826..48c071aded8f3 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/log.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/log.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ inline LogType& GetLogInstanceForLevel(int level) {
 }  // end namespace benchmark
 // clang-format off
-#define VLOG(x)                                                               \
+#define BM_VLOG(x)                                                               \
   (::benchmark::internal::GetLogInstanceForLevel(x) << "-- LOG(" << x << "):" \
                                                                          " ")
 // clang-format on

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/mutex.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/mutex.h
index 9cc414ec467e6..bec78d9e5f91f 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/mutex.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/mutex.h
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class Barrier {
   // entered the barrier.  Returns iff this is the last thread to
   // enter the barrier.
   bool createBarrier(MutexLock& ml) REQUIRES(lock_) {
-    CHECK_LT(entered_, running_threads_);
+    BM_CHECK_LT(entered_, running_threads_);
     if (entered_ < running_threads_) {
       // Wait for all threads to enter

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.cc
index 4ddf0de2502c7..b2ac7687efef6 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.cc
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ PerfCounters PerfCounters::Create(
   const int mode = PFM_PLM3;  // user mode only
   for (size_t i = 0; i < counter_names.size(); ++i) {
     const bool is_first = i == 0;
-    struct perf_event_attr attr{};
+    struct perf_event_attr attr {};
     attr.size = sizeof(attr);
     const int group_id = !is_first ? counter_ids[0] : -1;
     const auto& name = counter_names[i];

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.h
index b6629b99070b0..47ca1385e24dd 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/perf_counters.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace internal {
 class PerfCounterValues {
   explicit PerfCounterValues(size_t nr_counters) : nr_counters_(nr_counters) {
-    CHECK_LE(nr_counters_, kMaxCounters);
+    BM_CHECK_LE(nr_counters_, kMaxCounters);
   uint64_t operator[](size_t pos) const { return values_[kPadding + pos]; }

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/re.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/re.h
index fbe25037b4638..630046782dc48 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/re.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/re.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ inline bool Regex::Init(const std::string& spec, std::string* error) {
       // regerror returns the number of bytes necessary to null terminate
       // the string, so we move that when assigning to error.
-      CHECK_NE(needed, 0);
+      BM_CHECK_NE(needed, 0);
       error->assign(errbuf, needed - 1);
       delete[] errbuf;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/reporter.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/reporter.cc
index 14dd40dc72f46..1d2df17b90f01 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/reporter.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/reporter.cc
@@ -12,23 +12,21 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
-#include "timers.h"
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <map>
 #include <string>
 #include <tuple>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "check.h"
 #include "string_util.h"
+#include "timers.h"
 namespace benchmark {
 namespace internal {
-extern std::map<std::string, std::string>* global_context;
+extern std::map<std::string, std::string> *global_context;
@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ BenchmarkReporter::~BenchmarkReporter() {}
 void BenchmarkReporter::PrintBasicContext(std::ostream *out,
                                           Context const &context) {
-  CHECK(out) << "cannot be null";
+  BM_CHECK(out) << "cannot be null";
   auto &Out = *out;
   Out << LocalDateTimeString() << "\n";
@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ void BenchmarkReporter::PrintBasicContext(std::ostream *out,
   if (internal::global_context != nullptr) {
-    for (const auto& kv: *internal::global_context) {
+    for (const auto &kv : *internal::global_context) {
       Out << kv.first << ": " << kv.second << "\n";

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/sleep.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/sleep.cc
index 4609d540eade8..ab59000f24adf 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/sleep.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/sleep.cc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void SleepForMilliseconds(int milliseconds) { Sleep(milliseconds); }
 void SleepForSeconds(double seconds) {
   SleepForMilliseconds(static_cast<int>(kNumMillisPerSecond * seconds));
 void SleepForMicroseconds(int microseconds) {
   // z/OS does not support nanosleep. Instead call sleep() and then usleep() to
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ void SleepForMicroseconds(int microseconds) {
   // argument is greater than 1000000.
   div_t sleepTime = div(microseconds, kNumMicrosPerSecond);
   int seconds = sleepTime.quot;
-  while (seconds != 0)
-    seconds = sleep(seconds);
+  while (seconds != 0) seconds = sleep(seconds);
   while (usleep(sleepTime.rem) == -1 && errno == EINTR)

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.cc
index 57472b9ff99bd..3e5ef09939713 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.cc
@@ -13,15 +13,16 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+#include "statistics.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <numeric>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "check.h"
-#include "statistics.h"
 namespace benchmark {
@@ -74,6 +75,15 @@ double StatisticsStdDev(const std::vector<double>& v) {
   return Sqrt(v.size() / (v.size() - 1.0) * (avg_squares - Sqr(mean)));
+double StatisticsCV(const std::vector<double>& v) {
+  if (v.size() < 2) return 0.0;
+  const auto stddev = StatisticsStdDev(v);
+  const auto mean = StatisticsMean(v);
+  return stddev / mean;
 std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
     const std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>& reports) {
   typedef BenchmarkReporter::Run Run;
@@ -112,22 +122,22 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
         it = counter_stats.find(cnt.first);
       } else {
-        CHECK_EQ(counter_stats[cnt.first].c.flags, cnt.second.flags);
+        BM_CHECK_EQ(counter_stats[cnt.first].c.flags, cnt.second.flags);
   // Populate the accumulators.
   for (Run const& run : reports) {
-    CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name(), run.benchmark_name());
-    CHECK_EQ(run_iterations, run.iterations);
+    BM_CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name(), run.benchmark_name());
+    BM_CHECK_EQ(run_iterations, run.iterations);
     if (run.error_occurred) continue;
     // user counters
     for (auto const& cnt : run.counters) {
       auto it = counter_stats.find(cnt.first);
-      CHECK_NE(it, counter_stats.end());
+      BM_CHECK_NE(it, counter_stats.end());
@@ -155,6 +165,7 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
     data.repetitions = reports[0].repetitions;
     data.repetition_index = Run::no_repetition_index;
     data.aggregate_name = Stat.name_;
+    data.aggregate_unit = Stat.unit_;
     data.report_label = report_label;
     // It is incorrect to say that an aggregate is computed over
@@ -167,13 +178,15 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
     data.real_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(real_accumulated_time_stat);
     data.cpu_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(cpu_accumulated_time_stat);
-    // We will divide these times by data.iterations when reporting, but the
-    // data.iterations is not nessesairly the scale of these measurements,
-    // because in each repetition, these timers are sum over all the iterations.
-    // And if we want to say that the stats are over N repetitions and not
-    // M iterations, we need to multiply these by (N/M).
-    data.real_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
-    data.cpu_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
+    if (data.aggregate_unit == StatisticUnit::kTime) {
+      // We will divide these times by data.iterations when reporting, but the
+      // data.iterations is not necessarily the scale of these measurements,
+      // because in each repetition, these timers are sum over all the iters.
+      // And if we want to say that the stats are over N repetitions and not
+      // M iterations, we need to multiply these by (N/M).
+      data.real_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
+      data.cpu_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
+    }
     data.time_unit = reports[0].time_unit;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.h
index 7eccc85536a5f..a9545a58c6484 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/statistics.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
 double StatisticsMean(const std::vector<double>& v);
 double StatisticsMedian(const std::vector<double>& v);
 double StatisticsStdDev(const std::vector<double>& v);
+double StatisticsCV(const std::vector<double>& v);
 }  // end namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.cc
index 3551418174fd0..401fa13df7afe 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.cc
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ std::string StrFormatImp(const char* msg, va_list args) {
   auto buff_ptr = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[size]);
   // 2015-10-08: vsnprintf is used instead of snd::vsnprintf due to a limitation
   // in the android-ndk
-  ret = vsnprintf(buff_ptr.get(), size, msg, args);
+  vsnprintf(buff_ptr.get(), size, msg, args);
   return std::string(buff_ptr.get());
@@ -198,11 +198,10 @@ unsigned long stoul(const std::string& str, size_t* pos, int base) {
   /* Check for errors and return */
   if (strtoulErrno == ERANGE) {
-    throw std::out_of_range(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is outside of range of unsigned long");
+    throw std::out_of_range("stoul failed: " + str +
+                            " is outside of range of unsigned long");
   } else if (strEnd == strStart || strtoulErrno != 0) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
+    throw std::invalid_argument("stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
   if (pos != nullptr) {
     *pos = static_cast<size_t>(strEnd - strStart);
@@ -225,11 +224,10 @@ int stoi(const std::string& str, size_t* pos, int base) {
   /* Check for errors and return */
   if (strtolErrno == ERANGE || long(int(result)) != result) {
-    throw std::out_of_range(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is outside of range of int");
+    throw std::out_of_range("stoul failed: " + str +
+                            " is outside of range of int");
   } else if (strEnd == strStart || strtolErrno != 0) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
+    throw std::invalid_argument("stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
   if (pos != nullptr) {
     *pos = static_cast<size_t>(strEnd - strStart);
@@ -252,11 +250,10 @@ double stod(const std::string& str, size_t* pos) {
   /* Check for errors and return */
   if (strtodErrno == ERANGE) {
-    throw std::out_of_range(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is outside of range of int");
+    throw std::out_of_range("stoul failed: " + str +
+                            " is outside of range of int");
   } else if (strEnd == strStart || strtodErrno != 0) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument(
-      "stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
+    throw std::invalid_argument("stoul failed: " + str + " is not an integer");
   if (pos != nullptr) {
     *pos = static_cast<size_t>(strEnd - strStart);

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.h
index 6bc28b6912a84..ff3b7da47d6cb 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/string_util.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <utility>
 #include "internal_macros.h"
 namespace benchmark {
@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ inline std::string StrCat(Args&&... args) {
 std::vector<std::string> StrSplit(const std::string& str, char delim);
+// Disable lint checking for this block since it re-implements C functions.
  * GNU STL in Android NDK lacks support for some C++11 functions, including
@@ -47,14 +50,15 @@ std::vector<std::string> StrSplit(const std::string& str, char delim);
  * namespace, not std:: namespace.
 unsigned long stoul(const std::string& str, size_t* pos = nullptr,
-                           int base = 10);
+                    int base = 10);
 int stoi(const std::string& str, size_t* pos = nullptr, int base = 10);
 double stod(const std::string& str, size_t* pos = nullptr);
-using std::stoul;
-using std::stoi;
-using std::stod;
+using std::stod;   // NOLINT(misc-unused-using-decls)
+using std::stoi;   // NOLINT(misc-unused-using-decls)
+using std::stoul;  // NOLINT(misc-unused-using-decls)
 }  // end namespace benchmark

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/sysinfo.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/sysinfo.cc
index 112e9b4a0e2bf..87dcfb4666197 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/sysinfo.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/sysinfo.cc
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #undef StrCat  // Don't let StrCat in string_util.h be renamed to lstrcatA
 #include <versionhelpers.h>
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <codecvt>
 #include <fcntl.h>
@@ -55,9 +56,9 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <limits>
+#include <locale>
 #include <memory>
 #include <sstream>
-#include <locale>
 #include <utility>
 #include "check.h"
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ struct ValueUnion {
   template <class T, int N>
   std::array<T, N> GetAsArray() {
     const int ArrSize = sizeof(T) * N;
-    CHECK_LE(ArrSize, Size);
+    BM_CHECK_LE(ArrSize, Size);
     std::array<T, N> Arr;
     std::memcpy(Arr.data(), data(), ArrSize);
     return Arr;
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ ValueUnion GetSysctlImp(std::string const& Name) {
   int mib[2];
   mib[0] = CTL_HW;
-  if ((Name == "hw.ncpu") || (Name == "hw.cpuspeed")){
+  if ((Name == "hw.ncpu") || (Name == "hw.cpuspeed")) {
     ValueUnion buff(sizeof(int));
     if (Name == "hw.ncpu") {
@@ -214,10 +215,9 @@ bool ReadFromFile(std::string const& fname, ArgT* arg) {
 CPUInfo::Scaling CpuScaling(int num_cpus) {
   // We don't have a valid CPU count, so don't even bother.
   if (num_cpus <= 0) return CPUInfo::Scaling::UNKNOWN;
+#if defined(BENCHMARK_OS_QNX)
   return CPUInfo::Scaling::UNKNOWN;
+#elif !defined(BENCHMARK_OS_WINDOWS)
   // On Linux, the CPUfreq subsystem exposes CPU information as files on the
   // local file system. If reading the exported files fails, then we may not be
   // running on Linux, so we silently ignore all the read errors.
@@ -225,11 +225,13 @@ CPUInfo::Scaling CpuScaling(int num_cpus) {
   for (int cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; ++cpu) {
     std::string governor_file =
         StrCat("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu", cpu, "/cpufreq/scaling_governor");
-    if (ReadFromFile(governor_file, &res) && res != "performance") return CPUInfo::Scaling::ENABLED;
+    if (ReadFromFile(governor_file, &res) && res != "performance")
+      return CPUInfo::Scaling::ENABLED;
   return CPUInfo::Scaling::DISABLED;
   return CPUInfo::Scaling::UNKNOWN;
 int CountSetBitsInCPUMap(std::string Val) {
@@ -366,29 +368,29 @@ std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> GetCacheSizesWindows() {
 std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> GetCacheSizesQNX() {
   std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> res;
-  struct cacheattr_entry *cache = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(cacheattr);
+  struct cacheattr_entry* cache = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(cacheattr);
   uint32_t const elsize = SYSPAGE_ELEMENT_SIZE(cacheattr);
-  int num = SYSPAGE_ENTRY_SIZE(cacheattr) / elsize ;
-  for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
+  int num = SYSPAGE_ENTRY_SIZE(cacheattr) / elsize;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
     CPUInfo::CacheInfo info;
-    switch (cache->flags){
-      case CACHE_FLAG_INSTR :
+    switch (cache->flags) {
+      case CACHE_FLAG_INSTR:
         info.type = "Instruction";
         info.level = 1;
-      case CACHE_FLAG_DATA :
+      case CACHE_FLAG_DATA:
         info.type = "Data";
         info.level = 1;
-      case CACHE_FLAG_UNIFIED :
         info.type = "Unified";
         info.level = 2;
-      case CACHE_FLAG_SHARED :
+      case CACHE_FLAG_SHARED:
         info.type = "Shared";
         info.level = 3;
-      default :
+      default:
@@ -416,24 +418,23 @@ std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> GetCacheSizes() {
 std::string GetSystemName() {
   std::string str;
-  const unsigned COUNT = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1;
-  TCHAR  hostname[COUNT] = {'\0'};
+  const unsigned COUNT = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
+  TCHAR hostname[COUNT] = {'\0'};
-  if (!GetComputerName(hostname, &DWCOUNT))
-    return std::string("");
+  if (!GetComputerName(hostname, &DWCOUNT)) return std::string("");
 #ifndef UNICODE
   str = std::string(hostname, DWCOUNT);
-  //Using wstring_convert, Is deprecated in C++17
+  // Using wstring_convert, Is deprecated in C++17
   using convert_type = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
   std::wstring_convert<convert_type, wchar_t> converter;
   std::wstring wStr(hostname, DWCOUNT);
   str = converter.to_bytes(wStr);
   return str;
-#else // defined(BENCHMARK_OS_WINDOWS)
+#else  // defined(BENCHMARK_OS_WINDOWS)
 #ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX
-#ifdef BENCHMARK_HAS_SYSCTL // BSD/Mac Doesnt have HOST_NAME_MAX defined
+#ifdef BENCHMARK_HAS_SYSCTL  // BSD/Mac Doesnt have HOST_NAME_MAX defined
 #define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
 #elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_NACL)
 #define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
@@ -442,15 +443,15 @@ std::string GetSystemName() {
 #elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_RTEMS)
 #define HOST_NAME_MAX 256
-#warning "HOST_NAME_MAX not defined. using 64"
+#pragma message("HOST_NAME_MAX not defined. using 64")
 #define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
-#endif // def HOST_NAME_MAX
+#endif  // def HOST_NAME_MAX
   char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX];
   int retVal = gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX);
   if (retVal != 0) return std::string("");
   return std::string(hostname);
-#endif // Catch-all POSIX block.
+#endif  // Catch-all POSIX block.
 int GetNumCPUs() {
@@ -472,8 +473,7 @@ int GetNumCPUs() {
   // Returns -1 in case of a failure.
   int NumCPU = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
   if (NumCPU < 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr,
-            "sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) failed with error: %s\n",
+    fprintf(stderr, "sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) failed with error: %s\n",
   return NumCPU;
@@ -496,7 +496,8 @@ int GetNumCPUs() {
 #if defined(__s390__)
     // s390 has another format in /proc/cpuinfo
     // it needs to be parsed 
diff erently
-    if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos) value = ln.substr(Key.size()+1,SplitIdx-Key.size()-1);
+    if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos)
+      value = ln.substr(Key.size() + 1, SplitIdx - Key.size() - 1);
     if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos) value = ln.substr(SplitIdx + 1);
@@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond(CPUInfo::Scaling scaling) {
   // cannot always be relied upon. The same reasons apply to /proc/cpuinfo as
   // well.
   if (ReadFromFile("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/tsc_freq_khz", &freq)
-      // If CPU scaling is disabled, use the the *current* frequency.
+      // If CPU scaling is disabled, use the *current* frequency.
       // Note that we specifically don't want to read cpuinfo_cur_freq,
       // because it is only readable by root.
       || (scaling == CPUInfo::Scaling::DISABLED &&
@@ -642,13 +643,13 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond(CPUInfo::Scaling scaling) {
                       "~MHz", nullptr, &data, &data_size)))
     return static_cast<double>((int64_t)data *
                                (int64_t)(1000 * 1000));  // was mhz
-#elif defined (BENCHMARK_OS_SOLARIS)
-  kstat_ctl_t *kc = kstat_open();
+#elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_SOLARIS)
+  kstat_ctl_t* kc = kstat_open();
   if (!kc) {
     std::cerr << "failed to open /dev/kstat\n";
     return -1;
-  kstat_t *ksp = kstat_lookup(kc, (char*)"cpu_info", -1, (char*)"cpu_info0");
+  kstat_t* ksp = kstat_lookup(kc, (char*)"cpu_info", -1, (char*)"cpu_info0");
   if (!ksp) {
     std::cerr << "failed to lookup in /dev/kstat\n";
     return -1;
@@ -657,7 +658,7 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond(CPUInfo::Scaling scaling) {
     std::cerr << "failed to read from /dev/kstat\n";
     return -1;
-  kstat_named_t *knp =
+  kstat_named_t* knp =
       (kstat_named_t*)kstat_data_lookup(ksp, (char*)"current_clock_Hz");
   if (!knp) {
     std::cerr << "failed to lookup data in /dev/kstat\n";
@@ -671,7 +672,7 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond(CPUInfo::Scaling scaling) {
   double clock_hz = knp->value.ui64;
   return clock_hz;
-#elif defined (BENCHMARK_OS_QNX)
+#elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_QNX)
   return static_cast<double>((int64_t)(SYSPAGE_ENTRY(cpuinfo)->speed) *
                              (int64_t)(1000 * 1000));

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_manager.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_manager.h
index 28e2dd53aff2c..4680285089401 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_manager.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_manager.h
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ class ThreadManager {
                         [this]() { return alive_threads_ == 0; });
- public:
   struct Result {
     IterationCount iterations = 0;
     double real_time_used = 0;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_timer.h b/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_timer.h
index 1703ca0d6f877..eb23f5956150f 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_timer.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/thread_timer.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class ThreadTimer {
   // Called by each thread
   void StopTimer() {
-    CHECK(running_);
+    BM_CHECK(running_);
     running_ = false;
     real_time_used_ += ChronoClockNow() - start_real_time_;
     // Floating point error can result in the subtraction producing a negative
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ class ThreadTimer {
   // REQUIRES: timer is not running
   double real_time_used() const {
-    CHECK(!running_);
+    BM_CHECK(!running_);
     return real_time_used_;
   // REQUIRES: timer is not running
   double cpu_time_used() const {
-    CHECK(!running_);
+    BM_CHECK(!running_);
     return cpu_time_used_;
   // REQUIRES: timer is not running
   double manual_time_used() const {
-    CHECK(!running_);
+    BM_CHECK(!running_);
     return manual_time_used_;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/src/timers.cc b/third-party/benchmark/src/timers.cc
index af4767dff944f..21d3db20da9ed 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/src/timers.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/src/timers.cc
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 #include "timers.h"
 #include "internal_macros.h"
@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ double ProcessCPUUsage() {
   // syncronous system calls in Emscripten.
   return emscripten_get_now() * 1e-3;
-  // FIXME We want to use clock_gettime, but its not available in MacOS 10.11. See
-  // https://github.com/google/benchmark/pull/292
+  // FIXME We want to use clock_gettime, but its not available in MacOS 10.11.
+  // See https://github.com/google/benchmark/pull/292
   struct timespec spec;
   if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &spec) == 0)
     return MakeTime(spec);
@@ -149,13 +150,14 @@ double ThreadCPUUsage() {
   return MakeTime(kernel_time, user_time);
 #elif defined(BENCHMARK_OS_MACOSX)
-  // FIXME We want to use clock_gettime, but its not available in MacOS 10.11. See
-  // https://github.com/google/benchmark/pull/292
+  // FIXME We want to use clock_gettime, but its not available in MacOS 10.11.
+  // See https://github.com/google/benchmark/pull/292
   mach_msg_type_number_t count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
   thread_basic_info_data_t info;
   mach_port_t thread = pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_self());
-  if (thread_info(thread, THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t)&info, &count) ==
-      KERN_SUCCESS) {
+  if (thread_info(thread, THREAD_BASIC_INFO,
+                  reinterpret_cast<thread_info_t>(&info),
+                  &count) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
     return MakeTime(info);
   DiagnoseAndExit("ThreadCPUUsage() failed when evaluating thread_info");
@@ -191,11 +193,14 @@ std::string LocalDateTimeString() {
   long int offset_minutes;
   char tz_offset_sign = '+';
   // tz_offset is set in one of three ways:
-  // * strftime with %z - This either returns empty or the ISO 8601 time.  The maximum length an
+  // * strftime with %z - This either returns empty or the ISO 8601 time.  The
+  // maximum length an
   //   ISO 8601 string can be is 7 (e.g. -03:30, plus trailing zero).
-  // * snprintf with %c%02li:%02li - The maximum length is 41 (one for %c, up to 19 for %02li,
+  // * snprintf with %c%02li:%02li - The maximum length is 41 (one for %c, up to
+  // 19 for %02li,
   //   one for :, up to 19 %02li, plus trailing zero).
-  // * A fixed string of "-00:00".  The maximum length is 7 (-00:00, plus trailing zero).
+  // * A fixed string of "-00:00".  The maximum length is 7 (-00:00, plus
+  // trailing zero).
   // Thus, the maximum size this needs to be is 41.
   char tz_offset[41];
@@ -203,10 +208,10 @@ std::string LocalDateTimeString() {
   char storage[128];
-  std::tm *timeinfo_p = ::localtime(&now);
+  std::tm* timeinfo_p = ::localtime(&now);
   std::tm timeinfo;
-  std::tm *timeinfo_p = &timeinfo;
+  std::tm* timeinfo_p = &timeinfo;
   ::localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo);
@@ -223,10 +228,11 @@ std::string LocalDateTimeString() {
       tz_offset_sign = '-';
-    tz_len = ::snprintf(tz_offset, sizeof(tz_offset), "%c%02li:%02li",
-        tz_offset_sign, offset_minutes / 100, offset_minutes % 100);
-    CHECK(tz_len == kTzOffsetLen);
-    ((void)tz_len); // Prevent unused variable warning in optimized build.
+    tz_len =
+        ::snprintf(tz_offset, sizeof(tz_offset), "%c%02li:%02li",
+                   tz_offset_sign, offset_minutes / 100, offset_minutes % 100);
+    BM_CHECK(tz_len == kTzOffsetLen);
+    ((void)tz_len);  // Prevent unused variable warning in optimized build.
   } else {
     // Unknown offset. RFC3339 specifies that unknown local offsets should be
     // written as UTC time with -00:00 timezone.
@@ -240,9 +246,9 @@ std::string LocalDateTimeString() {
     strncpy(tz_offset, "-00:00", kTzOffsetLen + 1);
-  timestamp_len = std::strftime(storage, sizeof(storage), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
-      timeinfo_p);
-  CHECK(timestamp_len == kTimestampLen);
+  timestamp_len =
+      std::strftime(storage, sizeof(storage), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", timeinfo_p);
+  BM_CHECK(timestamp_len == kTimestampLen);
   // Prevent unused variable warning in optimized build.

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/BUILD b/third-party/benchmark/test/BUILD
index 1f27f99ede9f3..df700a7a8100e 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/BUILD
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/BUILD
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ TEST_ARGS = ["--benchmark_min_time=0.01"]
     "user_counters_tabular_test.cc": ["--benchmark_counters_tabular=true"],
     "repetitions_test.cc": [" --benchmark_repetitions=3"],
+    "spec_arg_test.cc" : ["--benchmark_filter=BM_NotChosen"],
 load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library", "cc_test")

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/CMakeLists.txt b/third-party/benchmark/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 79cdf53b402c8..162af53f80f76 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ endmacro(compile_output_test)
 add_test(NAME benchmark COMMAND benchmark_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
+add_test(NAME spec_arg COMMAND spec_arg_test --benchmark_filter=BM_NotChosen)
+add_test(NAME benchmark_setup_teardown COMMAND benchmark_setup_teardown_test)
 macro(add_filter_test name filter expect)
   add_test(NAME ${name} COMMAND filter_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01 --benchmark_filter=${filter} ${expect})

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/args_product_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/args_product_test.cc
index 32a75d50dd9e2..d44f391f74800 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/args_product_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/args_product_test.cc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <set>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 class ArgsProductFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class ArgsProductFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
   virtual ~ArgsProductFixture() {
     if (actualValues != expectedValues) {
       std::cout << "EXPECTED\n";
-      for (auto v : expectedValues) {
+      for (const auto& v : expectedValues) {
         std::cout << "{";
         for (int64_t iv : v) {
           std::cout << iv << ", ";
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class ArgsProductFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
         std::cout << "}\n";
       std::cout << "ACTUAL\n";
-      for (auto v : actualValues) {
+      for (const auto& v : actualValues) {
         std::cout << "{";
         for (int64_t iv : v) {
           std::cout << iv << ", ";

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/basic_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/basic_test.cc
index 33642211e2058..3a8fd42a8cdd0 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/basic_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/basic_test.cc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_empty)->ThreadPerCpu();
 void BM_spin_empty(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int x = 0; x < state.range(0); ++x) {
+    for (auto x = 0; x < state.range(0); ++x) {
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_empty);
 void BM_spin_pause_before(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+  for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_before)->ThreadPerCpu();
 void BM_spin_pause_during(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_pause_during)->UseRealTime()->ThreadPerCpu();
 void BM_spin_pause_after(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+  for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@ BASIC_BENCHMARK_TEST(BM_spin_pause_after);
 void BM_spin_pause_before_and_after(benchmark::State& state) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+  for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
+  for (auto i = 0; i < state.range(0); ++i) {
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ void BM_empty_stop_start(benchmark::State& state) {
 void BM_KeepRunning(benchmark::State& state) {
   benchmark::IterationCount iter_count = 0;
   assert(iter_count == state.iterations());
@@ -142,10 +141,39 @@ void BM_RangedFor(benchmark::State& state) {
+template <typename T>
+void BM_OneTemplateFunc(benchmark::State& state) {
+  auto arg = state.range(0);
+  T sum = 0;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    sum += arg;
+  }
+template <typename A, typename B>
+void BM_TwoTemplateFunc(benchmark::State& state) {
+  auto arg = state.range(0);
+  A sum = 0;
+  B prod = 1;
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    sum += arg;
+    prod *= arg;
+  }
+BENCHMARK(BM_TwoTemplateFunc<int, double>)->Arg(1);
+BENCHMARK(BM_TwoTemplateFunc<double, int>)->Arg(1);
+#endif  // BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11
 // Ensure that StateIterator provides all the necessary typedefs required to
 // instantiate std::iterator_traits.
-  typename std::iterator_traits<benchmark::State::StateIterator>::value_type,
-  typename benchmark::State::StateIterator::value_type>::value, "");
+    std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<
+                     benchmark::State::StateIterator>::value_type,
+                 typename benchmark::State::StateIterator::value_type>::value,
+    "");

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_random_interleaving_gtest.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_random_interleaving_gtest.cc
index 8e28dab3f41d3..d04befa8e3810 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_random_interleaving_gtest.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_random_interleaving_gtest.cc
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace benchmark {
 namespace internal {
 namespace {
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class EventQueue : public std::queue<std::string> {
-static EventQueue* queue = new EventQueue;
+EventQueue* queue = new EventQueue();
 class NullReporter : public BenchmarkReporter {
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class BenchmarkTest : public testing::Test {
-static void BM_Match1(benchmark::State& state) {
+void BM_Match1(benchmark::State& state) {
   const int64_t arg = state.range(0);
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ TEST_F(BenchmarkTest, Match1WithRandomInterleaving) {
     std::vector<std::string> interleaving;
-    element_count[interleaving[0].c_str()]++;
-    element_count[interleaving[1].c_str()]++;
+    element_count[interleaving[0]]++;
+    element_count[interleaving[1]]++;
     interleaving_count[StrFormat("%s,%s", interleaving[0].c_str(),

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_setup_teardown_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_setup_teardown_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..efa34e15c129b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_setup_teardown_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+// Test that Setup() and Teardown() are called exactly once
+// for each benchmark run (single-threaded).
+namespace single {
+static int setup_call = 0;
+static int teardown_call = 0;
+}  // namespace single
+static void DoSetup1(const benchmark::State& state) {
+  ++single::setup_call;
+  // Setup/Teardown should never be called with any thread_idx != 0.
+  assert(state.thread_index() == 0);
+static void DoTeardown1(const benchmark::State& state) {
+  ++single::teardown_call;
+  assert(state.thread_index() == 0);
+static void BM_with_setup(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto s : state) {
+  }
+    ->Arg(1)
+    ->Arg(3)
+    ->Arg(5)
+    ->Arg(7)
+    ->Iterations(100)
+    ->Setup(DoSetup1)
+    ->Teardown(DoTeardown1);
+// Test that Setup() and Teardown() are called once for each group of threads.
+namespace concurrent {
+static std::atomic<int> setup_call(0);
+static std::atomic<int> teardown_call(0);
+static std::atomic<int> func_call(0);
+}  // namespace concurrent
+static void DoSetup2(const benchmark::State& state) {
+  concurrent::setup_call.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
+  assert(state.thread_index() == 0);
+static void DoTeardown2(const benchmark::State& state) {
+  concurrent::teardown_call.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
+  assert(state.thread_index() == 0);
+static void BM_concurrent(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto s : state) {
+  }
+  concurrent::func_call.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
+    ->Setup(DoSetup2)
+    ->Teardown(DoTeardown2)
+    ->Iterations(100)
+    ->Threads(5)
+    ->Threads(10)
+    ->Threads(15);
+// Testing interaction with Fixture::Setup/Teardown
+namespace fixture_interaction {
+int setup = 0;
+int fixture_setup = 0;
+}  // namespace fixture_interaction
+class FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
+ public:
+  void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State&) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
+    fixture_interaction::fixture_setup++;
+  }
+BENCHMARK_F(FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME, BM_WithFixture)(benchmark::State& st) {
+  for (auto _ : st) {
+  }
+static void DoSetupWithFixture(const benchmark::State&) {
+  fixture_interaction::setup++;
+    ->Arg(1)
+    ->Arg(3)
+    ->Arg(5)
+    ->Arg(7)
+    ->Setup(DoSetupWithFixture)
+    ->Repetitions(1)
+    ->Iterations(100);
+// Testing repetitions.
+namespace repetitions {
+int setup = 0;
+static void DoSetupWithRepetitions(const benchmark::State&) {
+  repetitions::setup++;
+static void BM_WithRep(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+  }
+    ->Arg(1)
+    ->Arg(3)
+    ->Arg(5)
+    ->Arg(7)
+    ->Setup(DoSetupWithRepetitions)
+    ->Iterations(100)
+    ->Repetitions(4);
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
+  size_t ret = benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(".");
+  assert(ret > 0);
+  // Setup/Teardown is called once for each arg group (1,3,5,7).
+  assert(single::setup_call == 4);
+  assert(single::teardown_call == 4);
+  // 3 group of threads calling this function (3,5,10).
+  assert(concurrent::setup_call.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 3);
+  assert(concurrent::teardown_call.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 3);
+  assert((5 + 10 + 15) ==
+         concurrent::func_call.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
+  // Setup is called 4 times, once for each arg group (1,3,5,7)
+  assert(fixture_interaction::setup == 4);
+  // Fixture::Setup is called everytime the bm routine is run.
+  // The exact number is indeterministic, so we just assert that
+  // it's more than setup.
+  assert(fixture_interaction::fixture_setup > fixture_interaction::setup);
+  // Setup is call once for each repetition * num_arg =  4 * 4 = 16.
+  assert(repetitions::setup == 16);
+  return 0;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_test.cc
index 3cd4f5565fa1c..2906cdcde997d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/benchmark_test.cc
@@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ static void BM_SetInsert(benchmark::State& state) {
   state.SetBytesProcessed(state.iterations() * state.range(1) * sizeof(int));
-// Test many inserts at once to reduce the total iterations needed. Otherwise, the slower,
-// non-timed part of each iteration will make the benchmark take forever.
+// Test many inserts at once to reduce the total iterations needed. Otherwise,
+// the slower, non-timed part of each iteration will make the benchmark take
+// forever.
 BENCHMARK(BM_SetInsert)->Ranges({{1 << 10, 8 << 10}, {128, 512}});
 template <typename Container,
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ static void BM_StringCompare(benchmark::State& state) {
 BENCHMARK(BM_StringCompare)->Range(1, 1 << 20);
 static void BM_SetupTeardown(benchmark::State& state) {
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     // No need to lock test_vector_mu here as this is running single-threaded.
     test_vector = new std::vector<int>();
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ static void BM_SetupTeardown(benchmark::State& state) {
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     delete test_vector;
@@ -156,11 +157,11 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_LongTest)->Range(1 << 16, 1 << 28);
 static void BM_ParallelMemset(benchmark::State& state) {
   int64_t size = state.range(0) / static_cast<int64_t>(sizeof(int));
-  int thread_size = static_cast<int>(size) / state.threads;
-  int from = thread_size * state.thread_index;
+  int thread_size = static_cast<int>(size) / state.threads();
+  int from = thread_size * state.thread_index();
   int to = from + thread_size;
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     test_vector = new std::vector<int>(static_cast<size_t>(size));
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ static void BM_ParallelMemset(benchmark::State& state) {
-  if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
     delete test_vector;
@@ -214,7 +215,8 @@ BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_with_args, string_and_pair_test, std::string("abc"),
                   std::pair<int, double>(42, 3.8));
 void BM_non_template_args(benchmark::State& state, int, double) {
-  while(state.KeepRunning()) {}
+  while (state.KeepRunning()) {
+  }
 BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_non_template_args, basic_test, 0, 0);
@@ -223,14 +225,14 @@ BENCHMARK_CAPTURE(BM_non_template_args, basic_test, 0, 0);
 static void BM_DenseThreadRanges(benchmark::State& st) {
   switch (st.range(0)) {
     case 1:
-      assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 2 || st.threads == 3);
+      assert(st.threads() == 1 || st.threads() == 2 || st.threads() == 3);
     case 2:
-      assert(st.threads == 1 || st.threads == 3 || st.threads == 4);
+      assert(st.threads() == 1 || st.threads() == 3 || st.threads() == 4);
     case 3:
-      assert(st.threads == 5 || st.threads == 8 || st.threads == 11 ||
-             st.threads == 14);
+      assert(st.threads() == 5 || st.threads() == 8 || st.threads() == 11 ||
+             st.threads() == 14);
       assert(false && "Invalid test case number");

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/clobber_memory_assembly_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/clobber_memory_assembly_test.cc
index f41911a39ce73..ab269130cd5cc 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/clobber_memory_assembly_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/clobber_memory_assembly_test.cc
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ extern "C" {
 extern int ExternInt;
 extern int ExternInt2;
 extern int ExternInt3;
 // CHECK-LABEL: test_basic:

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/complexity_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/complexity_test.cc
index 0de73c5722b51..1251cd44f52df 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/complexity_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/complexity_test.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <vector>
 #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "output_test.h"
@@ -12,9 +13,10 @@ namespace {
 #define ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(...) \
   int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddComplexityTest(__VA_ARGS__)
-int AddComplexityTest(std::string test_name, std::string big_o_test_name,
-                      std::string rms_test_name, std::string big_o,
-                      int family_index) {
+int AddComplexityTest(const std::string &test_name,
+                      const std::string &big_o_test_name,
+                      const std::string &rms_test_name,
+                      const std::string &big_o, int family_index) {
   SetSubstitutions({{"%name", test_name},
                     {"%bigo_name", big_o_test_name},
                     {"%rms_name", rms_test_name},
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ int AddComplexityTest(std::string test_name, std::string big_o_test_name,
        {"\"repetitions\": %int,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"BigO\",$", MR_Next},
+       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
        {"\"cpu_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"real_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"big_o\": \"%bigo\",$", MR_Next},
@@ -49,6 +52,7 @@ int AddComplexityTest(std::string test_name, std::string big_o_test_name,
        {"\"repetitions\": %int,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"RMS\",$", MR_Next},
+       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"percentage\",$", MR_Next},
        {"\"rms\": %float$", MR_Next},
        {"}", MR_Next}});
   AddCases(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"%bigo_name\",,%float,%float,%bigo,,,,,$"},
@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ int AddComplexityTest(std::string test_name, std::string big_o_test_name,
 // --------------------------- Testing BigO O(1) --------------------------- //
 // ========================================================================= //
-void BM_Complexity_O1(benchmark::State& state) {
+void BM_Complexity_O1(benchmark::State &state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
@@ -112,7 +116,7 @@ std::vector<int> ConstructRandomVector(int64_t size) {
   return v;
-void BM_Complexity_O_N(benchmark::State& state) {
+void BM_Complexity_O_N(benchmark::State &state) {
   auto v = ConstructRandomVector(state.range(0));
   // Test worst case scenario (item not in vector)
   const int64_t item_not_in_vector = state.range(0) * 2;
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_test_name, big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name,
 // ------------------------- Testing BigO O(N*lgN) ------------------------- //
 // ========================================================================= //
-static void BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N(benchmark::State& state) {
+static void BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N(benchmark::State &state) {
   auto v = ConstructRandomVector(state.range(0));
   for (auto _ : state) {
     std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
@@ -197,7 +201,7 @@ ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_lg_n_test_name, big_o_n_lg_n_test_name,
 // -------- Testing formatting of Complexity with captured args ------------ //
 // ========================================================================= //
-void BM_ComplexityCaptureArgs(benchmark::State& state, int n) {
+void BM_ComplexityCaptureArgs(benchmark::State &state, int n) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     // This test requires a non-zero CPU time to avoid divide-by-zero

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/cxx03_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/cxx03_test.cc
index c4c9a52273e3a..9711c1bd4a9b3 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/cxx03_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/cxx03_test.cc
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_template1, long);
 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1(BM_template1, int);
 template <class T>
-struct BM_Fixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
+struct BM_Fixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {};
 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(BM_Fixture, BM_template1, long)(benchmark::State& state) {
@@ -55,8 +54,8 @@ BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE1_F(BM_Fixture, BM_template2, int)(benchmark::State& state) {
 void BM_counters(benchmark::State& state) {
-    BM_empty(state);
-    state.counters["Foo"] = 2;
+  BM_empty(state);
+  state.counters["Foo"] = 2;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/diagnostics_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/diagnostics_test.cc
index dd64a33655315..c54d5b0d708a1 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/diagnostics_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/diagnostics_test.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ void TestHandler() {
 void try_invalid_pause_resume(benchmark::State& state) {
   try {
@@ -57,13 +58,12 @@ void BM_diagnostic_test(benchmark::State& state) {
 void BM_diagnostic_test_keep_running(benchmark::State& state) {
   static bool called_once = false;
   if (called_once == false) try_invalid_pause_resume(state);
-  while(state.KeepRunning()) {
+  while (state.KeepRunning()) {

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/display_aggregates_only_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/display_aggregates_only_test.cc
index 3c36d3f03c117..6ad65e7f516a6 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/display_aggregates_only_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/display_aggregates_only_test.cc
@@ -19,21 +19,23 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_SummaryRepeat)->Repetitions(3)->DisplayAggregatesOnly();
 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   const std::string output = GetFileReporterOutput(argc, argv);
-  if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 6 ||
+  if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 7 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\"") != 3 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\"") != 1 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\"") !=
           1 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"") !=
-          1) {
-    std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find 6 "
+          1 ||
+      SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_cv\"") != 1) {
+    std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find 8 "
                  "occurrences of \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\" substring:\n"
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\", "
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\", "
-                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"\nThe entire "
+                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\", "
+                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_cv\"\nThe entire "
     std::cout << output;
     return 1;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_assembly_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_assembly_test.cc
index d4b0bab70e773..2e86a51e22342 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_assembly_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_assembly_test.cc
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ inline int Add42(int x) { return x + 42; }
 struct NotTriviallyCopyable {
   explicit NotTriviallyCopyable(int x) : value(x) {}
-  NotTriviallyCopyable(NotTriviallyCopyable const&);
+  NotTriviallyCopyable(NotTriviallyCopyable const &);
   int value;
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ struct Large {
   int value;
   int data[2];
 // CHECK-LABEL: test_with_rvalue:
 extern "C" void test_with_rvalue() {
@@ -118,8 +117,7 @@ extern "C" int test_div_by_two(int input) {
 // CHECK-LABEL: test_inc_integer:
 extern "C" int test_inc_integer() {
   int x = 0;
-  for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i)
-    benchmark::DoNotOptimize(++x);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) benchmark::DoNotOptimize(++x);
   // CHECK: movl $1, [[DEST:.*]]
   // CHECK: {{(addl \$1,|incl)}} [[DEST]]
   // CHECK: {{(addl \$1,|incl)}} [[DEST]]
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ extern "C" void test_pointer_const_lvalue() {
   // CHECK-CLANG: movq %rax, -{{[0-9]+}}(%[[REG:[a-z]+]])
   // CHECK: ret
   int x = 42;
-  int * const xp = &x;
+  int *const xp = &x;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_test.cc
index 2ce92d1c72bed..c321f156a1e00 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/donotoptimize_test.cc
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cstdint>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 namespace {
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) __attribute__((const));
 std::uint64_t double_up(const std::uint64_t x) { return x * 2; }
+}  // namespace
 // Using DoNotOptimize on types like BitRef seem to cause a lot of problems
 // with the inline assembly on both GCC and Clang.
 struct BitRef {
   int index;
-  unsigned char &byte;
+  unsigned char& byte;
+ public:
   static BitRef Make() {
     static unsigned char arr[2] = {};
     BitRef b(1, arr[0]);
     return b;
+ private:
   BitRef(int i, unsigned char& b) : index(i), byte(b) {}

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/filter_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/filter_test.cc
index 1c198913b36a6..a567de2dd58e4 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/filter_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/filter_test.cc
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static void BM_FooBa(benchmark::State& state) {
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   bool list_only = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
     list_only |= std::string(argv[i]).find("--benchmark_list_tests") !=

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/fixture_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/fixture_test.cc
index eba0a42d9cb04..af650dbd0661a 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/fixture_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/fixture_test.cc
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <memory>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 class FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
   void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
-    if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+    if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
       assert(data.get() == nullptr);
       data.reset(new int(42));
   void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State& state) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
-    if (state.thread_index == 0) {
+    if (state.thread_index() == 0) {
       assert(data.get() != nullptr);
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
   std::unique_ptr<int> data;
-BENCHMARK_F(FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME, Foo)(benchmark::State &st) {
+BENCHMARK_F(FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME, Foo)(benchmark::State& st) {
   assert(data.get() != nullptr);
   assert(*data == 42);
   for (auto _ : st) {
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ BENCHMARK_F(FIXTURE_BECHMARK_NAME, Foo)(benchmark::State &st) {
-  if (st.thread_index == 0) {
+  if (st.thread_index() == 0) {
     assert(data.get() != nullptr);
     assert(*data == 42);

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/internal_threading_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/internal_threading_test.cc
index 039d7c14a8c48..62b5b955a9f5d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/internal_threading_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/internal_threading_test.cc
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <chrono>
 #include <thread>
 #include "../src/timers.h"
 #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "output_test.h"

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/map_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/map_test.cc
index 86391b36016fd..509613457c1b8 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/map_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/map_test.cc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <map>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 namespace {
 std::map<int, int> ConstructRandomMap(int size) {

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/multiple_ranges_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/multiple_ranges_test.cc
index 6b61f3af47bb9..7618c4da0892a 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/multiple_ranges_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/multiple_ranges_test.cc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <set>
 #include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 class MultipleRangesFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class MultipleRangesFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
   virtual ~MultipleRangesFixture() {
     if (actualValues != expectedValues) {
       std::cout << "EXPECTED\n";
-      for (auto v : expectedValues) {
+      for (const auto& v : expectedValues) {
         std::cout << "{";
         for (int64_t iv : v) {
           std::cout << iv << ", ";
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class MultipleRangesFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
         std::cout << "}\n";
       std::cout << "ACTUAL\n";
-      for (auto v : actualValues) {
+      for (const auto& v : actualValues) {
         std::cout << "{";
         for (int64_t iv : v) {
           std::cout << iv << ", ";

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/options_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/options_test.cc
index 9f9a78667c9ee..d424d40b9518d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/options_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/options_test.cc
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <chrono>
 #include <thread>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #if defined(NDEBUG)
 #undef NDEBUG
@@ -65,11 +66,9 @@ void BM_explicit_iteration_count(benchmark::State& state) {
   // Test that the requested iteration count is respected.
   assert(state.max_iterations == 42);
   size_t actual_iterations = 0;
-  for (auto _ : state)
-    ++actual_iterations;
+  for (auto _ : state) ++actual_iterations;
   assert(state.iterations() == state.max_iterations);
   assert(state.iterations() == 42);

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test.h b/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test.h
index 15368f9b68309..c6ff8ef2d3039 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test.h
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ std::string GetFileReporterOutput(int argc, char* argv[]);
 struct Results;
 typedef std::function<void(Results const&)> ResultsCheckFn;
-size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn);
+size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name_pattern, const ResultsCheckFn& fn);
 // Class holding the results of a benchmark.
 // It is passed in calls to checker functions.
@@ -113,9 +113,7 @@ struct Results {
     return NumIterations() * GetTime(kRealTime);
   // get the cpu_time duration of the benchmark in seconds
-  double DurationCPUTime() const {
-    return NumIterations() * GetTime(kCpuTime);
-  }
+  double DurationCPUTime() const { return NumIterations() * GetTime(kCpuTime); }
   // get the string for a result by name, or nullptr if the name
   // is not found
@@ -143,12 +141,12 @@ struct Results {
 template <class T>
 T Results::GetAs(const char* entry_name) const {
   auto* sv = Get(entry_name);
-  CHECK(sv != nullptr && !sv->empty());
+  BM_CHECK(sv != nullptr && !sv->empty());
   std::stringstream ss;
   ss << *sv;
   T out;
   ss >> out;
-  CHECK(!ss.fail());
+  BM_CHECK(!ss.fail());
   return out;
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ T Results::GetAs(const char* entry_name) const {
 // clang-format off
 #define CHECK_RESULT_VALUE_IMPL(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
-    CONCAT(CHECK_, relationship)                                        \
+    CONCAT(BM_CHECK_, relationship)                                        \
     (entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value)) << "\n"                \
     << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << (entry).name << ":\n"     \
     << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": "                              \
@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ T Results::GetAs(const char* entry_name) const {
 // check with tolerance. eps_factor is the tolerance window, which is
 // interpreted relative to value (eg, 0.1 means 10% of value).
 #define CHECK_FLOAT_RESULT_VALUE_IMPL(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor) \
-    CONCAT(CHECK_FLOAT_, relationship)                                  \
+    CONCAT(BM_CHECK_FLOAT_, relationship)                                  \
     (entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value), (eps_factor) * (value)) << "\n" \
     << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << (entry).name << ":\n"     \
     << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": "                              \

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test_helper.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test_helper.cc
index b8ef1205744ac..81584cbf778b0 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test_helper.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/output_test_helper.cc
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "../src/benchmark_api_internal.h"
 #include "../src/check.h"  // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only!
+#include "../src/log.h"    // NOTE: log.h is for internal use only
 #include "../src/re.h"     // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only
 #include "output_test.h"
@@ -40,14 +41,17 @@ SubMap& GetSubstitutions() {
   // clang-format off
   static std::string safe_dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?";
   static std::string time_re = "([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+";
+  static std::string percentage_re = "[0-9]+[.][0-9]{2}";
   static SubMap map = {
       {"%float", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"},
       // human-readable float
       {"%hrfloat", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?"},
+      {"%percentage", percentage_re},
       {"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"},
       {" %s ", "[ ]+"},
       {"%time", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns"},
       {"%console_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns [ ]*[0-9]+"},
+      {"%console_percentage_report", "[ ]*" + percentage_re + "[ ]+% [ ]*" + percentage_re + "[ ]+% [ ]*[0-9]+"},
       {"%console_us_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us [ ]*[0-9]+"},
       {"%console_ms_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ms [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ms [ ]*[0-9]+"},
       {"%console_s_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+s [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+s [ ]*[0-9]+"},
@@ -94,27 +98,27 @@ void CheckCase(std::stringstream& remaining_output, TestCase const& TC,
   bool on_first = true;
   std::string line;
   while (remaining_output.eof() == false) {
-    CHECK(remaining_output.good());
+    BM_CHECK(remaining_output.good());
     std::getline(remaining_output, line);
     if (on_first) {
       first_line = line;
       on_first = false;
     for (const auto& NC : not_checks) {
-      CHECK(!NC.regex->Match(line))
+      BM_CHECK(!NC.regex->Match(line))
           << "Unexpected match for line \"" << line << "\" for MR_Not regex \""
           << NC.regex_str << "\""
           << "\n    actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
           << "\n    started matching near: " << first_line;
     if (TC.regex->Match(line)) return;
-    CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next)
+    BM_CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next)
         << "Expected line \"" << line << "\" to match regex \"" << TC.regex_str
         << "\""
         << "\n    actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
         << "\n    started matching near: " << first_line;
-  CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false)
+  BM_CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false)
       << "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << TC.regex_str
       << "\" was found"
       << "\n    actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
@@ -137,14 +141,14 @@ void CheckCases(TestCaseList const& checks, std::stringstream& output) {
 class TestReporter : public benchmark::BenchmarkReporter {
   TestReporter(std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reps)
-      : reporters_(reps) {}
+      : reporters_(std::move(reps)) {}
   virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
     bool last_ret = false;
     bool first = true;
     for (auto rep : reporters_) {
       bool new_ret = rep->ReportContext(context);
-      CHECK(first || new_ret == last_ret)
+      BM_CHECK(first || new_ret == last_ret)
           << "Reports return 
diff erent values for ReportContext";
       first = false;
       last_ret = new_ret;
@@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ class ResultsChecker {
   struct PatternAndFn : public TestCase {  // reusing TestCase for its regexes
     PatternAndFn(const std::string& rx, ResultsCheckFn fn_)
-        : TestCase(rx), fn(fn_) {}
+        : TestCase(rx), fn(std::move(fn_)) {}
     ResultsCheckFn fn;
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@ class ResultsChecker {
   std::vector<Results> results;
   std::vector<std::string> field_names;
-  void Add(const std::string& entry_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn);
+  void Add(const std::string& entry_pattern, const ResultsCheckFn& fn);
   void CheckResults(std::stringstream& output);
@@ -206,7 +210,8 @@ ResultsChecker& GetResultsChecker() {
 // add a results checker for a benchmark
-void ResultsChecker::Add(const std::string& entry_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn) {
+void ResultsChecker::Add(const std::string& entry_pattern,
+                         const ResultsCheckFn& fn) {
   check_patterns.emplace_back(entry_pattern, fn);
@@ -226,7 +231,7 @@ void ResultsChecker::CheckResults(std::stringstream& output) {
   std::string line;
   bool on_first = true;
   while (output.eof() == false) {
-    CHECK(output.good());
+    BM_CHECK(output.good());
     std::getline(output, line);
     if (on_first) {
       SetHeader_(line);  // this is important
@@ -237,18 +242,18 @@ void ResultsChecker::CheckResults(std::stringstream& output) {
   // finally we can call the subscribed check functions
   for (const auto& p : check_patterns) {
-    VLOG(2) << "--------------------------------\n";
-    VLOG(2) << "checking for benchmarks matching " << p.regex_str << "...\n";
+    BM_VLOG(2) << "--------------------------------\n";
+    BM_VLOG(2) << "checking for benchmarks matching " << p.regex_str << "...\n";
     for (const auto& r : results) {
       if (!p.regex->Match(r.name)) {
-        VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is not matched by " << r.name << "\n";
+        BM_VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is not matched by " << r.name << "\n";
       } else {
-        VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is matched by " << r.name << "\n";
+        BM_VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is matched by " << r.name << "\n";
-      VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": ... \n";
+      BM_VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": ... \n";
-      VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": OK.\n";
+      BM_VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": OK.\n";
@@ -261,9 +266,9 @@ void ResultsChecker::SetHeader_(const std::string& csv_header) {
 // set the values for a benchmark
 void ResultsChecker::SetValues_(const std::string& entry_csv_line) {
   if (entry_csv_line.empty()) return;  // some lines are empty
-  CHECK(!field_names.empty());
+  BM_CHECK(!field_names.empty());
   auto vals = SplitCsv_(entry_csv_line);
-  CHECK_EQ(vals.size(), field_names.size());
+  BM_CHECK_EQ(vals.size(), field_names.size());
   results.emplace_back(vals[0]);  // vals[0] is the benchmark name
   auto& entry = results.back();
   for (size_t i = 1, e = vals.size(); i < e; ++i) {
@@ -278,7 +283,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> ResultsChecker::SplitCsv_(const std::string& line) {
   if (!field_names.empty()) out.reserve(field_names.size());
   size_t prev = 0, pos = line.find_first_of(','), curr = pos;
   while (pos != line.npos) {
-    CHECK(curr > 0);
+    BM_CHECK(curr > 0);
     if (line[prev] == '"') ++prev;
     if (line[curr - 1] == '"') --curr;
     out.push_back(line.substr(prev, curr - prev));
@@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> ResultsChecker::SplitCsv_(const std::string& line) {
 }  // end namespace internal
-size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name, ResultsCheckFn fn) {
+size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name, const ResultsCheckFn& fn) {
   auto& rc = internal::GetResultsChecker();
   rc.Add(bm_name, fn);
   return rc.results.size();
@@ -309,20 +314,18 @@ int Results::NumThreads() const {
   ss << name.substr(pos + 9, end);
   int num = 1;
   ss >> num;
-  CHECK(!ss.fail());
+  BM_CHECK(!ss.fail());
   return num;
-double Results::NumIterations() const {
-  return GetAs<double>("iterations");
+double Results::NumIterations() const { return GetAs<double>("iterations"); }
 double Results::GetTime(BenchmarkTime which) const {
-  CHECK(which == kCpuTime || which == kRealTime);
+  BM_CHECK(which == kCpuTime || which == kRealTime);
   const char* which_str = which == kCpuTime ? "cpu_time" : "real_time";
   double val = GetAs<double>(which_str);
   auto unit = Get("time_unit");
-  CHECK(unit);
+  BM_CHECK(unit);
   if (*unit == "ns") {
     return val * 1.e-9;
   } else if (*unit == "us") {
@@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ double Results::GetTime(BenchmarkTime which) const {
   } else if (*unit == "s") {
     return val;
   } else {
-    CHECK(1 == 0) << "unknown time unit: " << *unit;
+    BM_CHECK(1 == 0) << "unknown time unit: " << *unit;
     return 0;
@@ -348,10 +351,10 @@ TestCase::TestCase(std::string re, int rule)
       regex(std::make_shared<benchmark::Regex>()) {
   std::string err_str;
   regex->Init(substituted_regex, &err_str);
-  CHECK(err_str.empty()) << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex
-                         << "\""
-                         << "\n    originally \"" << regex_str << "\""
-                         << "\n    got error: " << err_str;
+  BM_CHECK(err_str.empty())
+      << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex << "\""
+      << "\n    originally \"" << regex_str << "\""
+      << "\n    got error: " << err_str;
 int AddCases(TestCaseID ID, std::initializer_list<TestCase> il) {
@@ -380,10 +383,8 @@ int SetSubstitutions(
 // Disable deprecated warnings temporarily because we need to reference
 // CSVReporter but don't want to trigger -Werror=-Wdeprecated-declarations
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
 void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   using internal::GetTestCaseList;
   benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
@@ -438,13 +439,11 @@ void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   // the checks to subscribees.
   auto& csv = TestCases[2];
   // would use == but gcc spits a warning
-  CHECK(std::strcmp(csv.name, "CSVReporter") == 0);
+  BM_CHECK(std::strcmp(csv.name, "CSVReporter") == 0);
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
 int SubstrCnt(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& pat) {
   if (pat.length() == 0) return 0;
@@ -468,9 +467,8 @@ static char RandomHexChar() {
 static std::string GetRandomFileName() {
   std::string model = "test.%%%%%%";
-  for (auto & ch :  model) {
-    if (ch == '%')
-      ch = RandomHexChar();
+  for (auto& ch : model) {
+    if (ch == '%') ch = RandomHexChar();
   return model;
@@ -487,8 +485,7 @@ static std::string GetTempFileName() {
   int retries = 3;
   while (--retries) {
     std::string name = GetRandomFileName();
-    if (!FileExists(name))
-      return name;
+    if (!FileExists(name)) return name;
   std::cerr << "Failed to create unique temporary file name" << std::endl;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_gtest.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_gtest.cc
index 2a2868a715362..3eac62463bc5b 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_gtest.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_gtest.cc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #ifndef GTEST_SKIP
 struct MsgHandler {
-  void operator=(std::ostream&){}
+  void operator=(std::ostream&) {}
 #define GTEST_SKIP() return MsgHandler() = std::cout
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ size_t do_work() {
 void measure(size_t threadcount, PerfCounterValues* values1,
              PerfCounterValues* values2) {
-  CHECK_NE(values1, nullptr);
-  CHECK_NE(values2, nullptr);
+  BM_CHECK_NE(values1, nullptr);
+  BM_CHECK_NE(values2, nullptr);
   std::vector<std::thread> threads(threadcount);
-  auto work = [&]() { CHECK(do_work() > 1000); };
+  auto work = [&]() { BM_CHECK(do_work() > 1000); };
   // We need to first set up the counters, then start the threads, so the
   // threads would inherit the counters. But later, we need to first destroy the

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_test.cc
index d6e0284d4d4b5..3017a452fe275 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/perf_counters_test.cc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "output_test.h"
-void BM_Simple(benchmark::State& state) {
+static void BM_Simple(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void BM_Simple(benchmark::State& state) {
 ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Simple\",$"}});
-void CheckSimple(Results const& e) {
+static void CheckSimple(Results const& e) {
   CHECK_COUNTER_VALUE(e, double, "CYCLES", GT, 0);
   CHECK_COUNTER_VALUE(e, double, "BRANCHES", GT, 0.0);

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/register_benchmark_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/register_benchmark_test.cc
index c027eabacae07..602405b67e8de 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/register_benchmark_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/register_benchmark_test.cc
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ struct TestCase {
   void CheckRun(Run const& run) const {
     // clang-format off
-    CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name()) << "expected " << name << " got "
+    BM_CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name()) << "expected " << name << " got "
                                       << run.benchmark_name();
     if (label) {
-      CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label << " got "
+      BM_CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label << " got "
                                        << run.report_label;
     } else {
-      CHECK(run.report_label == "");
+      BM_CHECK(run.report_label.empty());
     // clang-format on
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct TestCase {
 std::vector<TestCase> ExpectedResults;
 int AddCases(std::initializer_list<TestCase> const& v) {
-  for (auto N : v) {
+  for (const auto& N : v) {
   return 0;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/repetitions_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/repetitions_test.cc
index f93de502a35ab..569777d5f933e 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/repetitions_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/repetitions_test.cc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 // ------------------------ Testing Basic Output --------------------------- //
 // ========================================================================= //
-void BM_ExplicitRepetitions(benchmark::State& state) {
+static void BM_ExplicitRepetitions(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut,
 // ------------------------ Testing Basic Output --------------------------- //
 // ========================================================================= //
-void BM_ImplicitRepetitions(benchmark::State& state) {
+static void BM_ImplicitRepetitions(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -164,6 +167,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_ImplicitRepetitions_mean\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -177,6 +181,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_ImplicitRepetitions_median\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -190,6 +195,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_ImplicitRepetitions_stddev\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/report_aggregates_only_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/report_aggregates_only_test.cc
index 9646b9be534dd..47da50358885b 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/report_aggregates_only_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/report_aggregates_only_test.cc
@@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_SummaryRepeat)->Repetitions(3)->ReportAggregatesOnly();
 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   const std::string output = GetFileReporterOutput(argc, argv);
-  if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 3 ||
+  if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 4 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\"") != 1 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\"") !=
           1 ||
       SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"") !=
-          1) {
-    std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find three "
+          1 ||
+      SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_cv\"") != 1) {
+    std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find four "
                  "occurrences of \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\" substring:\n"
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\", "
                  "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\", "
-                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"\nThe entire "
+                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\", "
+                 "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_cv\"\nThe entire "
     std::cout << output;
     return 1;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/reporter_output_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/reporter_output_test.cc
index 989eb48ecc81c..2b6e6543dd2ef 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/reporter_output_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/reporter_output_test.cc
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #undef NDEBUG
+#include <numeric>
 #include <utility>
 #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
@@ -454,6 +455,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_median\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 15,$", MR_Next},
@@ -463,6 +465,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 15,$", MR_Next},
@@ -472,6 +475,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next}});
 ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"},
@@ -519,6 +523,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_median\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 16,$", MR_Next},
@@ -528,6 +533,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 16,$", MR_Next},
@@ -537,6 +543,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next}});
 ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"},
@@ -594,6 +601,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 4,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_median\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 17,$", MR_Next},
@@ -603,6 +611,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 4,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_stddev\",$"},
                        {"\"family_index\": 17,$", MR_Next},
@@ -612,6 +621,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
                        {"\"repetitions\": 4,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+                       {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
                        {"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next}});
 ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"},
@@ -661,6 +671,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\",$"},
            {"\"family_index\": 19,$", MR_Next},
@@ -670,6 +681,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
            {"\"family_index\": 19,$", MR_Next},
@@ -679,6 +691,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next}});
 ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
@@ -709,6 +722,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_median\",$"},
            {"\"family_index\": 20,$", MR_Next},
@@ -718,6 +732,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_stddev\",$"},
            {"\"family_index\": 20,$", MR_Next},
@@ -727,6 +742,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next}});
           {{".*BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2 ", MR_Not},
@@ -761,6 +777,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_median\",$"},
@@ -771,6 +788,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"},
            {"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
@@ -781,6 +799,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"}});
@@ -869,6 +888,7 @@ ADD_CASES(
      {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
      {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_median\",$"},
@@ -880,6 +900,7 @@ ADD_CASES(
      {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
      {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_stddev\",$"},
@@ -891,6 +912,7 @@ ADD_CASES(
      {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
      {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_\",$"},
@@ -902,6 +924,7 @@ ADD_CASES(
      {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"aggregate_name\": \"\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
      {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
      {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next}});
@@ -916,6 +939,154 @@ ADD_CASES(
+// ========================================================================= //
+// ------------- Testing relative standard deviation statistics ------------ //
+// ========================================================================= //
+const auto UserPercentStatistics = [](const std::vector<double>&) {
+  return 1. / 100.;
+void BM_UserPercentStats(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    state.SetIterationTime(150 / 10e8);
+  }
+// clang-format off
+  ->Repetitions(3)
+  ->Iterations(5)
+  ->UseManualTime()
+  ->Unit(benchmark::TimeUnit::kNanosecond)
+  ->ComputeStatistics("", UserPercentStatistics, benchmark::StatisticUnit::kPercentage);
+// clang-format on
+// check that UserPercent-provided stats is calculated, and is after the
+// default-ones empty string as name is intentional, it would sort before
+// anything else
+          {{"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
+            "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
+            "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
+            "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+            "manual_time_mean [ ]* 150 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+            "manual_time_median [ ]* 150 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+            "manual_time_stddev [ ]* 0.000 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
+           {"^BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_ "
+            "[ ]* 1.00 % [ ]* 1.00 %[ ]*3$"}});
+    TC_JSONOut,
+    {{"\"name\": \"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetition_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": \"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetition_index\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": \"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetition_index\": 2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_mean\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_median\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_stddev\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_\",$"},
+     {"\"family_index\": 23,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_name\": "
+      "\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
+      MR_Next},
+     {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"repetitions\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_name\": \"\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"percentage\",$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
+     {"\"real_time\": 1\\.(0)*e-(0)*2,$", MR_Next}});
+ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time_mean\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time_median\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time_stddev\",%csv_report$"},
+                      {"^\"BM_UserPercentStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
+                       "manual_time_\",%csv_report$"}});
 // ========================================================================= //
 // ------------------------- Testing StrEscape JSON ------------------------ //
 // ========================================================================= //

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/skip_with_error_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/skip_with_error_test.cc
index 827966e9dfe37..026d479133507 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/skip_with_error_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/skip_with_error_test.cc
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ struct TestCase {
   typedef benchmark::BenchmarkReporter::Run Run;
   void CheckRun(Run const& run) const {
-    CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name())
+    BM_CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name())
         << "expected " << name << " got " << run.benchmark_name();
-    CHECK(error_occurred == run.error_occurred);
-    CHECK(error_message == run.error_message);
+    BM_CHECK(error_occurred == run.error_occurred);
+    BM_CHECK(error_message == run.error_message);
     if (error_occurred) {
-      // CHECK(run.iterations == 0);
+      // BM_CHECK(run.iterations == 0);
     } else {
-      CHECK(run.iterations != 0);
+      BM_CHECK(run.iterations != 0);
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ ADD_CASES("BM_error_before_running_range_for", {{"", true, "error message"}});
 void BM_error_during_running(benchmark::State& state) {
   int first_iter = true;
   while (state.KeepRunning()) {
-    if (state.range(0) == 1 && state.thread_index <= (state.threads / 2)) {
+    if (state.range(0) == 1 && state.thread_index() <= (state.threads() / 2)) {
       first_iter = false;
       state.SkipWithError("error message");
@@ -119,12 +119,13 @@ ADD_CASES("BM_error_during_running", {{"/1/threads:1", true, "error message"},
 void BM_error_during_running_ranged_for(benchmark::State& state) {
   assert(state.max_iterations > 3 && "test requires at least a few iterations");
-  int first_iter = true;
+  bool first_iter = true;
   // NOTE: Users should not write the for loop explicitly.
   for (auto It = state.begin(), End = state.end(); It != End; ++It) {
     if (state.range(0) == 1) {
       first_iter = false;
+      (void)first_iter;
       state.SkipWithError("error message");
       // Test the unfortunate but documented behavior that the ranged-for loop
       // doesn't automatically terminate when SkipWithError is set.
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ void BM_error_after_running(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
-  if (state.thread_index <= (state.threads / 2))
+  if (state.thread_index() <= (state.threads() / 2))
     state.SkipWithError("error message");
 BENCHMARK(BM_error_after_running)->ThreadRange(1, 8);
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ ADD_CASES("BM_error_after_running", {{"/threads:1", true, "error message"},
 void BM_error_while_paused(benchmark::State& state) {
   bool first_iter = true;
   while (state.KeepRunning()) {
-    if (state.range(0) == 1 && state.thread_index <= (state.threads / 2)) {
+    if (state.range(0) == 1 && state.thread_index() <= (state.threads() / 2)) {
       first_iter = false;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/spec_arg_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/spec_arg_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..043db1be47a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/spec_arg_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
+// Tests that we can override benchmark-spec value from FLAGS_benchmark_filter
+// with argument to RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(...).
+namespace {
+class TestReporter : public benchmark::ConsoleReporter {
+ public:
+  virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
+    return ConsoleReporter::ReportContext(context);
+  };
+  virtual void ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& report) BENCHMARK_OVERRIDE {
+    assert(report.size() == 1);
+    matched_functions.push_back(report[0].run_name.function_name);
+    ConsoleReporter::ReportRuns(report);
+  };
+  TestReporter() {}
+  virtual ~TestReporter() {}
+  const std::vector<std::string>& GetMatchedFunctions() const {
+    return matched_functions;
+  }
+ private:
+  std::vector<std::string> matched_functions;
+}  // end namespace
+static void BM_NotChosen(benchmark::State& state) {
+  assert(false && "SHOULD NOT BE CALLED");
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+  }
+static void BM_Chosen(benchmark::State& state) {
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+  }
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  const std::string flag = "BM_NotChosen";
+  // Verify that argv specify --benchmark_filter=BM_NotChosen.
+  bool found = false;
+  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
+    if (strcmp("--benchmark_filter=BM_NotChosen", argv[i]) == 0) {
+      found = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  assert(found);
+  benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
+  // Check that the current flag value is reported accurately via the
+  // GetBenchmarkFilter() function.
+  if (flag != benchmark::GetBenchmarkFilter()) {
+    std::cerr
+        << "Seeing 
diff erent value for flags. GetBenchmarkFilter() returns ["
+        << benchmark::GetBenchmarkFilter() << "] expected flag=[" << flag
+        << "]\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  TestReporter test_reporter;
+  const char* const spec = "BM_Chosen";
+  const size_t returned_count =
+      benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(&test_reporter, spec);
+  assert(returned_count == 1);
+  const std::vector<std::string> matched_functions =
+      test_reporter.GetMatchedFunctions();
+  assert(matched_functions.size() == 1);
+  if (strcmp(spec, matched_functions.front().c_str()) != 0) {
+    std::cerr << "Expected benchmark [" << spec << "] to run, but got ["
+              << matched_functions.front() << "]\n";
+    return 2;
+  }
+  return 0;

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/statistics_gtest.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/statistics_gtest.cc
index 3ddc72dd7ac62..1de2d87d4ba55 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/statistics_gtest.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/statistics_gtest.cc
@@ -25,4 +25,11 @@ TEST(StatisticsTest, StdDev) {
+TEST(StatisticsTest, CV) {
+  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(benchmark::StatisticsCV({101, 101, 101, 101}), 0.0);
+  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(benchmark::StatisticsCV({1, 2, 3}), 1. / 2.);
+  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(benchmark::StatisticsCV({2.5, 2.4, 3.3, 4.2, 5.1}),
+                   0.32888184094918121);
 }  // end namespace

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/string_util_gtest.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/string_util_gtest.cc
index c7061b409e91c..698f2d43eb88f 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/string_util_gtest.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/string_util_gtest.cc
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 // statistics_test - Unit tests for src/statistics.cc
-#include "../src/string_util.h"
 #include "../src/internal_macros.h"
+#include "../src/string_util.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 namespace {
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ TEST(StringUtilTest, stoul) {
     size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFul, benchmark::stoul("18446744073709551615", &pos));
+              benchmark::stoul("18446744073709551615", &pos));
     EXPECT_EQ(20ul, pos);
@@ -62,91 +63,81 @@ TEST(StringUtilTest, stoul) {
     EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  {
-    ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stoul("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument);
-  }
+  { ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stoul("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument); }
-TEST(StringUtilTest, stoi) {
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, benchmark::stoi("0", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(1ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(-17, benchmark::stoi("-17", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(1357, benchmark::stoi("1357", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(10, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 2));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(520, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 8));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(1010, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 10));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(4112, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 16));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(0xBEEF, benchmark::stoi("BEEF", &pos, 16));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
+TEST(StringUtilTest, stoi){{size_t pos = 0;
+EXPECT_EQ(0, benchmark::stoi("0", &pos));
+EXPECT_EQ(1ul, pos);
+}  // namespace
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(-17, benchmark::stoi("-17", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(1357, benchmark::stoi("1357", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(10, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 2));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(520, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 8));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(1010, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 10));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(4112, benchmark::stoi("1010", &pos, 16));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(0xBEEF, benchmark::stoi("BEEF", &pos, 16));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  {
-    ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stoi("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument);
-  }
+{ ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stoi("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument); }
-TEST(StringUtilTest, stod) {
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, benchmark::stod("0", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(1ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(-84.0, benchmark::stod("-84", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(1234.0, benchmark::stod("1234", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    EXPECT_EQ(1.5, benchmark::stod("1.5", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
-  }
-  {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    /* Note: exactly representable as double */
-    EXPECT_EQ(-1.25e+9, benchmark::stod("-1.25e+9", &pos));
-    EXPECT_EQ(8ul, pos);
-  }
+TEST(StringUtilTest, stod){{size_t pos = 0;
+EXPECT_EQ(0.0, benchmark::stod("0", &pos));
+EXPECT_EQ(1ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(-84.0, benchmark::stod("-84", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(1234.0, benchmark::stod("1234", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(4ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  EXPECT_EQ(1.5, benchmark::stod("1.5", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(3ul, pos);
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  /* Note: exactly representable as double */
+  EXPECT_EQ(-1.25e+9, benchmark::stod("-1.25e+9", &pos));
+  EXPECT_EQ(8ul, pos);
-  {
-    ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stod("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument);
-  }
+{ ASSERT_THROW(benchmark::stod("this is a test"), std::invalid_argument); }

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/templated_fixture_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/templated_fixture_test.cc
index fe9865cc776f3..af239c3a725e1 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/templated_fixture_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/templated_fixture_test.cc
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <memory>
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 template <typename T>
 class MyFixture : public ::benchmark::Fixture {

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_tabular_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_tabular_test.cc
index 421f27b5cb8b0..45ac043d51930 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_tabular_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_tabular_test.cc
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1 %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_mean %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_median %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
-      {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_stddev %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
+            {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_stddev %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
+            {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_cv %console_percentage_report [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*%$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2 %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2 %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_mean %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
       {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_median %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
-      {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_stddev %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
+            {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_stddev %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat [ ]*%hrfloat$", MR_Next},
+            {"^BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_cv %console_percentage_report [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*% [ ]*%percentage[ ]*%$", MR_Next},
     {"^BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s$", MR_Next},
     {"^BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s$", MR_Next},
     {"^BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s$", MR_Next},
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -146,6 +149,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -167,6 +171,29 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next},
+           {"}", MR_Next}});
+          {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_cv\",$"},
+           {"\"family_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1\",$",
+            MR_Next},
+           {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_name\": \"cv\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"percentage\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -231,6 +258,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -252,6 +280,29 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next},
+           {"}", MR_Next}});
+          {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_cv\",$"},
+           {"\"family_index\": 0,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"per_family_instance_index\": 1,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2\",$",
+            MR_Next},
+           {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"threads\": 2,$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_name\": \"cv\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"percentage\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -278,6 +329,9 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut,
+          {{"^\"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:1_cv\",%csv_report,"
+            "%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}});
@@ -293,6 +347,9 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut,
+          {{"^\"BM_Counters_Tabular/repeats:2/threads:2_cv\",%csv_report,"
+            "%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}});
 // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
 void CheckTabular(Results const& e) {

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_test.cc
index 377bb32ca948c..1cc74552a1bd1 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_test.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void BM_Counters_Simple(benchmark::State& state) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
   state.counters["foo"] = 1;
-  state.counters["bar"] = 2 * (double)state.iterations();
+  state.counters["bar"] = 2 * static_cast<double>(state.iterations());

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_thousands_test.cc b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_thousands_test.cc
index bbe194264ed45..a42683b32fa7b 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_thousands_test.cc
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/test/user_counters_thousands_test.cc
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
            {"\"repetitions\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"threads\": 1,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
+           {"\"aggregate_unit\": \"time\",$", MR_Next},
            {"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
            {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run0.json b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run0.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..54cf127585cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  "context": {
+    "date": "2016-08-02 17:44:46",
+    "num_cpus": 4,
+    "mhz_per_cpu": 4228,
+    "cpu_scaling_enabled": false,
+    "library_build_type": "release"
+  },
+  "benchmarks": [
+    {
+      "name": "whocares",
+      "run_type": "aggregate",
+      "aggregate_name": "zz",
+      "aggregate_unit": "percentage",
+      "iterations": 1000,
+      "real_time": 0.01,
+      "cpu_time": 0.10,
+      "time_unit": "ns"
+    }
+  ]

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run1.json b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..25d56050c9f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/Inputs/test4_run1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  "context": {
+    "date": "2016-08-02 17:44:46",
+    "num_cpus": 4,
+    "mhz_per_cpu": 4228,
+    "cpu_scaling_enabled": false,
+    "library_build_type": "release"
+  },
+  "benchmarks": [
+    {
+      "name": "whocares",
+      "run_type": "aggregate",
+      "aggregate_name": "zz",
+      "aggregate_unit": "percentage",
+      "iterations": 1000,
+      "real_time": 0.005,
+      "cpu_time": 0.15,
+      "time_unit": "ns"
+    }
+  ]

diff  --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py
index 6bea82f6bf7b4..4c798baf69f2d 100644
--- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py
+++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 import copy
 import random
-from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
+from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu, gmean
+from numpy import array
+from pandas import Timedelta
 class BenchmarkColor(object):
@@ -150,6 +152,30 @@ def partition_benchmarks(json1, json2):
     return partitions
+def get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, field_name):
+    """
+    Get value of field_name field of benchmark, which is time with time unit
+    time_unit, as time in seconds.
+    """
+    time_unit = benchmark['time_unit'] if 'time_unit' in benchmark else 's'
+    dt = Timedelta(benchmark[field_name], time_unit)
+    return dt / Timedelta(1, 's')
+def calculate_geomean(json):
+    """
+    Extract all real/cpu times from all the benchmarks as seconds,
+    and calculate their geomean.
+    """
+    times = []
+    for benchmark in json['benchmarks']:
+        if 'run_type' in benchmark and benchmark['run_type'] == 'aggregate':
+            continue
+        times.append([get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, 'real_time'),
+                      get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, 'cpu_time')])
+    return gmean(times) if times else array([])
 def extract_field(partition, field_name):
     # The count of elements may be 
diff erent. We want *all* of them.
     lhs = [x[field_name] for x in partition[0]]
@@ -174,6 +200,7 @@ def calc_utest(timings_cpu, timings_time):
     return (min_rep_cnt >= UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS), cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue
 def print_utest(bc_name, utest, utest_alpha, first_col_width, use_color=True):
     def get_utest_color(pval):
         return BC_FAIL if pval >= utest_alpha else BC_OKGREEN
@@ -242,7 +269,8 @@ def get_
diff erence_report(
         if utest:
             timings_cpu = extract_field(partition, 'cpu_time')
             timings_time = extract_field(partition, 'real_time')
-            have_optimal_repetitions, cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue = calc_utest(timings_cpu, timings_time)
+            have_optimal_repetitions, cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue = calc_utest(
+                timings_cpu, timings_time)
             if cpu_pvalue and time_pvalue:
                 utest_results = {
                     'have_optimal_repetitions': have_optimal_repetitions,
@@ -268,6 +296,25 @@ def get_
diff erence_report(
                 'utest': utest_results
+    lhs_gmean = calculate_geomean(json1)
+    rhs_gmean = calculate_geomean(json2)
+    if lhs_gmean.any() and rhs_gmean.any():
diff _report.append({
+            'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN',
+            'measurements': [{
+                'real_time': lhs_gmean[0],
+                'cpu_time': lhs_gmean[1],
+                'real_time_other': rhs_gmean[0],
+                'cpu_time_other': rhs_gmean[1],
+                'time': calculate_change(lhs_gmean[0], rhs_gmean[0]),
+                'cpu': calculate_change(lhs_gmean[1], rhs_gmean[1])
+            }],
+            'time_unit': 's',
+            'run_type': 'aggregate',
+            'aggregate_name': 'geomean',
+            'utest': {}
+        })
diff _report
@@ -307,19 +354,19 @@ def get_color(res):
         if not include_aggregates_only or not 'run_type' in benchmark or benchmark['run_type'] == 'aggregate':
             for measurement in benchmark['measurements']:
                 output_strs += [color_format(use_color,
-                                            fmt_str,
-                                            BC_HEADER,
-                                            benchmark['name'],
-                                            first_col_width,
-                                            get_color(measurement['time']),
-                                            measurement['time'],
-                                            get_color(measurement['cpu']),
-                                            measurement['cpu'],
-                                            measurement['real_time'],
-                                            measurement['real_time_other'],
-                                            measurement['cpu_time'],
-                                            measurement['cpu_time_other'],
-                                            endc=BC_ENDC)]
+                                             fmt_str,
+                                             BC_HEADER,
+                                             benchmark['name'],
+                                             first_col_width,
+                                             get_color(measurement['time']),
+                                             measurement['time'],
+                                             get_color(measurement['cpu']),
+                                             measurement['cpu'],
+                                             measurement['real_time'],
+                                             measurement['real_time_other'],
+                                             measurement['cpu_time'],
+                                             measurement['cpu_time_other'],
+                                             endc=BC_ENDC)]
         # After processing the measurements, if requested and
         # if applicable (e.g. u-test exists for given benchmark),
@@ -403,6 +450,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
                 '-0.1000', '100', '110', '100', '90'],
             ['BM_ThirdFaster', '-0.3333', '-0.3334', '100', '67', '100', '67'],
             ['BM_NotBadTimeUnit', '-0.9000', '+0.2000', '0', '0', '0', '1'],
+            ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '-0.8344', '-0.8026', '0', '0', '0', '0']
         output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
diff _report, use_color=False)
@@ -489,6 +537,15 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_output(self):
                 'time_unit': 's',
                 'utest': {}
+            {
+                'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN',
+                'measurements': [{'real_time': 1.193776641714438e-06, 'cpu_time': 1.2144445585302297e-06,
+                                  'real_time_other': 1.9768988699420897e-07, 'cpu_time_other': 2.397447755209533e-07,
+                                  'time': -0.834399601997324, 'cpu': -0.8025889499549471}],
+                'time_unit': 's',
+                'run_type': 'aggregate',
+                'aggregate_name': 'geomean', 'utest': {}
+            },
diff _report), len(expected_output))
         for out, expected in zip(
@@ -524,6 +581,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['./4', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '40', '20', '40', '20'],
             ['Prefix/.', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '20', '10', '20', '10'],
             ['Prefix/./3', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '30', '15', '30', '15'],
+            ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '0', '0', '0', '0']
         output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
diff _report, use_color=False)
@@ -561,6 +619,16 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 30, 'real_time_other': 15, 'cpu_time': 30, 'cpu_time_other': 15}],
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {}
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN',
+                'measurements': [{'real_time': 2.213363839400641e-08, 'cpu_time': 2.213363839400641e-08,
+                                  'real_time_other': 1.1066819197003185e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 1.1066819197003185e-08,
+                                  'time': -0.5000000000000009, 'cpu': -0.5000000000000009}],
+                'time_unit': 's',
+                'run_type': 'aggregate',
+                'aggregate_name': 'geomean',
+                'utest': {}
diff _report), len(expected_output))
@@ -599,8 +667,8 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
             ['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
-             '0.6985',
-             '0.6985',
+             '1.0000',
+             '0.6667',
@@ -617,7 +685,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
-             '0.1489',
+             '0.2000',
@@ -631,6 +699,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'],
+            ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0']
         output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
diff _report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
@@ -646,8 +715,8 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing_aggregates_only(self):
         expect_lines = [
             ['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
-             '0.6985',
-             '0.6985',
+             '1.0000',
+             '0.6667',
@@ -664,7 +733,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing_aggregates_only(self):
             ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
-             '0.1489',
+             '0.2000',
@@ -677,6 +746,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing_aggregates_only(self):
+            ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0']
         output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
diff _report, include_aggregates_only=True, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
@@ -717,7 +787,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {
-                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387, 'time_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387
+                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6666666666666666, 'time_pvalue': 1.0
@@ -738,7 +808,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {
-                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.14891467317876572, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
+                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.2, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
@@ -753,6 +823,16 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {}
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN',
+                'measurements': [{'real_time': 8.48528137423858e-09, 'cpu_time': 8.441336246629233e-08,
+                                  'real_time_other': 2.2405267593145244e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 2.5453661413660466e-08,
+                                  'time': 1.6404861082353634, 'cpu': -0.6984640740519662}],
+                'time_unit': 's',
+                'run_type': 'aggregate',
+                'aggregate_name': 'geomean',
+                'utest': {}
diff _report), len(expected_output))
@@ -792,8 +872,8 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
             ['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
-             '0.6985',
-             '0.6985',
+             '1.0000',
+             '0.6667',
@@ -810,7 +890,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
             ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
-             '0.1489',
+             '0.2000',
@@ -823,7 +903,8 @@ def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
-             ['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53']
+            ['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'],
+            ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0']
         output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
diff _report,
@@ -865,7 +946,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {
-                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387, 'time_pvalue': 0.6985353583033387
+                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6666666666666666, 'time_pvalue': 1.0
@@ -886,7 +967,7 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                 'time_unit': 'ns',
                 'utest': {
-                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.14891467317876572, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
+                    'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.2, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772
@@ -898,11 +979,83 @@ def test_json_
diff _report(self):
                      'real_time': 8,
                      'cpu_time_other': 53,
                      'cpu': -0.3375
-                    }
+                     }
                 'utest': {},
                 'time_unit': u'ns',
                 'aggregate_name': ''
+            },
+            {
+                'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN',
+                'measurements': [{'real_time': 8.48528137423858e-09, 'cpu_time': 8.441336246629233e-08,
+                                  'real_time_other': 2.2405267593145244e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 2.5453661413660466e-08,
+                                  'time': 1.6404861082353634, 'cpu': -0.6984640740519662}],
+                'time_unit': 's',
+                'run_type': 'aggregate',
+                'aggregate_name': 'geomean',
+                'utest': {}
+            }
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.json_
diff _report), len(expected_output))
+        for out, expected in zip(
+                self.json_
diff _report, expected_output):
+            self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name'])
+            self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit'])
+            assert_utest(self, out, expected)
+            assert_measurements(self, out, expected)
+class TestReportDifferenceForPercentageAggregates(
+        unittest.TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        def load_results():
+            import json
+            testInputs = os.path.join(
+                os.path.dirname(
+                    os.path.realpath(__file__)),
+                'Inputs')
+            testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run0.json')
+            testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run1.json')
+            with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f:
+                json1 = json.load(f)
+            with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f:
+                json2 = json.load(f)
+            return json1, json2
+        json1, json2 = load_results()
+        cls.json_
diff _report = get_
diff erence_report(
+            json1, json2, utest=True)
+    def test_json_
diff _report_pretty_printing(self):
+        expect_lines = [
+            ['whocares', '-0.5000', '+0.5000', '0', '0', '0', '0']
+        ]
+        output_lines_with_header = print_
diff erence_report(
+            self.json_
diff _report,
+            utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
+        output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
+        print("\n")
+        print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header))
+        self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
+        for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
+            parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
+            self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
+    def test_json_
diff _report(self):
+        expected_output = [
+            {
+                'name': u'whocares',
+                'measurements': [
+                    {'time': -0.5,
+                     'cpu': 0.5,
+                     'real_time': 0.01,
+                     'real_time_other': 0.005,
+                     'cpu_time': 0.10,
+                     'cpu_time_other': 0.15}
+                ],
+                'time_unit': 'ns',
+                'utest': {}
diff _report), len(expected_output))

diff  --git a/third-party/update_benchmark.sh b/third-party/update_benchmark.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..6d131d77ebf12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third-party/update_benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+echo "This script deletes `benchmark`, clones it from github, together"
+echo "with its dependencies. It then removes .git* files and dirs."
+echo "NOTE!!!"
+echo "Please double-check the benchmark github wiki for any changes"
+echo "to dependencies. Currently, these are limited to googletest."
+read -p "Press a key to continue, or Ctrl+C to cancel"
+rm -rf benchmark
+git clone https://github.com/google/benchmark.git
+rm -rf benchmark/.git*


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