[PATCH] D39560: [AMDGPU] Convert lit tests to new addr space mapping, part 1
Yaxun Liu via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Nov 9 17:11:11 PST 2017
yaxunl added a comment.
In https://reviews.llvm.org/D39560#916380, @arsenm wrote:
> The script isn't that big, so in the past the policy has been to just put the body of the script literally in the commit message rather than adding a temporary file that will be forgotten.
> This is adding the amdgiz environment to all the tests, which is not what I expected. I expected that to be removed and to change the default to the new mapping thus removing the need for the triple changes in all of these tests. Is your plan to do that as a separate step after?
Yes. Because I have to convert all llvm and clang lit tests then be able to change amdgiz to be the default address space and remove the code about the old address space mapping. However there are still issues which I need to fix. If I do not do the conversion by parts, I face the risk of regression of already passing lit tests. So my plan is to convert the passing lit tests gradually, until all tests are using amdgiz, then make it default in llvm and clang and remove the old address space mapping.
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