[PATCH][X86] Improved tablegen patters for matching TZCNT/LZCNT.

Andrea Di Biagio andrea.dibiagio at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 09:36:15 PST 2014

Hi Nadav, Quentin (and all).

This patch teaches ISel how to match a TZCNT/LZCNT from a conditional
move if the condition code is equal to X86_COND_NE.

Existing tablegen patterns only allowed to match a TZCNT/LZCNT from a
X86cond with condition code equal to X86_COND_E. To avoid introducing
extra rules, I added an 'ImmLeaf' definition to check if the condition
code is COND_E or COND_NE.

unsigned foo(unsigned A) {
  unsigned bar = __builtin_clz(A);
  return !A ? 32 : bar;

Before, (on targets that feature LZCNT), we generated the following
sub-optimal assembly:
   lzcntl  %edi, %ecx
   movl  $32, %eax
   cmovael  %ecx, %eax

Now we simply generate:
   lzcntl  %edi, %eax

Please let me know if ok to submit.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: lib/Target/X86/X86InstrInfo.td
--- lib/Target/X86/X86InstrInfo.td	(revision 223666)
+++ lib/Target/X86/X86InstrInfo.td	(working copy)
@@ -803,6 +803,11 @@
 def X86_COND_P   : PatLeaf<(i8 14)>; // alt. COND_PE
 def X86_COND_S   : PatLeaf<(i8 15)>;
+// Predicate used to help when pattern matching LZCNT/TZCNT.
+def X86_COND_E_OR_NE : ImmLeaf<i8, [{
+  return (Imm == X86::COND_E) || (Imm == X86::COND_NE);
 let FastIselShouldIgnore = 1 in { // FastIsel should ignore all simm8 instrs.
   def i16immSExt8  : ImmLeaf<i16, [{ return Imm == (int8_t)Imm; }]>;
   def i32immSExt8  : ImmLeaf<i32, [{ return Imm == (int8_t)Imm; }]>;
@@ -1981,41 +1986,41 @@
 let Predicates = [HasLZCNT] in {
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR16:$src), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR16:$src), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR16:$src, (i16 0))),
             (LZCNT16rr GR16:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR32:$src), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR32:$src), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR32:$src, (i32 0))),
             (LZCNT32rr GR32:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR64:$src), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz GR64:$src), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR64:$src, (i64 0))),
             (LZCNT64rr GR64:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (ctlz GR16:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (ctlz GR16:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR16:$src, (i16 0))),
             (LZCNT16rr GR16:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (ctlz GR32:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (ctlz GR32:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR32:$src, (i32 0))),
             (LZCNT32rr GR32:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (ctlz GR64:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (ctlz GR64:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR64:$src, (i64 0))),
             (LZCNT64rr GR64:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi16 addr:$src), (i16 0))),
             (LZCNT16rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi32 addr:$src), (i32 0))),
             (LZCNT32rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (ctlz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi64 addr:$src), (i64 0))),
             (LZCNT64rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (ctlz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (ctlz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi16 addr:$src), (i16 0))),
             (LZCNT16rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (ctlz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (ctlz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi32 addr:$src), (i32 0))),
             (LZCNT32rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (ctlz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (ctlz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi64 addr:$src), (i64 0))),
             (LZCNT64rm addr:$src)>;
@@ -2097,41 +2102,41 @@
 let Predicates = [HasBMI] in {
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR16:$src), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR16:$src), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR16:$src, (i16 0))),
             (TZCNT16rr GR16:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR32:$src), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR32:$src), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR32:$src, (i32 0))),
             (TZCNT32rr GR32:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR64:$src), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz GR64:$src), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR64:$src, (i64 0))),
             (TZCNT64rr GR64:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (cttz GR16:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (cttz GR16:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR16:$src, (i16 0))),
             (TZCNT16rr GR16:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (cttz GR32:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (cttz GR32:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR32:$src, (i32 0))),
             (TZCNT32rr GR32:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (cttz GR64:$src), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (cttz GR64:$src), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp GR64:$src, (i64 0))),
             (TZCNT64rr GR64:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (i16 16), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi16 addr:$src), (i16 0))),
             (TZCNT16rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (i32 32), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi32 addr:$src), (i32 0))),
             (TZCNT32rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (cttz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (i64 64), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi64 addr:$src), (i64 0))),
             (TZCNT64rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (cttz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i16 16), (cttz (loadi16 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi16 addr:$src), (i16 0))),
             (TZCNT16rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (cttz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i32 32), (cttz (loadi32 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi32 addr:$src), (i32 0))),
             (TZCNT32rm addr:$src)>;
-  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (cttz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E),
+  def : Pat<(X86cmov (i64 64), (cttz (loadi64 addr:$src)), (X86_COND_E_OR_NE),
               (X86cmp (loadi64 addr:$src), (i64 0))),
             (TZCNT64rm addr:$src)>;
Index: test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-tzcnt.ll
--- test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-tzcnt.ll	(revision 223666)
+++ test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-tzcnt.ll	(working copy)
@@ -437,7 +437,138 @@
 ; CHECK: tzcnt
 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i16 @test1b_ctlz(i16 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i16 @llvm.ctlz.i16(i16 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i16 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i16 16, i16 %cnt
+  ret i16 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test1b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i32 @test2b_ctlz(i32 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i32 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 32, i32 %cnt
+  ret i32 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test2b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i64 @test3b_ctlz(i64 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i64 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 64, i64 %cnt
+  ret i64 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test3b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i16 @test4b_ctlz(i16 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i16 @llvm.ctlz.i16(i16 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i16 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i16 %cnt, i16 16
+  ret i16 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test4b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i32 @test5b_ctlz(i32 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i32 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %cnt, i32 32
+  ret i32 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test5b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i64 @test6b_ctlz(i64 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i64 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %cnt, i64 64
+  ret i64 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test6b_ctlz
+; CHECK: lzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i16 @test1b_cttz(i16 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i16 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i16 16, i16 %cnt
+  ret i16 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test1b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i32 @test2b_cttz(i32 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i32 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 32, i32 %cnt
+  ret i32 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test2b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i64 @test3b_cttz(i64 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i64 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 64, i64 %cnt
+  ret i64 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test3b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i16 @test4b_cttz(i16 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i16 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i16 %cnt, i16 16
+  ret i16 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test4b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i32 @test5b_cttz(i32 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i32 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i32 %cnt, i32 32
+  ret i32 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test5b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+define i64 @test6b_cttz(i64 %v) {
+  %cnt = tail call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %v, i1 true)
+  %tobool = icmp ne i64 %v, 0
+  %cond = select i1 %tobool, i64 %cnt, i64 64
+  ret i64 %cond
+; CHECK-LABEL: test6b_cttz
+; CHECK: tzcnt
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
 declare i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64, i1)
 declare i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32, i1)
 declare i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16, i1)

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