[Patch] use __BLOCKS__ in asan_mac.cc to detect blocks availability

Iain Sandoe iain at codesourcery.com
Thu Oct 10 14:41:24 PDT 2013


I found today (on OSX10.8) that with cmake using gcc-4.8 as the bootstrap I was getting a fail building asan-mac.cc, related to use of blocks syntax.  The same checkout builds fine using autoconf/make.

In asan-mac.cc, availability of blocks is currently tested by !defined(MISSING_BLOCKS_SUPPORT) - which is apparently not set in the cmake process - the attached trivial patch changes this to use "defined(__BLOCKS__)" instead.

The same checkout now builds with both gcc-4.8 and clang for both 'cmake' and 'configure' (LLVM, clang and compiler-rt).


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