[llvm-commits] [Review request] CMake: Add the new option "LLVM_LIT_ARGS"
geek4civic at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 19:04:04 PST 2010
Good morning, Oscar.
I have tried your advices, thank you, but I gave up. :(
I am convinced there might be no way for CMake to expand
whitespace-separated-STRING to COMMAND without quote.
At now, I have two-way patches.
* 0001-llvm-LLVM_LIT_ARGS.patch
* 0001-clang-LLVM_LIT_ARGS.patch
I got rid of separate_arguments(UNIX_COMMAND) but still I take
separate_arguments() to split whitespace-separated-STRING. It simply
must substitute space to semicolon.
* 0001-llvm-LLVM_LIT_ARGS-semicolon.patch
* 0001-clang-LLVM_LIT_ARGS-semicolon.patch
These patches might be suitable to CMake's philosophy. LLVM_LIT_ARGS
should have semicolon-separated list.
(eg. "-s;-v;--no-progress-bar")
I wonder it might be unusual way against shell/make's sense.
ps. I saw '-s -v' was expanded to '-s\ -v'.
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