[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp
llvm at cs.uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 4 06:35:02 PDT 2004
Changes in directory llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader:
Reader.cpp updated: 1.108 -> 1.109
Log message:
- Don't use macros to call the BytecodeHandler
- Don't use PARSE_ERROR macro unnecessarily (for simple strings)
- Add comments before each function
- Convert for bug 122: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/PR122 (Type != Value)
- Handle new value range on Type::PrimitiveTypeId enumeration by augmenting
the reader with a new read_typeid method and sanitizeTypeId method.
- Remove BytecodeHandler's default method implementations to header file.
Diffs of the changes: (+434 -278)
Index: llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp
diff -u llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp:1.108 llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp:1.109
--- llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp:1.108 Tue Jun 29 18:29:38 2004
+++ llvm/lib/Bytecode/Reader/Reader.cpp Sun Jul 4 06:33:49 2004
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
#include "llvm/Bytecode/BytecodeHandler.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
-#include "llvm/iMemory.h"
-#include "llvm/iOther.h"
-#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
-#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
+#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
+#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Bytecode/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h"
#include "Support/StringExtras.h"
@@ -31,11 +29,6 @@
using namespace llvm;
-/// A convenience macro for calling the handler. Makes maintenance easier in
-/// case the interface to handler methods changes.
-#define HANDLE(method) \
- if ( Handler ) Handler->handle ## method
/// A convenience macro for handling parsing errors.
#define PARSE_ERROR(inserters) { \
std::ostringstream errormsg; \
@@ -66,31 +59,36 @@
// Bytecode Reading Methods
+/// Determine if the current block being read contains any more data.
inline bool BytecodeReader::moreInBlock() {
return At < BlockEnd;
+/// Throw an error if we've read past the end of the current block
inline void BytecodeReader::checkPastBlockEnd(const char * block_name) {
if ( At > BlockEnd )
PARSE_ERROR("Attempt to read past the end of " << block_name << " block.");
+/// Align the buffer position to a 32 bit boundary
inline void BytecodeReader::align32() {
BufPtr Save = At;
At = (const unsigned char *)((unsigned long)(At+3) & (~3UL));
if ( At > Save )
- HANDLE(Alignment( At - Save ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleAlignment( At - Save );
if (At > BlockEnd)
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data while aligning!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data while aligning!");
+/// Read a whole unsigned integer
inline unsigned BytecodeReader::read_uint() {
if (At+4 > BlockEnd)
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data reading uint!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data reading uint!");
At += 4;
return At[-4] | (At[-3] << 8) | (At[-2] << 16) | (At[-1] << 24);
+/// Read a variable-bit-rate encoded unsigned integer
inline unsigned BytecodeReader::read_vbr_uint() {
unsigned Shift = 0;
unsigned Result = 0;
@@ -98,14 +96,15 @@
do {
if (At == BlockEnd)
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data reading vbr_uint!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data reading vbr_uint!");
Result |= (unsigned)((*At++) & 0x7F) << Shift;
Shift += 7;
} while (At[-1] & 0x80);
- HANDLE(VBR32(At-Save));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleVBR32(At-Save);
return Result;
+/// Read a variable-bit-rate encoded unsigned 64-bit integer.
inline uint64_t BytecodeReader::read_vbr_uint64() {
unsigned Shift = 0;
uint64_t Result = 0;
@@ -113,14 +112,15 @@
do {
if (At == BlockEnd)
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data reading vbr_uint64!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data reading vbr_uint64!");
Result |= (uint64_t)((*At++) & 0x7F) << Shift;
Shift += 7;
} while (At[-1] & 0x80);
- HANDLE(VBR64(At-Save));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleVBR64(At-Save);
return Result;
+/// Read a variable-bit-rate encoded signed 64-bit integer.
inline int64_t BytecodeReader::read_vbr_int64() {
uint64_t R = read_vbr_uint64();
if (R & 1) {
@@ -133,45 +133,88 @@
return (int64_t)(R >> 1);
+/// Read a pascal-style string (length followed by text)
inline std::string BytecodeReader::read_str() {
unsigned Size = read_vbr_uint();
const unsigned char *OldAt = At;
At += Size;
if (At > BlockEnd) // Size invalid?
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data reading a string!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data reading a string!");
return std::string((char*)OldAt, Size);
+/// Read an arbitrary block of data
inline void BytecodeReader::read_data(void *Ptr, void *End) {
unsigned char *Start = (unsigned char *)Ptr;
unsigned Amount = (unsigned char *)End - Start;
if (At+Amount > BlockEnd)
- PARSE_ERROR("Ran out of data!");
+ throw std::string("Ran out of data!");
std::copy(At, At+Amount, Start);
At += Amount;
+/// Read a block header and obtain its type and size
inline void BytecodeReader::read_block(unsigned &Type, unsigned &Size) {
Type = read_uint();
Size = read_uint();
BlockStart = At;
if ( At + Size > BlockEnd )
- PARSE_ERROR("Attempt to size a block past end of memory");
+ throw std::string("Attempt to size a block past end of memory");
BlockEnd = At + Size;
- HANDLE(Block( Type, BlockStart, Size ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleBlock( Type, BlockStart, Size );
+/// In LLVM 1.2 and before, Types were derived from Value and so they were
+/// written as part of the type planes along with any other Value. In LLVM
+/// 1.3 this changed so that Type does not derive from Value. Consequently,
+/// the BytecodeReader's containers for Values can't contain Types because
+/// there's no inheritance relationship. This means that the "Type Type"
+/// plane is defunct along with the Type::TypeTyID TypeID. In LLVM 1.3
+/// whenever a bytecode construct must have both types and values together,
+/// the types are always read/written first and then the Values. Furthermore
+/// since Type::TypeTyID no longer exists, its value (12) now corresponds to
+/// Type::LabelTyID. In order to overcome this we must "sanitize" all the
+/// type TypeIDs we encounter. For LLVM 1.3 bytecode files, there's no change.
+/// For LLVM 1.2 and before, this function will decrement the type id by
+/// one to account for the missing Type::TypeTyID enumerator if the value is
+/// larger than 12 (Type::LabelTyID). If the value is exactly 12, then this
+/// function returns true, otherwise false. This helps detect situations
+/// where the pre 1.3 bytecode is indicating that what follows is a type.
+/// @returns true iff type id corresponds to pre 1.3 "type type"
+inline bool BytecodeReader::sanitizeTypeId(unsigned &TypeId ) {
+ if ( hasTypeDerivedFromValue ) { /// do nothing if 1.3 or later
+ if ( TypeId == Type::LabelTyID ) {
+ TypeId = Type::VoidTyID; // sanitize it
+ return true; // indicate we got TypeTyID in pre 1.3 bytecode
+ } else if ( TypeId > Type::LabelTyID )
+ --TypeId; // shift all planes down because type type plane is missing
+ }
+ return false;
+/// Reads a vbr uint to read in a type id and does the necessary
+/// conversion on it by calling sanitizeTypeId.
+/// @returns true iff \p TypeId read corresponds to a pre 1.3 "type type"
+/// @see sanitizeTypeId
+inline bool BytecodeReader::read_typeid(unsigned &TypeId) {
+ TypeId = read_vbr_uint();
+ return sanitizeTypeId(TypeId);
// IR Lookup Methods
+/// Determine if a type id has an implicit null value
inline bool BytecodeReader::hasImplicitNull(unsigned TyID ) {
if (!hasExplicitPrimitiveZeros)
- return TyID != Type::LabelTyID && TyID != Type::TypeTyID &&
- TyID != Type::VoidTyID;
+ return TyID != Type::LabelTyID && TyID != Type::VoidTyID;
return TyID >= Type::FirstDerivedTyID;
+/// Obtain a type given a typeid and account for things like compaction tables,
+/// function level vs module level, and the offsetting for the primitive types.
const Type *BytecodeReader::getType(unsigned ID) {
if (ID < Type::FirstDerivedTyID)
if (const Type *T = Type::getPrimitiveType((Type::TypeID)ID))
@@ -182,7 +225,7 @@
if (!CompactionTypes.empty()) {
if (ID >= CompactionTypes.size())
- PARSE_ERROR("Type ID out of range for compaction table!");
+ throw std::string("Type ID out of range for compaction table!");
return CompactionTypes[ID];
@@ -195,10 +238,31 @@
if (ID < FunctionTypes.size())
return FunctionTypes[ID].get();
- PARSE_ERROR("Illegal type reference!");
+ throw std::string("Illegal type reference!");
return Type::VoidTy;
+/// Get a sanitized type id. This just makes sure that the \p ID
+/// is both sanitized and not the "type type" of pre-1.3 bytecode.
+/// @see sanitizeTypeId
+inline const Type* BytecodeReader::getSanitizedType(unsigned& ID) {
+ bool isTypeType = sanitizeTypeId(ID);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type id occurred");
+ return getType(ID);
+/// This method just saves some coding. It uses read_typeid to read
+/// in a sanitized type id, asserts that its not the type type, and
+/// then calls getType to return the type value.
+inline const Type* BytecodeReader::readSanitizedType() {
+ unsigned ID;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(ID);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type id occurred");
+ return getType(ID);
+/// Get the slot number associated with a type accounting for primitive
+/// types, compaction tables, and function level vs module level.
unsigned BytecodeReader::getTypeSlot(const Type *Ty) {
if (Ty->isPrimitiveType())
return Ty->getTypeID();
@@ -206,10 +270,10 @@
// Scan the compaction table for the type if needed.
if (!CompactionTypes.empty()) {
std::vector<const Type*>::const_iterator I =
- find(CompactionTypes.begin(), CompactionTypes.end(), Ty);
+ find(CompactionTypes.begin(), CompactionTypes.end(), Ty);
if (I == CompactionTypes.end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Couldn't find type specified in compaction table!");
+ throw std::string("Couldn't find type specified in compaction table!");
return Type::FirstDerivedTyID + (&*I - &CompactionTypes[0]);
@@ -218,15 +282,18 @@
if (I != FunctionTypes.end())
return Type::FirstDerivedTyID + ModuleTypes.size() +
- (&*I - &FunctionTypes[0]);
+ (&*I - &FunctionTypes[0]);
// Check the module level types now...
I = find(ModuleTypes.begin(), ModuleTypes.end(), Ty);
if (I == ModuleTypes.end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Didn't find type in ModuleTypes.");
+ throw std::string("Didn't find type in ModuleTypes.");
return Type::FirstDerivedTyID + (&*I - &ModuleTypes[0]);
+/// This is just like getType, but when a compaction table is in use, it is
+/// ignored. It also ignores function level types.
+/// @see getType
const Type *BytecodeReader::getGlobalTableType(unsigned Slot) {
if (Slot < Type::FirstDerivedTyID) {
const Type *Ty = Type::getPrimitiveType((Type::TypeID)Slot);
@@ -235,22 +302,25 @@
Slot -= Type::FirstDerivedTyID;
if (Slot >= ModuleTypes.size())
- PARSE_ERROR("Illegal compaction table type reference!");
+ throw std::string("Illegal compaction table type reference!");
return ModuleTypes[Slot];
+/// This is just like getTypeSlot, but when a compaction table is in use, it
+/// is ignored. It also ignores function level types.
unsigned BytecodeReader::getGlobalTableTypeSlot(const Type *Ty) {
if (Ty->isPrimitiveType())
return Ty->getTypeID();
TypeListTy::iterator I = find(ModuleTypes.begin(),
- ModuleTypes.end(), Ty);
+ ModuleTypes.end(), Ty);
if (I == ModuleTypes.end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Didn't find type in ModuleTypes.");
+ throw std::string("Didn't find type in ModuleTypes.");
return Type::FirstDerivedTyID + (&*I - &ModuleTypes[0]);
+/// Retrieve a value of a given type and slot number, possibly creating
+/// it if it doesn't already exist.
Value * BytecodeReader::getValue(unsigned type, unsigned oNum, bool Create) {
- assert(type != Type::TypeTyID && "getValue() cannot get types!");
assert(type != Type::LabelTyID && "getValue() cannot get blocks!");
unsigned Num = oNum;
@@ -266,25 +336,23 @@
// If the type plane was compactified, figure out the global type ID
// by adding the derived type ids and the distance.
- if (CompactionValues.size() > Type::TypeTyID &&
- !CompactionTypes.empty() &&
- type >= Type::FirstDerivedTyID) {
+ if (!CompactionTypes.empty() && type >= Type::FirstDerivedTyID) {
const Type *Ty = CompactionTypes[type-Type::FirstDerivedTyID];
TypeListTy::iterator I =
- find(ModuleTypes.begin(), ModuleTypes.end(), Ty);
+ find(ModuleTypes.begin(), ModuleTypes.end(), Ty);
assert(I != ModuleTypes.end());
GlobalTyID = Type::FirstDerivedTyID + (&*I - &ModuleTypes[0]);
if (hasImplicitNull(GlobalTyID)) {
if (Num == 0)
- return Constant::getNullValue(getType(type));
+ return Constant::getNullValue(getType(type));
if (GlobalTyID < ModuleValues.size() && ModuleValues[GlobalTyID]) {
if (Num < ModuleValues[GlobalTyID]->size())
- return ModuleValues[GlobalTyID]->getOperand(Num);
+ return ModuleValues[GlobalTyID]->getOperand(Num);
Num -= ModuleValues[GlobalTyID]->size();
@@ -306,6 +374,9 @@
return Val;
+/// This is just like getValue, but when a compaction table is in use, it
+/// is ignored. Also, no forward references or other fancy features are
+/// supported.
Value* BytecodeReader::getGlobalTableValue(const Type *Ty, unsigned SlotNo) {
// FIXME: getTypeSlot is inefficient!
unsigned TyID = getGlobalTableTypeSlot(Ty);
@@ -319,13 +390,18 @@
if (TyID >= ModuleValues.size() || ModuleValues[TyID] == 0 ||
SlotNo >= ModuleValues[TyID]->size()) {
PARSE_ERROR("Corrupt compaction table entry!"
- << TyID << ", " << SlotNo << ": " << ModuleValues.size() << ", "
- << (void*)ModuleValues[TyID] << ", "
- << ModuleValues[TyID]->size() << "\n");
+ << TyID << ", " << SlotNo << ": " << ModuleValues.size() << ", "
+ << (void*)ModuleValues[TyID] << ", "
+ << ModuleValues[TyID]->size() << "\n");
return ModuleValues[TyID]->getOperand(SlotNo);
+/// Just like getValue, except that it returns a null pointer
+/// only on error. It always returns a constant (meaning that if the value is
+/// defined, but is not a constant, that is an error). If the specified
+/// constant hasn't been parsed yet, a placeholder is defined and used.
+/// Later, after the real value is parsed, the placeholder is eliminated.
Constant* BytecodeReader::getConstantValue(unsigned TypeSlot, unsigned Slot) {
if (Value *V = getValue(TypeSlot, Slot, false))
if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V))
@@ -335,7 +411,7 @@
// to infest bytecode files.
return ConstantPointerRef::get(GV);
- PARSE_ERROR("Reference of a value is expected to be a constant!");
+ throw std::string("Reference of a value is expected to be a constant!");
const Type *Ty = getType(TypeSlot);
std::pair<const Type*, unsigned> Key(Ty, Slot);
@@ -358,12 +434,14 @@
// IR Construction Methods
+/// As values are created, they are inserted into the appropriate place
+/// with this method. The ValueTable argument must be one of ModuleValues
+/// or FunctionValues data members of this class.
unsigned BytecodeReader::insertValue(
Value *Val, unsigned type, ValueTable &ValueTab) {
assert((!isa<Constant>(Val) || !cast<Constant>(Val)->isNullValue()) ||
- !hasImplicitNull(type) &&
- "Cannot read null values from bytecode!");
- assert(type != Type::TypeTyID && "Types should never be insertValue'd!");
+ !hasImplicitNull(type) &&
+ "Cannot read null values from bytecode!");
if (ValueTab.size() <= type)
@@ -376,6 +454,7 @@
return ValueTab[type]->size()-1 + HasOffset;
+/// Insert the arguments of a function as new values in the reader.
void BytecodeReader::insertArguments(Function* F ) {
const FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
Function::aiterator AI = F->abegin();
@@ -388,6 +467,9 @@
// Bytecode Parsing Methods
+/// This method parses a single instruction. The instruction is
+/// inserted at the end of the \p BB provided. The arguments of
+/// the instruction are provided in the \p Args vector.
void BytecodeReader::ParseInstruction(std::vector<unsigned> &Oprnds,
BasicBlock* BB) {
BufPtr SaveAt = At;
@@ -452,7 +534,7 @@
if (NumOprnds == 0)
- PARSE_ERROR("Zero-argument instruction found; this is invalid.");
+ throw std::string("Zero-argument instruction found; this is invalid.");
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumOprnds; ++i)
Oprnds[i] = read_vbr_uint();
@@ -460,11 +542,10 @@
- // Get the type of the instruction
- const Type *InstTy = getType(iType);
+ const Type *InstTy = getSanitizedType(iType);
// Hae enough to inform the handler now
- HANDLE(Instruction(Opcode, InstTy, Oprnds, At-SaveAt));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleInstruction(Opcode, InstTy, Oprnds, At-SaveAt);
// Declare the resulting instruction we'll build.
Instruction *Result = 0;
@@ -478,16 +559,20 @@
switch (Opcode) {
- if (Result == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Illegal instruction read!");
+ if (Result == 0)
+ throw std::string("Illegal instruction read!");
case Instruction::VAArg:
- Result = new VAArgInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]), getType(Oprnds[1]));
+ Result = new VAArgInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]),
+ getSanitizedType(Oprnds[1]));
case Instruction::VANext:
- Result = new VANextInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]), getType(Oprnds[1]));
+ Result = new VANextInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]),
+ getSanitizedType(Oprnds[1]));
case Instruction::Cast:
- Result = new CastInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]), getType(Oprnds[1]));
+ Result = new CastInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]),
+ getSanitizedType(Oprnds[1]));
case Instruction::Select:
Result = new SelectInst(getValue(Type::BoolTyID, Oprnds[0]),
@@ -496,7 +581,7 @@
case Instruction::PHI: {
if (Oprnds.size() == 0 || (Oprnds.size() & 1))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid phi node encountered!\n");
+ throw std::string("Invalid phi node encountered!");
PHINode *PN = new PHINode(InstTy);
@@ -518,7 +603,7 @@
else if (Oprnds.size() == 1)
Result = new ReturnInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]));
- PARSE_ERROR("Unrecognized instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Unrecognized instruction!");
case Instruction::Br:
@@ -526,13 +611,13 @@
Result = new BranchInst(getBasicBlock(Oprnds[0]));
else if (Oprnds.size() == 3)
Result = new BranchInst(getBasicBlock(Oprnds[0]),
- getBasicBlock(Oprnds[1]), getValue(Type::BoolTyID , Oprnds[2]));
+ getBasicBlock(Oprnds[1]), getValue(Type::BoolTyID , Oprnds[2]));
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid number of operands for a 'br' instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid number of operands for a 'br' instruction!");
case Instruction::Switch: {
if (Oprnds.size() & 1)
- PARSE_ERROR("Switch statement with odd number of arguments!");
+ throw std::string("Switch statement with odd number of arguments!");
SwitchInst *I = new SwitchInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]),
@@ -545,15 +630,15 @@
case Instruction::Call: {
if (Oprnds.size() == 0)
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid call instruction encountered!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid call instruction encountered!");
Value *F = getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]);
// Check to make sure we have a pointer to function type
const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(F->getType());
- if (PTy == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Call to non function pointer value!");
+ if (PTy == 0) throw std::string("Call to non function pointer value!");
const FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
- if (FTy == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Call to non function pointer value!");
+ if (FTy == 0) throw std::string("Call to non function pointer value!");
std::vector<Value *> Params;
if (!FTy->isVarArg()) {
@@ -561,17 +646,17 @@
for (unsigned i = 1, e = Oprnds.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (It == FTy->param_end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid call instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid call instruction!");
Params.push_back(getValue(getTypeSlot(*It++), Oprnds[i]));
if (It != FTy->param_end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid call instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid call instruction!");
} else {
Oprnds.erase(Oprnds.begin(), Oprnds.begin()+1);
unsigned FirstVariableOperand;
if (Oprnds.size() < FTy->getNumParams())
- PARSE_ERROR("Call instruction missing operands!");
+ throw std::string("Call instruction missing operands!");
// Read all of the fixed arguments
for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
@@ -580,10 +665,10 @@
FirstVariableOperand = FTy->getNumParams();
if ((Oprnds.size()-FirstVariableOperand) & 1) // Must be pairs of type/value
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid call instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid call instruction!");
for (unsigned i = FirstVariableOperand, e = Oprnds.size();
- i != e; i += 2)
+ i != e; i += 2)
Params.push_back(getValue(Oprnds[i], Oprnds[i+1]));
@@ -591,14 +676,17 @@
case Instruction::Invoke: {
- if (Oprnds.size() < 3) PARSE_ERROR("Invalid invoke instruction!");
+ if (Oprnds.size() < 3)
+ throw std::string("Invalid invoke instruction!");
Value *F = getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]);
// Check to make sure we have a pointer to function type
const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(F->getType());
- if (PTy == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Invoke to non function pointer value!");
+ if (PTy == 0)
+ throw std::string("Invoke to non function pointer value!");
const FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
- if (FTy == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Invoke to non function pointer value!");
+ if (FTy == 0)
+ throw std::string("Invoke to non function pointer value!");
std::vector<Value *> Params;
BasicBlock *Normal, *Except;
@@ -610,11 +698,11 @@
FunctionType::param_iterator It = FTy->param_begin();
for (unsigned i = 3, e = Oprnds.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (It == FTy->param_end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid invoke instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid invoke instruction!");
Params.push_back(getValue(getTypeSlot(*It++), Oprnds[i]));
if (It != FTy->param_end())
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid invoke instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid invoke instruction!");
} else {
Oprnds.erase(Oprnds.begin(), Oprnds.begin()+1);
@@ -627,7 +715,7 @@
if (Oprnds.size()-FirstVariableArgument & 1) // Must be type/value pairs
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid invoke instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid invoke instruction!");
for (unsigned i = FirstVariableArgument; i < Oprnds.size(); i += 2)
Params.push_back(getValue(Oprnds[i], Oprnds[i+1]));
@@ -637,9 +725,10 @@
case Instruction::Malloc:
- if (Oprnds.size() > 2) PARSE_ERROR("Invalid malloc instruction!");
+ if (Oprnds.size() > 2)
+ throw std::string("Invalid malloc instruction!");
if (!isa<PointerType>(InstTy))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid malloc instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid malloc instruction!");
Result = new MallocInst(cast<PointerType>(InstTy)->getElementType(),
Oprnds.size() ? getValue(Type::UIntTyID,
@@ -647,29 +736,31 @@
case Instruction::Alloca:
- if (Oprnds.size() > 2) PARSE_ERROR("Invalid alloca instruction!");
+ if (Oprnds.size() > 2)
+ throw std::string("Invalid alloca instruction!");
if (!isa<PointerType>(InstTy))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid alloca instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid alloca instruction!");
Result = new AllocaInst(cast<PointerType>(InstTy)->getElementType(),
Oprnds.size() ? getValue(Type::UIntTyID,
- Oprnds[0]) :0);
+ Oprnds[0]) :0);
case Instruction::Free:
if (!isa<PointerType>(InstTy))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid free instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid free instruction!");
Result = new FreeInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]));
case Instruction::GetElementPtr: {
if (Oprnds.size() == 0 || !isa<PointerType>(InstTy))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid getelementptr instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid getelementptr instruction!");
std::vector<Value*> Idx;
const Type *NextTy = InstTy;
for (unsigned i = 1, e = Oprnds.size(); i != e; ++i) {
const CompositeType *TopTy = dyn_cast_or_null<CompositeType>(NextTy);
- if (!TopTy) PARSE_ERROR("Invalid getelementptr instruction!");
+ if (!TopTy)
+ throw std::string("Invalid getelementptr instruction!");
unsigned ValIdx = Oprnds[i];
unsigned IdxTy = 0;
@@ -710,14 +801,14 @@
case 62: // volatile load
case Instruction::Load:
if (Oprnds.size() != 1 || !isa<PointerType>(InstTy))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid load instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid load instruction!");
Result = new LoadInst(getValue(iType, Oprnds[0]), "", Opcode == 62);
case 63: // volatile store
case Instruction::Store: {
if (!isa<PointerType>(InstTy) || Oprnds.size() != 2)
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid store instruction!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid store instruction!");
Value *Ptr = getValue(iType, Oprnds[1]);
const Type *ValTy = cast<PointerType>(Ptr->getType())->getElementType();
@@ -726,7 +817,8 @@
case Instruction::Unwind:
- if (Oprnds.size() != 0) PARSE_ERROR("Invalid unwind instruction!");
+ if (Oprnds.size() != 0)
+ throw std::string("Invalid unwind instruction!");
Result = new UnwindInst();
} // end switch(Opcode)
@@ -741,9 +833,11 @@
-/// getBasicBlock - Get a particular numbered basic block, which might be a
-/// forward reference. This works together with ParseBasicBlock to handle these
-/// forward references in a clean manner.
+/// Get a particular numbered basic block, which might be a forward reference.
+/// This works together with ParseBasicBlock to handle these forward references
+/// in a clean manner. This function is used when constructing phi, br, switch,
+/// and other instructions that reference basic blocks. Blocks are numbered
+/// sequentially as they appear in the function.
BasicBlock *BytecodeReader::getBasicBlock(unsigned ID) {
// Make sure there is room in the table...
if (ParsedBasicBlocks.size() <= ID) ParsedBasicBlocks.resize(ID+1);
@@ -759,10 +853,12 @@
return ParsedBasicBlocks[ID] = new BasicBlock();
-/// ParseBasicBlock - In LLVM 1.0 bytecode files, we used to output one
-/// basicblock at a time. This method reads in one of the basicblock packets.
+/// In LLVM 1.0 bytecode files, we used to output one basicblock at a time.
+/// This method reads in one of the basicblock packets. This method is not used
+/// for bytecode files after LLVM 1.0
+/// @returns The basic block constructed.
BasicBlock *BytecodeReader::ParseBasicBlock( unsigned BlockNo) {
- HANDLE(BasicBlockBegin( BlockNo ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleBasicBlockBegin( BlockNo );
BasicBlock *BB = 0;
@@ -777,19 +873,20 @@
while ( moreInBlock() )
ParseInstruction(Operands, BB);
- HANDLE(BasicBlockEnd( BlockNo ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleBasicBlockEnd( BlockNo );
return BB;
-/// ParseInstructionList - Parse all of the BasicBlock's & Instruction's in the
-/// body of a function. In post 1.0 bytecode files, we no longer emit basic
-/// block individually, in order to avoid per-basic-block overhead.
+/// Parse all of the BasicBlock's & Instruction's in the body of a function.
+/// In post 1.0 bytecode files, we no longer emit basic block individually,
+/// in order to avoid per-basic-block overhead.
+/// @returns Rhe number of basic blocks encountered.
unsigned BytecodeReader::ParseInstructionList(Function* F) {
unsigned BlockNo = 0;
std::vector<unsigned> Args;
while ( moreInBlock() ) {
- HANDLE(BasicBlockBegin( BlockNo ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleBasicBlockBegin( BlockNo );
BasicBlock *BB;
if (ParsedBasicBlocks.size() == BlockNo)
ParsedBasicBlocks.push_back(BB = new BasicBlock());
@@ -797,7 +894,7 @@
BB = ParsedBasicBlocks[BlockNo] = new BasicBlock();
BB = ParsedBasicBlocks[BlockNo];
- HANDLE(BasicBlockEnd( BlockNo ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleBasicBlockEnd( BlockNo );
@@ -806,15 +903,20 @@
ParseInstruction(Args, BB);
if (!BB->getTerminator())
- PARSE_ERROR("Non-terminated basic block found!");
+ throw std::string("Non-terminated basic block found!");
return BlockNo;
+/// Parse a symbol table. This works for both module level and function
+/// level symbol tables. For function level symbol tables, the CurrentFunction
+/// parameter must be non-zero and the ST parameter must correspond to
+/// CurrentFunction's symbol table. For Module level symbol tables, the
+/// CurrentFunction argument must be zero.
void BytecodeReader::ParseSymbolTable(Function *CurrentFunction,
- SymbolTable *ST) {
- HANDLE(SymbolTableBegin(CurrentFunction,ST));
+ SymbolTable *ST) {
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleSymbolTableBegin(CurrentFunction,ST);
// Allow efficient basic block lookup by number.
std::vector<BasicBlock*> BBMap;
@@ -823,10 +925,26 @@
E = CurrentFunction->end(); I != E; ++I)
+ /// In LLVM 1.3 we write types separately from values so
+ /// The types are always first in the symbol table. This is
+ /// because Type no longer derives from Value.
+ if ( ! hasTypeDerivedFromValue ) {
+ // Symtab block header: [num entries]
+ unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < NumEntries; ++i ) {
+ // Symtab entry: [def slot #][name]
+ unsigned slot = read_vbr_uint();
+ std::string Name = read_str();
+ const Type* T = getType(slot);
+ ST->insert(Name, T);
+ }
+ }
while ( moreInBlock() ) {
// Symtab block header: [num entries][type id number]
unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
- unsigned Typ = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned Typ = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(Typ);
const Type *Ty = getType(Typ);
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEntries; ++i) {
@@ -834,75 +952,104 @@
unsigned slot = read_vbr_uint();
std::string Name = read_str();
- Value *V = 0;
- if (Typ == Type::TypeTyID)
- V = (Value*)getType(slot);
- else if (Typ == Type::LabelTyID) {
- if (slot < BBMap.size())
- V = BBMap[slot];
+ // if we're reading a pre 1.3 bytecode file and the type plane
+ // is the "type type", handle it here
+ if ( isTypeType ) {
+ const Type* T = getType(slot);
+ if ( T == 0 )
+ PARSE_ERROR("Failed type look-up for name '" << Name << "'");
+ ST->insert(Name, T);
+ continue; // code below must be short circuited
} else {
- V = getValue(Typ, slot, false); // Find mapping...
+ Value *V = 0;
+ if (Typ == Type::LabelTyID) {
+ if (slot < BBMap.size())
+ V = BBMap[slot];
+ } else {
+ V = getValue(Typ, slot, false); // Find mapping...
+ }
+ if (V == 0)
+ PARSE_ERROR("Failed value look-up for name '" << Name << "'");
+ V->setName(Name, ST);
- if (V == 0)
- PARSE_ERROR("Failed value look-up for name '" << Name << "'");
- V->setName(Name, ST);
checkPastBlockEnd("Symbol Table");
- HANDLE(SymbolTableEnd());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleSymbolTableEnd();
+/// Read in the types portion of a compaction table.
+void BytecodeReader::ParseCompactionTypes( unsigned NumEntries ) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEntries; ++i) {
+ unsigned TypeSlot = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(TypeSlot);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type in compaction table: type type");
+ const Type *Typ = getGlobalTableType(TypeSlot);
+ CompactionTypes.push_back(Typ);
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleCompactionTableType( i, TypeSlot, Typ );
+ }
+/// Parse a compaction table.
void BytecodeReader::ParseCompactionTable() {
- HANDLE(CompactionTableBegin());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleCompactionTableBegin();
+ /// In LLVM 1.3 Type no longer derives from Value. So,
+ /// we always write them first in the compaction table
+ /// because they can't occupy a "type plane" where the
+ /// Values reside.
+ if ( ! hasTypeDerivedFromValue ) {
+ unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
+ ParseCompactionTypes( NumEntries );
+ }
while ( moreInBlock() ) {
unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
- unsigned Ty;
+ unsigned Ty = 0;
+ unsigned isTypeType = false;
if ((NumEntries & 3) == 3) {
NumEntries >>= 2;
- Ty = read_vbr_uint();
+ isTypeType = read_typeid(Ty);
} else {
Ty = NumEntries >> 2;
+ isTypeType = sanitizeTypeId(Ty);
NumEntries &= 3;
- if (Ty >= CompactionValues.size())
- CompactionValues.resize(Ty+1);
+ // if we're reading a pre 1.3 bytecode file and the type plane
+ // is the "type type", handle it here
+ if ( isTypeType ) {
+ ParseCompactionTypes(NumEntries);
+ } else {
+ if (Ty >= CompactionValues.size())
+ CompactionValues.resize(Ty+1);
- if (!CompactionValues[Ty].empty())
- PARSE_ERROR("Compaction table plane contains multiple entries!");
+ if (!CompactionValues[Ty].empty())
+ throw std::string("Compaction table plane contains multiple entries!");
- HANDLE(CompactionTablePlane( Ty, NumEntries ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleCompactionTablePlane( Ty, NumEntries );
- if (Ty == Type::TypeTyID) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEntries; ++i) {
- unsigned TypeSlot = read_vbr_uint();
- const Type *Typ = getGlobalTableType(TypeSlot);
- CompactionTypes.push_back(Typ);
- HANDLE(CompactionTableType( i, TypeSlot, Typ ));
- }
- CompactionTypes.resize(NumEntries+Type::FirstDerivedTyID);
- } else {
const Type *Typ = getType(Ty);
// Push the implicit zero
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEntries; ++i) {
- unsigned ValSlot = read_vbr_uint();
- Value *V = getGlobalTableValue(Typ, ValSlot);
- CompactionValues[Ty].push_back(V);
- HANDLE(CompactionTableValue( i, Ty, ValSlot, Typ ));
+ unsigned ValSlot = read_vbr_uint();
+ Value *V = getGlobalTableValue(Typ, ValSlot);
+ CompactionValues[Ty].push_back(V);
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleCompactionTableValue( i, Ty, ValSlot, Typ );
- HANDLE(CompactionTableEnd());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleCompactionTableEnd();
// Parse a single type constant.
const Type *BytecodeReader::ParseTypeConstant() {
- unsigned PrimType = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned PrimType = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(PrimType);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type (type type) in type constants!");
const Type *Result = 0;
if ((Result = Type::getPrimitiveType((Type::TypeID)PrimType)))
@@ -910,13 +1057,13 @@
switch (PrimType) {
case Type::FunctionTyID: {
- const Type *RetType = getType(read_vbr_uint());
+ const Type *RetType = readSanitizedType();
unsigned NumParams = read_vbr_uint();
std::vector<const Type*> Params;
- while (NumParams--)
- Params.push_back(getType(read_vbr_uint()));
+ while (NumParams--)
+ Params.push_back(readSanitizedType());
bool isVarArg = Params.size() && Params.back() == Type::VoidTy;
if (isVarArg) Params.pop_back();
@@ -925,28 +1072,27 @@
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
- unsigned ElTyp = read_vbr_uint();
- const Type *ElementType = getType(ElTyp);
+ const Type *ElementType = readSanitizedType();
unsigned NumElements = read_vbr_uint();
Result = ArrayType::get(ElementType, NumElements);
case Type::StructTyID: {
std::vector<const Type*> Elements;
- unsigned Typ = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned Typ = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(Typ);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid element type (type type) for structure!");
while (Typ) { // List is terminated by void/0 typeid
- Typ = read_vbr_uint();
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(Typ);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid element type (type type) for structure!");
Result = StructType::get(Elements);
case Type::PointerTyID: {
- unsigned ElTyp = read_vbr_uint();
- Result = PointerType::get(getType(ElTyp));
+ Result = PointerType::get(readSanitizedType());
@@ -956,10 +1102,11 @@
- PARSE_ERROR("Don't know how to deserialize primitive type" << PrimType << "\n");
+ PARSE_ERROR("Don't know how to deserialize primitive type"
+ << PrimType << "\n");
- HANDLE(Type( Result ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleType( Result );
return Result;
@@ -985,8 +1132,10 @@
// opaque types just inserted.
for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEntries; ++i) {
- const Type *NewTy = ParseTypeConstant(), *OldTy = Tab[i].get();
- if (NewTy == 0) PARSE_ERROR("Couldn't parse type!");
+ const Type* NewTy = ParseTypeConstant();
+ const Type* OldTy = Tab[i].get();
+ if (NewTy == 0)
+ throw std::string("Couldn't parse type!");
// Don't directly push the new type on the Tab. Instead we want to replace
// the opaque type we previously inserted with the new concrete value. This
@@ -1003,6 +1152,7 @@
+/// Parse a single constant value
Constant *BytecodeReader::ParseConstantValue( unsigned TypeID) {
// We must check for a ConstantExpr before switching by type because
// a ConstantExpr can be of any type, and has no explicit value.
@@ -1019,7 +1169,9 @@
// Read the slot number and types of each of the arguments
for (unsigned i = 0; i != isExprNumArgs; ++i) {
unsigned ArgValSlot = read_vbr_uint();
- unsigned ArgTypeSlot = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned ArgTypeSlot = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(ArgTypeSlot);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid argument type (type type) for constant value");
// Get the arg value from its slot if it exists, otherwise a placeholder
ArgVec.push_back(getConstantValue(ArgTypeSlot, ArgValSlot));
@@ -1029,7 +1181,7 @@
if (isExprNumArgs == 1) { // All one-operand expressions
assert(Opcode == Instruction::Cast);
Constant* Result = ConstantExpr::getCast(ArgVec[0], getType(TypeID));
- HANDLE(ConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result);
return Result;
} else if (Opcode == Instruction::GetElementPtr) { // GetElementPtr
std::vector<Constant*> IdxList(ArgVec.begin()+1, ArgVec.end());
@@ -1042,23 +1194,23 @@
for (unsigned i = 0; GTI != E; ++GTI, ++i)
if (isa<StructType>(*GTI)) {
if (IdxList[i]->getType() != Type::UByteTy)
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid index for getelementptr!");
+ throw std::string("Invalid index for getelementptr!");
IdxList[i] = ConstantExpr::getCast(IdxList[i], Type::UIntTy);
Constant* Result = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(ArgVec[0], IdxList);
- HANDLE(ConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result);
return Result;
} else if (Opcode == Instruction::Select) {
assert(ArgVec.size() == 3);
Constant* Result = ConstantExpr::getSelect(ArgVec[0], ArgVec[1],
- ArgVec[2]);
- HANDLE(ConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result));
+ ArgVec[2]);
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result);
return Result;
} else { // All other 2-operand expressions
Constant* Result = ConstantExpr::get(Opcode, ArgVec[0], ArgVec[1]);
- HANDLE(ConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantExpression(Opcode, ArgVec, Result);
return Result;
@@ -1069,9 +1221,9 @@
case Type::BoolTyID: {
unsigned Val = read_vbr_uint();
if (Val != 0 && Val != 1)
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid boolean value read.");
+ throw std::string("Invalid boolean value read.");
Constant* Result = ConstantBool::get(Val == 1);
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
@@ -1080,15 +1232,15 @@
case Type::UIntTyID: {
unsigned Val = read_vbr_uint();
if (!ConstantUInt::isValueValidForType(Ty, Val))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid unsigned byte/short/int read.");
+ throw std::string("Invalid unsigned byte/short/int read.");
Constant* Result = ConstantUInt::get(Ty, Val);
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
case Type::ULongTyID: {
Constant* Result = ConstantUInt::get(Ty, read_vbr_uint64());
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
@@ -1098,9 +1250,9 @@
case Type::LongTyID:
int64_t Val = read_vbr_int64();
if (!ConstantSInt::isValueValidForType(Ty, Val))
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid signed byte/short/int/long read.");
+ throw std::string("Invalid signed byte/short/int/long read.");
Constant* Result = ConstantSInt::get(Ty, Val);
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
@@ -1108,7 +1260,7 @@
float F;
read_data(&F, &F+1);
Constant* Result = ConstantFP::get(Ty, F);
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
@@ -1116,14 +1268,10 @@
double Val;
read_data(&Val, &Val+1);
Constant* Result = ConstantFP::get(Ty, Val);
- HANDLE(ConstantValue(Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantValue(Result);
return Result;
- case Type::TypeTyID:
- PARSE_ERROR("Type constants shouldn't live in constant table!");
- break;
case Type::ArrayTyID: {
const ArrayType *AT = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
unsigned NumElements = AT->getNumElements();
@@ -1134,7 +1282,7 @@
Constant* Result = ConstantArray::get(AT, Elements);
- HANDLE(ConstantArray(AT, Elements, TypeSlot, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantArray(AT, Elements, TypeSlot, Result);
return Result;
@@ -1148,7 +1296,7 @@
Constant* Result = ConstantStruct::get(ST, Elements);
- HANDLE(ConstantStruct(ST, Elements, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantStruct(ST, Elements, Result);
return Result;
@@ -1161,13 +1309,13 @@
GlobalValue *GV;
if (Val) {
if (!(GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(Val)))
- PARSE_ERROR("Value of ConstantPointerRef not in ValueTable!");
+ throw std::string("Value of ConstantPointerRef not in ValueTable!");
} else {
- PARSE_ERROR("Forward references are not allowed here.");
+ throw std::string("Forward references are not allowed here.");
Constant* Result = ConstantPointerRef::get(GV);
- HANDLE(ConstantPointer(PT, Slot, GV, Result));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantPointer(PT, Slot, GV, Result);
return Result;
@@ -1178,6 +1326,10 @@
+/// Resolve references for constants. This function resolves the forward
+/// referenced constants in the ConstantFwdRefs map. It uses the
+/// replaceAllUsesWith method of Value class to substitute the placeholder
+/// instance with the actual instance.
void BytecodeReader::ResolveReferencesToConstant(Constant *NewV, unsigned Slot){
ConstantRefsType::iterator I =
ConstantFwdRefs.find(std::make_pair(NewV->getType(), Slot));
@@ -1189,17 +1341,20 @@
ConstantFwdRefs.erase(I); // Remove the map entry for it
+/// Parse the constant strings section.
void BytecodeReader::ParseStringConstants(unsigned NumEntries, ValueTable &Tab){
for (; NumEntries; --NumEntries) {
- unsigned Typ = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned Typ = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(Typ);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type (type type) for string constant");
const Type *Ty = getType(Typ);
if (!isa<ArrayType>(Ty))
- PARSE_ERROR("String constant data invalid!");
+ throw std::string("String constant data invalid!");
const ArrayType *ATy = cast<ArrayType>(Ty);
if (ATy->getElementType() != Type::SByteTy &&
ATy->getElementType() != Type::UByteTy)
- PARSE_ERROR("String constant data invalid!");
+ throw std::string("String constant data invalid!");
// Read character data. The type tells us how long the string is.
char Data[ATy->getNumElements()];
@@ -1217,19 +1372,37 @@
Constant *C = ConstantArray::get(ATy, Elements);
unsigned Slot = insertValue(C, Typ, Tab);
ResolveReferencesToConstant(C, Slot);
- HANDLE(ConstantString(cast<ConstantArray>(C)));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleConstantString(cast<ConstantArray>(C));
+/// Parse the constant pool.
void BytecodeReader::ParseConstantPool(ValueTable &Tab,
- TypeListTy &TypeTab) {
- HANDLE(GlobalConstantsBegin());
+ TypeListTy &TypeTab,
+ bool isFunction) {
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleGlobalConstantsBegin();
+ /// In LLVM 1.3 Type does not derive from Value so the types
+ /// do not occupy a plane. Consequently, we read the types
+ /// first in the constant pool.
+ if ( isFunction && !hasTypeDerivedFromValue ) {
+ unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
+ ParseTypeConstants(TypeTab, NumEntries);
+ }
while ( moreInBlock() ) {
unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
- unsigned Typ = read_vbr_uint();
- if (Typ == Type::TypeTyID) {
+ unsigned Typ = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(Typ);
+ /// In LLVM 1.2 and before, Types were written to the
+ /// bytecode file in the "Type Type" plane (#12).
+ /// In 1.3 plane 12 is now the label plane. Handle this here.
+ if ( isTypeType ) {
ParseTypeConstants(TypeTab, NumEntries);
} else if (Typ == Type::VoidTyID) {
+ /// Use of Type::VoidTyID is a misnomer. It actually means
+ /// that the following plane is constant strings
assert(&Tab == &ModuleValues && "Cannot read strings in functions!");
ParseStringConstants(NumEntries, Tab);
} else {
@@ -1249,9 +1422,12 @@
checkPastBlockEnd("Constant Pool");
- HANDLE(GlobalConstantsEnd());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleGlobalConstantsEnd();
+/// Parse the contents of a function. Note that this function can be
+/// called lazily by materializeFunction
+/// @see materializeFunction
void BytecodeReader::ParseFunctionBody(Function* F ) {
unsigned FuncSize = BlockEnd - At;
@@ -1265,13 +1441,13 @@
case 3: Linkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage; break;
case 4: Linkage = GlobalValue::LinkOnceLinkage; break;
- PARSE_ERROR("Invalid linkage type for Function.");
+ throw std::string("Invalid linkage type for Function.");
Linkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
F->setLinkage( Linkage );
- HANDLE(FunctionBegin(F,FuncSize));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleFunctionBegin(F,FuncSize);
// Keep track of how many basic blocks we have read in...
unsigned BlockNum = 0;
@@ -1289,11 +1465,11 @@
// Insert arguments into the value table before we parse the first basic
// block in the function, but after we potentially read in the
// compaction table.
- insertArguments(F);
+ insertArguments(F);
InsertedArguments = true;
- ParseConstantPool(FunctionValues, FunctionTypes);
+ ParseConstantPool(FunctionValues, FunctionTypes, true);
case BytecodeFormat::CompactionTable:
@@ -1305,7 +1481,7 @@
// Insert arguments into the value table before we parse the first basic
// block in the function, but after we potentially read in the
// compaction table.
- insertArguments(F);
+ insertArguments(F);
InsertedArguments = true;
@@ -1319,12 +1495,12 @@
// list for the function, but after we potentially read in the compaction
// table.
if (!InsertedArguments) {
- insertArguments(F);
+ insertArguments(F);
InsertedArguments = true;
if (BlockNum)
- PARSE_ERROR("Already parsed basic blocks!");
+ throw std::string("Already parsed basic blocks!");
BlockNum = ParseInstructionList(F);
@@ -1336,7 +1512,7 @@
At += Size;
if (OldAt > At)
- PARSE_ERROR("Wrapped around reading bytecode.");
+ throw std::string("Wrapped around reading bytecode.");
BlockEnd = MyEnd;
@@ -1347,7 +1523,7 @@
// Make sure there were no references to non-existant basic blocks.
if (BlockNum != ParsedBasicBlocks.size())
- PARSE_ERROR("Illegal basic block operand reference");
+ throw std::string("Illegal basic block operand reference");
@@ -1394,12 +1570,16 @@
- HANDLE(FunctionEnd(F));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleFunctionEnd(F);
+/// This function parses LLVM functions lazily. It obtains the type of the
+/// function and records where the body of the function is in the bytecode
+/// buffer. The caller can then use the ParseNextFunction and
+/// ParseAllFunctionBodies to get handler events for the functions.
void BytecodeReader::ParseFunctionLazily() {
if (FunctionSignatureList.empty())
- PARSE_ERROR("FunctionSignatureList empty!");
+ throw std::string("FunctionSignatureList empty!");
Function *Func = FunctionSignatureList.back();
@@ -1411,6 +1591,12 @@
At = BlockEnd;
+/// The ParserFunction method lazily parses one function. Use this method to
+/// casue the parser to parse a specific function in the module. Note that
+/// this will remove the function from what is to be included by
+/// ParseAllFunctionBodies.
+/// @see ParseAllFunctionBodies
+/// @see ParseBytecode
void BytecodeReader::ParseFunction(Function* Func) {
// Find {start, end} pointers and slot in the map. If not there, we're done.
LazyFunctionMap::iterator Fi = LazyFunctionLoadMap.find(Func);
@@ -1430,6 +1616,13 @@
this->ParseFunctionBody( Func );
+/// The ParseAllFunctionBodies method parses through all the previously
+/// unparsed functions in the bytecode file. If you want to completely parse
+/// a bytecode file, this method should be called after Parsebytecode because
+/// Parsebytecode only records the locations in the bytecode file of where
+/// the function definitions are located. This function uses that information
+/// to materialize the functions.
+/// @see ParseBytecode
void BytecodeReader::ParseAllFunctionBodies() {
LazyFunctionMap::iterator Fi = LazyFunctionLoadMap.begin();
LazyFunctionMap::iterator Fe = LazyFunctionLoadMap.end();
@@ -1443,14 +1636,17 @@
+/// Parse the global type list
void BytecodeReader::ParseGlobalTypes() {
- ValueTable T;
- ParseConstantPool(T, ModuleTypes);
+ // Read the number of types
+ unsigned NumEntries = read_vbr_uint();
+ ParseTypeConstants(ModuleTypes, NumEntries);
+/// Parse the Global info (types, global vars, constants)
void BytecodeReader::ParseModuleGlobalInfo() {
- HANDLE(ModuleGlobalsBegin());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleModuleGlobalsBegin();
// Read global variables...
unsigned VarType = read_vbr_uint();
@@ -1458,6 +1654,8 @@
// VarType Fields: bit0 = isConstant, bit1 = hasInitializer, bit2,3,4 =
// Linkage, bit4+ = slot#
unsigned SlotNo = VarType >> 5;
+ bool isTypeType = sanitizeTypeId(SlotNo);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid type (type type) for global var!");
unsigned LinkageID = (VarType >> 2) & 7;
bool isConstant = VarType & 1;
bool hasInitializer = VarType & 2;
@@ -1498,14 +1696,16 @@
// Notify handler about the global value.
- HANDLE(GlobalVariable( ElTy, isConstant, Linkage, SlotNo, initSlot ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleGlobalVariable( ElTy, isConstant, Linkage, SlotNo, initSlot );
// Get next item
VarType = read_vbr_uint();
// Read the function objects for all of the functions that are coming
- unsigned FnSignature = read_vbr_uint();
+ unsigned FnSignature = 0;
+ bool isTypeType = read_typeid(FnSignature);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid function type (type type) found");
while (FnSignature != Type::VoidTyID) { // List is terminated by Void
const Type *Ty = getType(FnSignature);
if (!isa<PointerType>(Ty) ||
@@ -1521,16 +1721,17 @@
// Insert the place hodler
Function* Func = new Function(FTy, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
- "", TheModule);
+ "", TheModule);
insertValue(Func, FnSignature, ModuleValues);
// Save this for later so we know type of lazily instantiated functions
- HANDLE(FunctionDeclaration(Func));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleFunctionDeclaration(Func);
// Get Next function signature
- FnSignature = read_vbr_uint();
+ isTypeType = read_typeid(FnSignature);
+ assert(!isTypeType && "Invalid function type (type type) found");
if (hasInconsistentModuleGlobalInfo)
@@ -1545,9 +1746,11 @@
At = BlockEnd;
- HANDLE(ModuleGlobalsEnd());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleModuleGlobalsEnd();
+/// Parse the version information and decode it by setting flags on the
+/// Reader that enable backward compatibility of the reader.
void BytecodeReader::ParseVersionInfo() {
unsigned Version = read_vbr_uint();
@@ -1566,12 +1769,14 @@
hasInconsistentModuleGlobalInfo = false;
hasExplicitPrimitiveZeros = false;
hasRestrictedGEPTypes = false;
+ hasTypeDerivedFromValue = false;
switch (RevisionNum) {
case 0: // LLVM 1.0, 1.1 release version
// Base LLVM 1.0 bytecode format.
hasInconsistentModuleGlobalInfo = true;
hasExplicitPrimitiveZeros = true;
case 1: // LLVM 1.2 release version
// LLVM 1.2 added explicit support for emitting strings efficiently.
@@ -1584,6 +1789,12 @@
// structures and longs for sequential types.
hasRestrictedGEPTypes = true;
+ // LLVM 1.2 and before had the Type class derive from Value class. This
+ // changed in release 1.3 and consequently LLVM 1.3 bytecode files are
+ // written differently because Types can no longer be part of the
+ // type planes for Values.
+ hasTypeDerivedFromValue = true;
case 2: // LLVM 1.3 release version
@@ -1595,9 +1806,10 @@
if (hasNoEndianness) Endianness = Module::AnyEndianness;
if (hasNoPointerSize) PointerSize = Module::AnyPointerSize;
- HANDLE(VersionInfo(RevisionNum, Endianness, PointerSize ));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleVersionInfo(RevisionNum, Endianness, PointerSize );
+/// Parse a whole module.
void BytecodeReader::ParseModule() {
unsigned Type, Size;
@@ -1618,7 +1830,7 @@
case BytecodeFormat::GlobalTypePlane:
if ( SeenGlobalTypePlane )
- PARSE_ERROR("Two GlobalTypePlane Blocks Encountered!");
+ throw std::string("Two GlobalTypePlane Blocks Encountered!");
SeenGlobalTypePlane = true;
@@ -1626,13 +1838,13 @@
case BytecodeFormat::ModuleGlobalInfo:
if ( SeenModuleGlobalInfo )
- PARSE_ERROR("Two ModuleGlobalInfo Blocks Encountered!");
+ throw std::string("Two ModuleGlobalInfo Blocks Encountered!");
SeenModuleGlobalInfo = true;
case BytecodeFormat::ConstantPool:
- ParseConstantPool(ModuleValues, ModuleTypes);
+ ParseConstantPool(ModuleValues, ModuleTypes,false);
case BytecodeFormat::Function:
@@ -1668,20 +1880,22 @@
unsigned TypeSlot = getTypeSlot(GVType->getElementType());
if (Constant *CV = getConstantValue(TypeSlot, Slot)) {
if (GV->hasInitializer())
- PARSE_ERROR("Global *already* has an initializer?!");
- HANDLE(GlobalInitializer(GV,CV));
+ throw std::string("Global *already* has an initializer?!");
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleGlobalInitializer(GV,CV);
} else
- PARSE_ERROR("Cannot find initializer value.");
+ throw std::string("Cannot find initializer value.");
/// Make sure we pulled them all out. If we didn't then there's a declaration
/// but a missing body. That's not allowed.
if (!FunctionSignatureList.empty())
+ throw std::string(
"Function declared, but bytecode stream ended before definition");
+/// This function completely parses a bytecode buffer given by the \p Buf
+/// and \p Length parameters.
void BytecodeReader::ParseBytecode(
BufPtr Buf, unsigned Length,
const std::string &ModuleID) {
@@ -1693,7 +1907,7 @@
// Create the module
TheModule = new Module(ModuleID);
- HANDLE(Start(TheModule, Length));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleStart(TheModule, Length);
// Read and check signature...
unsigned Sig = read_uint();
@@ -1703,42 +1917,42 @@
// Tell the handler we're starting a module
- HANDLE(ModuleBegin(ModuleID));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleModuleBegin(ModuleID);
// Get the module block and size and verify
unsigned Type, Size;
read_block(Type, Size);
if ( Type != BytecodeFormat::Module ) {
PARSE_ERROR("Expected Module Block! At: " << unsigned(intptr_t(At))
- << ", Type:" << Type << ", Size:" << Size);
+ << ", Type:" << Type << ", Size:" << Size);
if ( At + Size != MemEnd ) {
PARSE_ERROR("Invalid Top Level Block Length! At: "
- << unsigned(intptr_t(At)) << ", Type:" << Type << ", Size:" << Size);
+ << unsigned(intptr_t(At)) << ", Type:" << Type << ", Size:" << Size);
// Parse the module contents
// Tell the handler we're done
- HANDLE(ModuleEnd(ModuleID));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleModuleEnd(ModuleID);
// Check for missing functions
if ( hasFunctions() )
- PARSE_ERROR("Function expected, but bytecode stream ended!");
+ throw std::string("Function expected, but bytecode stream ended!");
// Tell the handler we're
- HANDLE(Finish());
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleFinish();
} catch (std::string& errstr ) {
- HANDLE(Error(errstr));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleError(errstr);
delete TheModule;
TheModule = 0;
} catch (...) {
std::string msg("Unknown Exception Occurred");
- HANDLE(Error(msg));
+ if (Handler) Handler->handleError(msg);
delete TheModule;
TheModule = 0;
@@ -1751,63 +1965,5 @@
BytecodeHandler::~BytecodeHandler() {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleError(const std::string& str ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleStart(Module*m, unsigned Length ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleFinish() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleModuleBegin(const std::string& id) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleModuleEnd(const std::string& id) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleVersionInfo( unsigned char RevisionNum,
- Module::Endianness Endianness, Module::PointerSize PointerSize) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleModuleGlobalsBegin() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleGlobalVariable(
- const Type* ElemType, bool isConstant, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes,
- unsigned SlotNo, unsigned initSlot ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleType( const Type* Ty ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleFunctionDeclaration(
- Function* Func ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleGlobalInitializer(GlobalVariable*, Constant* ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleModuleGlobalsEnd() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleCompactionTableBegin() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleCompactionTablePlane(
- unsigned Ty, unsigned NumEntries) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleCompactionTableType(
- unsigned i, unsigned TypSlot, const Type* ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleCompactionTableValue(
- unsigned i, unsigned TypSlot, unsigned ValSlot, const Type* ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleCompactionTableEnd() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleSymbolTableBegin(Function*, SymbolTable*) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleSymbolTablePlane( unsigned Ty, unsigned NumEntries,
- const Type* Typ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleSymbolTableType( unsigned i, unsigned slot,
- const std::string& name ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleSymbolTableValue( unsigned i, unsigned slot,
- const std::string& name ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleSymbolTableEnd() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleFunctionBegin( Function* Func,
- unsigned Size ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleFunctionEnd( Function* Func) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleBasicBlockBegin( unsigned blocknum) { }
-bool BytecodeHandler::handleInstruction( unsigned Opcode, const Type* iType,
- std::vector<unsigned>& Operands, unsigned Size) {
- return Instruction::isTerminator(Opcode);
- }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleBasicBlockEnd(unsigned blocknum) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleGlobalConstantsBegin() { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantExpression( unsigned Opcode,
- std::vector<Constant*> ArgVec, Constant* Val) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantValue( Constant * c ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantArray( const ArrayType* AT,
- std::vector<Constant*>& Elements, unsigned TypeSlot, Constant* Val ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantStruct( const StructType* ST,
- std::vector<Constant*>& ElementSlots, Constant* Val ) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantPointer(
- const PointerType* PT, unsigned TypeSlot, GlobalValue*, Constant* Val) { }
-void BytecodeHandler::handleConstantString( const ConstantArray* CA ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleGlobalConstantsEnd() {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleAlignment(unsigned numBytes) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleBlock(
- unsigned BType, const unsigned char* StartPtr, unsigned Size) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleVBR32(unsigned Size ) {}
-void BytecodeHandler::handleVBR64(unsigned Size ) {}
// vim: sw=2
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