[llvm-bugs] Issue 50185 in oss-fuzz: llvm:clang-format-fuzzer: ASSERT: End - Cur >= 4

ClusterFuzz-External via monorail via llvm-bugs llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 10 17:12:33 PST 2023

	Labels: Fuzz-Blocker

Comment #1 on issue 50185 by ClusterFuzz-External: llvm:clang-format-fuzzer: ASSERT: End - Cur >= 4

This crash occurs very frequently on linux platform and is likely preventing the fuzzer clang-format-fuzzer from making much progress. Fixing this will allow more bugs to be found.

If this is incorrect, please file a bug on https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/issues/new

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