[llvm-bugs] [Bug 48379] New: aarch64: Some casting/shifting of __uint128_t hits an UNREACHABLE after regalloc in AArch64InstrInfo::copyPhysReg

via llvm-bugs llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 3 13:41:12 PST 2020


            Bug ID: 48379
           Summary: aarch64: Some casting/shifting of __uint128_t hits an
                    UNREACHABLE after regalloc in
           Product: libraries
           Version: 11.0
          Hardware: PC
                OS: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P
         Component: Backend: AArch64
          Assignee: unassignedbugs at nondot.org
          Reporter: nathan at lanza.io
                CC: arnaud.degrandmaison at arm.com,
                    llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org, smithp352 at googlemail.com,
                    Ties.Stuij at arm.com

The following code hits an error with clang11 when compiled as so:

clang++ -march=armv8-a -target aarch64-none-linux-android21 file.cpp

long multiply() {
  auto a = static_cast<__uint128_t>(0);
  return (static_cast<unsigned long>(a) & (1ULL << 63)) != 0 ? a : a;

Here' the IR that is generated via `-S -emit-llvm`:

; ModuleID = 'third-party/fmt/fmt/src/format.cc'
source_filename = "third-party/fmt/fmt/src/format.cc"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128"
target triple = "aarch64-none-linux-android21"

; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
define dso_local i64 @_Z8multiplyv() #0 {
  %a = alloca i128, align 16
  store i128 0, i128* %a, align 16
  %0 = load i128, i128* %a, align 16
  %conv = trunc i128 %0 to i64
  %and = and i64 %conv, -9223372036854775808
  %cmp = icmp ne i64 %and, 0
  br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false

cond.true:                                        ; preds = %entry
  %1 = load i128, i128* %a, align 16
  br label %cond.end

cond.false:                                       ; preds = %entry
  %2 = load i128, i128* %a, align 16
  br label %cond.end

cond.end:                                         ; preds = %cond.false,
  %cond = phi i128 [ %1, %cond.true ], [ %2, %cond.false ]
  %conv1 = trunc i128 %cond to i64
  ret i64 %conv1

attributes #0 = { noinline nounwind optnone
"correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false"
"frame-pointer"="non-leaf" "less-precise-fpmad"="false"
"min-legal-vector-width"="0" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false"
"no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false"
"no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8"
"target-cpu"="generic" "target-features"="+neon" "unsafe-fp-math"="false"
"use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1, !2}
!llvm.ident = !{!3}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!2 = !{i32 7, !"PIE Level", i32 2}
!3 = !{!"Facebook clang version 11.0.1 (llvm:
81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d, cfe:
81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d, compiler-rt:
81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d, lld:

Here's the error:

unimplemented reg-to-reg copy
UNREACHABLE executed at
PLEASE submit a bug report to https://bugs.llvm.org/ and include the crash
backtrace, preprocessed source, and associated run script.
Stack dump:
0.      Program arguments:
-march=armv8-a -target aarch64-none-linux-android21 -c
1.      <eof> parser at end of file
2.      Code generation
3.      Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module
4.      Running pass 'Post-RA pseudo instruction expansion pass' on function
 #0 0x00000000039dedcf llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&)
 #1 0x00000000039dcfd0 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers()
 #2 0x00000000039de46d llvm::sys::CleanupOnSignal(unsigned long)
 #3 0x0000000003967203
 #4 0x0000000003967356
 #5 0x00007fcb272e4b80 __restore_rt
 #6 0x00007fcb25de80ff raise
 #7 0x00007fcb25dd1935 abort
 #8 0x000000000396bee1
 #9 0x0000000002586d29
#10 0x00000000031d0660
#11 0x0000000002fdcece
#12 0x00000000033951c1 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&)
#13 0x000000000339b508 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&)
#14 0x000000000339581e llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&)
#15 0x0000000003bdbf5d clang::EmitBackendOutput(clang::DiagnosticsEngine&,
clang::HeaderSearchOptions const&, clang::CodeGenOptions const&,
clang::TargetOptions const&, clang::LangOptions const&, llvm::DataLayout
const&, llvm::Module*, clang::BackendAction,
std::default_delete<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream> >)
#16 0x000000000434b08f
#17 0x0000000005197933 clang::ParseAST(clang::Sema&, bool, bool)
#18 0x000000000429bc34 clang::FrontendAction::Execute()
#19 0x0000000004217ec3
#20 0x0000000004345808
#21 0x00000000024d4f49 cc1_main(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*,
#22 0x00000000024d3239
#23 0x000000000411e242
#24 0x0000000003967121
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::RunSafely(llvm::function_ref<void ()>)
#25 0x000000000411d71d
>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> >*, bool*) const
#26 0x00000000040f21a5
clang::driver::Compilation::ExecuteCommand(clang::driver::Command const&,
clang::driver::Command const*&) const
#27 0x00000000040f2587
clang::driver::Compilation::ExecuteJobs(clang::driver::JobList const&,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<int, clang::driver::Command const*> >&) const
#28 0x00000000041057ec
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<int, clang::driver::Command const*> >&)
#29 0x00000000024d2b6e main
#30 0x00007fcb25dd21a6 __libc_start_main
#31 0x00000000024d014a _start
clang++: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see
Facebook clang version 11.0.1 (llvm: 81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d,
cfe: 81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d, compiler-rt:
81c8deff8cbad869e7238842ebf9c94f3220a73d, lld:
Target: aarch64-none-linux-android21
Thread model: posix
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: 

Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/format-635961.cpp
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/format-635961.sh
clang++: note: diagnostic msg: 


Here's `I->getParent()->getParent()->dump()` at the point of the crash

# Machine code for function _Z8multiplyv: NoPHIs, TracksLiveness, NoVRegs,
Legalized, RegBankSelected, Selected, TiedOpsRewritten
Frame Objects:
  fi#0: size=16, align=16, at location [SP-16]
  fi#1: size=8, align=8, at location [SP-24]

  successors: %bb.2(0x40000000), %bb.3(0x40000000); %bb.2(50.00%),

  $sp = frame-setup SUBXri $sp, 32, 0
  $x8 = ORRXrr $xzr, $xzr
  renamable $q0 = IMPLICIT_DEF
  renamable $q0 = INSvi64gpr renamable $q0(tied-def 0), 0, renamable $x8
  renamable $q0 = INSvi64gpr renamable $q0(tied-def 0), 1, killed renamable $x8
  STRQui killed renamable $q0, $sp, 1 :: (store 16 into %ir.a)
  renamable $q0 = LDRQui $sp, 1 :: (dereferenceable load 16 from %ir.a)
  $w0 = FMOVSWr $s0, implicit killed $q0
  renamable $x8 = COPY killed renamable $w0
  TBZX killed renamable $x8, 63, %bb.3

; predecessors: %bb.1
  successors: %bb.4(0x80000000); %bb.4(100.00%)

  renamable $q0 = LDRQui $sp, 1 :: (dereferenceable load 16 from %ir.a)
  renamable $d1 = COPY renamable $d0
  renamable $d2 = CPYi64 killed renamable $q0, 1
  STRDui killed $d1, $sp, 1 :: (store 8 into %stack.1)
  B %bb.4

; predecessors: %bb.1
  successors: %bb.4(0x80000000); %bb.4(100.00%)

  renamable $q0 = LDRQui $sp, 1 :: (dereferenceable load 16 from %ir.a)
  renamable $d1 = COPY renamable $d0
  renamable $d2 = CPYi64 killed renamable $q0, 1
  STRDui killed $d1, $sp, 1 :: (store 8 into %stack.1)

; predecessors: %bb.3, %bb.2

  $d0 = LDRDui $sp, 1 :: (load 8 from %stack.1)
  $x0 = COPY killed renamable $d0
  $sp = frame-destroy ADDXri $sp, 32, 0
  RET_ReallyLR implicit killed $x0

# End machine code for function _Z8multiplyv.

Here's `I->dump()`

 renamable $x8 = COPY killed renamable $w0

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