[llvm-bugs] [Bug 41219] New: Wrong code generation
via llvm-bugs
llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 25 03:21:16 PDT 2019
Bug ID: 41219
Summary: Wrong code generation
Product: new-bugs
Version: 5.0
Hardware: Other
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P
Component: new bugs
Assignee: unassignedbugs at nondot.org
Reporter: jacob at jacob.remcomp.fr
CC: htmldeveloper at gmail.com, llvm-bugs at lists.llvm.org
jacob at rock64:~/lcc/lccarm64/test$ clang -v
clang version 5.0.0 (http://root.cern.ch/git/clang.git
dd71e0397cfc8667d4c75ef5b4a1b35802608e59) (http://root.cern.ch/git/llvm.git
Target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/local/bin
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/6
Found candidate GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/6.3.0
Selected GCC installation: /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/6.3.0
Candidate multilib: .;@m64
Selected multilib: .;@m64
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 int stricmp(char *,char *);
5 typedef struct tagFileList {
6 struct tagFileList *Next;
7 char *fName;
9 static FILELIST *OnceFiles;
10 #define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
11 extern char *WorkingDir;
12 char *EliminateRelativePaths(char *);
13 void AddToOnceFiles(char *fname)
14 {
15 FILELIST *rvp;
16 if (OnceFiles == NULL) {
17 OnceFiles = malloc(sizeof(FILELIST));
18 rvp = OnceFiles;
19 }
20 else {
21 rvp = OnceFiles;
22 while (rvp->Next) {
23 rvp = rvp->Next;
24 }
25 rvp->Next = malloc(sizeof(FILELIST));
26 if (rvp->Next == NULL) {
27 exit(-1);
28 }
29 rvp = rvp->Next;
30 }
31 rvp->Next = NULL;
32 rvp->fName = EliminateRelativePaths(fname);
33 }
34 int IsOnceFile(char *fname)
35 {
36 FILELIST *rvp;
37 char tmpbuf[512];
39 if (fname[0] == '.' && fname[1] == PATH_SEPARATOR)
40 sprintf(tmpbuf,"%s%c%s",WorkingDir,PATH_SEPARATOR,fname+2);
41 else strcpy(tmpbuf,fname);
42 rvp = OnceFiles;
43 while (rvp) {
44 if (!stricmp(tmpbuf, rvp->fName))
45 return (1);
46 rvp = rvp->Next;
47 }
48 return (0);
49 }
1 .text
2 .file "clangbug.c"
3 .globl AddToOnceFiles // -- Begin function AddToOnceFiles
4 .p2align 2
5 .type AddToOnceFiles, at function
6 AddToOnceFiles: // @AddToOnceFiles
7 // BB#0: // %entry
8 str x21, [sp, #-48]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
9 adrp x8, OnceFiles.init
10 ldrb w9, [x8, :lo12:OnceFiles.init]
11 stp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 8-byte Folded Spill
12 mov x19, x0
13 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] // 8-byte Folded Spill
14 cmp w9, #1 // =1
15 add x29, sp, #32 // =32
16 b.ne .LBB0_5
17 // BB#1: // %while.cond.preheader
18 adrp x8, OnceFiles.body
19 add x8, x8, :lo12:OnceFiles.body
20 .LBB0_2: // %while.cond
21 // =>This Inner Loop Header:
22 mov x21, x8
23 ldr x8, [x21]
24 cbnz x8, .LBB0_2
25 // BB#3: // %while.end
26 orr w0, wzr, #0x10
27 bl malloc
28 mov x20, x0
29 str x20, [x21]
30 cbnz x20, .LBB0_6
31 // BB#4: // %if.then6
32 mov w0, #-1
33 bl exit
34 .LBB0_5: // %if.then
35 orr w9, wzr, #0x1
36 adrp x20, OnceFiles.body
37 strb w9, [x8, :lo12:OnceFiles.init]
38 add x20, x20, :lo12:OnceFiles.body
39 .LBB0_6: // %if.end8
40 mov x0, x19
41 str xzr, [x20]
42 bl EliminateRelativePaths
43 str x0, [x20, #8]
44 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] // 8-byte Folded Reload
45 ldp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 8-byte Folded Reload
46 ldr x21, [sp], #48 // 8-byte Folded Reload
47 ret
48 .Lfunc_end0:
49 .size AddToOnceFiles, .Lfunc_end0-AddToOnceFiles
50 // -- End function
51 .globl IsOnceFile // -- Begin function IsOnceFile
52 .p2align 2
53 .type IsOnceFile, at function
54 IsOnceFile: // @IsOnceFile
55 // BB#0: // %entry
56 stp x28, x19, [sp, #-32]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
57 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] // 8-byte Folded Spill
58 add x29, sp, #16 // =16
59 sub sp, sp, #512 // =512
60 mov x8, x0
61 ldrb w9, [x8]
62 cmp w9, #46 // =46
63 b.ne .LBB1_3
64 // BB#1: // %land.lhs.true
65 ldrb w9, [x8, #1]
66 cmp w9, #47 // =47
67 b.ne .LBB1_3
68 // BB#2: // %if.then
69 adrp x9, WorkingDir
70 ldr x2, [x9, :lo12:WorkingDir]
71 adrp x1, .L.str
72 add x4, x8, #2 // =2
73 add x1, x1, :lo12:.L.str
74 mov x0, sp
75 mov w3, #47
76 bl sprintf
77 b .LBB1_4
78 .LBB1_3: // %if.else
79 mov x0, sp
80 mov x1, x8
81 bl strcpy
82 .LBB1_4: // %while.body.preheader
83 adrp x19, OnceFiles.body
84 add x19, x19, :lo12:OnceFiles.body
85 .LBB1_5: // %while.body
86 // =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
87 ldr x1, [x19, #8]
88 mov x0, sp
89 bl stricmp
90 cbz w0, .LBB1_8
91 // BB#6: // %if.end12
92 // in Loop: Header=BB1_5 Depth=1
93 ldr x19, [x19]
94 cbnz x19, .LBB1_5
95 // BB#7:
96 mov w0, wzr
97 b .LBB1_9
98 .LBB1_8:
99 orr w0, wzr, #0x1
100 .LBB1_9: // %cleanup
101 add sp, sp, #512 // =512
102 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] // 8-byte Folded Reload
103 ldp x28, x19, [sp], #32 // 8-byte Folded Reload
104 ret
105 .Lfunc_end1:
106 .size IsOnceFile, .Lfunc_end1-IsOnceFile
107 // -- End function
108 .type OnceFiles.init, at object // @OnceFiles.init
109 .local OnceFiles.init
110 .comm OnceFiles.init,1,1
111 .type .L.str, at object // @.str
112 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS", at progbits,1
113 .L.str:
114 .asciz "%s%c%s"
115 .size .L.str, 7
117 .type OnceFiles.body, at object // @OnceFiles.body
118 .data
119 .p2align 3
120 OnceFiles.body:
121 .zero 16
122 .size OnceFiles.body, 16
125 .ident "clang version 5.0.0 (http://root.cern.ch/git/clang.git
dd71e0397cfc8667d4c75ef5b4a1b35802608e59) (http: //root.cern.ch/git/llvm.git
126 .section ".note.GNU-stack","", at progbits
The incorrect code generation occurs in line 43 of the C source code. As you
can see, the test "while (rvp) " is eliminated. CLANG believes wrongly that
"rvp" is an object, when in fact it is declared as a POINTER. Since it believes
it is an object, the test is eliminated and the program crashes the first time
that it passes through that code since the generated static object conteins
only NULLS and the call to stricmp will crash: rvp->fname is NULL.
Look at lines 83-86 of the generated assembly code.
I haven't been able to test this bug in more recent versions of CLANG since
compilation of CLANG from source takes approx 20 hours in the small ARM64
machine I have. I am compiling the latest version, but I wanted to report you
this problem first. The vesrion of CLANG I obtained came with CLING, that
crashes immediately at any serious program. This is maybe due to this bug or to
other bugs, I haven't investigated that yet.
I remain available for any further questions you may have.
Thanks in advance
jacob navia
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