[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [llvm] [mlir] [MLIR][OpenMP] Introduce overlapped record type map support (PR #119588)

Sergio Afonso via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 24 06:38:58 PST 2025

@@ -3197,37 +3303,77 @@ static llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags mapParentWithMembers(
     // what we support as expected.
     llvm::omp::OpenMPOffloadMappingFlags mapFlag = mapData.Types[mapDataIndex];
     ompBuilder.setCorrectMemberOfFlag(mapFlag, memberOfFlag);
-    combinedInfo.Types.emplace_back(mapFlag);
-    combinedInfo.DevicePointers.emplace_back(
-        llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder::DeviceInfoTy::None);
-    combinedInfo.Names.emplace_back(LLVM::createMappingInformation(
-        mapData.MapClause[mapDataIndex]->getLoc(), ompBuilder));
-    combinedInfo.BasePointers.emplace_back(mapData.BasePointers[mapDataIndex]);
-    combinedInfo.Pointers.emplace_back(mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex]);
-    combinedInfo.Sizes.emplace_back(mapData.Sizes[mapDataIndex]);
-  }
-  return memberOfFlag;
-// The intent is to verify if the mapped data being passed is a
-// pointer -> pointee that requires special handling in certain cases,
-// e.g. applying the OMP_MAP_PTR_AND_OBJ map type.
-// There may be a better way to verify this, but unfortunately with
-// opaque pointers we lose the ability to easily check if something is
-// a pointer whilst maintaining access to the underlying type.
-static bool checkIfPointerMap(omp::MapInfoOp mapOp) {
-  // If we have a varPtrPtr field assigned then the underlying type is a pointer
-  if (mapOp.getVarPtrPtr())
-    return true;
-  // If the map data is declare target with a link clause, then it's represented
-  // as a pointer when we lower it to LLVM-IR even if at the MLIR level it has
-  // no relation to pointers.
-  if (isDeclareTargetLink(mapOp.getVarPtr()))
-    return true;
+    if (targetDirective == TargetDirective::TargetUpdate) {
+      combinedInfo.Types.emplace_back(mapFlag);
+      combinedInfo.DevicePointers.emplace_back(
+          mapData.DevicePointers[mapDataIndex]);
+      combinedInfo.Names.emplace_back(LLVM::createMappingInformation(
+          mapData.MapClause[mapDataIndex]->getLoc(), ompBuilder));
+      combinedInfo.BasePointers.emplace_back(
+          mapData.BasePointers[mapDataIndex]);
+      combinedInfo.Pointers.emplace_back(mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex]);
+      combinedInfo.Sizes.emplace_back(mapData.Sizes[mapDataIndex]);
+    } else {
+      llvm::SmallVector<size_t> overlapIdxs;
+      // Find all of the members that "overlap", i.e. occlude other members that
+      // were mapped alongside the parent, e.g. member [0], occludes
+      getOverlappedMembers(overlapIdxs, mapData, parentClause);
+      // We need to make sure the overlapped members are sorted in order of
+      // lowest address to highest address
+      sortMapIndices(overlapIdxs, parentClause);
+      lowAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex],
+                                          builder.getPtrTy());
+      highAddr = builder.CreatePointerCast(
+          builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(mapData.BaseType[mapDataIndex],
+                                     mapData.Pointers[mapDataIndex], 1),
+          builder.getPtrTy());
+      // TODO: We may want to skip arrays/array sections in this as Clang does
+      // so it appears to be an optimisation rather than a neccessity though,
+      // but this requires further investigation. However, we would have to make
+      // sure to not exclude maps with bounds that ARE pointers, as these are
+      // processed as seperate components, i.e. pointer + data.
skatrak wrote:

      // processed as separate components, i.e. pointer + data.


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