[llvm-branch-commits] [clang] [HLSL] Define the HLSLRootSignature Attr (PR #123985)

Finn Plummer via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 12 15:28:32 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple dxil-pc-shadermodel6.3-library -x hlsl -o - %s -verify
+// This file mirrors the diagnostics testing in ParseHLSLRootSignatureTest.cpp
+// to verify that the correct diagnostics strings are output
+// Lexer related tests
+#define InvalidToken \
+  "DescriptorTable( " \
+  "  invalid " \
+  ")"
+[RootSignature(InvalidToken)] // expected-error {{unable to lex a valid Root Signature token}}
+void bad_root_signature_1() {}
+#define InvalidEmptyNumber \
+  "DescriptorTable( " \
+  "  CBV(t32, space = +) " \
+  ")"
+[RootSignature(InvalidEmptyNumber)] // expected-error {{expected number literal is not a supported number literal of unsigned integer or integer}}
+void bad_root_signature_2() {}
+#define InvalidOverflowNumber \
+  "DescriptorTable( " \
+  "  CBV(t32, space = 98273498327498273487) " \
+  ")"
+[RootSignature(InvalidOverflowNumber)] // expected-error {{provided unsigned integer literal '98273498327498273487' that overflows the maximum of 32 bits}}
+void bad_root_signature_3() {}
+#define InvalidEOS \
+  "DescriptorTable( "
inbelic wrote:

The tests for "expected one of the following kinds: .." address this case


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