[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [mlir] [mlir][OpenMP] Pack task private variables into a heap-allocated context struct (PR #125307)

Sergio Afonso via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 6 03:37:59 PST 2025

@@ -1794,37 +1909,118 @@ convertOmpTaskOp(omp::TaskOp taskOp, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
       moduleTranslation, allocaIP);
   // Allocate and initialize private variables
-  // TODO: package private variables up in a structure
-  for (auto [privDecl, mlirPrivVar, blockArg] :
-       llvm::zip_equal(privateDecls, mlirPrivateVars, privateBlockArgs)) {
-    llvm::Type *llvmAllocType =
-        moduleTranslation.convertType(privDecl.getType());
-    // Allocations:
-    builder.SetInsertPoint(allocaIP.getBlock()->getTerminator());
-    llvm::Value *llvmPrivateVar = builder.CreateAlloca(
-        llvmAllocType, /*ArraySize=*/nullptr, "omp.private.alloc");
+  // Create task variable structure
+  taskStructMgr.generateTaskContextStruct();
+  // GEPs so that we can initialize the variables. Don't use these GEPs inside
+  // of the body otherwise it will be the GEP not the struct which is fowarded
+  // to the outlined function. GEPs forwarded in this way are passed in a
+  // stack-allocated (by OpenMPIRBuilder) structure which is not safe for tasks
+  // which may not be executed until after the current stack frame goes out of
+  // scope.
+  taskStructMgr.createGEPsToPrivateVars();
+  for (auto [privDecl, mlirPrivVar, blockArg, llvmPrivateVarAlloc] :
+       llvm::zip_equal(privateDecls, mlirPrivateVars, privateBlockArgs,
+                       taskStructMgr.getLLVMPrivateVarGEPs())) {
+    if (!privDecl.readsFromMold())
+      // to be handled inside the task
+      continue;
+    assert(llvmPrivateVarAlloc &&
+           "reads from mold so shouldn't have been skipped");
-    auto err =
+    llvm::Expected<llvm::Value *> privateVarOrErr =
         initPrivateVar(builder, moduleTranslation, privDecl, mlirPrivVar,
-                       blockArg, llvmPrivateVar, llvmPrivateVars, initBlock);
-    if (err)
+                       blockArg, llvmPrivateVarAlloc, initBlock);
+    if (auto err = privateVarOrErr.takeError())
       return handleError(std::move(err), *taskOp.getOperation());
+    llvm::IRBuilderBase::InsertPointGuard guard(builder);
+    builder.SetInsertPoint(builder.GetInsertBlock()->getTerminator());
+    // TODO: this is a bit of a hack for Fortran character boxes.
+    // Character boxes are passed by value into the init region and then the
+    // initialized character box is yielded by value. Here we need to store the
+    // yielded value into the private allocation, and load the private
+    // allocation to match the type expected by region block arguments.
+    if ((privateVarOrErr.get() != llvmPrivateVarAlloc) &&
+        !mlir::isa<LLVM::LLVMPointerType>(blockArg.getType())) {
+      builder.CreateStore(privateVarOrErr.get(), llvmPrivateVarAlloc);
+      // Load it so we have the value pointed to by the GEP
+      llvmPrivateVarAlloc = builder.CreateLoad(privateVarOrErr.get()->getType(),
+                                               llvmPrivateVarAlloc);
+    }
+    assert(llvmPrivateVarAlloc->getType() ==
+           moduleTranslation.convertType(blockArg.getType()));
+    // Mapping blockArg -> llvmPrivateVarAlloc is done inside the body callback
+    // so that OpenMPIRBuilder doesn't try to pass each GEP address through a
+    // stack allocated structure.
   // firstprivate copy region
   if (failed(initFirstPrivateVars(builder, moduleTranslation, mlirPrivateVars,
-                                  llvmPrivateVars, privateDecls, copyBlock)))
+                                  taskStructMgr.getLLVMPrivateVarGEPs(),
+                                  privateDecls, copyBlock)))
     return llvm::failure();
   // Set up for call to createTask()
   auto bodyCB = [&](InsertPointTy allocaIP,
                     InsertPointTy codegenIP) -> llvm::Error {
+    // Save the alloca insertion point on ModuleTranslation stack for use in
+    // nested regions.
+    LLVM::ModuleTranslation::SaveStack<OpenMPAllocaStackFrame> frame(
+        moduleTranslation, allocaIP);
     // translate the body of the task:
+    llvm::BasicBlock *privInitBlock = nullptr;
+    for (auto [blockArg, privDecl, mlirPrivVar] :
+         llvm::zip_equal(privateBlockArgs, privateDecls, mlirPrivateVars)) {
+      if (privDecl.readsFromMold())
+        // This is handled before the task executes
+        continue;
+      auto codegenInsertionPt = builder.saveIP();
skatrak wrote:

Nit: This seems to be replaceable with an insertion guard.


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