[llvm-branch-commits] [clang] [Multilib] Custom flags processing for library selection (PR #110659)

Simon Tatham via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 29 05:00:06 PDT 2024

@@ -95,9 +96,113 @@ MultilibSet &MultilibSet::FilterOut(FilterCallback F) {
 void MultilibSet::push_back(const Multilib &M) { Multilibs.push_back(M); }
+static void WarnUnclaimedMultilibCustomFlags(
+    const Driver &D, const SmallVector<StringRef> &UnclaimedCustomFlagValues,
+    const SmallVector<custom_flag::CustomFlagDeclarationPtr> &CustomFlagDecls) {
+  struct EditDistanceInfo {
+    StringRef FlagValue;
+    unsigned EditDistance;
+  };
+  const unsigned MaxEditDistance = 5;
+  for (StringRef Unclaimed : UnclaimedCustomFlagValues) {
+    std::optional<EditDistanceInfo> BestCandidate;
+    for (const auto &Decl : CustomFlagDecls) {
+      for (const auto &Value : Decl->ValueList) {
+        const std::string &FlagValueName = Value.Name;
+        unsigned EditDistance =
+            Unclaimed.edit_distance(FlagValueName, /*AllowReplacements=*/true,
+                                    /*MaxEditDistance=*/MaxEditDistance);
+        if (!BestCandidate || (EditDistance <= MaxEditDistance &&
+                               EditDistance < BestCandidate->EditDistance)) {
+          BestCandidate = {FlagValueName, EditDistance};
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!BestCandidate)
+      D.Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_unsupported_opt)
+          << (custom_flag::Prefix + Unclaimed).str();
+    else
+      D.Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_unsupported_opt_with_suggestion)
+          << (custom_flag::Prefix + Unclaimed).str()
+          << (custom_flag::Prefix + BestCandidate->FlagValue).str();
+  }
+namespace clang::driver::custom_flag {
+class ValueNameToDetailMap {
+  SmallVector<std::pair<StringRef, const CustomFlagValueDetail *>> Mapping;
+  template <typename It>
+  ValueNameToDetailMap(It FlagDeclsBegin, It FlagDeclsEnd) {
+    for (auto DeclIt = FlagDeclsBegin; DeclIt != FlagDeclsEnd; ++DeclIt) {
+      const CustomFlagDeclarationPtr &Decl = *DeclIt;
+      for (const auto &Value : Decl->ValueList)
+        Mapping.emplace_back(Value.Name, &Value);
+    }
+  }
+  const CustomFlagValueDetail *get(StringRef Key) const {
+    auto Iter = llvm::find_if(
+        Mapping, [&](const auto &Pair) { return Pair.first == Key; });
+    return Iter != Mapping.end() ? Iter->second : nullptr;
+  }
+} // namespace clang::driver::custom_flag
+MultilibSet::processCustomFlags(const Driver &D,
+                                const Multilib::flags_list &Flags) const {
+  Multilib::flags_list Result;
+  SmallVector<const custom_flag::CustomFlagValueDetail *>
+      ClaimedCustomFlagValues;
+  SmallVector<StringRef> UnclaimedCustomFlagValueStrs;
+  const auto ValueNameToValueDetail = custom_flag::ValueNameToDetailMap(
+      CustomFlagDecls.begin(), CustomFlagDecls.end());
+  for (StringRef Flag : Flags) {
+    if (!Flag.starts_with(custom_flag::Prefix)) {
+      Result.push_back(Flag.str());
+      continue;
+    }
+    StringRef CustomFlagValueStr = Flag.substr(custom_flag::Prefix.size());
+    const custom_flag::CustomFlagValueDetail *Detail =
+        ValueNameToValueDetail.get(CustomFlagValueStr);
+    if (Detail)
+      ClaimedCustomFlagValues.push_back(Detail);
+    else
+      UnclaimedCustomFlagValueStrs.push_back(CustomFlagValueStr);
+  }
+  llvm::SmallSet<custom_flag::CustomFlagDeclarationPtr, 32>
+      TriggeredCustomFlagDecls;
+  for (auto *CustomFlagValue : llvm::reverse(ClaimedCustomFlagValues)) {
+    if (!TriggeredCustomFlagDecls.insert(CustomFlagValue->Decl).second)
+      continue;
+    Result.push_back(std::string(custom_flag::Prefix) + CustomFlagValue->Name);
+  }
statham-arm wrote:

Can you add some comments explaining what all this code is for, please?

It looks as if the first loop over `Flags` is picking out custom multilib flags, taking off the `-fmultilib-flag=` prefix, and storing them in `ClaimedCustomFlagValues`, and then this second loop is putting them back on to the result string, after putting the `-fmultilib-flag=` prefix back on.

I'm sure there's a reason why this is _not_ an elaborate no-op, but can you write down what the reason is? Why aren't we just putting the flags straight into `Result` without taking them apart and putting them back together in between? Without any comments it looks like a lot of processing for not much change.


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