[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [Flang] Split runtime headers in preparation for cross-compilation. NFC. (PR #112188)
via llvm-branch-commits
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Wed Oct 16 08:20:09 PDT 2024
@@ -42,77 +43,14 @@ struct ArrayConstructorVector {
unsigned char useValueLengthParameters_ : 1;
+static_assert(sizeof(Fortran::runtime::ArrayConstructorVector) <=
+ MaxArrayConstructorVectorSizeInBytes,
+ "ABI requires sizeof(ArrayConstructorVector) to be smaller than "
+ "MaxArrayConstructorVectorSizeInBytes");
+static_assert(alignof(Fortran::runtime::ArrayConstructorVector) <=
+ MaxArrayConstructorVectorAlignInBytes,
+ "ABI requires alignof(ArrayConstructorVector) to be smaller than "
+ "MaxArrayConstructorVectorAlignInBytes");
-// This file defines an API to "push" an evaluated array constructor value
-// "from" into some storage "to" of an array constructor. It can be seen as a
-// form of std::vector::push_back() implementation for Fortran array
-// constructors. In the APIs and ArrayConstructorVector struct above:
-// - "to" is a ranked-1 descriptor whose declared type is already set to the
-// array constructor derived type. It may be already allocated, even before the
-// first call to this API, or it may be unallocated. "to" extent is increased
-// every time a "from" is pushed past its current extent. At this end of the
-// API calls, its extent is the extent of the array constructor. If "to" is
-// unallocated and its extent is not null, it is assumed this is the final array
-// constructor extent value, and the first allocation already "reserves" storage
-// space accordingly to avoid reallocations.
-// - "from" is a scalar or array descriptor for the evaluated array
-// constructor value that must be copied into the storage of "to" at
-// "nextValuePosition".
-// - "useValueLengthParameters" must be set to true if the array constructor
-// has length parameters and no type spec. If it is true and "to" is
-// unallocated, "to" will take the length parameters of "from". If it is true
-// and "to" is an allocated character array constructor, it will be checked
-// that "from" length matches the one from "to". When it is false, the
-// character length must already be set in "to" before the first call to this
-// API and "from" character lengths are allowed to mismatch from "to".
-// - "nextValuePosition" is the zero based sequence position of "from" in the
-// array constructor. It is updated after this call by the number of "from"
-// elements. It should be set to zero by the caller of this API before the first
-// call.
-// - "actualAllocationSize" is the current allocation size of "to" storage. It
-// may be bigger than "to" extent for reallocation optimization purposes, but
-// should never be smaller, unless this is the first call and "to" is
-// unallocated. It is updated by the runtime after each successful allocation or
-// reallocation. It should be set to "to" extent if "to" is allocated before the
-// first call of this API, and can be left undefined otherwise.
-// Note that this API can be used with "to" being a variable (that can be
-// discontiguous). This can be done when the variable is the left hand side of
-// an assignment from an array constructor as long as:
-// - none of the ac-value overlaps with the variable,
-// - this is an intrinsic assignment that is not a whole allocatable
-// assignment, *and* for a type that has no components requiring user defined
-// assignments,
-// - the variable is properly finalized before using this API if its need to,
-// - "useValueLengthParameters" should be set to false in this case, even if
-// the array constructor has no type-spec, since the variable may have a
-// different character length than the array constructor values.
jeanPerier wrote:
Please keep this documentation, this is a non trivial runtime where many things could happen differently, especially with Fortran entity with non trivial types.
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