[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [flang] handle fir.call in AliasAnalysis::getModRef (PR #117164)

Tom Eccles via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Nov 25 02:30:57 PST 2024

@@ -329,14 +341,92 @@ AliasResult AliasAnalysis::alias(Source lhsSrc, Source rhsSrc, mlir::Value lhs,
 // AliasAnalysis: getModRef
+static bool isSavedLocal(const fir::AliasAnalysis::Source &src) {
+  if (auto symRef = llvm::dyn_cast<mlir::SymbolRefAttr>(src.origin.u)) {
+    auto [nameKind, deconstruct] =
+        fir::NameUniquer::deconstruct(symRef.getLeafReference().getValue());
+    return nameKind == fir::NameUniquer::NameKind::VARIABLE &&
+           !deconstruct.procs.empty();
+  }
+  return false;
+static bool isCallToFortranUserProcedure(fir::CallOp call) {
+  // TODO: indirect calls are excluded by these checks. Maybe some attribute is
+  // needed to flag user calls in this case.
+  if (fir::hasBindcAttr(call))
+    return true;
+  if (std::optional<mlir::SymbolRefAttr> callee = call.getCallee())
+    return fir::NameUniquer::deconstruct(callee->getLeafReference().getValue())
+               .first == fir::NameUniquer::NameKind::PROCEDURE;
+  return false;
+static ModRefResult getCallModRef(fir::CallOp call, mlir::Value var) {
+  // TODO: limit to Fortran functions??
+  // 1. Detect variables that can be accessed indirectly.
+  fir::AliasAnalysis aliasAnalysis;
+  fir::AliasAnalysis::Source varSrc = aliasAnalysis.getSource(var);
+  // If the variable is not a user variable, we cannot safely assume that
+  // Fortran semantics apply (e.g., a bare alloca/allocmem result may very well
+  // be placed in an allocatable/pointer descriptor and escape).
+  // All the logic bellows are based on Fortran semantics and only holds if this
+  // is a call to a procedure form the Fortran source and this is a variable
+  // from the Fortran source. Compiler generated temporaries or functions may
+  // not adhere to this semantic.
+  // TODO: add some opt-in or op-out mechanism for compiler generated temps.
+  // An example of something currently problematic is the allocmem generated for
+  // ALLOCATE of allocatable target. It currently does not have the target
+  // attribute, which would lead this analysis to believe it cannot escape.
+  if (!varSrc.isFortranUserVariable() || !isCallToFortranUserProcedure(call))
+    return ModRefResult::getModAndRef();
+  // Pointer and target may have been captured.
+  if (varSrc.isTargetOrPointer())
+    return ModRefResult::getModAndRef();
+  // Host associated variables may be addressed indirectly via an internal
+  // function call, whether the call is in the parent or an internal procedure.
+  // Note that the host associated/internal procedure may be referenced
+  // indirectly inside calls to non internal procedure. This is because internal
+  // procedures may be captured or passed. As this is tricky to analyze, always
+  // consider such variables may be accessed in any calls.
+  if (varSrc.kind == fir::AliasAnalysis::SourceKind::HostAssoc ||
+      varSrc.isCapturedInInternalProcedure)
+    return ModRefResult::getModAndRef();
+  // At that stage, it has been ruled out that local (including the saved ones)
+  // and dummy cannot be indirectly accessed in the call.
+  if (varSrc.kind != fir::AliasAnalysis::SourceKind::Allocate &&
+      !varSrc.isDummyArgument()) {
+    if (varSrc.kind != fir::AliasAnalysis::SourceKind::Global ||
+        !isSavedLocal(varSrc))
+      return ModRefResult::getModAndRef();
+  }
+  // 2. Check if the variable is passed via the arguments.
+  for (auto arg : call.getArgs()) {
+    if (fir::conformsWithPassByRef(arg.getType()) &&
+        !aliasAnalysis.alias(arg, var).isNo()) {
+      // TODO: intent(in) would allow returning Ref here. This can be obtained
+      // in the func.func attributes for direct calls, but the module lookup is
+      // linear with the number of MLIR symbols, which would introduce a pseudo
+      // quadratic behavior num_calls * num_func.
tblah wrote:

That sounds great!


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