[llvm-branch-commits] [Hashing] Use a non-deterministic seed (PR #96282)

Eli Friedman via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 21 14:48:06 PDT 2024

efriedma-quic wrote:

We restricted reverse-iteration when we added it just to save time when we were enabling it: we wanted to prioritize issues that were actually likely to cause non-determinism (as opposed to relying on the hash algorithm, which is annoying but not actually non-deterministic).  If you're willing to fix all the resulting breakage, it should be fine to apply it more widely.


I'm a little concerned that doing this in release builds is going to lead to weird bug reports. Especially given the current approach for getting randomness: ASLR isn't really that random, particularly on Windows, so the probability of getting a particular seed isn't uniform.


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