[llvm-branch-commits] [llvm] 00f4bf5 - Revert "LLVMContext: Cleanup registration of known bundle IDs (#120359)"

via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 18 01:58:59 PST 2024

Author: Jan Patrick Lehr
Date: 2024-12-18T10:58:55+01:00
New Revision: 00f4bf5a582298ec942d86bf69571dfe66354598

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/00f4bf5a582298ec942d86bf69571dfe66354598
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/00f4bf5a582298ec942d86bf69571dfe66354598.diff

LOG: Revert "LLVMContext: Cleanup registration of known bundle IDs (#120359)"

This reverts commit 3666de9c8e3bfd3a3b604e0e434341ec49cb3a6d.




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/IR/LLVMContext.cpp b/llvm/lib/IR/LLVMContext.cpp
index 9acc15f11316a2..eb51a751bfa088 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/IR/LLVMContext.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/IR/LLVMContext.cpp
@@ -31,35 +31,6 @@
 using namespace llvm;
-static constexpr StringRef knownBundleName(unsigned BundleTagID) {
-  switch (BundleTagID) {
-  case LLVMContext::OB_deopt:
-    return "deopt";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_funclet:
-    return "funclet";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_gc_transition:
-    return "gc-transition";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_cfguardtarget:
-    return "cfguardtarget";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_preallocated:
-    return "preallocated";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_gc_live:
-    return "gc-live";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_clang_arc_attachedcall:
-    return "clang.arc.attachedcall";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_ptrauth:
-    return "ptrauth";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_kcfi:
-    return "kcfi";
-  case LLVMContext::OB_convergencectrl:
-    return "convergencectrl";
-  default:
-    llvm_unreachable("unknown bundle id");
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
 LLVMContext::LLVMContext() : pImpl(new LLVMContextImpl(*this)) {
   // Create the fixed metadata kinds. This is done in the same order as the
   // MD_* enum values so that they correspond.
@@ -75,12 +46,56 @@ LLVMContext::LLVMContext() : pImpl(new LLVMContextImpl(*this)) {
-  for (unsigned BundleTagID = LLVMContext::OB_deopt;
-       BundleTagID <= LLVMContext::OB_convergencectrl; ++BundleTagID) {
-    [[maybe_unused]] const auto *Entry =
-        pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag(knownBundleName(BundleTagID));
-    assert(Entry->second == BundleTagID && "operand bundle id drifted!");
-  }
+  auto *DeoptEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("deopt");
+  assert(DeoptEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_deopt &&
+         "deopt operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)DeoptEntry;
+  auto *FuncletEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("funclet");
+  assert(FuncletEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_funclet &&
+         "funclet operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)FuncletEntry;
+  auto *GCTransitionEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("gc-transition");
+  assert(GCTransitionEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_gc_transition &&
+         "gc-transition operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)GCTransitionEntry;
+  auto *CFGuardTargetEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("cfguardtarget");
+  assert(CFGuardTargetEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_cfguardtarget &&
+         "cfguardtarget operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)CFGuardTargetEntry;
+  auto *PreallocatedEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("preallocated");
+  assert(PreallocatedEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_preallocated &&
+         "preallocated operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)PreallocatedEntry;
+  auto *GCLiveEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("gc-live");
+  assert(GCLiveEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_gc_live &&
+         "gc-transition operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)GCLiveEntry;
+  auto *ClangAttachedCall =
+      pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("clang.arc.attachedcall");
+  assert(ClangAttachedCall->second == LLVMContext::OB_clang_arc_attachedcall &&
+         "clang.arc.attachedcall operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)ClangAttachedCall;
+  auto *PtrauthEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("ptrauth");
+  assert(PtrauthEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_ptrauth &&
+         "ptrauth operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)PtrauthEntry;
+  auto *KCFIEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("kcfi");
+  assert(KCFIEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_kcfi &&
+         "kcfi operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)KCFIEntry;
+  auto *ConvergenceCtrlEntry = pImpl->getOrInsertBundleTag("convergencectrl");
+  assert(ConvergenceCtrlEntry->second == LLVMContext::OB_convergencectrl &&
+         "convergencectrl operand bundle id drifted!");
+  (void)ConvergenceCtrlEntry;
   SyncScope::ID SingleThreadSSID =


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