[llvm-branch-commits] [clang] [flang] [lld] [llvm] [Flang] LLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=flang-rt (PR #110217)

Joseph Huber via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Dec 11 10:47:29 PST 2024

jhuber6 wrote:

> > Also, I noticed that both linux and windows builds fail to generate some subcommands apparently (but this doesn't seem to cause an explicit error):
> > ```
> > [70/72] Generating $PREFIX/compile_commands.json
> > Failed to parse {json_file}: {e}
> > ```
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >       
> >     
> > 
> >       
> >     
> > 
> >     
> >   
> > ```
> > [140/142] Generating %LIBRARY_PREFIX%/compile_commands.json
> > Failed to parse {json_file}: {e}
> > ```
> This is a problem with a [hack](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/runtimes/CMakeLists.txt#L358-L364) in the runtimes in that tries to merge LLVM's compile_commands.json with the runtime's compile_commands.json. One of the problems is that the command depends on its output. Someone also forgot the `f` to get a proper error message.
> The problem you are seeing might be because you are running `ninja clean` which removes `compile_commands.json` such that running `merge-json.py` then fails. Run `cmake .` to re-generate the `compile_commands.json`,
> IMHO this cannot work correctly. I would remove it, but it's not topic of this PR.

Honestly that running is not required, I was just going to make it silently fail but @shiltian wanted a warning message.  It's pure convenience and not required at all.


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