[llvm-branch-commits] [llvm] [Coro] Prebuild a module-level debug info set and share it between all coroutine clones (PR #118628)

Artem Pianykh via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 9 09:02:38 PST 2024

artempyanykh wrote:

> nit: Perhaps 'Common' is a better word than 'Global'. Global made me think of global variables but I realized in the patch that is not what you are doing. Seems you are just creating debug info based on the original function and sharing that with the continuations / splits? Or perhaps just 'CoroDebugInfo'?

Good call @TylerNowicki! I like 'common', updated the stack accordingly. 

It was originally "global" in a sense that it was owned by a module (global) rather than the function (local) and so didn't have to be cloned as part of function cloning. But I agree that it can be confusing this way.


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