[llvm-branch-commits] [flang] [flang] Introduce custom loop nest generation for loops in workshare construct (PR #101445)

Ivan R. Ivanov via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 22 05:50:08 PDT 2024

ivanradanov wrote:

I considered that as well, however, I did not like it because the semantics of the block that the operation is contained in is different. wsloop expects its parent block to be a parallel block which all threads will execute and all of those threads will share the work of the nested loop nest. Whereas the workshare.loop_nest op is semantically executed by a single-thread (because the workshare directive acts like it preserves the semantics of single-threaded fortran execution.).

I don't think it is currently a problem, however, if in the future someone adds some optimization or transformation that assumes that it is nested in a parallel it may break wsloops which happen to be nested in a workshare instead. (As you said it is possible to check whether it is supposed to be a workshare or parallel wsloop but an op changing its semantics or transformations dpeending on what it's nested in feels more error prone).

So that is why I opted for this approach.


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