[llvm-branch-commits] [lld] 7e13694 - [llvm-symbolizer][Windows] Add start line when searching in line table sections.

Amy Huang via llvm-branch-commits llvm-branch-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 17 08:03:21 PST 2020

Author: Amy Huang
Date: 2020-12-17T07:57:36-08:00
New Revision: 7e13694ac745f6cd4008dd354f2fcfc417b1e1e9

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7e13694ac745f6cd4008dd354f2fcfc417b1e1e9
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7e13694ac745f6cd4008dd354f2fcfc417b1e1e9.diff

LOG: [llvm-symbolizer][Windows] Add start line when searching in line table sections.

Fixes issue where if a line section doesn't start with a line number
then the addresses at the beginning of the section don't have line numbers.

For example, for a line section like this
  0001:00000010-00000014, line/column/addr entries = 1
     7 00000013 !
a line number wouldn't be found for addresses from 10 to 12.

This matches behavior when using the DIA SDK.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93306




diff  --git a/lld/test/COFF/symbolizer-line-numbers.s b/lld/test/COFF/symbolizer-line-numbers.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..679e94eb2bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lld/test/COFF/symbolizer-line-numbers.s
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# REQUIRES: x86
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj %s -o %t.obj -triple x86_64-windows-msvc
+# RUN: lld-link -entry:main -nodefaultlib %t.obj -out:%t.exe -pdb:%t.pdb -debug
+# RUN: llvm-symbolizer --obj=%t.exe --relative-address \
+# RUN:   0x1000 0x1003 0x1010 0x1013 | FileCheck %s
+# Compiled from this cpp code:
+# int f1(int x) {
+#   int y = x + 1;
+#   return y;
+# }
+# int f2(int n) {
+#   return f1(n);
+# }
+# int main() {
+#   return f2(100);
+# }
+	.def	 @feat.00;
+	.scl	3;
+	.type	0;
+	.endef
+	.globl	@feat.00
+.set @feat.00, 0
+	.file	"t.cpp"
+	.def	 "?f1@@YAHH at Z";
+	.scl	2;
+	.type	32;
+	.endef
+	.globl	"?f1@@YAHH at Z"                   # -- Begin function ?f1@@YAHH at Z
+	.p2align	4, 0x90
+"?f1@@YAHH at Z":                          # @"?f1@@YAHH at Z"
+	.cv_func_id 0
+# %bb.0:                                # %entry
+	.cv_file	1 "C:\\src\\tests\\t.cpp" "E6E6D87A9021656AD44E74484F5BA421" 1
+# CHECK:      f1(int)
+# CHECK-NEXT: t.cpp:2:13
+	.cv_loc	0 1 2 13                        # t.cpp:2:13
+                                        # kill: def $ecx killed $ecx def $rcx
+	leal	1(%rcx), %eax
+# CHECK:      f1(int)
+# CHECK-NEXT: t.cpp:3:3
+	.cv_loc	0 1 3 3                         # t.cpp:3:3
+	retq
+                                        # -- End function
+	.def	 "?f2@@YAHH at Z";
+	.scl	2;
+	.type	32;
+	.endef
+	.globl	"?f2@@YAHH at Z"                   # -- Begin function ?f2@@YAHH at Z
+	.p2align	4, 0x90
+"?f2@@YAHH at Z":                          # @"?f2@@YAHH at Z"
+	.cv_func_id 1
+# %bb.0:                                # %entry
+# CHECK:      f1
+# CHECK-NEXT: t.cpp:2:0
+# CHECK-NEXT: f2(int)
+# CHECK-NEXT: t.cpp:6:3
+	.cv_inline_site_id 2 within 1 inlined_at 1 6 10
+	.cv_loc	2 1 2 13                        # t.cpp:2:13
+                                        # kill: def $ecx killed $ecx def $rcx
+	leal	1(%rcx), %eax
+	.cv_loc	1 1 6 3                         # t.cpp:6:3
+	retq
+# CHECK:      f2(int)
+# CHECK-NEXT: t.cpp:6:3
+                                        # -- End function
+	.def	 main;
+	.scl	2;
+	.type	32;
+	.endef
+	.globl	main                            # -- Begin function main
+	.p2align	4, 0x90
+main:                                   # @main
+	.cv_func_id 3
+# %bb.0:                                # %entry
+	.cv_loc	3 1 9 3                         # t.cpp:9:3
+	movl	$101, %eax
+	retq
+                                        # -- End function
+	.section	.debug$S,"dr"
+	.p2align	2
+	.long	4                               # Debug section magic
+	.long	241
+	.long	.Ltmp5-.Ltmp4                   # Subsection size
+	.short	.Ltmp7-.Ltmp6                   # Record length
+	.short	4412                            # Record kind: S_COMPILE3
+	.long	1                               # Flags and language
+	.short	208                             # CPUType
+	.short	12                              # Frontend version
+	.short	0
+	.short	0
+	.short	0
+	.short	12000                           # Backend version
+	.short	0
+	.short	0
+	.short	0
+	.asciz	"clang version 12.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git e2e86f4e77ec2fd79743f4d0e94689e9668600ad)" # Null-terminated compiler version string
+	.p2align	2
+	.p2align	2
+	.long	246                             # Inlinee lines subsection
+	.long	.Ltmp9-.Ltmp8                   # Subsection size
+	.long	0                               # Inlinee lines signature
+                                        # Inlined function f1 starts at t.cpp:1
+	.long	4098                            # Type index of inlined function
+	.cv_filechecksumoffset	1               # Offset into filechecksum table
+	.long	1                               # Starting line number
+	.p2align	2
+	.long	241                             # Symbol subsection for f1
+	.long	.Ltmp11-.Ltmp10                 # Subsection size
+	.short	.Ltmp13-.Ltmp12                 # Record length
+	.short	4423                            # Record kind: S_GPROC32_ID
+	.long	0                               # PtrParent
+	.long	0                               # PtrEnd
+	.long	0                               # PtrNext
+	.long	.Lfunc_end0-"?f1@@YAHH at Z"       # Code size
+	.long	0                               # Offset after prologue
+	.long	0                               # Offset before epilogue
+	.long	4098                            # Function type index
+	.secrel32	"?f1@@YAHH at Z"           # Function section relative address
+	.secidx	"?f1@@YAHH at Z"                   # Function section index
+	.byte	0                               # Flags
+	.asciz	"f1"                            # Function name
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	.Ltmp15-.Ltmp14                 # Record length
+	.short	4114                            # Record kind: S_FRAMEPROC
+	.long	0                               # FrameSize
+	.long	0                               # Padding
+	.long	0                               # Offset of padding
+	.long	0                               # Bytes of callee saved registers
+	.long	0                               # Exception handler offset
+	.short	0                               # Exception handler section
+	.long	1048576                         # Flags (defines frame register)
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	2                               # Record length
+	.short	4431                            # Record kind: S_PROC_ID_END
+	.p2align	2
+	.cv_linetable	0, "?f1@@YAHH at Z", .Lfunc_end0
+	.long	241                             # Symbol subsection for f2
+	.long	.Ltmp17-.Ltmp16                 # Subsection size
+	.short	.Ltmp19-.Ltmp18                 # Record length
+	.short	4423                            # Record kind: S_GPROC32_ID
+	.long	0                               # PtrParent
+	.long	0                               # PtrEnd
+	.long	0                               # PtrNext
+	.long	.Lfunc_end1-"?f2@@YAHH at Z"       # Code size
+	.long	0                               # Offset after prologue
+	.long	0                               # Offset before epilogue
+	.long	4099                            # Function type index
+	.secrel32	"?f2@@YAHH at Z"           # Function section relative address
+	.secidx	"?f2@@YAHH at Z"                   # Function section index
+	.byte	0                               # Flags
+	.asciz	"f2"                            # Function name
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	.Ltmp21-.Ltmp20                 # Record length
+	.short	4114                            # Record kind: S_FRAMEPROC
+	.long	0                               # FrameSize
+	.long	0                               # Padding
+	.long	0                               # Offset of padding
+	.long	0                               # Bytes of callee saved registers
+	.long	0                               # Exception handler offset
+	.short	0                               # Exception handler section
+	.long	1048576                         # Flags (defines frame register)
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	.Ltmp23-.Ltmp22                 # Record length
+	.short	4429                            # Record kind: S_INLINESITE
+	.long	0                               # PtrParent
+	.long	0                               # PtrEnd
+	.long	4098                            # Inlinee type index
+	.cv_inline_linetable	2 1 1 .Lfunc_begin1 .Lfunc_end1
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	2                               # Record length
+	.short	4430                            # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END
+	.short	2                               # Record length
+	.short	4431                            # Record kind: S_PROC_ID_END
+	.p2align	2
+	.cv_linetable	1, "?f2@@YAHH at Z", .Lfunc_end1
+	.long	241                             # Symbol subsection for main
+	.long	.Ltmp25-.Ltmp24                 # Subsection size
+	.short	.Ltmp27-.Ltmp26                 # Record length
+	.short	4423                            # Record kind: S_GPROC32_ID
+	.long	0                               # PtrParent
+	.long	0                               # PtrEnd
+	.long	0                               # PtrNext
+	.long	.Lfunc_end2-main                # Code size
+	.long	0                               # Offset after prologue
+	.long	0                               # Offset before epilogue
+	.long	4100                            # Function type index
+	.secrel32	main                    # Function section relative address
+	.secidx	main                            # Function section index
+	.byte	0                               # Flags
+	.asciz	"main"                          # Function name
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	.Ltmp29-.Ltmp28                 # Record length
+	.short	4114                            # Record kind: S_FRAMEPROC
+	.long	0                               # FrameSize
+	.long	0                               # Padding
+	.long	0                               # Offset of padding
+	.long	0                               # Bytes of callee saved registers
+	.long	0                               # Exception handler offset
+	.short	0                               # Exception handler section
+	.long	1048576                         # Flags (defines frame register)
+	.p2align	2
+	.short	2                               # Record length
+	.short	4431                            # Record kind: S_PROC_ID_END
+	.p2align	2
+	.cv_linetable	3, main, .Lfunc_end2
+	.cv_filechecksums                       # File index to string table offset subsection
+	.cv_stringtable                         # String table
+	.long	241
+	.long	.Ltmp31-.Ltmp30                 # Subsection size
+	.short	.Ltmp33-.Ltmp32                 # Record length
+	.short	4428                            # Record kind: S_BUILDINFO
+	.long	4103                            # LF_BUILDINFO index
+	.p2align	2
+	.p2align	2
+	.section	.debug$T,"dr"
+	.p2align	2
+	.long	4                               # Debug section magic
+	# ArgList (0x1000)
+	.short	0x6                             # Record length
+	.short	0x1201                          # Record kind: LF_ARGLIST
+	.long	0x0                             # NumArgs
+	# Procedure (0x1001)
+	.short	0xe                             # Record length
+	.short	0x1008                          # Record kind: LF_PROCEDURE
+	.long	0x3                             # ReturnType: void
+	.byte	0x0                             # CallingConvention: NearC
+	.byte	0x0                             # FunctionOptions
+	.short	0x0                             # NumParameters
+	.long	0x1000                          # ArgListType: ()
+	# FuncId (0x1002)
+	.short	0xe                             # Record length
+	.short	0x1601                          # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID
+	.long	0x0                             # ParentScope
+	.long	0x1001                          # FunctionType: void ()
+	.asciz	"f1"                            # Name
+	.byte	241
+	# FuncId (0x1003)
+	.short	0xe                             # Record length
+	.short	0x1601                          # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID
+	.long	0x0                             # ParentScope
+	.long	0x1001                          # FunctionType: void ()
+	.asciz	"f2"                            # Name
+	.byte	241
+	# FuncId (0x1004)
+	.short	0x12                            # Record length
+	.short	0x1601                          # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID
+	.long	0x0                             # ParentScope
+	.long	0x1001                          # FunctionType: void ()
+	.asciz	"main"                          # Name
+	.byte	243
+	.byte	242
+	.byte	241
+	# StringId (0x1005)
+	.short	0x16                            # Record length
+	.short	0x1605                          # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
+	.long	0x0                             # Id
+	.asciz	"C:\\src\\tests"                # StringData
+	.byte	243
+	.byte	242
+	.byte	241
+	# StringId (0x1006)
+	.short	0xe                             # Record length
+	.short	0x1605                          # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID
+	.long	0x0                             # Id
+	.asciz	"<stdin>"                       # StringData
+	# BuildInfo (0x1007)
+	.short	0x1a                            # Record length
+	.short	0x1603                          # Record kind: LF_BUILDINFO
+	.short	0x5                             # NumArgs
+	.long	0x1005                          # Argument: C:\src\tests
+	.long	0x0                             # Argument
+	.long	0x1006                          # Argument: <stdin>
+	.long	0x0                             # Argument
+	.long	0x0                             # Argument
+	.byte	242
+	.byte	241

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolCache.cpp b/llvm/lib/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolCache.cpp
index 113fce6e1200..1296be3c9413 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolCache.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolCache.cpp
@@ -481,11 +481,19 @@ SymbolCache::findLineTable(uint16_t Modi) const {
       auto ColIt = Group.Columns.begin();
       auto ColsEnd = Group.Columns.end();
+      // Add a line to mark the beginning of this section.
+      uint64_t StartAddr =
+          Session.getVAFromSectOffset(RelocSegment, RelocOffset);
+      LineInfo FirstLine(Group.LineNumbers.front().Flags);
+      uint32_t ColNum =
+          (Lines.hasColumnInfo()) ? Group.Columns.front().StartColumn : 0;
+      Entries.push_back({StartAddr, FirstLine, ColNum, Group.NameIndex, false});
       for (const LineNumberEntry &LN : Group.LineNumbers) {
         uint64_t VA =
             Session.getVAFromSectOffset(RelocSegment, RelocOffset + LN.Offset);
         LineInfo Line(LN.Flags);
-        uint32_t ColNum = 0;
+        ColNum = 0;
         if (Lines.hasColumnInfo() && ColIt != ColsEnd) {
           ColNum = ColIt->StartColumn;
@@ -495,12 +503,10 @@ SymbolCache::findLineTable(uint16_t Modi) const {
       // Add a terminal entry line to mark the end of this subsection.
-      uint64_t VA = Session.getVAFromSectOffset(
-          RelocSegment, RelocOffset + Lines.header()->CodeSize);
+      uint64_t EndAddr = StartAddr + Lines.header()->CodeSize;
       LineInfo LastLine(Group.LineNumbers.back().Flags);
-      uint32_t ColNum =
-          (Lines.hasColumnInfo()) ? Group.Columns.back().StartColumn : 0;
-      Entries.push_back({VA, LastLine, ColNum, Group.NameIndex, true});
+      ColNum = (Lines.hasColumnInfo()) ? Group.Columns.back().StartColumn : 0;
+      Entries.push_back({EndAddr, LastLine, ColNum, Group.NameIndex, true});


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