[lldb-dev] Stumped on the missing FindExternalLexicalDecls call

Nat! via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sun Sep 29 16:44:46 PDT 2019

After a long wild goose chase, that didn't get me nowhere I am looking 
for some help.
Basically what's not working for me anymore in 9.0.0 is the "expression" 
printer `p` (not `po`).
Technically that is a JIT compiled Objective-C category method, where 
the resulting binary code gets extracted from and executed in the 

When I enabled `log enable lldb expr` on 8.0.0 I see the following on `p 

mulle-lldb       Frame has language of type objective-c
mulle-lldb       Using x86_64--linux as the target triple
mulle-lldb       Using SIMD alignment: 128
mulle-lldb       Target datalayout string: 
mulle-lldb       Target ABI: ''
mulle-lldb       Target vector alignment: 0
mulle-lldb ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls[7] for 
'$__lldb_objc_class' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CEDM::FEVD[7] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb         FEVD[7] Adding type for $__lldb_objc_class: Foo
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Imported 
(ObjCInterfaceDecl*)0x14e76c0, named Foo (from (Decl*)0x7fda7801b558), 
metadata 0xffffffff0000002a
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Decl has no origin information 
in (ASTContext*)0x7fda78009bf0
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] To is an ObjCInterfaceDecl - 
attributes  Lexical Visible HasDefinition
mulle-lldb       ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDecls[7] on 
(ASTContext*)0x13e5610 for '$__lldb_objc_class' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CAS::FEVD[7] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls[8] for 
'$__lldb_arg' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CEDM::FEVD[8] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb       ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDecls[8] on 
(ASTContext*)0x13e5610 for '$__lldb_arg' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CAS::FEVD[8] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb       FindExternalLexicalDecls[6] on (ASTContext*)0x13e5610 
in 'Foo' (ObjCInterfaceDecl*)0x14e76c0
mulle-lldb         FELD[6] Original decl (ASTContext*)0x7fda78009bf0 
mulle-lldb           @interface Foo
mulle-lldb           @end
mulle-lldb         FELD[6] Adding [to ObjCInterfaceDecl Foo] lexical 
ObjCMethodDecl + (void)main
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Imported 
(ObjCMethodDecl*)0x14e7dd8, named main (from (Decl*)0x7fda7801b670), 
metadata 0xffffffff00000033
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Decl has no origin information 
in (ASTContext*)0x7fda78009bf0
mulle-lldb       Last statement is an lvalue with type: Class
mulle-lldb       Found function +[Foo($__lldb_category) $__lldb_expr:] 
for $__lldb_expr
mulle-lldb       PrepareForExecution - Current expression language is 

Here is some stipulation: `[ClangASTImporter] Imported 
(ObjCInterfaceDecl*)0x14e76c0, named Foo (from (Decl*)0x7fda7801b558), 
metadata 0xffffffff0000002a` is the ObjcInterfaceDecl as derived from 
DWARF but not yet filled in with the complete instance variable 
information. The FindExternalLexicalDecls then completes the declaration 
from DWARF info.

This is what happens in 9.0.0:

mulle-lldb       Frame has language of type objective-c
mulle-lldb       Using x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu as the target triple
mulle-lldb       Using SIMD alignment: 128
mulle-lldb       Target datalayout string: 
mulle-lldb       Target ABI: ''
mulle-lldb       Target vector alignment: 0
mulle-lldb ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls[5] for 
'$__lldb_objc_class' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CEDM::FEVD[5] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb         FEVD[5] Adding type for $__lldb_objc_class: Foo
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Imported 
(ObjCInterfaceDecl*)0xfe58b0, named Foo (from (Decl*)0x7f6f40047038), 
metadata 0x7fffffff00001672
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Decl has no origin information 
in (ASTContext*)0x7f6f40005590
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] To is an ObjCInterfaceDecl - 
attributes  Lexical Visible
mulle-lldb       ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDecls[4] on 
(ASTContext*)0x1051e20 for '$__lldb_objc_class' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CAS::FEVD[4] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb           [CompleteObjCInterfaceDecl] on 
(ASTContext*)0x1051e20 Completing an ObjCInterfaceDecl named Foo
mulle-lldb             [COID] Before:
mulle-lldb             [COID] @class Foo;
mulle-lldb             [COID] After:
mulle-lldb             [COID] @class Foo;
mulle-lldb ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls[6] for 
'$__lldb_arg' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CEDM::FEVD[6] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb       ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDecls[5] on 
(ASTContext*)0x1051e20 for '$__lldb_arg' in a 'TranslationUnit'
mulle-lldb         CAS::FEVD[5] Searching the root namespace
mulle-lldb           [CompleteObjCInterfaceDecl] on 
(ASTContext*)0x1051e20 Completing an ObjCInterfaceDecl named Foo
mulle-lldb             [COID] Before:
mulle-lldb             [COID] @class Foo;
mulle-lldb             [COID] After:
mulle-lldb             [COID] @class Foo;
mulle-lldb       Last statement is an lvalue with type: Class
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Forgetting destination 
mulle-lldb           [ClangASTImporter] Forgetting source->dest 
error: cannot define category for undefined class 'Foo'
forward declaration of class here
error: cannot find interface declaration for 'Foo'
forward declaration of class here

As you can see the "incomplete import" step for `Foo` succeeds but the 
`FindExternalLexicalDecls` just doesn't happen any more, and I'd like to 
know, why this might be the case. And how I can possibly remedy this.

My lldb is a slightly modified version of the llvm lldb, with an added 
ObjCRuntime Plugin and some small changes in the way DWARF information 
is convered to method declarations. But the 
not-calledFindExternalLexicalDecls is also reproducable with an 
unadulterated lldb. The Objective-C variant in question is a v1 
compatible variant of Objective-C. The Plugin itself does not create any 


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