[lldb-dev] Testing through api vs. commands

Zachary Turner via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 5 11:24:35 PDT 2015

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:42 AM Jim Ingham <jingham at apple.com> wrote:

> I have held from the beginning that the only tests that should be written
> using HandleCommand are those that explicitly test command behavior, and if
> it is possible to write a test using the SB API you should always do it
> that way for the very reasons you cite.  Not everybody agreed with me at
> first, so we ended up with a bunch of tests that do complex things using
> HandleCommand where they really ought not to.  I'm not sure it is worth the
> time to go rewrite all those tests, but we shouldn't write any new tests
> that way.

I would like to revive this thread, because there doesn't seem to be
consensus that this is the way to go.  I've suggested on a couple of
reviews recently that people put new command api tests under a new
top-level folder under tests, and so far the responses I've gotten have not
indicated that people are willing to do this.

Nobody chimed in on this thread with a disagreement, which indicates to me
that we are ok with moving this forward.  So I'm reviving this in hopes
that we can come to agreement.  With that in mind, my goal is:

1) Begin enforcing this on new CLs that go in.  We need to maintain a
consistent message and direction for the project, and if this is a "good
idea", then it should be applied and enforced consistently.  Command api
tests should be the exception, not the norm.

2) Begin rejecting or reverting changes that go in without tests.  I
understand there are some situations where tests are difficult.  Core dumps
and unwinding come to mind.  There are probably others.  But this is the
exception, and not the norm.  Almost every change should go in with tests.

3) If a CL cannot be tested without a command api test due to limitations
of the SB API, require new changes to go in *with a corresponding SB API
change*.  I know that people just want to get their stuff done, but I dont'
feel is an excuse for having a subpar testing situation.  For the record,
I'm not singling anyone out.  Everyone is guilty, including me.  I'm
offering to do my part, and I would like to be able to enforce this at the
project level.  As with #2, there are times when an SB API isn't
appropriate or doesn't make sense.  We can figure that out when we come to
it.  But I believe a large majority of these command api tests go in the
way they do because there is no corresponding SB API *yet*.  And I think
the change should not go in without designing the appropriate SB API at the
same time.

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