[lldb-dev] llvm.zip and lldb outside linux.

Greg Clayton gclayton at apple.com
Tue Jan 25 16:43:56 PST 2011

On Jan 25, 2011, at 3:04 PM, kirk.beitz at nokia.com wrote:

> i see from svn that llvm.zip is semi-regularly contributed when updates are made to the archives that it contains which are necessary for building lldb .
> i presume that in order to create llvm.zip for this purpose, it's pretty much necessary to properly build all of llvm.  by which i mean if i checked out all or the appropriate parts of llvm, i'd find a makefile that creates the llvm.zip .  is that correct?
> is there a process in place for this?

Yep, the llvm.zip binary is currently for MacOSX only. It is built using the terminal:

cd lldb
rm -rf llvm.zip llvm
xcodebuild -configuration BuildAndIntegration
./scripts/checkpoint-llvm.pl llvm build/lldb.build/BuildAndIntegration/LLDB.build/DerivedSources/llvm.build build/BuildAndIntegration llvm.zip

Then checkin the new "llvm.zip" file.

You also have the option of building the correct revision of llvm yourself:

% grep llvm_revision build-llvm.pl
our $llvm_revision = "123723";

Then you can 

svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk -r 123723 llvm
cd llvm/tools
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk -r 123723 clang
cd ..
./configure --enable-optimized --disable-assertions --enable-targets=x86_64,arm -arch x86_64

Then you can make a symlink to the llvm build folder in lldb:

cd lldb
ln -s ~/my/build/dir/llvm

Then you can build.

> i had been of the understanding that some work is being done on building lldb for linux … which would imply that something similar has to be done with linux-specific archives and tools … given that the committed llvm.zip contains mac "fat" archives, and that the extraction scripts use the mac/darwin tool 'lipo' to extract the archives for use in building lldb.

On linux, you checkout LLDB into the tools directory:

svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk -r 123723 llvm
cd llvm/tools
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk -r 123723 clang
svn co https://$USER@llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/lldb/trunk lldb
cd ..
./configure --enable-optimized --disable-assertions --enable-targets=x86_64,arm

This should just build everything you need.

> any information/help on any work already done on this front would be greatly appreciated.

Let me know if you have any other questions! But this should get you going.

Greg Clayton

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