[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB] Add more helper functions to ValueObject class. (PR #87197)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 5 13:57:08 PDT 2024

@@ -3015,11 +3017,12 @@ llvm::Expected<lldb::ValueObjectSP> ValueObject::CastDerivedToBaseType(
   lldb::TargetSP target = GetTargetSP();
   // The `value` can be a pointer, but GetChildAtIndex works for pointers too.
-  lldb::ValueObjectSP inner_value;
+  lldb::ValueObjectSP inner_value = GetSP();
   for (const uint32_t i : base_type_indices)
     // Force static value, otherwise we can end up with the "real" type.
-    inner_value = GetChildAtIndex(i, /*can_create_synthetic*/ false);
cmtice wrote:

The difference is that now in each loop iteration the rhs is 'inner_loop->GetChildAtIndex...', which will be different each iteration through the loop; before it was just 'GetChildAtIndex', which did not change on each iteration.

re false->true: The original lldb-eval code on which that was based used 'false', but it was also making the call through the SB API interface (SBValues, SBTypes, etc). I found that the cast test cases passed with lldb-eval when this value was false, but failed in my translated, migrated version. Setting this to true allows those failing test cases to pass.

I don't have any easy way to add those test cases to this PR because they all use 'frame variable' (using my DIL implementation) for doing the casts...But I do have them, and I am running (and passing) them.


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