[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] Add more ways to find the .dwp file. (PR #81067)

Alexander Yermolovich via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 16 14:49:03 PST 2024

ayermolo wrote:

Just my 2 cents as a "random dude who works on DWARF". The interoperability of various gnu extensions and DWARF spec is not well defined. Which leads to situations like this.
If binary is A then DWP is A.dwp no direct link between binary and dwp file.
If binary has gnulink than it has a section that points to an elf file with rest of the debuginfo. Most people name it as binary.debuglink.
If binary has split dwarf and gnulink.... not well defined I think.

It would be great if tools took an option away from the user that "create" debug information or at least restricted so that all of this was standardized, but currently they are not. Even if we change them there are still legacy builds that is a free for all. 
I think we are already at a "people are confused" point, and DWARF consumer (LLDB) being more permissive doesn't really contribute to it. Because people who use LLDB by and large are not the people who are responsible for build systems that produce debug information. Users of LLDB just want things to work, and have no clue what split-dwarf is or gnulink. They download a coredump launch lldb and then wonder why it is not working.


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