[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Fix lldb crash while handling concurrent vfork() (PR #81564)

Greg Clayton via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 13 12:53:47 PST 2024

@@ -5681,7 +5684,10 @@ void ProcessGDBRemote::DidVForkDone() {
 void ProcessGDBRemote::DidExec() {
   // If we are following children, vfork is finished by exec (rather than
   // vforkdone that is submitted for parent).
-  if (GetFollowForkMode() == eFollowChild)
-    m_vfork_in_progress = false;
+  if (GetFollowForkMode() == eFollowChild) {
+    if (m_vfork_in_progress > 0)
+      --m_vfork_in_progress;
+    assert(m_vfork_in_progress >= 0);
clayborg wrote:

This assert does nothing as you won't decrement it if it is not `> 0`. Remove


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