[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Make only one function that needs to be implemented when searching for types (PR #74786)

Greg Clayton via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 11 11:26:31 PST 2023

@@ -64,6 +64,125 @@ bool lldb_private::contextMatches(llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> context_chain,
   return true;
+static CompilerContextKind ConvertTypeClass(lldb::TypeClass type_class) {
+  if (type_class == eTypeClassAny)
+    return CompilerContextKind::AnyType;
+  uint16_t result = 0;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassClass)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Class;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassStruct)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Struct;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassUnion)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Union;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassEnumeration)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Enum;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassFunction)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Function;
+  if (type_class & lldb::eTypeClassTypedef)
+    result |= (uint16_t)CompilerContextKind::Typedef;
+  return (CompilerContextKind)result;
+TypeQuery::TypeQuery(llvm::StringRef name, TypeQueryOptions options)
+    : m_options(options) {
+  llvm::StringRef scope, basename;
+  lldb::TypeClass type_class = lldb::eTypeClassAny;
+  if (Type::GetTypeScopeAndBasename(name, scope, basename, type_class)) {
+    if (scope.consume_front("::"))
+      m_options |= e_exact_match;
+    if (!scope.empty()) {
+      std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> scope_pair =
+          scope.split("::");
+      while (!scope_pair.second.empty()) {
+        m_context.push_back({CompilerContextKind::AnyDeclContext,
+                             ConstString(scope_pair.first.str())});
+        scope_pair = scope_pair.second.split("::");
+      }
+      m_context.push_back({CompilerContextKind::AnyDeclContext,
+                           ConstString(scope_pair.first.str())});
+    }
+    m_context.push_back(
+        {ConvertTypeClass(type_class), ConstString(basename.str())});
+  } else {
+    m_context.push_back(
+        {CompilerContextKind::AnyType, ConstString(name.str())});
+  }
+TypeQuery::TypeQuery(const CompilerDeclContext &decl_ctx,
+                     ConstString type_basename, TypeQueryOptions options)
+    : m_options(options) {
+  // Always use an exact match if we are looking for a type in compiler context.
+  m_options |= e_exact_match;
+  m_context = decl_ctx.GetCompilerContext();
+  m_context.push_back({CompilerContextKind::AnyType, type_basename});
+    const llvm::ArrayRef<lldb_private::CompilerContext> &context,
+    TypeQueryOptions options)
+    : m_context(context), m_options(options) {
+  // Always use an exact match if we are looking for a type in compiler context.
+  m_options |= e_exact_match;
+TypeQuery::TypeQuery(const CompilerDecl &decl, TypeQueryOptions options)
+    : m_options(options) {
+  // Always for an exact match if we are looking for a type using a declaration.
+  m_options |= e_exact_match;
+  m_context = decl.GetCompilerContext();
+ConstString TypeQuery::GetTypeBasename() const {
+  if (m_context.empty())
+    return ConstString();
+  return m_context.back().name;
+void TypeQuery::AddLanguage(LanguageType language) {
+  if (!m_languages)
+    m_languages = LanguageSet();
+  m_languages->Insert(language);
+bool TypeQuery::ContextMatches(
+    llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext> context_chain) const {
+  if (GetExactMatch() || context_chain.size() == m_context.size())
+    return ::contextMatches(context_chain, m_context);
+  // We don't have an exact match, we need to bottom m_context.size() items to
+  // match for a successful lookup.
+  if (context_chain.size() < m_context.size())
+    return false; // Not enough items in context_chain to allow for a match.
+  size_t compare_count = context_chain.size() - m_context.size();
+  return ::contextMatches(
+      llvm::ArrayRef<CompilerContext>(context_chain.data() + compare_count,
+                                      m_context.size()),
+      m_context);
+bool TypeQuery::LanguageMatches(lldb::LanguageType language) const {
+  // If we have no language filterm language always matches.
+  if (!m_languages.has_value())
+    return true;
+  return (*m_languages)[language];
+bool TypeResults::AlreadySearched(lldb_private::SymbolFile *sym_file) {
+  return !m_searched_symbol_files.insert(sym_file).second;
clayborg wrote:

We actually want to try and insert it as this function is called as something that puts the symbol file into the map and returns `false` if it wasn't in the set. Or it tries to add it and returns `true` if it was alraedy in there. I have modified the header documentation to make this more clear.


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