[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb-dap] Include [opt] in the frame name only if a custom frame format is not specified. (PR #74861)

Alex Langford via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Dec 11 11:11:42 PST 2023

bulbazord wrote:

> `{${function.is-optimized} [opt]}` is how is already is and can be done with frame formats, so I agree with this patch that if the user customizes it, they have complete control and we shouldn't add anything. Does everyone else agree?

I think I agree with this in principle -- this will give users complete control over the format of their frame, like frame formats were made to do. This change is breaking in the sense that folks who forgot to put `is-optimized` or is using a frame format they did not create (without `is-optimized`) will no longer know that they're debugging optimized code. I think this an acceptable trade-off.


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