[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Add new API in SBTarget for loading core from SBFile (PR #71769)

Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 8 21:20:16 PST 2023

@@ -2104,9 +2113,10 @@ class CommandObjectTargetModulesDumpSymtab
-              if (INTERRUPT_REQUESTED(GetDebugger(), 
-                    "Interrupted in dump symtab list with {0} of {1} dumped.", 
-                    num_dumped, num_matches))
+              if (INTERRUPT_REQUESTED(
+                      GetDebugger(),
+                      "Interrupted in dump symtab list with {0} of {1} dumped.",
+                      num_dumped, num_matches))
JDevlieghere wrote:

Please upstage unrelated code changes. I suspect this is the result of our editor removing trailing whitespace (I do the same) and then clang-format considers this a modified line and formats it.


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