[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D155905: lldb RFC: Exposing set/get address masks, Fix*Address methods in SBProcess

David Spickett via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 27 01:17:21 PDT 2023

DavidSpickett added a comment.

> I like it the above approach with more enums for the high and low code/data. Not sure if eTypeAny makes sense in the GetAddressMask(eTypeAny) scenario

It could be like the `FixAny` method, a fallback when you don't know either way. `eTypeAny` returns `FixAnyAddress(~0)` essentially.

Or it could or together all the masks but while that's good for curiosity's sake (what address bits are "safe"?) you would still need specific masks to construct an address for specific purposes.

It could fail, but then we're carrying around a Status object for one case, and that seems a shame. Unless we can think of other failure modes we haven't considered yet.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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